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Authors: Felicity Heaton

Crave (4 page)

BOOK: Crave
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Callum pinned her backside against the seat, held her so tightly that it hurt, and bucked hard into her warm core. His pelvis slammed into her clit. Heat blazed outwards. The world shattered.

Kristina slumped forwards, laid her head on his shoulder, and breathed fast in time with him. His cock throbbed inside her, his balls shifting against her backside. She draped her arms around him, tired and sated, the fog of desire slowly melting away from her mind and reality gradually creeping back.

She closed her eyes to shut the world out and imagined them somewhere else, somewhere away from the grotty nightclub and the danger of werewolves. Somewhere she could do this all over again.

And again.

He withdrew from her and his seed trickled downwards, warm now but it chilled her to a degree. A vampire couldn’t get a werewolf pregnant as far as she knew, but she was ripe for mating and she didn’t really know him. She should have been more cautious.

Kristina drew in a slow breath to steady the pounding of her heart and expelled it, pushing out her fear with it.

She fixed a smile on her face and sat back, still astride Callum’s thighs, her back against the seat edge.

“Did you scream my name?” she said and his serious look melted into a smile.

“I think so. It all went a little hazy there for a moment.” Callum leaned in and kissed her, softer this time, almost lazy, as though they had been lovers for a long time and this was more than a one night stand. “You screamed mine.”

She had?

Kristina couldn’t remember that. The whole universe had exploded when she had climaxed. She might have shouted it. If she had, he had deserved it. The man screwed like a bucking bronco. A flash of heat swept over her skin, setting her finer hairs on end, and she kissed him again to satisfy her returning hunger for him. This wasn’t going to happen again, no matter how much she still burned to feel him against her.

He palmed her breasts, his cool fingers teasing the buds of her nipples, reigniting her desire. She slowed the kiss to match the pace of his caress and ran her hands over his shoulders. This wasn’t happening again. No.


Kristina moaned as his tongue entered her mouth, sliding along the length of hers, his taste flooding her senses. She shifted her hips to satisfy some of the returning ache there and he lowered his hand, delved his fingers between her plush petals, and found her aroused nub. She gasped as he teased it, swirling his fingers and then pinching, sending sparks shooting. He eased his hand downwards and inserted two fingers into her sheath, pumping her slowly with them while his other hand continued to tease her breasts and his mouth worked lazily against hers.

She tried and failed to tell herself to make him stop.

Just one more time. Just like this. She wouldn’t give in to her desire to have his body buried in hers again, thrusting and plunging, driving her wild, but she would let this happen. Images of them entwined and naked, writhing against each other on a large bed flashed across her closed eyes, interspersed with visions of them in this booth, her bent over forwards as he took her from behind, his long cock filling her and scratching her persistent itch for him.

Kristina worked her hips, riding his fingers, and he lowered his other hand to tease her clit, circling and squeezing. He swallowed her gasps, moaning after each one, as though the sound of them and the feel of her body clenching his fingers and straining for another orgasm pleasured him. Her hands clutched his shoulders and she lost herself in the moment, in the rhythmic plunge of his fingers into her core and the way they rubbed the softer spot just inside, taking her higher and higher. She moaned and shivered, tightened her sheath around his fingers, eager for release that remained frustratingly out of her reach.

“Kristina,” he murmured into her mouth and she moaned, unable to form a real response or find her voice while he was fucking her with his fingers.

Devil, she couldn’t stop imagining where all this could lead. She pictured herself riding his face, feeling his tongue sliding over her clit and then dipping into her core. She imagined him pinning her against a wall as he took her, backside tensing as he pumped her hard and fast. She moaned and kept imagining everything she could do with him, letting her mind delve down wicked routes involving handcuffs and blindfolds, feathers and lubricant. Each brush of his fingertips over her clit and thrust of his two fingers into her core brought new images, new positions, and added fuel to the fire within her, until she knew she couldn’t let this end here tonight. She needed him too much to let it be just one night of madness.

She had never needed a man like this.

