Read Cosmic Bliss Online

Authors: Stormie Kent

Cosmic Bliss (6 page)

BOOK: Cosmic Bliss
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“Let’s—” Pain lanced through Acia’s belly.

“Acia,” Shunyuan said. His face showed his concern and he
crowded her slightly.

“I’m well.” She pushed lightly against his chest. Just the
small contact made her discomfort worsen. “Let’s split up. Shunyuan and I will
take the door to the far right.”

The room was dimly lit and just as hazy as the central room.
Where it was noisy in the main room this chamber was almost silent. Intense
concentration and seriousness marked every face. The tables were crammed in the
space and men and women of various species sat, holding cards and eyeing each other

Acia moved slowly. The farthest corners were so dark she
needed to search them up close. She and Shunyuan were regarded suspiciously,
but not accosted or called out. Acia looked at Shunyuan as their tour of the
room led them back to the door. He shook his head. He hadn’t seen an Evro or
Gastronian either.

They returned to the hallway. The other women were exiting
the rooms they had just searched. Everyone moved to the last door. Inside, each
pair took a different direction. Acia and Shunyuan went to the right. Figia and
Ruvia headed to the left and Berisa and Cheris wound their way around the
tables in the center of the room.

Acia struggled to block her mate link with Shunyuan. She was
deep in need and only her determination to find Zon’a kept her from turning to
Shunyuan and pulling his pants to his ankles. Soon she would be too unfocused
for resistance.

“Yellow skin, white hair,” Shunyuan said.

Acia turned in the direction he nodded and peered into the
far corner. A tall, thin Evro man sat with his back against the wall on the
right side of the room.

“This may be the Evro,” she whispered into the com link.

The Evro looked up. His gaze went from Acia and Shunyuan to
the other women converging on him. He grinned. His fangs flashed. The man
turned his hologram cards face down on the table and gathered his information
pad. There were protests from the other players.

“I have guests, ladies and gentlemen. I will return
shortly,” the Evro said. He stood and came around the table as the
crew reached them.

“I have a room where we can have this conversation in
private,” he said.

“Where is she?” Acia asked.

“So impatient. I have the answers to finding what you seek.
You must come with me to get them.”

Acia knew he was lying, yet she also knew she didn’t have
much choice. They followed him. He bypassed the elevator and went up the
stairs. His room was directly to the right. He deactivated the lock with his
palm. Acia watched Shunyuan pull out the blaster Berisa had given him. He’d
learned the basics of the weapon very quickly.

The chamber was composed of one small primary room, a
bathing room and a closet. Berisa checked the bathing room. Acia handled the
closet even as her body screamed. Every part of her throbbed now, not just her
pussy and belly. She laid a hand over her blaster. Her hands shook.

“She isn’t here.” The Evro sat in an armchair. “But she said
you’d come.”

“Why didn’t she stay then? Why have you brought us up here?”
Acia asked.

“Apparently, you aren’t as important as you think.” He smiled.
“Zon’a actually left for Gastronia shortly before you arrived. I was to hold
you here if I could. She doesn’t want to play just yet.”

They abandoned the room quickly and headed for the street.
Her anger mixed with the pain from the fervor created a dangerous combination.
She wanted to destroy something. She wanted to race after Zon’a, but more than
that she wanted to lie down in the street and beg Shunyuan to take her.

“Did you see a Gastronian ship as we came in?” Acia asked.

“No, but not spotting the ship doesn’t mean there isn’t
another dock,” Figia responded.

“Can you find it?” Ruvia asked.

Figia worked furiously on her information pad.

,” Acia whispered.

She doubled over. Invisible knives jabbed at her stomach.
Heat consumed her body. Her pussy throbbed, contracting over and over,
demanding she satisfy it and receive her mate. There was no way to control the
fervor or to keep from broadcasting her feelings through the mate link. She
burned and only one thing would fix it.

“Dammit, Acia.” He crouched next to her. Her knees gave way.
Shunyuan caught her.

“I’ve got you,” he whispered.

My mate.
She turned into his chest and wrapped her
arms around his neck. He stood and she circled his waist with her legs. There
was no way to stop the rhythmic slide of her pussy against his body.

“Please, I need you,” she whispered against his mouth.

Fire exploded in her bloodstream. Their clothes were in the
way. She wanted him naked with his cock buried deep inside her now. She pulled
one hand away from his neck and began to unfasten her jacket.

