Read Country Boy 2 Online

Authors: Blake Karrington

Country Boy 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"Hey, yo son, we betta get this nigga to a Hospital," said one of the voices Inside the house. "This nigga ain't gonna make it B. June looked in the window and spotted what appeared to be four figures sitting in the living room area of the house.


As darkness covered them they layed and waited for a chance to make their move. Movement in the house caused them to become alert. Low voices were followed by more movement. The front door swung open and one of their targets went to retrieve something from the windowless Black Impala.


June and Game Tight made their move.


Meanwhile inside the house Kwan was beginning to wonder what was taking Dame's younger brother Quake so long until he heard the door behind him open.


"Damn Son, what took you so long?" He said without looking back.


Quake couldn't answer for the six inch barrel of Game Tight's forty cal. pushed deep down in his throat. The sound of him choking made Kwan look over his shoulder.


"What the fu...."


"Sit yo ass down nigga," said Game Tight cutting him off.


The other two cats sitting to Kwan's left didn't move. Kwan knew the young nigga couldn't watch all three of them and immediately began trying to draw his attention towards him.


"Take it easy, young nigga. What's this all about, Son?"


His scheme seemed to be working until he saw the other figure form in the doorway. June's first step inside the door was followed by two quick shots. Both found their target.


Kwan could only stare at the two twitching bodies only a few feet away from him. Bodies that only a few moments ago were full of life. When he turned back to face June he was looking down the barrel of his Mac-10.








Dame gripped the edges of the bed tightly as she took the whole length of his shaft into her mouth deep throating it and working her hands at the same time.


It was Keshia's best friend Candi, who had been sneaking behind her back with Dame for months.


"Aaaahhh, shhhiiitt," Dame groaned, still fighting to stay on top of the bed. His grunts of passion was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. He contemplated not answering it as he gazed at Candi performing brain surgery on the head of his dick, but he answered anyway.


"Yeah, speak."


No response.


"Hello." He said again.


He was about to hang up when he heard his baby brother Quake begging for his life. Dame's whole body became numb as he heard the first of six muffled gunshots hitting flesh. June's voice spoke into the receiver.


"Come'and get yo brother motha-fucka, you and the rest of yo family got next."


"Nooooll!" Dame screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking Candi completely off the bed.


"I'ma kill yo bitch ass, son.... That's my word nigga!" He continued yelling while getting dressed. Only to be heard by a dial tone.


June was gone.








The alleyway leading to the lower section of the apartments on Long Drive was pitch dark. Off in the distance you could see the glow of a lit cigarette being inhaled into someone's lungs.


Keshia had dozed off on her couch when the light tap on her rear door startled her awake. She sat up listening, her heart pounding.


Tap.... Tap.... Tap.... There it was again.


"No one ever used her rear door,' she thought. 'Except.... Except....' "It couldn't be," she mumbled to herself. Keshia got up and walked through her kitchen to her rear door. She waited.


Tap.... Tap.... Tap....


During their relationship June and Keshia used a code whenever he entered her apartment. June would always stress to her about stick up boy's trying to come up off another nigga's hustle. Keshia repeated t;he taps with three of her own, meaning she was alright and that it was safe.


"Open up Kesh."


She opened the door, but June didn't enter. He stood in the doorway and stared Keshia directly in her eyes. Tears slowly ran down both her cheeks as she held his gaze. June noticed the puffiness around her left eye and could tell she was recovering from a recent black eye. Seeing her this way crushed him. Even though she had really fucked up, June did care about her. He stepped inside the door then took her in his arms. Keshia melted.


"Baby, I'm sorry. I.... I...."


"Shhh." June hissed in her ear. "It's okay Kesh,. It's cool now, I got you."


"But June, I have to tell...."


"Tell me later." He said cutting her off again. "Right now I want you to grab some clothes and wake up Jamal and his brother. I'm taking y'all wit me."


"Okay." Keshia answered.








Meanwhile, Dame had just finished making arrangments to have his brother's body shipped back to New York, to a gre'ving Mother. But not before putting a fifty thousand dollar price tag on June's head.


Leaving the Hospital Q and Van stopped by his Kennel before finally making it home. After wrestling with Bear for a while Q prepared himself for a much needed shower. Once inside he stood with his head under the steaming water enjoying it's warmth. When he suddenly felt the coolness of air on his back and buttocks. It was Van who had pulled back the shower curtain stepping into the shower behind him. She didn't speak as she moved her body closer to him, her hands gently probing his body. Q closed his eyes as Van reached around him insearch of his manhood. Closer now, he could feel the presence of her erect nipples pressing against his back.


"Oooaaahhh," he grunted as she stroked him back and forth. She began kissing his lower back and buttocks, never losing her gentle strokes on his love muscle which caused Q's sounds of passion to become louder and louder.


