Daughter of Kaos (The Daughter Trilogy Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Daughter of Kaos (The Daughter Trilogy Book 3)
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“Yeah,” Jace grumbles as he fixes the memories conflicted by Devin’s flashing dash.

We start our ascent, and Clara tugs at my free hand.

“What did Devin just do? He went from ten feet back to right in front of you in a second,” she


“What?” I ask innocently as my eyes whip to Jace.

He smiles as he walks up, and Clara shakes her head dizzily as she wavers. She’s too close to

Jace, and she’s feeling the full affects.

Jane and Melissa suffer as well, and Kry and Ther steady them while Jace holds on to Clara.

“What was I saying?” she mutters. “I think I’ve had too much to drink.”

“I’ll get you some food,” Devin offers with a smirk, and the VIP bouncer almost trips over

himself to open the door for us.

“Mr. Cole. You’re here,” he stammers.

“Yes I am.” Then he turns to the stumbling waitress almost running to us. “Will you please bring

us some food to the table? Salsa and chips will be fine,” he softly requests.

“Yes, sir, yes,” she squeals, and her eyes have to peel themselves away from his gorgeous face.

“Well, someone is eager to please the new boss,” Kry chuckles.

Devin flashes me a grin when I hear my suspicions finally being confirmed, and I pull my hand up

to rest on my hip.

“You bought the club?” I inquire.

“Yes I did,” he boasts.

“You see a bright future for this business, eh?” I tease.

He laughs and then shrugs. “This place has two years left to be profitable, but that’s not why I

bought it.”

“Then why?” I offer with a coy tone.

“You know why,” he smolders.

“I want to hear you say it,” I seduce while running my finger up his abdomen to his chest.

“Because this is where I met my bride, and it didn’t feel right not owning it. I bought it both

times just after meeting you. I suppose you noticed the new name,” he murmurs with dripping sex


“Yes I did.”

My arms return to his neck, and he scoots me backwards until we reach a chair. He pulls me into

his lap as he sits down, and my short dress threatens to ride up too high.

“I love the pictures,” I say while looking around.

“They’re officially in every building, business, and home I own.”

“That’s so sweet,” Clara gushes as her ears finally find our less whispered conversation. “But I’m

still mad at you for crashing our party,” she pouts.

“I’m sorry. I swear I’ll make it up to you, but I couldn’t help it. I miss her too much when she’s


“Well, she’s about to be gone for a whole day. Will you survive?” Clara rolls out sardonically.

“I don’t know. I wish she’d just stay with me,” he pleads pitifully.

“You’re not making this easy, you know?” I gripe.

“I never said I would,” he seduces.

“I need a drink,” Clara grumbles, and the waitress hurls herself over with a fresh cosmo for her.

“Wow. People really snap to for you, don’t they?” she murmurs in disbelief.

“I’m the owner,” he smugly responds.

“You bought this place?” Melissa gasps.

“Right after I met Adisia here.”

I grin a little, and I see Jace rolling his eyes at the rich man in love with me. Melissa shakes her

head in disbelief.

“You didn’t buy it just because you met her here, did you?” she bluntly inquires.

“Yes, I did actually.”

She almost swells up with an envious overload as her eyes burn against us, and Devin just pulls

me that much closer to add to her fury.

“It’s late,” Clara gasps as she looks at her watch.

“It’s only three,” Kry utters with nonchalance.

“Only three?” she scoffs. “How late do you guys usually party?”

“It’s been a while since we partied, but this is still early.”

“Why aren’t you dancing? I thought that was the best part about weddings,” I provoke.

“It is, but the clubs are just too crowded to do anything. I’ll break loose at the reception. Don’t

you worry,” he dares.

I just laugh, and Melissa inches in closer to him.

“What do you do?” she asks curiously.

“I do it all, babe, but you aren’t ready for this,” he teases.

My eyes widen at his rude remark. He’s oblivious to the fact she meant what he did for a career.

I push my face against Devin’s shoulder to muffle my laughter as the waitress brings over a cheese

platter to go with our chips and salsa.

