Read Crazy For You Online

Authors: Marie Higgins

Crazy For You (3 page)

BOOK: Crazy For You
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Eli’s shoulders drooped and his smile disappeared.

He slunk down the stairs, stopping in front of her. Up this close, his spicy cologne wafted inside her head, and the incredible scent made her want to sigh. The hairs on his
goatee appeared soft, and she wondered what it would feel like if she ran her hand
over his chin.

She fisted her hands tight to hide her reaction. She’d never wanted to do this with a
strange man
before. Why now?

“I’ll leave,” he said, “but I’m not giving up in my pursuit for justice.” He touched her cheek.

Once again, a healthy jolt of sensual power surged through her. Perhaps he was from another time. Why else
could a mere touch from his hand warm her so completely?

“But will you do something for me?” He cocked his head. “Will you at least confront
about his stepbrother and really study his reaction? Ask him about legally changing his name, and see what his answer is. Maybe then you’ll believe a little of what I’ve said.”

He leaned in closer and brushed his lips across her forehead. She held her breath.
He’s going to attack me.
But when he stepped back, relief washed over her.
He privileged her with his charming

“It was nice to meet you,
Whitaker. I’m glad to know my first impressions of you were incorrect.”

He turned to leave, but she stopped him, touching his powerfully muscular arm. “What do you mean by that?”

“I thought you would be the snobbish fiancée of the controlling
Montgomery, but you’re nothing like I expected.” He chuckled. “In fact, I wonder even now how you and
got together. I hope you don’t mind me saying you deserve better. You should have a man who’ll love you unconditionally, and not for the prestige your family’s name will bring him.”

Before she could ask him what he’d meant, Eli stepped away and into the shadows. She hesitated a moment as his comment ran through her mind. What did he mean? She rushed to where she’d seen him last and glanced around the yard. He’d disappeared. She scrunched her forehead. No, he couldn’t have just vanished. Yet where was he and why couldn’t she see him?

She took in a fortifying breath, moving toward the house. Tomorrow she’d realize this was all a dream. Funny, but she’d never had such weird dreams before.
Definitely the champagne.

Her father would get a big kick out of this when she told him. Hopefully,
would think it was just as silly, too.

Chapter Two


“Good morning, Mary Sunshine.” George beamed as
walked into her shop the next morning. His grin widened as he shook his head. “Boy, oh, boy, honey, look at you.
I don’t think I’ve seen anything sexier in my life.
” He whistled. “I’ve never known skin tight jeans and heels to go so well with a regular cotton white shirt and Levi jacket. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were some biker’s babe.”

She groaned and held her head, trying to keep it from blasting apart from the noise. Taking cautious steps into her office, she walked behind her desk. She slumped in the chair and pushed her sunglasses back to protect her eyes.

“George? Will you cease the sexist remarks for the remainder of this afternoon? Also, will you please close the blinds? It’s making my headache worse.”

Her assistant laughed and did as she requested, then came up behind her and massaged her neck. “Did you tie one too many on last night?”

“You could say that,” she grumbled. “Plus, my induced state gave me the weirdest dreams, and it kept my mind
most of the night.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, honey. Do you want George to fix you one of his famous Espresso’s with a touch of Vodka?”

“No. I’m swearing off liquor forever.” She reached up, grabbed George’s hand, and moved him to where she could see him. “But you can tell me what has you so cheerful this morning.
In all the time I’ve known you, I don’t think I have ever heard you say
Mary Sunshine.

He covered his hand over his mouth and giggled. His forty-year-old body was as lean as most twenty-year-olds. He had a spunky personality, which contributed to his colorful taste in wild clothes, and of course, the matching glasses he had with every outfit. But, he was a brilliant assistant and wonderful friend, and so enjoyable to work with, so she had to keep him around.

He cocked his head. “Guess who popped in this morning?”


“Miss Tina
.” He flipped his hand through the air and lifted his nose high. “She pranced in here like she owned the place.” Demonstrating, he copied Tina’s little walk, even swung his arm the way Tina did.

“Are you serious?”
sat up in her chair. “What did she want?”

“She didn’t say for sure, but I think she wanted to take a peek at your wedding dress.”

“You didn’t show her, did you?”

“Do you take me for a fool? The only thing I want to show that woman is the door—with the end of my foot helping her along the way.”

exhaled, sinking into her chair. “Thank you. Last night she was at Lisa’s party, and Lisa suggested I look at Tina’s portfolio. Apparently, Tina has a killer designer wedding dress
Lisa flipped over.”

“Has Lisa seen your design?”

“No, and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want anyone to see it until my wedding day.”

George slapped his hand on his hip. “You go, girl

laughed. “George, have I told you lately what a great asset you are to my business?”

“Not so far today.”

She leaned forward on the desk. “Well, you are. If I could give you a raise, I would.”

He displayed a cheesy grin. “You just might do that anyway. After Tina left, I received five calls from women who’d been at your party last night. Honey, they loved your evening gown creation, and they all ordered one.”

’s smile grew along with her headache. “This is great news.”

“The best.”

