Read Cowboy Double-Decker Online

Authors: Reece Butler

Cowboy Double-Decker (8 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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She never dreamed past leaving Aunt Delia and Uncle Wesley raging
Cowboy Double-Decker


behind her, but knew it had to be better than her miserable existence.

Maybe someday she’d put a leg over a monster like this, put her arms around a man like Bryan, press her face against his broad back, and ride into the sunrise. Might as well wish to be petite with an hourglass shape, long curly blond hair, and enough money to do whatever she wanted.

She held Scotty while Bryan did some pre-ride preparation. He easily straddled the beast, throwing a long leg over. He held out his arms for Scotty, letting him touch the center part of the handlebars, both of them making engine sounds.

“I wish I had a camera. You guys look great.”

Scotty squawked in complaint when she lifted him off, squirming and fighting to escape. She backed away in case the deep roar scared him. Bryan slid on his shiny black and silver helmet, visor up, put on his big black gloves, and roared the Harley into life. A magnificent deep rumble shattered the twilight as Bryan revved the motor to warm it up. Low vibrations passed through her body, making her tingle from collar bone to thighs. If she sat down behind Bryan and he twisted his right hand to make the motor roar, she’d be half-way to an orgasm within seconds.

What did it do to a guy to sit there for hours? No wonder bikes were so popular. It beat sitting on the washer during the spin cycle.

Scotty bounced in her arms, babbling as he reached out to join Bryan. She backed another few feet away when Bryan snapped down his full-face helmet. She held Scotty tight, nodding when Bryan gave her a two-finger salute and roared into the sunset.

They waved bye-bye until the roar faded. When she strolled through the lobby, she caught a few envious glares. She held her head high and let her hips swing just a bit, a secret smile suggesting just how much Bryan revved her personal engine. It was wrong for a woman to take her sense of self from a man, but just this once, she let the glow settle about her.

Back in their suite, she placed a small bowl of frozen peas on

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Scotty’s highchair tray to keep him busy until Bryan returned. She watched for a moment as he carefully picked one up and gummed it.

She needed to keep her mind on something other than Bryan’s hot bike and body. She sat at the desk and opened his laptop. He wanted her to see his family photos, so he had set it up to open at his
folder. She certainly was curious after the sexual explosion before breakfast and the unspoken promise of far more tonight.

The man seemed intelligent, polite, and considerate. He had a sense of humor and a wicked laugh. More important, he hadn’t pushed her that morning.

She’d seen the massive erection tenting his towel, yet he hadn’t insisted she service him, as Freddie would have. And today in class, he’d calmly asked her to explain her points, glaring when a few classmates tried to put her down. Was there such a thing as a man who appreciated a woman’s brain as well as her body? He was flawed, as proved by that caveman thing at lunch. But, walking back through the lobby, she understood why he wanted to say “mine!”

She didn’t have a camera or cell phone, but somehow, she had to take photos of him, both in cowboy mode and biker leathers. Oh yeah, she’d have fantasies about the man for years to come. Tonight she hoped to find out if reality was as good as her imagination.

She wasn’t ashamed of what she let him do to her that morning.

She was asleep for the first part and still not awake for the explosive finish. At least, that’s what she told herself. She couldn’t drop a lifetime of “don’t you ever let me catch you even thinking about it”

without some uneasiness.

Bryan said he and Adam were partners on a Montana cattle ranch called the Double R, so she wasn’t surprised when the slideshow started with a photo of a cowboy on a horse, surrounded by cattle. It had to be Adam, as dark brown hair curled at his collar. What she could see of his face was grim, full of frowns and clenched teeth. He ignored the camera as he concentrated on throwing a lasso at an escaping cow. Were all cowboys that manly? She couldn’t think of
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another word to describe hard-working men who knew their jobs and did them competently.

Not at all like the city men whose calluses came from a squash racket or a BlackBerry.

