Read Courting Passion Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

Courting Passion (5 page)

BOOK: Courting Passion
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“Oh, that’s perfect, right there, yes,” he shouted, his voice rising in pitch as his face and upper chest flushed with arousal. On a low, muted roar he climaxed, his cock hammering the back of her throat as thick, salty seed shot into her mouth. Katherine swallowed as he emptied his balls into her.

Garth’s grip on her hair loosened as he rode through his release, his cock only going partially soft. Clearly, he wasn’t close to finished with her. When he’d come down, she ran her tongue around the tip of his head, pleased with herself for not flinching as his thick cock all but suffocated her, bruising her throat with his enthusiasm.

When she was certain he’d relaxed, even though he hadn’t softened much at all, she lifted her head from him and licked her lips like a very satisfied woman.

“That was a delicious appetiser,” she purred. He lifted his hands to her shoulders and held her. Guiding her back onto his lap, he kissed her and plundered her mouth with his tongue.

She shared his taste with him, eating at his mouth as her own arousal spiked. His cock stirred beneath her slacks and heat radiated from him. Katherine unfastened her suit pants and wriggled her body as she slid the smooth material down her thighs to her knees.

Pressing Garth back onto the couch, she continued to kiss him as she stretched her legs behind her. A few tugs and she managed to slip the trousers off. They crumpled into a pool on the floor.

With her palms flat against the muscles of his chest, Katherine pushed herself reluctantly to her feet. Garth sat forward, his hands reaching for her. Chortling, she ducked his hands and grinned at him.

“If you want me, you’ll have to catch me.”

Garth raised his eyebrows at her. With a sexy swish of her ass, she turned and fled. Loud, thumping footsteps followed her as she fled into the kitchen. Racing around the island bench Katherine sucked in a breath as her bare feet slapped on the cool tiles.

Bloody hell, her juices were flowing. Excitement sang through her blood. She shot a quick look over her shoulder and saw Garth barely two paces behind her. She feinted right, as if she were about to run out into the back yard but dived left at the last moment.

A thump sounded as Garth pushed himself off the back door. The mental image that it brought to mind made her chuckle, his curses filled the air. She dashed down the hall towards the bedroom. The smooth floorboards felt slippery under her feet. She could feel the vibrations of his heavy step catching up with her. Unable to restrain herself, Katherine laughed in sheer delight as she crashed through the bedroom doorway and felt warm, solid arms wrap around her.

Garth’s momentum lifted her and they both fell into a heap on the bed. She wriggled and tried to see if she could get free and really make him work for it. He slapped her arse, the minute sting thrilling her even through the lace of her knickers.

“Damn, that made me hot,” Garth said breathlessly. “Nothing gets the fires burning more than chasing a naked, hot woman around. You’ll be lucky if I can do justice to you, sweetheart.”

Katherine laughed, certain that no matter what Garth ended up doing to her, it would be amazing. They were both too worked up to be left partially satisfied now. She flipped on to her back and tried to squirm free. Garth chained both her wrists in his iron grip and pressed his hot, hard body along the length of hers.

“Enough, you wench,” he snapped. “I’m on the very edge here. If you run again it might not end as prettily as you want.”

The whip in his tone caught her attention and she met his gaze with her own. Dark and burning, she saw he was serious.

“Garth,” she said, her smile gone as she absorbed the fact he wasn’t joking. “It’s very difficult to rape the willing. I don’t mind some rough play, indeed if what we did together back at the park was any indication, I get off on it as much as you do. I want you to ream my arse, and I am craving to explore this darker side you’ve opened up in me. You don’t need to be afraid I’ll tease you, lead you on a merry dance then scream, point a finger and cry rape.”

Garth studied her a minute and she willed him to see how honest she was. Satisfaction and something far more intoxicating shone in his black eyes.

“Shortbread,” he rumbled as he nuzzled the sensitive spot at the base of her neck. Katherine shivered, delight spiking through her blood as her body heated and wept for him.

“What?” she choked out, the word making no sense to her as a lusty haze swept through her brain.