The bells on the front door rang announcing a customer. George excused himself and hurried to greet the person.

drummed her fingers on the desktop as her thoughts moved to the comical events that had taken place last night—or more specifically, that strange dream. It had to be a dream, even though she could still smell Eli’s
scent and remember the tingles that had danced throughout her body. But no, it wasn’t real. Why else would the man just disappear like he’d done and right before her eyes?

But he’d brought up some interesting facts about the Montgomery family; facts
should have told her by now. Why hadn’t her fiancé informed her of his older brother? She
oped he wasn’t purposely hiding something from her. She should take Eli’s advice and ask
questions. She didn’t want to act suspicious…yet she’d die from curiosity if she didn’t find out what was going on.

Grumbling, she picked up the phone and dialed
number. After three rings, his secretary answered. “Hello, Betty, this is
. Is

“No, he’s held up in one of his meetings.”

sighed. “Yes, I should have known.”

“Is there something I can do for you?”

“Yes.” She paused, debating whether or not to ask. “Betty? How long have you been

“I’ve been employed with Montgomery’s Aisle for almost five years.”

’s heart sank. “Oh, so you didn’t know his father?”

“No, I’m sorry to say I didn’t get that privilege. Why?”

“Just wondering.”
She let out a deep sigh. “Can you have
call me when he’s free?”

“I sure will.”

“Thanks, Betty.”
placed the receiver on the cradle and dropped her head in her hands. What was wrong with her? It was a dream...wasn’t it?
Eli, a dream; a figment of her imagination—and boy, what an imagination she must have because he was one good-looking man, especially since he didn’t have a lick of fashion sense.
But then, it was dark out and she was slightly intoxicated. Okay, so maybe she was more than

Growling, she massaged her head. Her problem was lack of affection from her fiancé. Why else would she imagine a man like Eli who was totally opposite in what she wanted in a man? She’d have to do some serious convincing so
would find time for her. I
t had been so long since he had held her or kissed her.
It seemed he had su
ddenly been repulsed by her

She hurried and called Lucinda, Lisa
housekeeper to find out if she knew Joshua. Unfortunately, Lucinda and the other servants had been hired on after Joshua and Adam’s deaths.

pushed away from the desk and stood, stretching her arms above her head as she worked out last night’s kinks. Taking caution, she removed her sunglasses and squinted through the slightly darkened room.

Rubbing her forehead, she walked into the bathroom to splash some water on her face, but from out in the lobby came a man’s deep laughter. She froze.

It couldn’t be.

hurried toward the very sound causing
her heart to thump like crazy
. She stopped inside her office door and stared at the customer her assistant helped. Standing in front of a full-length mirror with George draping different colored sample cloths over his shoulder, was none other than the man of her crazy dream.

What’s he doing here?

Anger welled up from the pit of her stomach, and she barely managed to bite back the frustrated scream that rose in her throat. How did he know where she worked? He must have followed her. He probably stayed outside her apartment last night and trailed her this morning.

She stood still while George fawned over the very handsome dream-like vision in her shop. Eli actually looked
today than he did last night. Was it because she could see him in the light? Yet Eli
was dressed exactly as she remembered, except he wore a pair of
sandals. She rolled her eyes. Gads, they didn’t even match his clothes.

Eli laughed at George’s sense of humor, which made the so-called future-man’s eyes twinkle. She certainly didn’t believe his time-travel story, but then, what was his purpose? And how did he get her father’s ring? Perhaps she should find out what he really wanted.

Eli’s eyes moved in the reflection of the mirror and met hers. His heated gaze traveled over the length of her. He smiled in that knee-quaking way of his. A
tremor ran through her
—that wasn’t entirely uncomfortable—starting in the pit of her stomach and going to her chest, making her
heart skip a beat. She cursed the strange reaction.
It had to be indigestion.

George must have noticed Eli’s distraction, because he looked over his shoulder at
. Her assistant placed his hands on his hips and marched over to her, his mouth pulled in a pout.

“Why didn’t you tell me your cousin was in town?”

“What?” she asked,
although she had already guessed t
he answer.

Eli stepped away from the mirror and came toward her. “Now George,” he began, but kept his gaze on her. “I told you not to get after her.” He walked up to her and stopped. His grin widened.

She’d play along. After all, she had to find out his story. She couldn’t stop the sudden tug on her lips as they lifted. “Eli.”

“Now, girl.”
George huffed. “I want to know why you’d let your cousin walk around town looking like he’d just been dumped off the farm truck.” He turned and picked at Eli’s black shirt as if it were a rag. “I mean just look at him. This man should not be wearing such filth, especially since he’s related to you.”

She couldn’t tear her gaze away from Eli’s incredible emerald eyes. “Well, George, I just found out last night he was in town, which is why I told him to come to the shop today. I knew you’d be able to help him pick something out that’s more presentable to wear in public.”

Eli’s eyes widened, and she held in her laugh. Eli glanced quickly over George’s attire, and a deep blush stained the future-man’s cheeks. Red was definitely his color.

BOOK: Crazy For You
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