The next photo showed the backs of both men, arms leaning over a split-rail fence at shoulder height. Tight jeans pulled against their bodies as each man rest at foot on the bottom rail. Both sets of buns begged for a pair of chaps, with no jeans to obstruct the view. A zip of heat made Kaela’s thighs twitch. From the back, Adam was almost as sexy as Bryan.

“The man is married,” she lectured herself. Her fantasies didn’t care, dropping her onto a bed between the two men, naked and eagerly reaching for her. She gulped and forced the vision away.

In the next photo, two men watched a woman and a horse. The camera caught what must be Candy in mid-laugh, sitting with her legs splayed while the dapple gray horse gazed down at her, reins dangling. Kaela knew nothing about horses, but this one looked like it was in on the joke. Had she fallen off? None of them seemed worried.

Candy wasn’t aware of the camera in the next shot. Caught from behind and to one side, she was intent on painting a wildflower-dotted landscape. Mountains soared with nothing else blocking the wide blue sky.

Kaela sighed. She longed to see such a mountain-high meadow in full flower. “Someday, Scotty.” She looked over at her son. He concentrated on the cartoon channel Bryan turned on earlier. The two males bonded over Bugs Bunny reruns as Bryan provided the play-by-play.

She turned back to the laptop and clicked onto a grinning Adam, clad in nothing but snug jockeys, holding two little girls. It sent an instant twinge through her belly. Adam’s arm muscles bulged as they held up matching fairy princesses. The dark haired one, Diane, smiled sweetly at the camera while a blond pixie bashed Adam’s head with her magic wand.


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The blonde’s grin was familiar. Evie was her father’s daughter.

How did Bryan feel about another man raising his child? Was that why he was so eager to marry—to have his own?

There was something sexy about a massively strong man delighting in delicate little girls. It looked like Adam was in the middle of dressing when he scooped the girls up. Candy must have handed them over and snapped the shot.

In the background lurked a massive bed with tall wooden corner posts. Bigger than the hotel king, it could certainly hold three people.

Did Candy sleep in the middle every night? Or was this Candy and Adam’s room, and Bryan had his own?

She clicked through all the photos, peeking into the life of a Montana cattle ranch. Horses, children, parties, a ranch house she loved, and best of all, mountains towering magnificently over everything.

Then Candy appeared, standing with legs set wide, glaring at the camera in raging defiance. She wore translucent turquoise harem pants and a matching jeweled bolero top. A gold collar ringed her neck and gold flashed from her wrists and ankles. No thong showed under the pants, a dark vee marking the junction of her thighs.

Kaela choked. She stared at the image while her nipples budded and panties dampened.

The inner swell of Candy’s breasts was visible between her crossed arms. Adam, wearing an embroidered yellow caftan, scowled down at her. The laughing father and the loving mother were gone, replaced by an outrageous fantasy of lust and demand.

The room, swathed in dark fabric, resembled a tent. Bright pillows rested against the walls. She saw no bed but a well padded wide-armed chair and what looked like a massage table waited off to the side.

Kaela licked her lips and memorized every detail before moving to the next photo.

Candy, now naked but for jewelry, knelt in the chair, her chest
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bent over its back. Her round bottom was flushed pink with what must be hand prints. Bryan stood at the head of the chair, facing the camera. What was visible of him was naked, except for a jeweled purple turban. He held Candy’s shoulders down. The masterful look of lust he wore made Kaela shiver.

She clicked and groaned. Candy and Bryan were in the same basic positions, but Adam stood behind her, the front of his caftan draped over her back. Kaela only saw the side of his face, but by the raging bull look and possessive way he held Candy’s hips tight to his groin, it was obvious what he was doing.

Candy’s flushed face turned to the camera, eyes wide and shining.

Kaela had no doubt she wanted this. Wanted both men.

Kaela closed her eyes, fighting to slow down her heart with slow, deep breaths.

After being dominated, abused, all her life, why did she want this?

Was she sick? Or did it change everything when the men did what the woman demanded? Satisfaction. Letting go of the burden of control to enjoy total pleasure.

