Read Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2) Online

Authors: Rhonda Brewer

Tags: #Romantic Suspense, #Dangerous Abduction, #Rhonda Brewer, #Romance, #O'Connor, #Suspense, #Contemporary

Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2)
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“You wanna have a chat?” John grabbed a couple of beers and handed one to James. Stephanie carried Mason back into the kitchen, kissing his cheeks while he wiggled and squealed. She gave James a nod, letting him know she’d keep Mason entertained while he took a moment with John.

“I guess.” James followed John outside, and John closed the patio door behind them.

“So, what’s up?” John leaned against the railing.

“Nothing, really.” James sighed as he plopped down on one of the patio chairs. “I’m just a little lonely.”

“It’s been almost four years. That’s a long time to be alone.” John moved to the chair opposite James. “I know losing her was hard for you, but you’ve got to at least try and move on.”

“I know, but I don’t have time for anything anymore.” A lump formed in his throat. “Between work and Mason, I don’t have time for dating.” Did it make him a terrible father even saying it? “I love Mason more than anything in this world, but I miss having someone in my life.”

“Why don’t you get a babysitter for a night and get out of the house,” John suggested. “I’m sure Mom wouldn’t hesitate to take Mason.”

“I know, but I hate the fucking club scene.” There were two in Hopedale, and most of the women who went there were either too drunk to talk, or close to jailbait. If he went into St. John’s, he could go to George Street, but that was worse. He wanted someone he could sit down and have a conversation with. Someone who loved kids and would treat Mason like her own. Someone who would be just as content to spend an evening watching a kid’s movie or have a glass of wine and listen to some music. Someone like
... Marina

“That scene is more our younger brothers’ speed.” John chuckled and James had to agree with that one hundred percent. The three youngest O’Connor brothers seemed to thrive on jumping from girl to girl at the bars. “What about Marina?”

“What about her?” James said casually or at least he thought he sounded that way.

“Aunt Cora seems to think you two are meant for each other.” John raised an eyebrow and grinned.

“Yeah, I’m not getting into Aunt Cora’s weird Cupid powers.” James rolled his eyes.

“Maybe your first step should be to remove that.” John pointed to James finger where his wedding band still remained. He’d tried to remove it the first year but could never bring himself to do it. Now it was part of him—or he was just too afraid to take it off because that meant he was ready to move on.

“I probably should.” He twisted the ring on his finger.

“I know you still miss her, James, but I also know she didn’t want you to be alone. What was it she said, she was supposed to be with you for a short time but there was someone out there for the rest of your life.”

John paraphrased part of the conversation James had with Sarah shortly before she passed away. James really didn’t need it repeated to him, because he remembered it like she’d said it to him yesterday.

“I know what she told me, and I’m trying.” James let out a ragged breath. “Thanks for being there for me, bro.”

“From conception, bro.” That was their catch phrase, since they were twins, they’d been together since day one. They may not be identical, but he always felt a stronger connection with John than any of his other brothers. Not that he wouldn’t do anything for the other five, but it was always as if he and John could read each other without even speaking.

When they stood John pulled him in for their typical man hug and handshake. It was so good to finally get things off his chest. Things always seemed better after a chat with John, and he was right. James needed to move on.

While they waited for Marina and Danny, Stephanie gave Mason her iPad to play a game. He climbed up on James’ lap and became engrossed in the device. At least until a squeal floated in from the hallway. Mason dropped the iPad on the table, and jumped down from his lap. He rambled excitedly about the new play set.

Stephanie and Marina were talking in the foyer, but he couldn’t make out everything they were saying. They seemed to be having an argument, but he couldn’t be sure.

“Steph!” Marina raised her voice, and he knew he shouldn’t be listening but he couldn’t help it.

“James and Mason are here and they’re staying for supper.” Stephanie had a huge grin on her face when they walked into the living room. Marina didn’t look happy but she was beautiful.

“Hi, James.” Marina greeted him with her soft quiet voice as she glared at Stephanie.

“Nice to see you again.” He tried to sound casual, but it was hard to do when he was around her.