“I’m ready for real food,” Clara gripes.

“Let’s go. We’ll grab something on the way out of town,” I sigh.

“Don’t leave me, baby,” Devin pleads.

“I’ve already promised Clara, and I promise two nights isn’t that bad. Hell, it’s barely one night

now,” I force out with mock conviction.

This is incredibly hard, but I want to build the suspense so badly. He kisses me softly, and we

begin our begrudged exit.

“I still wish you’d reconsider,” he pouts.

“I have reconsidered, but it’s still the same verdict. I’m going to make my incredible groom

completely desperate to be with me, so that my reveal is much more impacting.”

“If your groom doesn’t go crazy during the next day that is. I hate being away from you at all,

and I think tonight is proof of that.”

The limo driver walks out to open our doors as we round the side of the club, and Devin swirls me

around to meet his face.

“There are two times we’ve stood on this sidewalk, and neither time did you leave me. Do you

think you can tonight?” he challenges.

“I know I’ll see you at the bottom of the aisle waiting for me, and you’ll be eager to see me

because you’ve missed me. Yes. Tonight I will walk away so I can blow your mind later. In more

ways than one.”

I whisper the last sentence to keep anyone else from hearing, and I see him swallowing against the

instant knot in his throat.

“Well, then. I guess we know who the more stubborn one is,” he teases.

I smile, but it’s temporary as I climb into the limo. He bends down to kiss me one last time, and

I’m worried Clara is going to kick him out of the limo if he persists.

“I love you, baby,” he bids.

“I love you,” I say just before the door shuts, and then I stare at the man staring back as the car

drives off.

“You two have some seriously obsessive issues,” Clara giggles.

“I’ll say,” Melissa scoffs.

“I love it,” I giggle back.

Jane squeals and instantly dives over to Clara and me.

“Jace is a total hottie, and that accent… oh my deliciousness. Please tell me you have his

number,” she shrieks.

“I do,” I murmur hesitantly.

I know what will happen. Jace can’t stay with a mortal for too long, and he’s not one to turn one

away from a night of pleasure either. Damn it. Why did I push her on him?

“Well?” she prompts.

“Here’s my phone,” I say while handing it over.

I’ll just let Jace deal with this storm. He can kick my ass later.

“You and Devin are going to be so happy,” Clara yawns.

“Don’t go to sleep. You still need food,” I remind.

“Chili cheese fries. Mmm…” she slurs.

The alcohol has finally caught up with her, and I can tell she’s not going to be any good to me

anymore tonight.

I laugh a little as her head flops onto my lap, and I stare out the window as the natural rain starts

to break free from the clouds.

One more day.

Chapter 2


The quiet apartment is almost eerie as I climb to my feet from the sleepless few hours I’ve been

back. The window Devin crashed through has been repaired, but the smell of emptiness is depressing.

I smile when I see pictures of Devin and I dispersed around the room. It looks as though he got to

this place as well, and I’m glad he did.

I sigh as I plop down on the sad, cheap couch in my cramped living room, and I realize I’ve been

thoroughly spoiled. This apartment once seemed so spacious, and now it feels like a cereal box.

My door knob jiggles while it slowly turns open, and I stand in a defensive position until Jake

walks in. I smile and sigh in relief when I see him, and he rushes over to give me a hug.

“Hey there, wedding girl. Don’t lock the door anymore?” he chuckles.

I just laugh instead of answering. A locked door can ’t keep an immortal out, and a mortal can’t

hurt me in the least.

“How’d you know I was here?” I chirp.

“Mom told me you came in last night, so I figured I’d come crash with you tonight instead of

staying at the packed out inn.”

“Sounds good. I’m about to get ready to go to the inn right now,” I grumble. “They messed up

my wedding cake, so now I have to go pick out something else they can make before tomorrow.”

“You hate cake,” he muses.

“Yeah, but it’s tradition. Don’t worry. I’ll pick up some ice cream afterwards,” I joke.

“Glad to see not everything has changed.”

“Not everything,” I say with a grin.

