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Authors: Caitlin Falls

DEAD SEXY (7 page)

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Everything else floated away, she needed him, needed this. She rose and fell, her ass pumping and her breath coming from her mouth in long harsh gasps with every thrust and withdrawal. His hands stroked her hips, her clit and he pulled her face to his for a fierce kiss that took her breath away so completely she became momentarily frightened, but that fear only added to the excitement that was spiraling through her body and she could feel her pussy growing tighter and wetter.

Small drops of pearly white fluids spilled from her body, ran onto his. When she lifted away she could see her shining oils on his penis and she began to alternate thrust with licks, moving up and down to suck him and then ride him.

Blake was in a frenzy. Jenna was incredible and fearless in bed, he wanted to come so badly he was afraid to even move a toe but he had to, he could not resist matching her thrusts with his own. Finally she straddled him once more and plunged down hard and fast and he knew she was about to reach her own peak.

“Yes,” he said, “Come with me, let me take you there too.”

Jenna’s breath heaved in and out, her breasts rose and fell and sweat marred her face. Her ass jiggled and bounced as she sought to give him what he needed while pleasuring her own body. For a moment she was certain she was going to simply die, it felt so good then she came, a long squirt of hot juices that splashed out onto his belly and cock.

Blake grabbed her hips and held tightly, arching higher into her. Her eyes rolled back and her moans grew louder, her snug pussy tightened and released, tightened and released and he came, unable to wait any longer.

Finally she collapsed and his arms came up, held her while he rolled her over to her side, keeping inside of her, and began to stroke her back and neck while giving her soft feathery little kisses. Jenna began to laugh and then she asked, “Did you see their faces?”

“Whose?” He asked between kisses.

“That couple by the elevator.”

“Yeah, I think that guy gave me a thumbs-up.”

“I think his wife was checking out your ass.”

“Why not? You totally checked it out the first time you saw me.”

“What? I did not!”

“Yes, you did, in the elevator you were behind me staring right at my ass.’

“Oh fuck, you were looking in the mirror?”

“I always watch behind me.”

“Is that something you learned in the military?” Her finger traced his nipple.

“There too.”

“Was it bad for you over there?”

“No, to be honest I grew up with a pretty strict mother so rules were something I was used to having in place. I liked the fact that I was doing something for my country, that I was protecting something, and someone—a lot of someones. Protecting people is something I enjoy I guess.”

“Yet you got out.”

“Yes,” his cock had begun to shrivel but he did not pull out of her body. He liked being that close to her and it seemed she liked him there too because she wrapped one leg around him to hold him to her. “Yeah, war was hell, literally. There was too much death and too much destruction, too many people asking if what we were doing was even right. I wanted to make a difference in another way.”

“So you became a cop.”


“Why did you stop?”

“You never stop being a cop,” he kissed her nose and added, “I am starving; let’s see what is in the kitchen.”

Jenna followed him, knowing that he had evaded a question and wondering why but not wanting to ask. If anyone understood the need for some things to stay in the past it was her. In the kitchen she rummaged around a bit in Blake’s refrigerator before saying, “You have prosciutto and some really nice looking batard.”

“I know, there is also some melon. I stopped by the store this morning after I saw you at the diner.”

“He does his own shopping,” Jenna said, “The man is a rarity!”

“I cook too,” he said smugly.

“Really? Do you marinate everything in beer first?”

“No, just the meat and vegetables, and the occasional potato. Soaking rice in beer is tricky, makes it too starchy.”

She loved his humor. He was the first man who had used idle banter with her in a long time, and she had forgotten how much fun it was to just tease and laugh and have a good time while doing it. She had spent far too many years weighing ever single word, and she wondered what pleasure she got out of that exactly.

That was a tough question to answer and she did not want to answer it so she concentrated on what she was doing instead.

Blake was watching her with a grin on his face. The light from the refrigerator outlined her body, played along the strip of wet curls at the center of her thighs and shone on the pink puckers of her nipples. Her auburn hair fell forward, obscuring part of her face and he wanted to pick her up and make love to her right there on the kitchen counter.

He was moving toward her when she looked up and read the intent on his face. She still held a slim package of fruit in one hand when he seized her around the waist and tossed her up on the counter, announcing, “I am starving.”

“I have fruit,” Jenna waved that package at him but he shook his dark head. “I want something a little more savory.”

“Oh,” she lost her breath as he parted her thighs. Her pussy throbbed and sent wetness sliding along the counter below her. “I see.”

His tongue met her clit, twined around it in a sensual slow circle hat caused her to gasp and shudder. The lovemaking they had already shared had been immediate, fueled by an explosive and unstoppable need, but now he was taking his time. His tongue left her slit and traveled up to her nipples. He teased them into even more rigid pints, she whimpered and dropped the fruit to the floor, her fingers tangling into his hair as she stared down, entranced by the sight of his dark head at her pale breasts.