On her knees in front of him now. Van passionately seduced him with her warm mouth, applying just the right amount of suction. Releasing one more powerful groan, Q found himself fighting with the shower curtain, soap dish, and the towel rack trying to gain his balance before finally settling down on the edge of the tub attempting to relax and enjoy the ultra soft lips of his soul-mate.


Van sexed him with her mouth until she knew he was about to explode, then she gently massage his testicles, calming him back down.


She loved the crazy faces Q made and would oftentimes mock him, after they'd finish making love. Staring directly up into his eyes made lust consume him, and before Van could resist, Q had pulled her to her feet closing his mouth down on top of one of her firm breast.


It had been over months since the last time he'd had sex and his body was hungry. Not wasting much time on each soft mound Q made his way down to her wetness. Sucking hungrily on her clit, it was Van who found herself fighting now for her own balance to stand.


"Ooohhh God Q!!'" She screamed.... "Baby I need you."


He didn't make her wait. Q picked her up placing her body against the back wall of the shower with her legs wrapped firmly around his waist. Slowly he entered her.


"Hummmmm," Van moaned as he eased her down on top of his love muscle. Placing his hands against the wall he began Rhythmatically pushing himself deep down inside her love canal. Instantly Van began shuddering and calling his name as their flesh on flesh action started making it's own music. Somehow they found themselves on the floor, their bodies still joined together like snakes. Van grinded her hips while looking down at him through glassy eyes.


"Baby, give it to me!!!" She screamed as her third orgasm claimed her body. The contractions caused Q to lose himself. Her lustful screams were met by grunts of passion as he squeezed her ass tightly bringing her to him. Within minutes they both layed exasperated but fulfilled on the floor.








The next morning Tee awoke with Q sitting next to her holding their Son.


"I was beginning to wonder if you were planning on sleeping all day." Q said.


Tee was weak, but managed to smile.


Q continued.... "Get some rest ma, we have some debts to pay." "I wouldn't miss it for the world." She mumbled before falling back into a deep sleep.








Q had just driven away from the Hospital when Van texted him and informed him of the fifty thousand dollar hit on not only June, but every female associated with any member of the P.G. Crew.


Sitting alone he pondered the whole situation. Fifty thousand dollars was a lot of money and no matter how strong the Crews reputation had them labeled.... Q knew the chances of someone trying to collect that money was almost certain.


"Damn.... It's about to get nasty." Q mumbled as he picked up his cell to call each and every one of the Girl's to warn them.


He reached everybody except June.... He dialed his number again, this time putting the Crew's Emergency Code behind the number. Each and every member of the P.G. Crew lived by the Code. If they were knee deep in pussy and Code 45 showed up on their two-way, no matter how good it was, they had to pull out of it.


Thirty minutes later he still hadn't heard from June, so he dialed Van's number again. After discussing the situation with Baby Rasta they decided to meet up at his Dog Kennel.


Q arrived first and was not only greeted by his dog's, but also by the sound of hammers driving nails into wood echoing over and over through the trees.


Before his arrest he had suprised Van with the blueprints to their new Dream Home. From that day foward she would load Bear in her Lexus SUV and would drive out to their future Home site to plant flowers. He was shocked coming home to find out that she had continued with..their plans.


"What's up ma? What are you doing here?" Q asked as Van walked up.


"I live here remember?" Van said before kissing him on the bottom of his chin.


"And what did I tell you about walking on the grass Q?" She said then punched him in the chest.


"Alight ma."


"Alight what?" She teased, jabbing him again.


Q reached out and grabbed her pulling her to him, then quickly picked her up tossing her over his shoulder. He carried her a few feet before easing her back to the ground. She was laughing loudly when, Bear charged out of a small wooded area with Death in his eyes.


"At ease big boy'!!" Q commanded. Bear relaxed.


A while later he was sitting under a large tree with Van, Baby Rasta, and Inga discussing the idea of why June hadn't called him back.


"Damn, that nigga know the Rules when It comes to our Code!!'" Q complained out loud.


"Patience love." Van said while gently rubbing his back. Q Was silent as he gazed out over his Dog Kennel which still consisted of around twenty dogs. After winning their Championships his two favorite dogs Skull and Tyson, were retired to stud. But at six years of age they were still the biggest Arch Rivals at the Kennel.


Skull had a Son that Q named Skull Jr. whom was a clone of his Father. At only ten months of age, a large three year old male somehow managed to break his chain, then jumped on young Skull Jr.. Two hours later Q showed up for their afternoon feeding and found Skull Jr. still chewing on a Dead Dog. That was his first kill. Skull Jr. was eighteen months old now and still no dog had ever survived a confrontation against him.


"Why are you staring at that Dog like that?" Van asked making him break his gaze.


"His eyes, shawtey."




"His eyes.... Look into his eyes, ma. Do you see it?" He asked again.


"Yes Q, I see his eyes but..,."


"Nah." He cut her off saying. "You have to look beyond his eyes. Then you will see exactly what I see."


"And what is that?"


"Death." Q said without hesitation. "He has a thirst for killing ma."


Van nodded her head showing that she understood.

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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