de Lune, Clair - Master Eric's Virgin Sub [Prometheus in Chains 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: de Lune, Clair - Master Eric's Virgin Sub [Prometheus in Chains 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He was surprised to see Torquil’s aftercare and he was even more surprised when he took her home. Now that was another enigma. He’d never seen Torquil do anything like that, and he wondered why. He did not like mysteries.

Chapter Three

Eric guffawed with laughter when he saw the baby monitor the next night. Torquil was inventive as well as devious. The subs who came to get drinks could talk of little else. Jessica was the main topic of conversation, so he listened carefully. It seemed Jessica had still not accepted that Master Angus did not want her.

Gloria said, “Why can’t she just see that Jane is right for Master Angus? He never made any secret of the fact that he did not want Jessica. It’s all in

Gemma agreed. “He’d be a fool to have her anyway. She is way too thin. We can all see the way the wind is blowing, and soon Master Angus will be collaring Jane permanently. Why can’t Jessica see that and leave them alone?”

They took their drinks and set off back to the subs’ area.

That was news to Eric. He watched Jane closely, and more importantly, Angus, as he knew him better and soon deduced the subs were right. The way he looked at her gave him away, and the way he looked around when he came in to see if she was there and looked disappointed if she was not. Eric had never seen him that way in all the years he had known him. Now they were in for trouble, as Jessica would not easily give him up.

He heard Jessica screech, “You whore, you took Master Angus from me, and he wasn’t enough! You look at all the Doms, and now you are trying to take Master Torquil from me.”

Eric had wondered if Jane would ever turn on Jessica, and it looked as if tonight were the night. Jane had had enough evidently and she tore a strip off Jessica and left her speechless. He could see that Angus was delighted. His eyes shone with pride and love. Well, well, well. The subs were right as usual. Angus did love her.

Torquil hauled Jessica off to the dungeon, and her backside was red and looked sore when he brought her back. There had been talk that she was his sub, but Eric had not believed it. Torquil had some devious motive for paying her attention, he’d bet, and it would not last. It never did with him.

Chapter Four

A new security guard had been hired and was doing his first shift today. Eric made a point of keeping his eye on any new men. Whether he had security clearance or not, trust took time to build and Eric was suspicious by nature. The new guard seemed to be competent. He was checking the cleaners’ IDs at the moment, and Eric was pleased by his professional manner.

Prometheus looked in just then with a question, and when he’d answered it the cleaners were all checked in and the door locked. He continued to monitor the cameras for a while, and then his second-in-command arrived and he went to the Doms’ meeting. Prometheus was a very good friend and a good boss. If democracy had not existed then Prometheus would have invented it.
Eric thought. All the Doms and Dommes were consulted on anything concerning the club. Prometheus would make the final decision but everyone felt happier for having been consulted, and often good ideas came out of these meetings.

After all the routine business was taken care of, Eric’s attention was claimed as Angus said, “Jane and I want to hold our collaring ceremony here next week. Catriona has agreed to officiate, and the ‘usual’”—the Doms and Dommes laughed—“will take place in private.”

There were cries of “Shame” and “Spoilsport,” but he was adamant. Times and a date were fixed, and then he arranged a couple of weeks off to take Jane on holiday.

Eric was stunned but overjoyed. Angus deserved some happiness. He had known Angus for years but he had never seen him look at anyone the way he looked at Jane. He looked content, settled, and he was in love, anyone could see that. Eric suffered a twinge of envy. He was lonely and he badly wanted a permanent sub to love and cherish. He had tried in the vanilla world, but it had never worked out for him. He doubted it ever would. He was very happy in the lifestyle. His partner would have to accept that, so it would be better if he found a sub who understood his kink. He sincerely congratulated his friend, Angus, and went back upstairs.

As he went upstairs he thought about his friends in the club. Torquil was not happy. His past, with that dreadful sub, affected the way he looked at any sub. Eric hoped that Torquil, too, would find that special someone. There was talk that it would be Jessica, but Eric hoped not. Jessica was very like the sub that had almost wrecked Torquil’s life. Eric did not know all the details, but he did know that Angus and Prometheus had helped Torquil and brought him into the club. Torquil was fiercely loyal to both men, and Eric suspected that his attentions to Jessica were partly because he wanted to help Angus. Eric just hoped that Torquil would not get hurt. Catriona, on the other hand, had her Angel. He was tall and blond and the pair of them were head-over-ears in love. He sighed. “Don’t be envious,” he told himself.
Your turn is bound to come.

Up in the security room, Eric saw the cleaner leave Prometheus’s office. There was something about her he could not quite put his finger on, as she looked almost familiar, but he did not know any cleaners personally so he followed her on screen as she passed other cameras then did her cleaning and left. He decided to log the incident, as he was still not happy.

Chapter Five

On the day of the collaring ceremony, Eric was behind the bar as usual. His mouth fell open as he saw a stunning blonde girl come into the club with Jane. She was about five feet eight inches tall with curves in all the right places. She had a beautiful oval face with large grey eyes and a kissable mouth. Her hair fell to her shoulders in waves. She had high, firm breasts and long, slim legs with a plump, heart-shaped bottom. All in all, she was a stunning girl. He resolved to make it his business to find out all he could about her.

Her name was Emma Browne, so he would be able to find out a lot about her with that. She was not in BDSM-style dress, so maybe she was not in the lifestyle. That would be such a disappointment. His cock had more than twitched happily when he had looked at her and she saw him looking and blushed and looked down. Oh, maybe, just maybe, she was submissive, he thought. This was worth pursuing, and he felt more hopeful and energised than he had for ages. He had a purpose now. Jessica would not be causing trouble, as Jane and Angus were going away for two weeks, so he’d have some time to pursue Emma. He saw the loving hug she and Jane exchanged and wanted some of that for himself.