He half smiles, but he seems worried about something.

“So is this guy right for you?”

“He’s perfect for me,” I giggle out, and Jake begins rolling his eyes right away.

“Mom said you were goofy around him.”

“So is she,” I grumble.

He laughs a little harder while shaking his head. “Dad said that too.”

I just join his laughter, and then my phone buzzes against the table.

“Let me grab that, and I’ll throw some clothes on right quick,” I murmur while walking into the


“Hey, sexy,” I giggle.

“Oh, I missed the hell out of you last night. I’d forgotten how much better I sleep when you’re

beside me because it’s been a while since you’ve been gone,” he huffs.

“It’s only been a few hours, and you’ve sent me away for a month before,” I quip.

“You needed to be safe. I could reconcile that separation. For some reason this is killing me. I

miss you so much,” he mutters.

“I miss you too, but I have to go right now. The baker screwed up the cake, and he’s meeting me

at the inn to find a replacement he can whip up between now and tomorrow.”

“I really liked our cake. I can find someone here to take it on,” he offers.

“It’s fine. It’s just a cake. In my opinion, it’s the least important of the details,” I huff. “There’s

a lot to do though, and I can’t wait to see you at the end of the aisle.”

“Don’t think this is the last time I’m calling. I told you I’d be calling relentlessly. I love you,”

he smolders.

I giggle a little as I murmur, “I love you.”

I put the phone down and change out of my briefly worn pajamas. Jake tosses his bag to the floor

as I walk out fully dressed with makeup on.

“Wow. That was quick,” he gasps.

“Yeah,” I murmur with a grimace.

I flashed around to get ready without thinking about Jake.

“Let’s roll, sis,” he chuckles.

We race down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, but I let him win. He ’d shit himself if he

saw how fast I actually am.

“And some things never change,” he says while he struts his victorious stalk.

I just laugh while pretending to be out of breath as we walk outside. Suddenly a man in a blue

blazer walks over to me.

“Mrs. Cole?” he announces questioningly.

I giggle at the sound of the name that will soon be mine. It’s fairly obvious that Devin is playing

games right now.

“Yes,” I lie.

“I have the keys to your car. Mr. Cole said you would need a vehicle during your stay,” he offers

in his very businesslike tone.

“Oh,” I say with surprise.

“Wow. Dude has it bad,” Jake laughs.

I smirk a little, and the man hands me the keys to a silver sports car.

“Holy shit. He bought you an Aston Martin Vanquish? How much money does your guy have?”

Jake gushes as he goes to rub his hand across the car’s hood.

I laugh at his awed state as he speaks to the inanimate thing in a purred tone. It’s almost as if he’s

trying to seduce the damn thing.

The blue blazer man disappears from sight before I can say anything else to him. Jake is almost

groaning in complete envy as he examines every inch of the flashy new car, and I prop up against the

strategically placed tree beside the sidewalk.

“Should I give you two a minute?” I tease.

“Yes, you should,” he sighs. “You don’t need this. This car deserves someone who loves


“You want to drive me to the inn?” I ask.

“Hell yes,” he pops off without hesitance, and he almost rips the keys from my hand as we climb


I pull out my phone and call back my overly prepared fiancé.

“Impressed?” he answers.

“Not as much as Jake is,” I snicker.

“I suppose I’ll have to try a little harder then,” he dares.

“Not necessary. You’ll be here soon enough, and you can impress me the way you always do,” I


“Gross,” Jake scolds, and I laugh a little harder as he cranks the car.

He giggles like a girl as the engine purrs, and I turn my attention back to the phone.

“I was certain that car would at least get a little rise out of you,” Devin sighs.

“Why? Since when am I a car buff?” I tease. “I just like hot cars when you’re driving them.”

“Seriously?” Jake gags out.

“You’re killing me here,” Devin groans. “Stop talking like that. I want you to be desperate to

have me there. I don’t want to wait until seven tomorrow evening to see you.”

BOOK: Daughter of Kaos (The Daughter Trilogy Book 3)
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