None of her past lovers had set her aflame like Callum had, or had matched her strength and passion, or sent her mind racing to dream of things she had never tried before, wicked sensual things she had only read about in books.

“Callum,” she whispered, rotating her hips, urging him to give her release.

She reached down and wasn’t surprised to find that his cock was hard again, heavy and eager as he thrust it through the ring of her fingers. He groaned and pumped into her hand, as though he was screwing it. The feel of him bucking into it filled her with a need to see it. She wanted to see him thrusting, wanted to watch him fuck her hand in the same way he had taken her just minutes before. It turned her on, sending her arousal soaring. She wanted to see his beautiful cock as it would have been moving inside her, giving her undeniable pleasure and incredible satisfaction.

Callum moaned again when she tightened her grip, his hips thrusting roughly, his fingers moving deeper and more desperately inside her. He screwed his face up, frowning hard, his teeth clenched together. Kristina moved her hand on him, fascinated by the sight of him, thrilled by it and aching to feel him filling her up again.

“Wait,” he whispered and pulled his hips back. He breathed hard. His fingers paused inside her. His eyes opened, their sharp green irises meeting hers, and he frowned. “Let me come inside you again... Christ... I need to.”

Kristina tensed. She needed it too but she was already a mess as it was and the thought of pregnancy still plagued her. She wanted to feel him throbbing with his release though, wanted to know she had given him the same addictive brand of pleasure he had given to her.

“Do you have...” She felt stupid so cut herself off. The damage was probably done already if it was a possibility, but she didn’t need to encourage her body into accepting him as a mate. Werewolves and vampires hated each other. What would happen if she fell pregnant from this encounter and produced a hybrid child? Callum would probably want nothing to do with it, and it was hard enough being a werewolf on the run, let alone adding single mother to that burden.

Callum’s frown hardened and then his eyebrows shot up. He fumbled in his trouser pockets, withdrew an expensive looking black leather wallet and opened it. He produced a shiny black foil packet with a smile.

Kristina told herself again that this was wrong, but even before that thought had finished forming, she was reaching for the packet and tearing it open. He raised his hips as she set the condom on the blunt head of his thick cock and rolled it down, tugging it to reach the base of his length.

The moment she was done with it, Callum spread her legs, settled himself between them and eased into her. He was gentler this time, moving with long slow strokes that threatened to set her on fire in a different way. The heat of lust broke, turning into the heat of passion that Callum increased with each tender thrust of his body into hers. Kristina kissed him, afraid of the slower tempo, falling a little more with each passing second. She had thought he had intended to push himself over the edge and into his orgasm by entering her, to take them both out of their minds again. If she had known he had intended to do this, she wouldn’t have let him. This felt too dangerous. It felt too good.

She liked it too much.

He held her gently in his strong arms, his kisses lightening her insides, lifting her up and sending her soaring along with his slow deep thrusts. He groaned low in his throat and dipped one hand between them, brushing his fingers over her pert nub.

“Come with me, Kristina,” he whispered against her lips and she breathed harder, each caress of her clit pushing her closer to the edge. “I want to feel it again.”

Kristina couldn’t deny him.

He thrust slowly into her and squeezed her nub at the same time, and she cried into his mouth, a sweep of hot tingles chasing outwards from the point where his cock filled her aching body, cascading along her thighs.

He groaned her name and plunged himself hard into her, his length throbbing again, quivering in rhythm with hers.

Callum kissed her softly, his body still locked with hers, and she melted into him, lost in how good it had felt to go slow with him.

Not good. Dangerous.

She had no place doing such a thing with a vampire. Mindless passion and fucking was one thing. That meant nothing. That was what she had signed up for. He had changed everything and her heart said to run and not look back. This was more dangerous than remaining at her pack ever could have been.

She couldn’t fall for a vampire.

He would only break her heart in the end.

“Kristina,” he whispered against her throat between soft kisses. “Come to my hotel.”

She froze, her entire body tensing. He kept kissing her, palms kneading the stiffness from her thighs and bottom, caressing her into submission.

“I have to leave Paris soon... just spend the next week here with me.”

