Read Cry Little Sister Online

Authors: Parker Ford

Cry Little Sister (8 page)

BOOK: Cry Little Sister
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He was a big man. Tall and blond and blue eyed. Jordan took in the ‘towhead’ color of his hair and her belly fluttered. That was the same color as her hair. Granted, it was Gareth’s too but his was a shade darker, leaning a bit more toward honey than her rare white-blonde hair. Doug Davis—their father—had been honey blonde. But this man…this man was surfer boy white blond and it made the hair on her arms raise.

“Hi there,” he said, extending a hand.

She shook it, feeling the big soft warmth that enveloped hers. “Hi.”

“Wow,” he said.

When their eyes met she felt her face flood with heat. My god. His eyes were the same color as hers. And his lips were the flared bow of hers. He was bigger, of course, but he was a man. Otherwise…

“I guess we should sit?”

She nodded, unable to really speak beyond the whole hi statement.

He waved a finger at a waitress who guided them to a booth at the back of The Cock and Bull restaurant. Farm fare was what they advertised but Jordan had no appetite so it could have been the most elite cuisine and she wouldn’t have cared.

“You do see the resemblance?” He smiled at her and she saw the same crookedness in his smile that she often saw in her own smile when photographed.

“I do. But I’m so confused that I’m not sure what to think.”

They allowed the waitress to take their drink orders and distribute menus. When she left, he said, “Well, at least tell me how you ended up with me today. I’m dying to know.”

“My father died…” She cleared her throat.

“Oh, God, I’m sorry. Poor choice of words.”

Jordan shrugged. “Oh, hey, you didn’t know. He died and while my brother was caring for him he said some things that didn’t make sense.” She toyed with her fork and steadied her breathing. “So we started poking around and found out that both our parents—we thought they were
parents—were married before they married each other.”

“Wow. That’s quite a shock after a pretty big blow,” Tom Sweet said.

The waitress—Kathy according to her nametag—brought them their coffee and Tom ordered an omelet with biscuits and fruit.

“Nothing for me,” Jordan said, smiling.

“Oh, come on,” he said. “You have to eat. You’re almost see-through. At least have a biscuit. They make the best biscuits. Tell her, Kathy.”

Kathy, grinned, apparently very pleased to have someone invite her into a conversation. “It’s true. Homemade. No frozen biscuits here. Put some butter and jam or honey on them and…” She rolled her eyes.

Jordan laughed. “Well, how do I turn down a glowing endorsement like that? Give me a biscuit.”

“Have two,” Tom whispered, winking. “You won’t’ be sorry.”

“He’s right,” Kathy said. “The first one goes down easy.”

“Make it two, then,” Jordan said.

“Good choice!” Tom said.

Kathy sauntered off and Jordan blew out a sigh. “Boy, y’all ganged up on me.”

“Sorry, but you should eat. Listen to me bossing you around. Sorry. You’re a grown woman.” He sipped his coffee, his gaze darting over her again and again. Jordan felt the same. She just kept looking at this man. It all felt so surreal.

“You were saying, your dad said some stuff that didn’t make sense…”

“Right. And at one point, he said “Jordan’s father” to my brother. So we really started poking around. We called my mother’s first husband but that was a dead end. When I spoke to him, he remembered you and suggested…” She shrugged. “It was worth a shot.”

“It was.”

“I can tell you that your mother and I were intimate.” He looked down, blushing slightly. Just like her. Jordan had to suppress a laugh that this huge, open, friendly man would blush at the word ‘intimate’. It was sweet.

“But you were unaware if—“

He shrugged. “If she got pregnant, she never told me. I certainly would have stepped up had I known. I loved your mom very much.”

“Did she love you?”

“I thought she did. But she said she’d gotten out of one marriage and wasn’t ready for another.” He shrugged again and Kathy delivered their food.

“That was fast,” Jordan said.

“Working man’s restaurant,” Kathy said. “Fast keeps us in business.” She put some butter, honey and jam on the table and then to Jordan, “Eat up. He’s right, kid. You’re too skinny.”

“So she didn’t want anything serious, is what happened?” Jordan moaned when she bit into the biscuit.

Tom pointed and said, “I told you. Best in town. And yes, I wanted more. She didn’t. Sounds like she ended up getting married again anyway.”

“She did. But I don’t think she planned on it. They always told me and Gareth that it was love at first sight. Kismet.”

“So then what? They decided that they’d tell you that you were siblings?”

She nodded, eating the rest of that half of biscuit. She loaded up the other. “We assume so. There’s a year and few months between us and we think they just figured it was easier. I think they wanted a fresh start and together they had an instant family. I don’t know about Gareth’s mom. If he’s looked into it, he hasn’t told me about it. Knowing him he doesn’t care.”

“Sounds like legal brother or not, you’re lucky to have him.”

“I am.”

“It’s clear you love him very much.”

She swallowed hard around the fluffy buttery biscuit that was suddenly too dry. “I do.”

He nodded. “Well, it’s pretty darn obvious to me. Not many folks have our hair. It’s Nordic, I think someone told me once. And usually this color blond comes out of a bottle. On top of that your eyes are like looking in a mirror. And your smile. And your build. You look very much like my sister, Elise. But I’m willing to do a DNA test so you can have your concrete closure.”

She was overwhelmed with gratitude. Unexpectedly. It swelled up in her until her chest ached and her eyes prickled hot with tears.

“Thank you.”

“And I know you’ve had a ton of change in your life lately…”

Death, returning home, sex games with my brother…

She had to suppress another burble of laughter, but this time it was the stressed out hysterical kind. “Some.”

“But when things calm down, if this test shows what I’m ninety-nine percent sure it will…I would like to be a part of your life. I didn’t know about you until now, but I’d like to be around you sometimes if I can.”

