Cowboy, Take Me Away (Montana Cowboys/ Country Music) (2 page)

BOOK: Cowboy, Take Me Away (Montana Cowboys/ Country Music)
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She looked up at him and said, “I kept them all. You didn’t?”

“I gotta admit, it was tempting to keep a bunch of pictures of random men on my phone, but I decided not to.” He winked at her. She still looked disappointed. He pulled out his phone and admitted, “I did keep these though.”

She looked at the screen and watched the photos she sent of the sea turtles, the dolphins, and the ocean at sunrise and at sunset. Then the picture she had someone take of her next to a giant turtle. He didn’t tell her how often he looked at that one. He didn’t like to admit it to himself.

A young voice came from behind them as Brice, Rafe and Layla’s oldest son asked, “Do you want me to take a picture of you two?”

Roy turned to look at the young man and couldn’t refuse the aspiring photographer. “Sure.”

Lexi beamed at him. He didn’t want to give her false hope, but he had to admit, she sure felt nice standing next to him.

“Just a side by side pose? No kissing pictures? It is a wedding you know.” Brice was growing into quite the photographer and confident young man.

Roy looked down at her and she lifted up to her toes already anxious to kiss him. He leaned in just a little bit. He was expecting to put a chaste kiss on her pretty lips. He just wanted to take the picture and get on with the stroll.

The moment her lips met his, everything changed. He remembered instantly the feel of her, the taste, the smell, and he couldn’t stop his arms from moving around her back if he tried, which he didn’t. It wasn’t particularly scandalous, provocative, or tongue tangling. It was more than a lip press to lip kiss, but not more than appropriate for a photo.

“Much better. I think you will like them. I have other guests to capture, so I hope you two have a lovely evening.” Brice looked off in the direction of another couple and headed their way.

Roy tugged her by the hand and into the shelter of a patch of trees providing a considerable amount of shade. He didn’t give her a chaste kiss this time. It wasn’t picture perfect either. It was ravenous.



Alexandra Bee McCullough was glad the tree was there to hold her up because she was sure she would have fallen down otherwise. Roy had her pressed up against the trunk, his lips on hers, his tongue exploring, one hand in her hair behind her head and the other at her hip betraying the ferocity of what his mouth was doing. He held her gently, but kissed deeply.

Her hands were far from separated on the issue. She held onto him for dear life. As he pulled back, a fraction of a bit, he nipped her top lip and she whimpered. She could feel his smile against her lips. He was looking at her when her lashes finally fluttered and her eyes opened. In a breathy whisper she said his name.

“Hmmm?” he responded. He didn’t give her any space to breathe. He was just enough distance her eyes didn’t cross while looking at him.

She didn’t have anything to say. She just had to call his name after that mind blowing, bone melting, kiss. He knew it too. He lifted away from her, his expression satisfied with her reaction. She wanted to have that effect on him, not confirm his ability to still weaken her knees.

He slid his hand out of her hair and down to her hand. He tugged her and she stumbled forward on shaky legs. She probably looked drunk, staggering like that. She was feeling a bit buzzed. She realized the only reason he stopped was the fact a few hikers were nearby. They were talking about the hike and as they passed the three women waved.

Roy nodded in acknowledgement. The ladies all looked at her and then at him and then back to her with approval and possibly envy. Of course they would. Lexi was pretty sure that her kiss swollen lips and flushed face combined with Roy’s crooked tie and mussed jacket revealed a lot to them. They were giggling before they were out of earshot.

He tugged her towards the path and she stopped him. “Hang on, sheriff, let me fix your tie.”

She reached up and straightened the tie. Her hands slid to rest on his chest, feel his heartbeat thumping fast and strong beneath. She looked at him and he studied her. She moved her hands to smooth out his jacket and then pushed her hands through her own hair and straightened out her dress. She smiled up at him and said, “Now we’re ready.”

His left eyebrow arched a fraction and he extended his hand. She took it easily, relished the feel of his large, warm, palm as his fingers closed around hers. He tugged, she moved. They walked like that all the way back to the reception. It seemed as though everyone was inside again and she wondered how long they were off on that trail kissing under that tree.




              Roy William Rodgers hadn’t prepared for that kiss or what it would do to him. He simply couldn’t, wouldn’t let his dick make this decision. He was already unsure what he was going to do with her now that he had invited her to stay at his house. Well, he knew a few things he planned to do with her, but after that…

“Hi,” Jan Johnson, well Jan Rodgers, though Buck’s last name meant nothing on this ranch, greeted them. “I’m Jan, Roy’s sister-in-law. This is his nephew, Aaron.”

Jan swayed with the baby sleeping in her arms. Lexi immediately made all the typical woman fuss over a baby. He didn’t like admitting how much he liked that. He liked less the fact he wondered if they would have sons or daughters, or both. Did she even want to have children?

Again, his brother bumped his shoulder and pulled him from his thoughts. “Hey. You get a piece yet?”

“What kind of question is that?” Roy glared at Buck. His little brother looked him eye to eye and right now those eyes were alight with amusement.

He chuckled and replied, “Of cake.”