Kristina said nothing. Her heart beat erratically in her throat. Part of her said it was only a week. She could use it to wear out her craving for him and then he would be gone. No hearts broken. No pain. Just a week of incredible sex. The other part of her warned that it wouldn’t just be sex. He would want to sleep with her in his arms. Could she handle being held while she slept, protected from the world in the arms of a man she was intimate with? He would want to feed her and take her out to dinner or nightclubs. Could she handle being pampered when she had been alone so long, and dancing with him as she had tonight? Even that had felt dangerously intimate. He would change the rules again and make love with her as he had just now and it would be game over. He would break her heart. Could she keep her head if that happened? It would only take a tiny slip for her to give herself away to someone who knew her pack and then they would find her.

Could she handle being lonely when Callum left her?

Probably not.

There was a chance he would take her heart with him and she would never see him again.

Kristina was off him and dressing before she was aware of what she was doing. Was she really going to run again? She had fled her pack because she had been afraid of her alpha and his desire for her, and now she was fleeing Callum for the same reason.

Only this time it was different. She wanted him too.

She pulled her top on and fastened her jeans. The tall sides of her heeled black leather boots flapped downwards but she didn’t care. She just had to get away and she would do it barefoot if it came to it.

Callum rose to his feet before her, removed the condom from his penis and tucked himself away. A wave of darkness crossed his expression.

“Callum, I...” she started but he pressed a single finger to her lips, silencing her, his expression lightening and turning his eyes soft with understanding.

“You don’t have to answer right now. Just come to the Hotel George Cinq tomorrow night. I’ll be waiting in the presidential suite.” He replaced his fingers with his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to them that warmed her when it shouldn’t have.

Before she could tell him that she wouldn’t be coming, he was gone and the heavy black velvet curtain of the booth was falling back into place.

Kristina slumped onto the leather seat and stared at it for long seconds.

She raised her hand to her lips and touched them.

Hotel George Cinq. Presidential suite. That sounded even more expensive than his fancy tailored clothes. Just who was Callum?

There was one way of finding out the answer to that question.

But she still wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to go through with it.



Chapter 4

Callum rubbed a fluffy white towel against his long wet hair and padded barefoot across the plush carpet of his hotel suite. The gaudy decor was growing on him now but it still wasn’t to his taste. He could never understand why luxury hotels felt the need to mix gold with dark blue and cream, and throw stripes into the mix too. It gave him a headache. If Antoine had let him choose, he would have selected a different hotel, but the theatre had an account with this one and Antoine hadn’t given him a choice about coming to Paris let alone the hotel where he would be staying.

Still, he couldn’t really complain. The room was more luxurious and decadent than his one at his family home in England and that was saying something. His family insisted on opulence. Callum put it down to an attempt to gloss over the fact they were only elite vampires now and no longer the aristocrat purebloods their founding members had been. Around a thousand years ago, the first human had been introduced into their family through turning and it had been all downhill from there. His father was a turned human, and so were his uncle and his grandmother.

Callum didn’t care too much about the politics of it all but he did care about the fact that his kind were treated like second rate citizens by the aristocrats, as though the pure untainted vampire blood that ran in their veins gave them the right to look down on everyone.

He dropped the damp towel onto the back of a very expensive, very disgustingly upholstered couch, and tugged the one around his waist off. He strode naked across the suite to the elegant wardrobe in the large bedroom and rifled through his clothes, the hangers squeaking as they moved along the rail.

Not all aristocrats were snobbish bastards though. Snow had proven himself vastly different to his brother Antoine just two months ago when he had stepped in and taken the rap for Javier’s indiscretion with an owned human female. Everyone had expected Snow to come back from meeting their rulers as a pretty jar of ashes but he had walked brazenly back into the theatre they ran together a week after leaving and said everything had been taken care of and that was that. Javier didn’t need to stand trial for killing Lilah’s owner and no one was going to be punished. Antoine’s relief had been palpable but if Callum had blinked at the wrong time he would have missed it.

BOOK: Crave
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