Dalton, Tymber - Bightmares [Deep Space Mission Corps 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Bightmares [Deep Space Mission Corps 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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* * * *

Six hours later, they neared the orbital hub. Emi’s stomach, while still iffy, had decided not to do a return to sender on the soup. She sat curled in Aaron’s lap in the command chair on the bridge. As he continued the acupressure on her wrists, she watched the orbital hub grow in size in their front vid screens. While nausea tempered her awe, she still couldn’t believe she had made it to space. Their stint in the sim hadn’t taken away from her childlike wonder of seeing a blanket of stars in a crystal black sky for the first time.

I wonder what Mars will feel like this time around?
“At least this is like the sim,” she observed.

He chuckled. “We’ll be here for at least a month, probably longer. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us before we get underway since we’ve had drastic refits and modifications. Trust me, you’ll get bored before you know it. You can only eat at Charlie Tacos so many times before you long for the taste of freeze-dried rations. We need to do a lot of bench testing on the new systems in zero-G. Plus they’re bringing us the rest of our supplies, as well as a cargo shipment we have to transport to Mars.”

She watched as the pilot tug flew out to greet them and guide them into their hub berth. An hour later, they were docked with their utility umbilicals and gangways safely secured.

Her stomach rumbled in an unfriendly way.

Ford turned from his place at the nav console. “Need more soup?”

“Please.” He left to go take care of it.

Aaron kissed her before helping her climb out of his lap. “I think you need to go back to bed. We’ve got stuff to take care of now that we’re here.”

“I don’t want to miss anything!”

“You won’t miss anything other than routine maintenance checks, trust me. Eat more soup and get some sleep. We’ll join you in a while, once we take care of stuff.”

She left Caph and Aaron on the bridge and walked to the galley, where Ford was already putting the final touches on her soup.

“Want to eat it here or in bed?” he asked.


He sat across the table and watched her with a tantalizing smile on his face. His expression annoyed her only because she felt like crap. Normally that look would have her crawling into his lap and trying to molest him. “What?”

He shook his head, a playful gleam in his eyes. “I can’t wait until you’re feeling better.”


The full-on grin finally took over his features. “We’re back in space! We’ve been on that damn rock for, what, over a year. Not that Earth’s bad or anything. It’s just not space.”

She didn’t need her empath skills to sense more. “You’re horny.”

“Well, duh, sugar.”

She rolled her eyes as she finished the last of the soup. “I’m sorry, but until my stomach catches up with your enthusiasm, you boys are going to have to play without me. My spirit’s willing. Unfortunately, my body’s liable to yak all over you.”

“Aw, sugar, I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t be mad.”

Emi sighed. “I’m not upset. Well, my stomach is, but I’m not.” Truth be told, she wished she was in a mood to play with her men. “Come on, you can put me back to bed. Use your magic fingers on me.”

One of Ford’s eyebrows arched in a deliciously seductive and inquisitive way.

“On my wrists,” she clarified.

Chapter Three

It took Emi’s stomach three days to marginally settle so she could wean herself off a diet of Ford’s soup and ginger tea. Nearly a week after their arrival at the orbital hub, Emi felt better, nearly normal, although sometimes dizzying waves of vertigo threatened to send her running for a head.

She kept a conscious eye on the locations of available trash receptacles whenever she left the close proximity of a head.

The men took her out to dinner at Charlie Tacos, where she braved a real meal. Later, they gave her a tour of the orbital hub before returning to the
Tamora Bight
. Truth be told, for her first week in space she found it…

Pretty boring.

They didn’t need a night watch while docked at the hub, but Ford and Caph had maintenance chores they wanted to take care of while the ship lay on the dark side of the Earth, more systems checks to complete.

In their large, shared crew cabin, Emi cuddled with Aaron on their enormous bed. More like a gigantic pallet on the floor, there was plenty of room for them all to stretch out and sleep, or play.

“Did you guys plan it this way?” she mumbled against his shoulder. The faintest rumblings of her libido had returned as her condition improved. “So you wouldn’t have to share me with the twins?” That was their nickname for Caph and Ford, so dubbed by Aaron years earlier due to the men’s habit of “twinspeak”—frequently saying the same thing at the same time.

“No, but you won’t hear me complaining.” He stroked his fingers up and down her spine with a featherlight touch. “What kind of mood are you in?”

“I’m in a ‘glad it’s just you tonight because I’m exhausted’ mood.”

He slanted his mouth over hers, gently kissing her. His warm and tender kiss stirred more than a little interest deep inside her. “Then let’s roll over and go to sleep.”

“I’m not
exhausted.” She wiggled a hand between them where she wrapped her fingers around his cock, which immediately responded and grew hard in her palm. “Besides, you guys haven’t played much lately.” The men had absolutely no problems making love to each other when she wasn’t in the mood. They hadn’t even done that since they’d reached the hub, unusual for her normally horny husbands.

“We’ve been busy. Now that we’re in space, it’s not like we have the luxury of a quickie whenever we want.” He kissed her again, his tongue gently sweeping across hers as he rocked his hips against her hand. He rolled her onto her back and slowly kissed his way down her tummy, between her thighs. He needed no encouragement from her to lower his head to the juncture between her legs, where his tongue slowly traced every contour of her sex. His hair brushed against her thighs, soft and seductive. He urged her to drape her legs over his broad shoulders.