If Bryan wanted her to see these photos as a type of foreplay, it certainly worked. She crossed her legs and squeezed, eager for another explosion like this morning. If he could do that to her with only his tongue and fingers, what could she experience from all of him? What if two men pleasured her together?

She refused to get her face anywhere near that part of Freddie, but the thought of sucking Adam deep while Bryan pounded into her from behind made her squirm in the hard chair. And what about Candy?

Would two women treat each other differently without a man around?

“You’d better crash right after supper, darling boy,” she warned Scotty. He only had a few peas left on his table so she took a deep breath and pressed the button for the last photo.

Candy lay in a hospital bed, smiling widely with a bundled baby in each arm, a proud papa on each side.

Kaela forced back erupting tears. What would it be like to be

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wanted like that? To be able to live securely in her own home? To have two loving men needing her, as well as their children?

She was under no illusions—living with two dominant men would be hell at times. Candy must be very strong to take them on by herself. But what she got in return must be worth it.

Sniffling and twitchy, Kaela turned off the laptop and closed the lid. She unplugged it and lifted all the cords so Scotty wouldn’t cause damage to himself or the electronics. Her stomach rumbled, reflected by a distinctive roar from the parking lot below. She lifted Scotty out of his chair and went to the window, waving back at Bryan. He lifted supper out of the hard bags beside his bike’s back wheels.

“Here comes supper, Scotty.”

To calm herself and make dinner a bit special, she lit a bunch of votive candles she picked up in the shop downstairs and turned off the main lights. The flames flickered like a campfire, delighting Scotty.

She wasn’t looking for a romantic atmosphere, but it would make hard questions easier to ask—and to answer—if the lights were low.

After handing over dinner, Bryan took Scotty downstairs to run around the lobby and get rid of some energy while she re-heated the food in the suite’s microwave. Chicken fried rice, beef and greens, lemon chicken, and eggrolls. She put a plastic sheet under Scotty’s high chair since he insisted on serving himself.

The food disappeared fast. Once she eased her belly’s needs, she thought of another hunger. Patricia had tired Scotty out. After a quick bath, he fell asleep in her arms. When he started walking, she lost the cuddly little bundle who loved to be held so she enjoyed his warmth, kissing his head while debating with herself how to ask Bryan her questions. She finally realized point blank and honest was the only way. She settled a zonked-out Scotty in the playpen and turned to Bryan.

“If Candy’s married to Adam, why does she have sex with you?

Does she feel obligated? Doesn’t Adam get jealous?”

Bryan, sitting in the side chair, moved his empty plate to the floor.

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He’d eaten the lion’s share of dinner, but he was a foot taller and about a hundred pounds heavier. With tawny hair to his shoulders and a predatory gleam in his eyes, he even looked like a lion. He stared at her for a moment, taking his time to answer, unlike her blurted questions.

“There’s no obligation or jealousy in a polyamory family,” he replied. “Just lots of love and companionship to share the work and the fun.”

“Poly as in being in love with more than one person?”

“Bingo. Candy and Adam and me, we’ve got three-quarters of what we need.” His expression intensified and his body seemed to expand, filling the small room with his power. “I’m looking for my own wife. You up for it?”

She forced a smile at his words. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Her stomach clenched at the thought of marriage. Parts further south zinged at the idea of sharing a bed with two sexy men. But she had enough on her plate with getting through tonight! She turned her concentration to her sleeping son and tried to ignore the man across the rug.

He refused to be ignored. He leaned forward, elbows resting on his jeans, and clasped his hands. She stared at them. Tanned, with old nicks and scratches showing up white. No rings, nor a watch.

“You didn’t answer my question, sweetling.”

His voice, deep and sensual, sent shivers down her back and over her belly.

“You were just joking.”

“I don’t joke about marriage.”

“You don’t know the first thing about me!”

“You’re sexy, smart, a super mom, you nuke a mean dinner—”

He counted on his fingers as he spoke.

“With a past you know nothing about,” she interrupted.

As soon as she heard her own words, she cringed at the touch of whining. Almost everyone had bad things happen to them and they

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survived. She’d vowed to make sure her child never had to struggle.

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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