Because Buck was laughing at him, both of the women shifted their attention from the baby to them. Lexi tilted her pretty head and smiled. He could feel the lift of his lips and hoped he wasn’t snarling at her. He didn’t smile often. Who was he kidding? He hadn’t really smiled in years, as evident by Jan’s expression. She looked from him to Lexi and back with a knowing grin. He didn’t know what she knew. He didn’t like them assuming anything.

“You hungry?” he asked Lexi. She nodded. “Let’s eat. We’ll catch up later.”

He felt his brother shoulder bump him again and Roy gave him another warning glare.

“Maybe you could come to game night,” Jan added quickly.

“You guys still do that?” Roy groaned. He knew they wanted him to bring her. He knew everyone in this room that was related to him by blood or marriage was dying to ask her a million questions.

“Next Saturday.” Jan passed the baby to Buck. He looked at his little brother as he adjusted the infant in his arms. A longing he knew well hit him hard in the gut.

“Maybe.” Roy put his hand at the small of Lexi’s back and escorted her to the buffet. Lucky had been technically married to Hope for several months. They waited until after winter to put a formal shing-ding on.

Roy wondered if Lexi would be the kind of gal to want a big wedding or if she would prefer a family gathering like this one. He almost asked her, but stopped himself. He knew she lost her folks and was on her own. He admired her determination and her independence. She wasn’t the kind of woman that needed a man. He knew her being here was simply because she wanted him.

He didn’t say much and she didn’t press him for conversation. He liked that about her. She seemed content to be near him and not anxious to fill every spare moment with words.
She gave him enough looks though. She watched him as though he would bolt like a scared rabbit. She had no idea the battle raging inside of him, take her or leave her. It was now or never.

He sat across from her at a table and they began eating. He was surprised she had put the spiciest thing on the buffet on her plate. Once she took a bite, he realized she had no idea. He actually laughed, though he felt bad about it. She was making such adorable faces and waving her hand in front of her mouth as if it would help. He pushed his glass towards her since she had downed her water already. He had milk in his cup and was saving it for the cake.

She settled down, but tears had streamed down her cheeks. He offered her his handkerchief and as she dabbed at her eyes he couldn’t stop smiling.

“I’m glad you think this is funny,” she said and then sniffed.

“I’m sorry,” he replied sincerely. “You just looked so cute waving that hand. I couldn’t help it.”

She snickered and admitted, “I don’t know why I did that. I guess it did look a bit cartoonish.”

“Do you hear that?” he asked as Brad Paisley’s voice sang the first lines over the speaker system.

He stood up and extended a hand. She sniffed once more and stood as she took it. He pulled her in close and they started to dance right there next to the table. She snuggled him close and said, “This was the only song we danced to that night.”

“It’s the only song we’re dancing to tonight.” He looked around the room and realized they had the attention of half the room. Even other dancing couples were angling themselves to see. He was getting anxious to get out of there.



Lexi didn’t like that they had to drive separately to his house, but she was glad to be making the trip before it was dark nonetheless. The best thing about Montana was the wide open spaces. The worst thing about wide open spaces is the lack of street lights. She had no idea it could get so dark until she had visited here.

She wasn’t going to be so bold as to attempt to unload more than her travel bag once they arrived. He took it from her and she followed him into his house. They hadn’t made it this far last time. They had returned to her hotel room and then he was called away. She took a look around as they entered.

“It’s not much, but it’s home.” He didn’t look at her when he said it. She wondered if he was concerned about what she would think.

“Not much?” Lexi didn’t hide the fact that she loved the log cabin style interior. She let her fingers trail over the logs and marveled at the space. The kitchen was filled with modern stainless steel appliances and two of the walls were traditional style walls painted a soft creamy yellow that contrasted well with the tiles that lined the backsplash, the granite countertops, and the gorgeous tiles on the floor. “This place is amazing.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I wish I would have added a second floor to it.” He went to the refrigerator. “You want something to drink?”

She shook her head no. “Can I take a shower?”

“Follow me.” He grabbed her bag again and led them down the hall and past the bathroom off of the hall. He took a right into a large bedroom and she tried not to gawk at every little detail the man had obviously taken time to put into it. “I uh…”

He was looking at the inside of the shower at the basics. Everything was pretty much aimed at making the user smell manly in there. She reached into the side pocket on her bag and pulled out the pouch with travel size shampoo, conditioner, face cleaner, shower gel, and in shower lotion. “I got it covered.”

He made a light sound of relief and said, “I’ll grab you some towels.”

She watched him toke the bag with him and set it on a nearby dresser. She made quick work of getting undressed and into the shower before he returned from the hallway with towels in hand. She could see him, though not completely clearly, through the glass shower door. He could see her. He sat the towels on the counter and ran his hands over his face.

She was being too bold, but she didn’t drive all the way from North Carolina to sleep in his guest room tonight. She gulped, took a deep breath and asked, “Care to join me?”

She watched through the blurry glass as he removed his shirt, then his slacks, and as he took a step towards the shower she moved back under the water as if she hadn’t been as interested in watching him undress as she was.

BOOK: Cowboy, Take Me Away (Montana Cowboys/ Country Music)
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