Read Danger of Desire Online

Authors: Tacie Graves

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #short story, #collection

Danger of Desire (4 page)

BOOK: Danger of Desire
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I screamed my pleasure and felt it begin—that whirlwind that is climax—and it tore through the three of us like wildfire. Every time Jack thrust into me, Donovan withdrew only to come crashing back into me in the end. Little inhuman noises were torn from me, and I heard the cries around me, and we rode that line between chaos and control until that last moment when my pleasure overtook me and I dragged my men with me.


My pussy spasmed and my body twitched, wrenching both cocks inside me until they couldn’t resist the pull anymore, filling me with their come as they filled the air with the sound of my name.


Then we were finished, and Donovan slid from me, pulling me to one side, and Jack turned to follow, holding me on the floor as we slowly floated back to reality.


I wrapped Donovan’s arm around my waist as he lay wrapped around my back, and I held Jack tightly in the crook of my arm, and the last thought I had was crystal clear:  these men were mine, and I was never letting them go.


Screw single.


Dirty Little Secrets




It had been an easy job. Lure the guy out and let Jasper take him down. Piece of cake. No bar fight, no clothes torn… I didn’t even break a nail.






I’d agreed with Donovan to do the job yesterday afternoon, and he’d made it clear that he’d be part of the takedown. So I did what I always do; I dressed for distraction. No one ever had to know, though, that it wasn’t the skip I was trying to distract. That was my dirty little secret.


I wanted him. I had always wanted him. Jack knew—that’s why he took the job overseas—but when Jack left the rules changed. Donovan was back to being all business—our passionate interlude forgotten. But me? I couldn’t forget so easily.


So, tonight I pulled out all the stops. Sexy, just fucked hair framed my face, and I’d gone for glamour girl make-up. My eyes smoldered with dark lashes and I glossed my lips ‘til they shone. I wore a black version of Marilyn Monroe’s white halter dress; it made the most of my cleavage and showed my legs to advantage. Seamed silk stockings with Cuban heels and black patent heels that made even
feel tall, finished my outfit, the tops of the stockings peeking out when I turned quickly allowing the skirt to flare. I buffed and polished, lotioned and perfumed every inch, giving in to temptation and shaving absolutely everything until I lay smooth and slick in the bath.


Jasper picked me up at eight, giving me my wire and my panic button. He took one look at the dress’ bodice and swallowed before saying, “Och aye. You’d better put this on yourself.” I couldn’t help but smile at the handsome Scot’s discomfort as he tried to adjust himself unobtrusively. He laughed without embarrassment, though, when he caught my eyes and said, “Lassie, you know I’d follow ye straight ta hell--you just need to sashay that lovely arse in front of me all the way.” I have to admit it turned me on to know I had this effect on him, but he wasn’t the one I was after.


All through the job, I watched for Donovan. I checked for his car. I watched to see if I could catch a glimpse of him in the crowded restaurant. Unfortunately, the man was either not there or invisible. Either way, it looked like my hunt was going to end before it even began.


After making sure that Jasper had Mr. Friendly locked up tight in his truck, I decided that I was too worked up to just go home. It was still early, and I was dressed to kill, so I figured I’d head back into the hotel bar and have a drink before heading back. Jasper raised an eyebrow at me and I waved him off, tired of people trying to tell me what to do.


Everyone says I need a new job. Of course it’s fine for the McDonald
to go chasing bad guys day and night, but little Darcy? Shut your gob! They say it’s dangerous, that I’m crazy to keep doing it. The thing is, they’ve never felt the adrenaline rush from a takedown. They’ve never felt the power surge through their veins when they realize that with just a flash of tits and the bat of an eyelash you can take a man captive. Add the presence of Donovan Collins to that heady mix and it’s more explosive than an Irish wedding.


Damn man, I thought, as I licked the salt off my margarita glass, dragging my tongue along slowly. I got myself all hot and bothered getting ready to see him and he didn’t even have the decency to show. I shifted on my barstool and felt my satin panties rubbing against my newly shaved pussy. The feeling was so intense and unexpected that I caught my breath in a gasp. The bartender looked up at the sound and asked, “You okay? You look a little flushed.”