Garth looked around, then she saw him spot the second drawer of her bedside table open a crack, half a pantyhose leg dangling out the edge. She’d dressed in a hurry and not had time to be neat. His eyes lit up as if he had spotted a shilling on the street. He bent over her, tugged the stockings into his hand and wound them around her wrists.

Her mouth opened silently, unable to stop him when something deep inside her craved this. He watched her with a steady gaze as he bound her wrists. Katherine weighed the risk verses the reward.

Should she truly become desperate or fear for her life, the restraints would not stand to a dedicated assault. That gave her confidence, but she didn’t think it would matter to Garth. He wanted to hold her steady and likely give her the feeling of being tied up, restrained, not in control. That thought thrilled her, so she didn’t utter a word in argument.

“If I get too close to a line for you, if I push you too hard, you can stop me by saying the word ‘shortbread’. You have my word on it.”

Katherine thought for all of two seconds before nodding.

“Okay,” she agreed. “Shortbread it is. I hope you don’t expect me to break easily, though. I’m not some tame little virgin, you know. I’m not going to whine and cry if you slap my arse a few times, or if you pound that lovely thick cock as far into my pussy as you can reach. I’m an agent, just like you, trained and tested by fire, bloodied and true. I’m not some vanilla little debutante looking for a quick thrill. You want me to beg for you? You want me to scream and plead and cry for you to stop? You’ll have to earn those pleas from me, Garth Spenser.”

Just as she’d hoped, her words inflamed him, she could see his reaction as she verbalised her own wicked fantasies and likely hit more than a few of his own hot spots as well, if his rapid breathing was any indication.

Bloody hell, just looking at him made her wet. Here, in her bed kneeling above her was the bad boy of her dreams and most sensual, secret fantasies. Garth was a man she knew who could match her pace and not break. He could take all of her, every aspect of the complicated person she was and demand more, push her harder and further and not lag behind.

He was the perfect counterpoint for her own stubborn strength.

More than that, she trusted him implicitly.

He must have read something in her eyes, for he hesitated, glancing at her. Not wanting to talk, wanting to feel him penetrate her every orifice and wash away the serious nature of her thoughts, she teased him once again.

“What’s the matter, Garth? You getting a little bit of stage fright? I didn’t know you suffered from performance nerves. How about you untie me and I’ll give you a hand, or even two if you prefer. I can guide you along, lead you by the cock.”

Garth snorted, though Katherine got the strong feeling he saw straight through her tough words and saw her worry beneath. She had a feeling he’d not let that train of thought drop, but he appeared to shelve it for later and she was grateful for that.

“Oh, sweetheart, you’ve proven that luscious mouth of yours has such better uses. I won’t waste my erection on another showing of the true talents of those lips. Instead I think I’ll have a look at your other secrets instead.”

With a hard yank he ripped the delicate lace of her sheer undies, tossing the scrap aside. Willingly, she spread her legs for him, her bound hands lifted high above her head as she arched her back under his hot gaze.

“You have a body built for sin,” he murmured appreciatively.

Katherine laughed and shook her head, a flicker of competitiveness searing through her as she tried to push him harder.

“You have no idea, lover,” she purred. “Why don’t you test it out? See which one of us cries for mercy first?”

Reacting with eagerness to her challenge, he plunged three thick digits into her pussy. Katherine gasped at the stretching penetration, but accepted all he had to give. Her feet pressed down into the mattress as she braced herself. His thrusts were hard and deep, exactly what she craved. Her body blossomed, opening for him and sucking hungrily, demanding more.

Her eyes fluttered shut as he stroked his other hand between the folds of her labia and caressed her clit. Katherine moaned, heat and need burning inside her as her arousal grew.

“More,” she croaked, her voice raw with passion. The fingers tweaking her clit worked faster, the digits fucking her pussy moved harder within her and already Katherine could feel her lust tie a knot inside her stomach.

Suddenly, the exquisite playing of her clit stopped and she cried out with the loss. Garth stroked those fingers around her dripping cunt, the sensitive lips of her labia shuddering with the attention he paid them.

“Patience, sweetheart,” he murmured. “We have all night.”

“You might have all night,” she panted, though her taunt was only half-hearted as she watched him. “I’ve got some bad guys to hunt and chase down.”

