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Authors: Elizabeth McMahen

Damaged (3 page)

BOOK: Damaged
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“You’re beautiful when you give yourself over to the pleasure, Lily.” He kissed my brow and removed his hand. He put his fingers in his mouth and I gasped as he sucked them clean. “You taste better than I imagined. I can’t wait to bury my face in your pussy and lick you until you scream.”

Brett had never talked to me like this during sex and I was amazed to find that I loved it. I loved knowing that he wanted to do those things to me. He liked the way I tasted. Brett never went down on me, though he always wanted me to go down on him. I wanted his face buried there and I wanted to wrap my lips around his cock and suck him dry. I knew it would be different doing that for him, than it was for Brett. To Brett it was putting him in the dominant position, but with Jackson I knew I would have all the power and he would love giving it to me.

“I want to put my lips and tongue on you too.” I said, feeling bold and powerful.

“You’ll have your turn, Lily. But it’s still mine.”

I didn’t realize the car had stopped until Jackson knocked on the window and the door opened. Jackson got out and came around to my side and helped me out of the car. We were in front of a large house, nestled in the middle of a wide expanse of land surrounded by a gate. It was lovely.

“Come inside, baby. It’s time for dinner and then we’ll have dessert.” Jackson pressed a kiss to my hand and led me inside. I didn’t know where this affair would lead but I knew I’d go there willingly wherever he led me.






Chapter Five



He walked me through the foyer, past the living area full of expensive gadgets, and to the dining room. He’d obviously paid a woman to decorate, and the result was a masculine but warm and homey feel. There was a large meal already laid out and he walked me over to a chair and pulled it out for me, grazing me with his fingers as he did so. Every time he touched me I felt my pulse speed up, he was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. He was a roller coaster and I was poised on the precipice of the tallest hill waiting to go over.


He walked over to his chair and poured us both a glass of wine before seating himself. He winked at me and picked up his fork pointing at each dish to tell me what it was, and how it was made. I was impressed that he took the time to know the details of his meal, I knew he didn’t cook because there was still steam rising from the plates.


We ate in silence for a while, the food was amazing and the wine was decadent. Every time I emptied my glass, he filled again. I was on my third glass when he began chatting with me about daily life. The questions were obviously meant to gain some new insight into me and I answered each one, wondering why he was trying to get to know me.


“Why are you asking me all these questions?” I asked him, curious.


“Why aren’t you asking me questions?” He responded, with a raised brow.


“I suppose, because I’m not as nosey as you are.” My nerves and the sexual tension made me frustrated and annoyed.


“Nosey, I guess you could say that. I generally like to get to know someone before I have sex with them.” He said, eyes sparking.


“Please. You’re asking me questions you probably already know the answer to. These questions are for my benefit so that you don’t come off like an ass just trying to get in my pants.” I huffed.


“Maybe I do know the answers, but it’s usually rude to tell your dinner guests that you know their favorite poptart and that they always forget to dust the little table by the front door.”


His answer was like a match, sparking a fire in me I didn’t know I was even capable of, anymore.


“How convenient for you. The view must be nice from were you’re sitting on top of the world.” I snatched my glass of wine, taking a huge gulp.


“Oh, my view is quite nice. Green eyes sparking fire and a riot of red curls. You’re so beautiful when you’re angry. So passionate.” He looked hungry, not for food but for me.


“Great. Thanks. But you’re a little off your game if you think pissing me off is going to make me want to have sex with you.”


“You’re wrong there, baby.” He pushed back his chair and prowled over to stand beside my chair. He pulled my chair out and angled it so that I was facing him, with nothing between us but air. “I know, right now you are dripping wet. You might be a bit ticked at me, but you’re also more than a little bit turned on.”


I frowned at him, trying to hold on to my anger at him, but I became aware then of the ache and the dampness in my panties. I shifted in my seat, refusing to acknowledge the truth of his statement. He was such a high and mighty ass, and his cockiness pissed me off.


“You don’t have to admit it. I already know. I rewarded you for good behavior in the car, but I think it’s time you learn about punishment.”