If he only knew, I thought, and I smiled at him. “I’m fine. Just had a chill. I was out in the sun all day and now the temperature change is getting to me.”


“I could try to warm you up, Pet.” Someone breathed into my ear. “But from where I’m standing, you look hot enough.”


I startled at his voice and then I was awash in sensation—his breath on my ear, the heat of him behind me, the salt in my mouth, the friction of fabric against my sensitive nipples—but mostly I was overwhelmed by the rush in my ears and as it grew louder the rush became a voice pleading, “please… please…


Donovan’s eyes glittered in the half-light and he leaned in to kiss me softly. His lips were velvet and he licked the trace of salt from my lips, and when he pulled back, it left me breathless and devastated and aching for more. The feeling was fast and hot as always—hotter because I wasn’t fighting it—and as I leaned into him drawn by his magnetism he whispered, “Oh definitely hot enough.”


I tried to work some moisture into my now dry mouth. “Where were you…?” I cleared my throat. “I mean, I didn’t think you were here. Jasper said you called him and said plans changed.” As hard as I tried, I couldn’t help that I sounded disappointed.


“Plans did change, Pet,” he said softly. “The minute I saw you walk out of your apartment building, my plans changed.” He threw some money on the counter for my drink and pulled me off my stool. “You walked out looking like sex on legs and I knew I’d be no help. I couldn’t keep my eyes on the target. You were all I could see—all I could think about—and now you’re all that I want.” He paused. “I always get what I want, Pet.” His voice dropped as he breathed the last part into my ear and I shivered at the iron behind its softness. This was a man no one crossed. Donovan was a force of nature. He had the brute finesse of a predator and tonight, at least, I was his prey.


He steered me towards the bank of elevators with his hand in the small of my back, his rough fingers gentle on my bare skin. He was rubbing little circles along my spine, hypnotizing me. When the doors opened, the chime jerked me back into focus.


“Where are we going, Donovan?” I asked, half expecting him to take me home. The other half just wanted him to take me. I was overwhelmed by his presence. My pulse was racing and my knees were weak. I didn’t think I could stand it if he just left me tonight.


Donovan almost whispered, “Trust me, Pet,” and I couldn’t help but wonder: do you trust the fire not to consume you just because it whispers sweetly?


The elevator was very quiet on its upward journey, but it had nothing on Donovan. He was silent—the conscious silence that takes immeasurable control to master. He stood behind me lightly caressing my bare arms, sending shivers in all directions. My nipples were straining against the halter of my dress, the friction sending currents straight between my thighs, and I couldn’t prevent a little moan from escaping.


Donovan pulled me back against him and his hands gripped me when he heard my moan. “Was that for me, darlin’?” he asked, his voice dark with desire. “I’ve been waiting to hear you moan for me so long, but now that I hear it, I just want more.” He dropped his head and dragged his teeth along the side of my neck. One hand came up gently wrap around my throat, holding me in place, its pressure enough to discourage movement but not enough to hurt. His other hand slid down my front, gliding over my rock hard nipples and down to splay across my stomach pulling me firmly against him.


I moaned again as I felt the evidence of his desire pressing into my back. He was hot and hard and I felt dizzy with desire. I took a deep breath to steady myself, but instead was swamped by the scent of him—spicy and intoxicating and undeniably Donovan.


Just then, the elevator arrived at the penthouse. The door opened directly into the foyer of a beautiful suite, and I realized that this was what Donovan had changed the plan to include. The room was wide, lined with windows looking out across the city. A champagne cooler stood by the sofa and soft music played gently in the background.


“This is beautiful, Donovan,” I breathed. I was stunned. He had planned all of this—for me. I walked towards the sofa, hoping my knees wouldn’t betray me, and Donovan followed closely behind.


Donovan stopped me before I could sit down. “Not as beautiful as you are, Pet.”


He drew me to stand in front of him.


