Crimson Lips [Amazon Warriors] (Siren Publishing Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: Crimson Lips [Amazon Warriors] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Right now she needed this man more than her next breath, and she had never needed a man like that before.

She led him to the alley at the side of the bar, rested her back against the wall, and pulled him into another scorching kiss.

Just like their kiss in the bar, they built the tension between them, both knowing what they were leading to.

This time it was Crimson who initiated the next step, running her hands down his rock-hard chest, toward the opening of his jeans.

She broke the kiss to look down so she could see what she was doing and hurry the process along.


* * * *


By this point, Sloan had rested his hands on the brick wall on either side of Crimson’s head. Fixating his gaze on the sure and decisive movements of her hands working to expose his engorged cock.

He was already so close. He had to bite the inside of his mouth to make himself last.

When she had undone his jeans, she wasted no time in reaching into his Calvin Kleins and fisting his shaft in a tight grip. He hissed his pleasure and closed his eyes. She must have misunderstood, as she eased her hold on him.


She looked at him with a question in her eyes.

To answer that question he said, “Tighter.”

“I thought I hurt you?”

“It feels amazing. Now for fuck’s sake, squeeze my cock tighter and move your hand.”

She smiled at him and teased him with a couple of gentle strokes before she replied, “I don’t normally take orders from anyone, but I’m finding I like it when you talk to me like that.”

“So do it!” he demanded. She did as she was told. He loved that this strong woman would take direction from a man when it came to sex. She didn’t seem like the type, but he felt powerful that she did.

She squeezed tighter around the base of his dick. She looked unsure as he looked into her eyes, so he reassured her by saying the only word he could manage.


She was obviously pleased by his reaction to her efforts to please him. She gradually started to move her fist faster. He dropped his forehead forward, landing on her chin as he panted and relished the feeling of his coming climax.

“Shit, C, don’t stop. Whatever you do, don’t fucking stop!”

He looked up to see the triumphant look on her face, and a smile spread her lips, she was beautiful.

He kissed her with all the urgency he felt within him. He broke to kiss when he could feel the start of his climax.

“Fuck!” he shouted to the sky as stream after stream erupted from the head of his cock and into Crimson’s slowing hand.

When his breathing was back under control and he could focus on the woman in front of him, he was amazed to see her licking every last drop of his essence from her hand. Just when he thought she couldn’t surprise him anymore, she did something as sexy as that.

“Now, I’ve had the edge taken off. I think it’s your turn,” he said as he reached for the clasp of her jeans and kissed her soundly, tasting himself on her tongue.

She broke the kiss to say, “It’s definitely my turn. Watching and tasting you has made me desperate.”

Sexier words had never been spoken in the history of mankind.

He hurried to complete his task of undoing her jeans to give her release.

When they were open, he didn’t have the restraint to take it slow. He drove two fingers straight into her pussy while using his thumb to circle her clit.

She cried out immediately, and it was music to his ears. With one hand buried deep into her smooth-as-silk channel, he could feel that she was warm and wet for him. Encouraged, he used his other hand to massage one of her impressive breasts. He pulled and twisted her nipple through her tank top and bra. She moaned, and he saw her hand on her neglected breast imitating his movements. This woman was hot as hell.

He continued to pump two fingers inside her while his thumb worked her clit. He gradually increased the tempo of his thrust, penetrating her deeper and harder.

Crimson’s eyes were squeezed closed, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. Was she trying to prevent herself from making any noise? That wouldn’t do. He loved the sound of her moans and groans, but he wanted to hear her come undone. Sloan licked his way across her lips, teasing them until she let her tortured lip go.

He watched every microexpression on her face, in awe of her beauty.

Before he knew it, she was screaming his name to the heavens. He felt the same feeling of triumph she must have felt when she’d wrung him of his climax.

He knew he had a goofy look on his face, but she looked at him with heat and need in her gorgeous, green eyes. So he sobered himself and withdrew his fingers from the hottest pussy he had ever felt.

Sloan mimicked her actions from earlier and sucked his wet fingers into his mouth, burning her intoxicating flavor into his memory.

They shared another kiss, this one slower and more sensual as they shared the taste of her pleasure and tried to get their energy back.

“Ready for the main event?” she asked against his lips with a smile the likes of which he had never seen.

He laughed at her comment as he was taken aback, once again, by this amazing and beautiful woman.

As they stood there and waited for each other to make the next move, he heard a woman shout, “Crimson!”

“Shit!” she said as she pulled away and started to pull herself back together.

Sloan stilled her hands, but she shook him off and continued to fix her clothes.

He took the hint and tucked himself back in and did his jeans back up as a woman who looked a lot like Crimson, but shorter, rounded the corner with a look of concern on her face and urgency in her voice as she stated, “We have an unwanted visitor at the estate. We need you. Now!” The woman took off, running in the direction she’d come from.

“I’ve got to go. I’m sorry.” Crimson went to leave, but he grabbed her by the elbow to stop her. She pulled away easily and ran after the rushing woman.

“What the fuck!”

Chapter 4


Pissed didn’t even begin to explain how Crimson felt as she and the other Amazon warriors ran back toward the estate.

She managed a curt “What happened?” as she ran with her sister to a certain fight and away from a certain mind-blowing orgasm.

Pissed. Off.

Annika, who was faster than her but hung back to explain the situation, reported, “Roxy left the party early. When she got to the estate, she thought something looked suspicious, so she covertly searched the grounds finding a number of Cyclopes wandering ’round the estate, looking to be gathering intel.”