The next evening Emma came to the club. She said, “I liked what I saw when I came to the collaring ceremony, so I decided I wanted to try it and see if I like it.”

She was not a member, so Prometheus was called.

“Hello, Emma, I am not sure what Angus or Jane will think about this, but neither of them said they did not want me to allow you into the club. I suppose that it would be better to have you learn about BDSM here, where you are safe, than somewhere else. I will let you in.”

Eric saw he had opted to let her have a look around and put her in the bar to wait for him. She was wearing a similar corset to the one Eric had been told she had designed and made for her grandma, but not so revealing. It was in a deep blue satin trimmed with black lace, and the miniskirt she had on with it was black leather and short.

“Hello,” Eric said, and his cock stood to attention and pressed against the zip of his leathers as she turned and smiled at him. He was blown away by her enormous eyes and the sweet expression on her face, and when she licked her lips he almost came.

Like a fucking teenager, he thought.

“How do you come to be in Sheffield?” he asked.

“Well, you know my grandma, Jane, lives here. I put in an application for the job of designer at Curvy Woman, but I did not expect much to come of it. Master Angus must have liked my work and, when he associated my name with Grandma’s, he gave me an interview. He asked me to make a skirt and bustier in her size and her favourite colours,” she replied.

“Grandma did not know about it then?” Eric asked. He was teasing. Angus was a businessman first and last. If Emma had not been good at what she did, grandma or no grandma, she would not have got the job. He had seen Jane in that outfit, and it was stunning on her.

Emma smiled at him and said, “No, she did not. In fact, until I turned up at her house, she did not know I was in Sheffield. It got Master Angus into trouble. She overheard him talking to me and thought I was some other woman.”

“Oh, I bet she was not pleased!”

Eric well remembered the telling off Jane had given Jessica
He’d bet Master Angus had had a time of it
He smiled. He knew his old friend was happier than he’d been in his life now. Eric wanted so much to have the same chance at happiness. He wondered if this young girl would be the one. His cock certainly thought so!

“I have to be behind the bar tonight, but, if there is anything I can do to help, please come and ask me.”

His cock twitched again. He knew what he’d like her to ask him, but did not think he had much chance of that, just now. Prometheus would find a Dom to take her on a tour. It would not be him, as he had to stay behind the bar and, there was no one to take his place.

She sat and chatted to him for a while longer.

“How did you come to choose designing lingerie?” he asked.

“I did design at university. I had not intended to specialize in lingerie, but when I saw the advert for a job in Curvy Woman, I applied,” she said.

“Do you like Sheffield?” he asked.

“Oh, yes. It is a very lively city. There is a lot going on, and you are so close to the Peak District. I was surprised to find it is so hilly. It must be a problem in the winter,” she replied.

“If it snows, it is a problem, but you get used to it.”

“It is a famous city. My mother had some cutlery made in Sheffield.”

“Sheffield has a great tradition of steel making, and cutlery, to name but two things. The steel industry is making a recovery, now. Have you seen the plans for that huge statue, to be placed where the cooling-towers used to be? They are calling it the Angel of South Yorkshire.”

“No, Master Eric, I must confess, I have not.”

“Have a look online then.”

“I will,” she promised.

“Where are you staying?”

“I am living at my grandma’s house. Since she moved in with Angus, the house is empty. She wants me to stay there, for as long as I like. It is a pleasant house and holds good memories for me.”

“That is fortunate for you. It is not easy to find a flat in a nice area. Does it have a garden?” he asked.

“Yes, I am not much of a gardener, but I am learning,” she confided.

“Have you been to the Crucible Theatre yet?”

“No, but I am looking forward to going. Angus mentioned there is always a good selection of plays put on there. Do you like the theatre, Master Eric?” she asked shyly.

“Yes, I do. I like to go to see the snooker at the Crucible, too,” he replied.

“I have only seen that on the television. It must be very exciting to see it live, although, I am not very keen on sport,” she admitted.

“Yes, it is exciting, provided you get good seats. You know we have two football teams?” he asked.

“Oh, yes, but football is a closed book to me!”

“We shall have to see what we can do about that,” he said.

By now he knew who she was and quite a bit about her, and he liked what he had found out. He still did not know for sure she was submissive, but the way she dressed and her desire to explore the lifestyle suggested she was, and he hoped she’d enjoy her first taster and come back for more. The next time he’d be waiting.

“Club rules say two alcoholic drinks, but you can have as much water as you like, as it’s your first time.” He saw her blush. “If I were you I’d stick to water or soft drinks.”

He gave her a bottle of water and kept an eye on her. He told her to take her coat to the locker room and leave her shoes with it in the locker. He gave her a combination and she went.

He saw her come out with Jessica but thought nothing of it as Jessica went into the main room and Emma came back to the bar.

He loved her smile and the way her little nose creased up just like a little kitten. Then Prometheus brought Rafael over to show her around. That did not sit well with Eric, but he could not leave the bar as he was there alone. If that Rafael laid a hand on her, he’d…But he had no rights, so he’d have to watch and hope. He did not do patience, but he was going to keep a close eye on them. To his delight, she did not appear to like a lot of the things Rafael showed her and looked relieved when he took her back to the subs’ area. She sat by Jessica but seemed to chat to everyone, and Jessica did not look to be paying her any particular attention. Maybe Jessica did not know who she was. It was best it remain that way in his opinion.

BOOK: de Lune, Clair - Master Eric's Virgin Sub [Prometheus in Chains 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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