Another huge burst of emotion and she started to cry.

“I’m sorry, Jordan,” he said. “I didn’t mean to—”

“No. Good tears,” she said. “Good ones.”

He didn’t look convinced. Tom’s face was a mask of concern.

“Hey, if you’re going to have a daughter, you need to get used to emotional moments and the occasional rush of water works.”

Tom patted her hand. “I can do that.”

She ended up finishing the biscuit, content to chat with the man who might be her dad. It distracted her from thinking about the news she had to share with Gareth. And what her possible reward might be. And what she
it would be.

Chapter Twelve

He pulled her in from behind the front door. She hadn’t seen it coming. His big tan arm snaking out to snatch her around the waist and draw her back. Pulling her hard against him so she felt the rigid length of his erection press to her bottom.

Jordan let out a sigh that shivered just like her insides.

“What’s the story, morning glory?” he whispered in her ear. Nuzzling her hair, her neck.

Jordan felt the fine hairs all over her prickle. It was the same sensation she got right before a violent summer storm. Her nipples grew hard and peaked in sympathy. Her pussy rippled—wet and ready—hoping to be filled.

By him.

“What did Mr. Sweet say?” Gareth cupped her breasts in his warm hands. The sensation radiated over her skin. Invisible waves that made it hard for Jordan to think of anything else but him. But him finally…finally fucking her.

“He said he loved mom. And he said…”

He was spinning her, kissing her. When they were face to face she let out a shuddering breath and Gareth’s exhalation echoed hers. His fingers tangling in the fine hairs over her ears, his mouth a rough insistent reminder of every single dirty thought she’d ever had about her brother. Every filthy dream. Every forbidden daydream. Every fantasy that had gotten her off late at night when it was okay to think the things you weren’t allowed to think during daylight hours.

His pelvis pressed to hers, his cock nudging the split of her sex through her jeans.

“He said what?” He nibbled along her throat, pinching her nipples through her top.

Jordan felt the free-fall in her gut. Felt that rush and tingle like she was slipping through air.

“He said it was like looking in a mirror.”

His fingers shoved up under her shirt, sliding it high along her body, exposing her pink bra.  “Was it?”

Gareth froze, his hands on the lacy cups of her undergarment. He swept his thumbs back and forth, back and forth over the hard points of her nipples, making it hard for her to think. Hard for her to

“It was.”

“Do you think he’s your dad?”

She nodded, her voice fleeing when he slowly peeled the lacy bits back and the cool air kissed her bare breasts–they felt hot and swollen and achy with need. Her pussy echoed the urgent desire that was currently flooding her system.

“What if he’s not? What if we’re wrong?” he whispered.

Gareth bent his head and sucked her nipple into the heated velvet of his mouth. He sucked so that she felt a sizzling tug in her pussy and when he moved to the other nipple and sucked even harder, she gasped.

“I don’t know.”

Gareth popped her button and pulled down her zipper. Burrowing his hand into her underwear and touching her clit with a single fingertip.

“Do you want to wait? Just in case we’re wrong?” he murmured.

He slid a thick finger into her cunt and all of her gripped up around him. The wet greedy clench of her sex made her knees weak.


Off came her blouse and off came her bra. Gareth pushed her to the wall after kicking the door shut. “No?”

He tugged her jeans and she wiggled her hips to help him.

“But you could be fucking your brother,” he went on, placing a hot kiss on her jutting hipbone before helping her out of her boots and getting her jeans all the way off.

“You’ll always be my brother on some level,” she whispered because it was true. Jordan pushed her fingers into his wheat colored hair and tugged just enough.

He growled. “So I’ll always be fucking my sister to some degree?”

Green eyes looked up and saw every dirty secret she’d ever had. He knew. He knew that she had fantasized about this forever and a day. Ever since she’s seen him the first time. She’d always wanted to be the girl he’d been doing those things to. Deep down. In the secret part of herself.


The one word was like a lock in a key. He pushed the heat of his mouth to her pussy and sucked. Her entire mound flooded with heat and he sucked again. The hard line of his upper teeth reminding her that he could bite should he choose to. That he could hurt or pleasure or best scenario yet, do both.

Gareth held her hips firmly in his hands, trapping her and drawing her closer. Finally,
, when she thought she’d weep with frustration, his tongue fond her. Taking one teasing swipe at her clit at first. A slow gentle drag that had her fighting the urge to actually yank his hair and hurt him. To make him do what she needed.

But that wouldn’t work and she knew it.

His big hands pressed her hips back to the wall. She felt her ass kiss the cool plaster and her shoulders followed suit. “Spread your legs.”

Even as he said it, he spread them for her and that sent another marching band of goose bumps across her skin.

His mouth was hot and hard and perfect on her clit. His tongue a rigid invader into her wet slit before returning, gentling itself, along the swollen nub of her clitoris. When he started to suck that bit of flesh hard enough to make small spots blossom in her field of vision she surrendered.

She let herself come.

It meant that first sweet orgasm of this first forbidden encounter was done and gone but she enjoyed every flicker and spasm that wracked her body.

“Good girl,” he said.

She almost laughed but he was tugging her down slowly. Her back sliding along the green wall so that it hissed like some small living thing. She hit the ground with a muted thump and he pushed her back, her ponytail fanning out over the Welcome mat at the front door.

“Take your hair down. I like it loose. I used to fantasize about wrapping it around my hand and using it to control you while I fucked you from behind. Doggie style,” he rasped. When he kissed the flat of her belly the muscles bucked at the feathery touch.

The words alone had her internal muscles clutching. When he kissed her shoulder and plunged a thick cluster of fingers into her pussy, she came again. A small but intense release that left her shaking like she’d been crying.

BOOK: Cry Little Sister
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