Her sister knew her well enough to answer the questions she hadn’t yet voiced.

“Roxy phoned to report her finding. There are twenty that she knows of but says there could be more. They seemed to be focusing on the main building, but they are also paying attention to some of the warrior’s personal homes, including yours. They’re armed with broadswords and chains. Roxy is trying to sneak into the weapons stores, grab what she can, and meet us at the northwest wall.”

Crimson nodded her acknowledgement. They were nearly at the rendezvous point, and she needed to focus on the task at hand.

Her sister lowered her voice when she said, “When this is over, you’re going to give me every detail of what happened between you and the sex god back there.”

“Fuck off!”

“I’m serious. He fought for you, Crim. Do you know what that means?”

“Not now, focus!”

“Fine, but this ain’t over,” her sister said with a smug look on her face. She could tell Crimson knew exactly what it meant, and it was freaking her out.


* * * *


Delila ran with the tribe toward the intrusion at the estate. She was looking forward to a good fight. She needed it.

She was disgusted and furious with their leader for her behavior with that mortal male. Even an Amazon male to reproduce with would be more acceptable than a human.

She mentally gagged at the thought of her being with any man. They were vile creatures. They should only be used as servants and to further the next generation of Amazon females. She could understand keeping Amazon males alive, as they would produce stronger Amazon females, but mortals? They should be destroyed as a useless waste of oxygen.

She’d watched Crimson embarrass herself with that mortal all evening. It was a hideous display and just proved to her how incapable their leader was.

Delila had been working on a way to defeat Crimson for a long time and get the tribe on her side. The human could prove to be useful in her plot to become the youngest Amazon leader in history.

If Crimson chose a mortal as a partner, the tribe would see that their leader can’t make decisions based on the best interest of their community anymore and will support her challenge of leadership.


* * * *


She couldn’t understand why the Cyclopes would come on to their land. Their ancestors fought fiercely with the Cyclopes for decades, but they eventually called a truce. Since then, such encroachments had been a very rare occurrence on Amazon land.

They had kept out of each other’s ways ever since. It didn’t make sense for them to turn up out of the blue. She sensed something wasn’t right but had no time to analyze it. She had to stop the Cyclopes from finding whatever they were looking for.

They met Roxy at the northwest wall. She’d managed to gather an array of weapons. Each warrior had their favored weapon. Crimson preferred hand to hand, so she went without a weapon. The weapons were distributed throughout the tribe, mainly to the female warriors but also to the older males as they were also trained for combat situations.

Cyclopes were extremely strong, vicious, and underhanded brutes, but thankfully, they were not that bright. To beat a Cyclops, a warrior had to outwit them and use the Cyclops’s single eye to their advantage.

Crimson gave her orders to the tribe in a commanding and confident tone. The youngest warriors were armed, just in case, but kept hidden beyond the boundaries of the estate, with the elders of their tribe protecting them. Warriors close to graduating or recently graduated were teamed up and assigned posts around the perimeter. For most of them, this would be their first exercise in real combat.

Crimson was confident they could handle anything the Cyclopes would attempt.

The rest of the warriors would infiltrate the estate from different locations, coming at the Cyclopes from all directions and, hopefully, quick enough to prevent alerting them to the Amazons’ presence.

She also emphasized to keep the creatures alive if possible. They needed to know why the Cyclopes were there, and so they couldn’t be accused of being the ones to break the truce.

Crimson gave the nod for all the warriors to take up their allocated positions. They would synchronize their attack in five minutes. They all had to be in position before then.

The warriors allocated to the opposite side of the estate took off at a dead run as they had a long way to go in five minutes.

When the five minutes had passed, Crimson stalked quietly to the main building. She could see other warriors advancing in the distance.

As she approached the building, she heard a twig snap behind her. She turned quickly to see a tall Cyclops standing a few paces behind her.

Damn, these are ugly motherfuckers, was the first thought she had. The second was, duck!

The beast behind her had his sword raised over his head, and he advanced. Crimson dived to the right of the creature, rolled, stood, and jumped on his back and gave a quick twist of its head, snapping its neck instantly.

The whole thing was over in thirty seconds, meaning the beast had no time to alert his friends.

Crimson wanted to kick herself. She needed to take her own orders. “Try not to kill them.”

She didn’t dwell on it for more than a second before she focused on the mission at hand.

She crept into the great room of the main building and overheard gruff male voices coming from the kitchen.

Crimson didn’t approve of eavesdropping, but in this case, she could make an exception.

“Contact the compound. Tell them there’s nothing here to suggest a plot against us…” Before the beast could say more, a shot rang out through the room.

The noise inevitably alerted the Cyclopes to the Amazon’s presence. Crimson burst into the room to see one dead Cyclops, the other one fleeing through the rear door. There was no other Amazon in sight. Was he killed by one of his own? Neither Amazons nor Cyclopes were known for using guns during conflict. They both preferred more traditional weaponry. She didn’t have time to think about that now or be confused. She gave chase to the Cyclopes escaping across tribe land.

During her pursuit, she heard a war cry from one of her warriors, it was a high-pitched call warriors sent up to alert the tribe they were in trouble. The wellbeing of her warriors always came first. She took off toward the cry for help.

Delila was on the ground with a deep laceration on her leg, a menacing and pissed off looking Cyclops towering over her, chain swinging over its head. She’d never reach them in time, but she had to try.

BOOK: Crimson Lips [Amazon Warriors] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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