His head moved lower once more, his tongue streaking across her belly, his teeth grazing the delicate flesh right below her navel and Jenna writhed, attempting to raise her hips. His tongue went back to her clit, lashing across it and circling it before his mouth subsumed it. A sob of ecstasy broke from her as he slid two fingers within her dripping walls and began to thrust in and out of her.

Jenna had never known anyone who could play her body so well. Blake used her like a finely tuned instrument, stroking and licking, sucking and biting and when she came again it was a brief but intense rush of fluids that burst from her throbbing center.

Blake lifted his head, her juices glistened on his chin and mouth and he was smiling. “That was good,” he announced, “Now get down from there and make me a sandwich.”

She could not resist shooting back at him, “If I can still walk you do not deserve a sandwich.”

Blake roared laughter. She was feisty and strong, and he loved that about her, she was the kind of girl he could take to a cocktail party or a neighborhood bar and she would be at home in either one. His mother had told him one day that the best women could eat hot dogs in bad times and steak in good times and never let you know they knew there was a difference, and Jenna was certainly a woman who would have been able to do that. She was a survivor, and he admired her.

Jenna was still grinning smugly when a huge ball of fur appeared and hissed at her. She yanked her legs back and screamed. “Is that a …what is that?”

“This is Freddy, my cat.”

Blake’s cat was huge, and ugly. It was an old gray tom with a missing ear and slightly lopsided nose. The thing must have weighed twenty pounds and as she watched Blake feed it a hunk of Brie she could see why. “That cannot be good for him.”

“Refusing Freddy food is not good for anyone. He got his claws removed but he still has all his teeth.”

As if to prove that point Freddy opened his huge jaw and showed her a row of needle sharp fangs. “I’m afraid to get off the counter.’

“Don’t be. You might want to put on some clothes though, actually—we both might. Freddy bites.”

He went into the bathroom and when he came back out he tossed her a long towel. He used a second one, wrapping it neatly around his trim waist and grinning at her.”You might want to make Freddy a sandwich too, just so he likes you.”

“You want me to make the cat a sandwich?”

“No, I want you to make me a sandwich but since I would like to eat in peace I would like you to make him one too.”

She did make him a sandwich and one for herself and Freddy as well. They took the paper plates she served them on into his living room and Jenna looked around the place. Unlike her spacious and contemporary apartment his was smaller, about seven hundred square feet, and the décor could only be described as eclectic.

There were pictures on the walls; most of them faded photographs of people she did not know. There was a woman with a worn face and a beautiful smile holding onto a little boy who could only be Blake in front of a dusty little café in what looked like the desert and she asked, “You know where I am from. So where are you from?”

“Texas?” The rich molasses of his voice had given that away but still she wanted to know more. “A tiny little town on the edge of the driest lands on earth is what my mom called. It was all scrub brush and sage, highways that rolled off into the distance and heat that would make you half-crazy.”

“It sounds like you were happy to leave.”

“After my mother died I had no reason to stay.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dredge up bad memories.”

“You didn’t. It was a long time ago. She was killed in a robbery.”

“I see,” and she did. That explained part of his personality. “Well, my parents are both about as far from dead as you can get, but they are dead to me.”

“You don’t talk to them.” It was a statement.

“No. My dad fell into this meth cooking co-op. They moved a lot, changed houses or used motel rooms or what-have-you. After one time that they cooked meth in a motel and almost killed the family sleeping in the next room with the fumes they were all on the run.

“My mom was in jail then, being held for petty theft or something else equally stupid. My dad decided that the best thing to do was to cook a huge plank of meth to bankroll our escape and he went to every store in town to get the stuff to make it, not thinking maybe they would be looking for someone buying all that stuff, not to mention he used a stolen credit card to pay for it.

“Anyway, it was not the brightest thing he ever did. When the cops rolled up he went out the back door and left me holding the bag, or rather the pan, literally. I did not know there were cops outside but he saw them and he left me there with his dope bubbling on a stove. I spent almost four years in juvie and that was hard, but never talking to either of my parents ever again was shockingly easy.”

“Why don’t you talk to your mom? I mean she was not there.”


Silence fell between them. Jenna knew how ungrateful and angry she sounded so she decided to change the subject. “Who is that?”

The picture that she pointed was of a young man with dark skin and knowing eyes, a careless grin and a bandanna covering part of his thick black hair. Blake said, “That is a long story.”

One he would rather not tell, Jenna heard that loud and clear even though he didn’t say it, and she was distracted by something else anyway. Jenna peered at the photograph, her face puckered with concentration. “Blake, isn’t that the detective that was at the building this morning?”

“Yes, why?”

“You know him, don’t you?”

“Yes, he was my partner on the force. Before that we were in the same combat until in the Army.” His voice was emotionless but his body language betrayed him, he was angry and it showed in his clenched fists and the rigid set of his shoulders.

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