I just looked at him, wondering what he meant. I didn’t think he would hurt me, not really. He knew what I went through with my husband and I felt sure that he wasn’t the same kind of man as Brett. I watched as he untied his tie and tied my right arm to the arm of my chair. He used my napkin to tie my other arm to the other chair arm. I just looked at him, wondering what he would do. In a way, it was a test. A test to see his version of “punishment” and to see what I could handle.


He knelt on the floor and removed my leggings, trailing his hands up my legs and teasing me. Then he removed my panties. I was shaking a little, nervous, unsure and uncomfortably turned on. He grinned at me from his position near my feet, it was a roguish grin full of confidence and entirely too sexy.


“You’re so wet for me, baby, just like I knew you would be. I’m going to lick you and suck that delicious clit of yours.”


I was gasping for air already, so lost in the idea his words evoked that I didn’t wonder how it was supposed to be a punishment.


“Now, I’m going to pull you so that you’re perfect ass is at the edge of this chair and my tongue is in reach of your pussy.”


I’d been ambivalent before about the word ‘pussy’ but the way he said it was naughty and made me squirm. The first lick made me close my eyes and cling to the arms of the chair. This didn’t feel like torture, it felt like a reward. His licks were light and teasing at first, almost tickling and sending sparks of sensation through my body. Then his lips closed around my clit and he sucked and I saw stars. I moved my hips unconsciously grinding myself into his face. His hands grew firmer, stopping my movements and I sighed. Obviously, not being able to move was going to be part of this punishment. He kept licking and sucking, driving me higher and closer to orgasm. When I thought I was going to go over the edge, he stopped. I gasped and opened my eyes looking at him.


“You didn’t think I was going to let you have an orgasm did you? This is a punishment and I don’t think you’ll enjoy this nearly so much when I bring you to the edge of relief over and over again only to deny you.”


He did exactly as he said he would, driving me crazy by licking, and sucking, never letting me have what I wanted. The more times he denied me, the louder my cries were, and the more ways he found to torture me.  At some point I started begging, unable to keep myself from whispering “please” over and over again. He was cruel, and ignored my pleas in favor of continuing the punishment. I was beyond thought, unable to do anything but feel.


“How much do you want it?” He asked stopping for a moment.


I couldn’t do anything but moan, I was beyond words.


“Tell me that you’ll never take out your frustration on me. Tell me that you were wrong, pissing you off made you even hotter, and admit that you like that I know all of these things about you. I know your husband doesn’t.” He was looking at me with a confident smirk and I wanted to be pissed at his audacity, but I realized that he was right. I did like that he knew those things. I was more eager to have sex with him than I was before and I shouldn’t have taken my frustration on him. I just didn’t know what to do in this situation. I’d never been with someone that did this to me before. Brett was my only relationship experience.


“I’m sorry.” I whispered. “You’re right.”


He nodded and sat up. He untied my arms and lifted me easily into his arms.


“You’ll learn, baby, that I will only treat you like a woman capable of thinking for herself. I’m not the kind of man Brett Wright is. I am a man who knows you and what you can handle.”


He looked down at me, his eyes intense.


“He thinks you’re as delicate as the flower you are named after, but you are not. You’re body is soft and sweet, but your spine is made of steel. Brett couldn’t break you, he never had the power, but I can make you do anything I like because I know how to say it. You trust me, as you should. I will never make you do anything I know you don’t really want to do. Sometimes there are things you don’t know you want because you bury it beneath rules and expectations. I’m going to show you that everything you think is forbidden, isn’t. Breaking the rules can be so much fun.”


He left me speechless and turned on. I couldn’t deny that Jack was right. He had power over me, and as much as I fought it, I couldn’t deny him anything. The only kind of sex I’d ever had was boring and anti-climactic, but Jack knew how to make me come undone. For him I was wanton, and out of control. I couldn’t hold back or hide anything from him, because he could tell from looking at me that I was fighting his possession of me.


He led me up the stairs and down a hall to his bedroom. I couldn’t see anything, in the dark. He placed me gently on the bed and began removing his clothes. I watched as he unbuttoned his shirt, removed it, and tossed it to the floor. He removed his shoes, socks, pants and then his boxer briefs. I tried not to stare but I couldn’t help but notice that he was more endowed than Brett. I would giggle over that later, when I could process something other than how much I wanted him.