Garth didn’t reply, appearing too focused to vocalise anything.

“You have no idea how beautiful you are to me like this. Open, braced, soaking wet. I want to see how you deal with all of me. Open wider, little girl.”

Before she could guess what he meant, Garth pressed the slick, free index finger of his other hand to her tightly furled anal passage. Katherine sucked in a harsh breath as the closed muscles refused to budge. Garth continued to force his way inside her until the tip of his digit pressed deep in her passage.

Slick with her own cream, he twisted the finger left and right, coating the lubricant inside her arse. The tight channel burned with the alien penetration. She’d never done this, not wanted or felt the need to share such an intimate possession with any man. Katherine gulped for air as he continued to push the wet finger deeper, to the second knuckle.

“Hurts, doesn’t it, sweetheart?” Garth purred. Katherine’s legs fell wider apart as she surrendered to him. It was true, the painful pressure was close to unbearable. As he continued the steady thrust of his fingers in her pussy, however, the fierce possession slowly blossomed into something darker, more wonderful than she had ever experienced before.

The blending of pain and ecstasy mingled until it was impossible to separate them from each other.

“Garth,” she pleaded. He tutted and bent to kiss her lips. Not for a moment did either of his hands slow down. Pumping one hand inside her cunt, pushing her higher and closer to her peak, he reached the other finger as far into her as it could.

And then she felt the hard press of his middle finger, prying at her entrance, looking to see if it, too, could squeeze in and join in the party.

“I don’t think—”

She couldn’t even finish the sentence before the tip of his middle digit pressed inside her small hole. Her back bowed off the bed, her head pressed down into the softness of her mattress and a cry escaped her lips, caught somewhere between abject pleasure and unbearable pain.

Her orgasm built, the roiling emotions uncontainable. Katherine had never experienced such a perfect blend of diametrically opposing feelings. On the one hand she sat on the knife edge of pain, almost but not quite more than she could bear. On the other hand she knew the orgasm building within her was bigger, stronger and far more intense than anything she had ever been through. The intoxicating level of her feelings defied description.

And still Garth pressed her buttons.

More slowly this time he eased his second finger inside her arse. He scissored his fingers to stretch her tiny, virgin passage and stars burst behind her eyes. Incoherent sounds fell from her lips as Katherine lost control of the power of speech. Shuddering, curling upwards to feel more of him she recalled her hands were bound and she couldn’t grab a hold of him.

“Untie me, Garth,” she pleaded. Opening her eyes, she shot him a hot look. His cocked eyebrows dared her to push him further. She used hot words as she had previously, the only weapon remaining for her.

“I want to hold you, mark you, bite you and claim you as mine,” she insisted. “Just as you’re claiming me, I want you to know this is an equal partnership.”

He looked at her for a moment and she held his hot gaze. Finally he nodded and pulled the fingers out of her pussy, licking them, taunting her by taking his time.

“I don’t really have the patience tonight to do justice to your arse anyway,” he spoke with a wry glance to his erect and pulsing shaft.

Katherine lifted her head and stared at him. Slick, clear juice leaked down his shaft. He obviously was in near painful arousal and only sheer stubborn control kept him in check.

With clear reluctance he gradually removed the two fingers from her ass, giving her a pat when she lay there feeling empty and irrationally abandoned.

“Next time, sweetheart, my oath on it. Tonight, I believe I need the feel of you and release far too much.”

Katherine held her hands out to him and he untied them, the ripped stockings dropping to the floor as he tossed them aside.

“The top drawer,” she murmured. He moved to the side and she heard the soft crinkle of foil. Seconds later he returned and she pounced on him, pressing him back into the mattress and straddling him. Eagerness surged as she finally—after a seeming eternity—had her lover exactly where she wanted him.

Not for the first time he surprised her. As Katherine sank down on his thick, pulsing shaft he cupped his warm hand across her arse and helped pull her until he was fully sheathed. As she caught her breath, adjusted to the enormous penetration, he slapped her arse with a quick, hard spank.

The sound of his open hand striking her flesh resounded through her room and she stared in shock. Her eyes widened and she caught his gaze. Smug, utterly male satisfaction shone in his eyes.

BOOK: Courting Passion
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