“I see John and Steph are still spoiling the boys.” She glanced through the patio door as James moved next to her. Danny and Mason were running around with John chasing them, and he could hear the muffled laughing from inside the house.

“At least this one will probably knock them out not hype them up.” He was way too close to her because her scent filled his senses. He hadn’t quite figured out what it was but probably strawberry or raspberry or something but it made him instantly hard.

“That’s a bonus.” She laughed as he turned to head outside, but she turned at the same time and tripped. James caught her around the waist to keep her from falling, and she grabbed the front of his shirt. Probably to balance herself, but it brought her so close that his lips brushed against her forehead. He lowered his eyes to meet hers as his heart thudded in his chest. His gaze moved to her lips just as her tongue flicked across her bottom lip, and his cock jerked. Before he had a chance to do anything stupid, Marina pushed against his chest and stepped back.

“Sorry.” Her voice sounded as if she was having trouble breathing.

“That’s okay.” James mumbled as he stepped back and almost tripped trying to get outside with John and the kids. He came too damn close to completely embarrassing himself and devouring her mouth. It had been a long time since he’d wanted anyone so desperately. Even with Sarah he hadn’t felt that type of desperation to be close to someone, and that scared him.

James glanced down at his hand, and the ring reflected the sun. Did he really need any more signs to remove his last tie to his late wife? He needed to be sure before he pursued anything with anyone, especially Marina.

Chapter 5

ames was so close to her, and much to her dismay it affected her in a way she didn’t want it to. It was so hard to breathe around him and she wasn’t comfortable with her attraction to him. For some reason he seemed spooked when she met his eyes. Hopefully, the desperation didn’t show in her expression, but the way he bolted outside she had a feeling it did. She really needed to steady her nerves which was why she was standing in the middle of the room taking long, slow breaths. It always worked whenever she felt anxious and although this wasn’t the same as her anxiety attacks, the breathing exercise helped.

She found her sister in the kitchen scurrying around as always. Stephanie always seemed to have a huge bundle of energy, probably because she could sleep through the night without nightmares.

“James dropped in just after I was talking to you and I asked him to stay for supper.” Her sister seemed to be trying to justify why James was there, but he had every right. After all, John was his brother.

“You don’t need to explain anything to me.” Marina didn’t want Stephanie to be uncomfortable with James being there. It wasn’t her sister’s fault that James O’Connor had taken up way too much time in her thoughts and dreams. At least the dreams that didn’t have her waking drenched in sweat and her heart pounding in her chest.

“James told me he ran into you today at the daycare.” Stephanie pulled a roaster out of the oven, and the smell of the succulent beef filled the air and almost made Marina’s discomfort disappear. Almost.

“It was more like Danny ran into him.” Marina forced a chuckle.

“That kid needs to be on a harness.” Stephanie laughed. “It’s a good thing James was there. Kind of a white knight.”

And there it is

Marina leaned her hip against the counter, crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Stephanie. Her sister was anything but subtle.

“What?” Stephanie turned as if she sensed Marina’s mood.

“What are you up to, Steph?” Marina didn’t really need to ask because she knew.

“Nothing!” Stephanie held her hands in the air.

“Why don’t I believe you?” Marina narrowed her eyes.

“I told you the truth. I’d already called you when James showed up to see us before we left. No motive at all. I swear, Rina.” Maybe she was being paranoid so she tried to give Stephanie the benefit of the doubt.

Marina peered out through the window as John rolled around the grass with the two little boys, but as if she had no control, her gaze moved to James. His hip was propped against the railing as he watched John and the boys. A shiver of need surged through her body as she drank in every sexy inch of him. It had been a long time since a man made her feel so wanton, and the last man to do it ended up breaking her heart as well as most of her spirit.

“Have you heard from Mom and Dad since they went to Fredericton?” Stephanie’s question gave her the distraction she needed to look away from James and shake the memories of Marc out of her thoughts.

“Yeah.” God, she hoped Stephanie didn’t hear how breathy her voice sounded as she glanced out the window again.

“She called me this morning and said they were having a time.” Stephanie stepped next to her. “He really is a terrific guy, Rina.”