“Do you want me?” He asked.


“You know that I do. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here taking this risk.”


He grinned that rougish grin at me and said “If I’m the risk, you’re the reward.”


He sat down on the bed, uncaring about his nudity and gestured for me to raise my arms so that he could pull the tunic over my head.


In a low growl he said “Definitely the reward.”


He removed my bra in a few quick motions and laid me back on the bed. He traced his fingers over my body and I shivered. The heat in his eyes made me catch fire, suddenly I couldn’t wait to touch him or feel his skin on mine. I sat up and pulled him over me running my hands down his back and gasping when his body fully covered mine. He was warm and heavy, his body muscled and strong. I ignored the weight of him, using momentum to roll us so that  I was on top. Our eyes met and he raised a brow, waiting to see what I had in mind.


I grinned at him and got to work. First I kissed him. He’d become acquainted with my body but we hadn’t even shared a kiss yet. I loved kissing. There was something so sultry and sexy about slow, thorough kisses. I teased him with my tongue. I bit and sucked on his lower lip, and ground my hips into his, causing his cock to rub against my pussy. I could feel how hard he was, but he was being very still and patient, letting me have control. I loved the idea of torturing him the way he did me, but I knew there would be more chances for that, and I wasn’t feeling like denying either of us the pleasure of finally having sex.


I let my lips trail down his cheek and to his neck. I discovered that he was sensitive there and that licking and sucking it made him grip my hips and squeeze. I liked that I affected him the same way he affected me.


I licked and kissed my way to his chest where I toyed with is nipples, enjoying his reaction. As I kissed and licked him there I let my hands wander over his body, following the dips and curves of his abs and hips. I used my nails to gently scrape his sides smiling when he jumped a little. I trailed my fingers to his cock where I wrapped my hand around him and moved it firmly up and down. I glanced up at his face and saw him watching me, his jaw tense from holding himself back and letting me do what I wanted. I winked at him and then dipped my head down to lick him from root to tip and swirled my tongue around the top. I heard him gasp then and reveled in my power. I took him into my mouth, sucking and bobbing my head. I used his sounds and movements to tell me which things he liked the most.


He must have been nearer to the edge of control than I thought because one moment he was in my mouth and the next I was on my back and he was above me staring down. He kissed me then, and pushed his pelvis into mine. He moved his mouth to my neck and sucked and kissed, and nibbled his way up to my ear.


He made his way down my neck and to my breasts, sucking one nipple into his mouth and rolling the other with his fingers. He moved to the other breast and trailed his fingers down my abdomen and to my pussy pushing his finger into me making me gasp and toss my head back and forth. His touches and kisses were powerful, making me feel powerless.


I was the one on the edge now, forced to surrender control to him again. He made me more aware of all the nerve endings in my body. The way he watched me and reacted to my responses made me want him even more. It was an amazing thing, knowing that he wanted me to come undone and that it gave him pleasure to give me that.


He removed his finger and kissed me on the mouth once, and leaned over to the nightstand to grab a condom. He sheathed himself in it and poised himself over me, waiting for something. When I squirmed trying to urge him to enter me, he grinned.


“Eager, are we?” He asked, teasing me.


I rolled my eyes at him, he knew the answer to that and I wasn’t the only one eager.


He moved, entering me slowly and carefully. He was large, and my body stretched to accommodate him. It was a delicious kind of pain, the kind of pain I knew would turn to pleasure. He moved slowly pulling out and pushing in. He undulated his hips, making sure to hit all of the spots that made me gasp and moan. I clung to him, trying to get closer even though there was no space between us. I lost myself to him and the feeling of his cock inside of me. We were both absorbed in feeling each other and racing to completion. We moved and strained becoming more and more frantic the closer we got to orgasm. We pulled and pushed, desperate to find our pleasure. I could feel it coming, and lost all restraint. I dug my fingers into his back and panted. He was just as close as I was and then he tilted his hips just a fraction hitting my g-spot and I broke apart. I cried out his name blind and deaf to anything but the sensations wracking my body. I heard him moan and felt as his body spasmed when he came. We moved slowly, trying to make the feelings last and then we collapsed unable to do anything but catch our breath.

BOOK: Damaged
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