“Every time I see you I remember what you looked like lying beneath me,” he whispered. “Every time I hear your voice I hear the echoes of you—whispering my name, pleading for release. I wake up in the morning and hope that something will happen and you’ll call me so I will have an excuse to be near you. You’re an addiction, a hunger burning in my gut, swimming in my veins.”


He looked at me and his gaze was fire, burning my skin everywhere it touched.


Heat skittered through my belly at his words. Donovan had always had this power over me. When he was there, he was all that existed, his presence electrifying my body until it was nothing but a bundle of raw sensation. I let out a little mewling noise as he slowly dragged his hands down my sides, teasing the sides of my breasts where they were exposed and trailing down further until he cupped his huge hands under my ass lifting me to my tiptoes and grinding us together.


“God, you’re amazing, Pet,” Donovan said huskily. “You look utterly breathtaking tonight.” He slid his hand even lower and stroked my thighs. “I kept wondering what you were wearing under this dress. Every time you crossed your legs that bastard was looking at your stockings. You would lick those glistening lips and he would stare.” He slid one hand to the top of my stockings and traced the bare flesh of my thigh with his fingers and I gasped as my pussy clenched in shock.


“You really want this, don’t you Pet?” Donovan ground out. “You want this as much as I do. You’re dying for it.”


And there it was. My dirty little secret was out. I wanted him like I’d never wanted anything in my life.


“God yes, Donovan. Oh please… please…” It was all I could get out. My breath was coming in little pants and I licked my lips to try to moisten them. Donovan glimpsed my tongue and pounced on it, drawing it into the hot, wet darkness of his mouth. As our tongues dueled, he slid his fingers even higher moving the satin of my panties aside and tracing my slick, smooth folds.


Donovan inhaled sharply. “When did you do this?” He trailed his fingers over my newly shaved skin. “Did you do this getting ready for tonight?” He sounded almost jealous. “Did you want to tease yourself like you were teasing him?”


“For you,” I almost cried. “I did it for you. I didn’t think you’d see it, but I did it for you.” I panted harder but couldn’t catch my breath.


I could see something move in the darkness of his eyes as what I’d said registered. His face stilled and he leaned his forehead against mine. Suddenly he looked straight at me as he stabbed two fingers into my soaking slit, and growled, “Mine!” I let out a keening cry and he dragged his thumb back and forth across my swollen clit until I couldn’t stand it anymore and my pussy clenched around his fingers as the first waves of my orgasm ripped through me. My legs refused to hold me and I would’ve crumpled to the floor if Donovan hadn’t caught me. He swung me into his strong arms as if I weighed nothing, and strode across the penthouse to the bedroom.


He sat me on the edge of the king-sized bed, and in my beclouded state, I only halfway noticed the perfume of fresh flowers, but when I opened my eyes fully I saw that the bedroom was full of them. Vases filled with every imaginable flower covered all the available surfaces.


I opened my mouth to ask about them, but Donovan put his finger on my lips. “Don’t ask,” he said. “They’re a luxury you should expect, sweetheart. They are lovely, but they pale in comparison.” He untied the neck of my halter dress allowing the fabric to pool at my waist his hands coming down to cup my breasts. He rolled my nipples lightly between his thumbs and forefingers. “Your skin is softer than their petals.” He brought his fingers to his face. “And your scent is more intoxicating.” I moaned again, overwhelmed by his blatant sexuality. He smiled a wicked smile and licked his fingers clean.


I arched my back pressing my breasts into his chest and was rewarded with a guttural moan. He lowered his mouth to an aching nipple and teased it with his tongue before taking it between his teeth and tugging on it. He teased the other nipple with his fingers and I looked into those storm-gray eyes and begged him not to stop.


My hair was wild around my head. My nipples were hard and thrusting. My eyes were wide and glazed with desire, and all I could think about was Donovan. I wanted to wrap myself in him, breathe him in, taste him, swallow him, and consume him entirely. I raised my hands to his and placed them on the waistband of my dress. At my silent suggestion, he loosened its fastenings and lifted my ass off the bed so he could slide it into a pile at my feet.

BOOK: Danger of Desire
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