“I know he is.” Marina spun away from the window and snatched a plate from the counter. “You want to call them in before the food gets cold or this conversation gets hot?” She didn’t turn around when she heard Stephanie groan, she just proceeded to scoop food onto a plate for Danny. She really wasn’t trying to irritate her sister or upset her in any way. She just didn’t need to be constantly reminded of how great James was. It was obvious but it didn’t matter if he was a saint, Marina didn’t know if she could ever open her heart to anyone ever again.

Danny and Mason practically inhaled their food. She didn’t even have to negotiate with Danny to finish a meal. Maybe she should get one of those playsets to have at home. He was so anxious to get back outside; Danny barely gave her enough time to wipe his hands before he was out through the door behind Mason.

It was nice he had someone his age to play with, and James lived two houses away, so by the time summer rolled around, they’d be old enough to run back and forth to each other’s houses. For now, they only got together at Stephanie’s or when one of the O’Connors took them out together. It seemed whenever any of the family brought Mason to something they’d always magically have an extra ticket or they would use the excuse that Mason asked if Danny could go. She didn’t mind really because it made her feel like part of their family.

While the boys played outside, she enjoyed sitting around the table with the other adults chatting. She’d even forgotten her annoyance with her sister, but that was because she couldn’t keep herself from constantly glancing at James. She tried to do it subtly so her sister wouldn’t gloat. There was nothing wrong with enjoying the view.

James was incredibly handsome, with light brown, wavy hair that showed auburn highlights when the light hit it a certain way. He kept it slightly shorter than John and it always had that sexy, tousled appearance.  He was a little shorter than his twin around six foot but still a lot taller than her five foot one inches. 

Marina smiled at the memory of the first time she’d seen John. He’d pulled her sister over for running a red light but the only reason Stephanie did was because Marina was in labour and screaming bloody murder. She’d nicknamed him Officer Hunky, but she didn’t know he had a brother. Officer Sexy as Sin.

James’ career in law enforcement obviously required him to be in good physical condition and boy was he. The white T-shirt he wore stretched across his broad chest, and the sleeves strained over his biceps almost to the point it could possibly rip. Black jeans hung low on his hips and cupped his amazing ass in just the right way. She’d managed to take a quick peek when he’d bent over to pick up a spoon he’d dropped. How could she not? The man oozed sex appeal and didn’t even know it.

As if her hormones weren’t already in overdrive, James raised his arms over his head and cupped his hands behind his head as he listened to John tell them about their plans. His shirt rose up over his stomach, revealing a very happy trail that made Marina’s mouth drop open. It was all she could do to quickly snap it shut and prayed nobody noticed, but her sister’s snort assured her Stephanie didn’t miss a thing. Marina glared at her older sister but a scream from the back yard had all four of them jumping to their feet.

Danny ran through the door his eyes wide and yelling, “Mason falled down and he got blood comin’ out his knee.” James didn’t say a word as he bolted outside and returned with a crying Mason in his arms. John appeared with a first-aid kit and Stephanie with a couple of cloths. James kept his attention totally on his son. He spoke to Mason in a soft, soothing voice to calm the squealing boy as he gently cleaned Mason’s knee. The whole scene only made her more attracted to him.
I’m so pathetic.

“You okay, Mason?” Danny’s brows furrowed while James crouched to examine Mason’s injury.

“He’ll be okay, buddy. It’s just a scratch but they can hurt a lot sometimes.” James turned to Danny and gave him a smile.
Those damn dimples
. Then he had to go and let Danny put the Band-Aid on Mason’s knee.
Oh dear Jesus
. Did he have to be so sweet with her son? It was making it difficult to rein in her fascination with him, especially when he did something so sweet. She smiled when he helped Danny open the second Band-Aid because the first one somehow got twisted. What else could she do when he was being so attentive to her child? At that point Stephanie walked up next to her and nudged her shoulder.
Damn it. Caught again.

“Don’t start, Steph,” Marina whispered and made a quick exit from the kitchen with Stephanie close on her tail.

BOOK: Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2)
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