Emi tangled her fingers in his hair. Eyes closed, her heart raced as he skillfully brought her closer to release. Before she met Aaron, Caph, and Ford, she’d only been with two other men.

Those two other men were no comparison. While each of her three husbands had a distinct style, they all shared the ability to blow her mind and unhinge her control in an indescribable way.

As Aaron’s lips and tongue playfully tormented her clit, he slipped two fingers inside her entrance and slowly stroked. Her muscles, already slick with her juices, clamped down on him, trying to keep him there.

She felt her nerves tightening, straining, struggling for release. Now wound into her passion, she missed her other two men, wished they were there to add the exquisite pleasure of their hot mouths on her breasts, gentle grazing of their teeth against her nipples…

That thought pushed her over the edge. Control shattered as she bucked her hips, trying to press her mound firmly into the delicious, hot pressure from his lips and tongue. She cried Aaron’s name as he drew out her climax, pulling her release from her like an over-wound wire that finally snapped from too much pressure.

When he sensed she’d had enough, he rose up and grabbed her hips, the weight of his body pressing her thighs onto her chest. She felt her muscles quiver again as his hard cock slid deep inside her without the slightest hesitation, parting her and hitting nerve endings within her in an incredibly erotic way.

His brown eyes smoldered, dark and smoky. “I love the way you sound like that, babe.” He took long, slow, teasing strokes, her body still trembling from the aftershocks.

She pulled his head down and kissed him, plunging her tongue into him. He wouldn’t let her rush him even when she wrapped her legs around him and tried to rock him into a faster rhythm.

He lifted his head, his deep voice soft and sultry. “Oh, no you don’t. I’m taking my time. I don’t mind sharing you with the twins, but I’m going to enjoy every second of this. You’re all mine for now.”

His shaft slid along her throbbing clit, not enough to push her over a second time, but more than enough to make her beg. “Harder!”

He grinned as he nuzzled her neck, gently nipping the tender skin at the base of her throat. “No.”

She whined, moaned, pleaded, but he held fast and firm, torturously slow, enjoying her body.

Then he switched to short, shallow strokes, the engorged head of his shaft teasing her as he rocked his hips away from her despite her desperate efforts to draw him deeper.

After a few minutes, he stopped altogether. He sat up and held her hips still. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

“Fuck me!”

“You want to come again?”

She eagerly nodded.

A wicked smile painted his face. He used his thumb to caress her clit, not enough to get her over again, just to tease. “I don’t think you want it badly enough.”


He pulled her up into a sitting position and withdrew his cock, kissing her before rolling her over onto her hands and knees. As he plunged deep inside her again, he reached around and found her clit. “Show me how badly you want it, baby.” He feathered his lips down her spine as she fucked herself on his cock, doing all the work as he teased her closer to release.

Just when she wasn’t sure if she’d ever make it, the dam burst, and she cried out as her muscles clamped down around his thick shaft.

“That’s my girl.” He grabbed her hips and fucked her, hard and fast, quickly coming with her before they both collapsed to the bed. Spent, panting, and sweaty, he tightly wrapped his arms around her.

He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. “Good?” Too wiped out to speak, she nodded, earning another pleased chuckle from him. “Go to sleep, sweetheart. You need to rest. Love you.” He pulled the sheet over them.

“Love you,” she managed to whisper before she crashed into sleep.

* * * *

Emi rolled over to snuggle closer to Aaron and found him gone. That’s when she heard the men’s low voices in the corridor. She glanced at the clock and realized she didn’t have to get up yet, but Aaron had an early meeting at the dockmaster’s office about their cargo. She closed her eyes and nearly went back to sleep when she heard the door open, followed by the sound of clothing hitting the floor. A moment later, she felt the bed move as Ford and Caph climbed in with her.

“She’s still asleep,” Ford softly said. “Don’t wake her up.”

She heard the rustle of bedsheets, and then Ford let out a soft, familiar moan that brought a smile to Emi’s face. She cracked open an eye and watched. Ford lay on his stomach, eyes closed, his head resting on his arms. Caph straddled him and slowly rubbed his back, sensuously kneading his muscles. He took his time, his large hands knowing from years of experience exactly where and how to apply pressure.

As he worked lower, his thumbs traced along Ford’s spine, every vertebrae, the hollow in his lower back behind his hips that dipped between his firm ass cheeks. She resisted the urge to count the vertebrae in her head and name the muscles. These were her husbands, not anatomy models.

Although they were damn fine specimens of the male anatomy. All three of them.

Ford’s hips slowly gyrated against the bed as Caph lowered his head. His tongue slowly brushed from between Ford’s shoulders and down his back, following the path his fingers had taken. Caph’s large hands kneaded Ford’s ass. “You got any problems that need taken care of?” he hoarsely asked. She spotted his rigid cock nestled against the seam of Ford’s ass.

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Bightmares [Deep Space Mission Corps 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
7.92Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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