“No, not here, Acia,” Shunyuan said.

“Now, I need your cock now. I can’t wait.”

Cheris moved forward. “We have too far to travel back to the
ship. She’s going to get louder and more out of control.”

Acia was already out of control and out of time. She needed
her pussy filled immediately and she needed to find fulfillment or she was
going to scream until Shunyuan filled her with his cock. She didn’t have a

“Where then?” Shunyuan asked.

Acia kissed his neck. Her jacket dangled from one arm.
“Here. Now.” She needed him now.

“It’s too late to get a room. The streets are mostly
deserted. We can guard the entrance to the alleyway between this casino and the
next. The only thing to worry about is video surveillance,” Cheris said.

Acia wanted her mate. His unique smell, the taste of his
skin on her tongue as she licked his jaw and the feel of his skin beneath her
bare hand spurred her to demand sex aggressively.

“Fuck me now!” She leaned back and used her free hand to
work on his jacket.

She knew they were moving, but didn’t care. Her body felt as
if it were being pushed and pulled in different directions and her pussy
throbbed unmercifully.

Suddenly, her back was pressed against something cool and
smooth. Shunyuan pushed her legs down.

“No.” She simultaneously bit him and tried to bring her legs
back up and around him.

“Ouch dammit! I need to get your pants down.”

She stopped resisting him and attempted to assist with the
fastener. He pushed her hands away. Shunyuan shoved the pants and her panties
down. She couldn’t stop undulating as he removed her left boot and pulled her
leg out of the clothing. He lifted her and she immediately wrapped her legs
around his waist again.

It was hard to breathe as she held on to his shoulders with
both hands and kissed him. She felt him fumble one-handed with his pants. Just
when she believed she would start cursing and yelling, Acia felt his cock at
the entrance to her pussy. She sighed in relief as he entered her.

“You are so wet,” he whispered.

She tightened her legs around his waist and rocked her hips
toward him, urging him to move faster. She was desperate for him. A climax
would be the only thing to bring her any relief and he was the only man who
could give it to her. Her world narrowed to Shunyuan and how he made her feel.

She breathed in short, uneven gasps. His every thrust sent
tingles and sparks throughout her body, yet the pain was still present and
mixed with the pleasure of fervored sex with her mate. Every thrust was ecstasy
and every withdrawal hell. It was exquisite and bittersweet.

Shunyuan clutched her ass. She watched as his face tensed
each time he plunged within her. Excitement coursed through her. His eyes bored
into her, ramping up her desire that she could barely control. She felt his
shoulder muscles bunch and release under her hands. She wished she could shred
their clothing so they would be chest to chest, skin to skin.

As the rapturous pain within her rose, her ability to
concentrate diminished. She’d waited too long and now the relief she usually
felt when he was inside her was elusive. The pain didn’t subside as her body
climbed toward fulfillment. As her pleasure increased so did the torture
centered primarily in her pussy, belly and breasts. The ache radiated out to
her limbs. Even her fingers and toes tingled. In the coolness of the alley,
Acia could feel sweat drip between her breasts. Her body’s temperature was
elevated due to the fervor.

Then Shunyuan opened the mate link and allowed her to share
his feelings. Lust, desire and need ensnared her and her thoughts and feelings
focused on Shunyuan, not her pain. Her world narrowed to the feel of his hair
against the back of her hands and the muscles bunched under her palms. Her
focus collapsed to his shaft as it drove into her woman’s place and her pussy’s
efforts to grab him back as he pulled almost completely out of her.

Her eyes were filled with his brown skin as it glistened
with sweat. She heard the rasp of his breathing. His scent would forever be
branded on her skin, woodsy and musky, yet crisp and clean as the new dawn on
Dovia. The mate bond helped to force her to peak. She started to scream but was
muffled by his mouth covering her lips. Acia shivered, suddenly cool, where before
she had been overly warm.

She shared the moment with him deep in the mate link. When
he thrust twice more and succumbed to orgasm her body responded and she was
pulled with him, sharing his delight even as it caused her own. Her body
twitched and shook in turns, reminding her never to wait too long to seek
release again.

“Are you better?” He lips pressed against hers.


She was unsteady and leaned back against the metal wall as
Shunyuan helped her back into her clothes and righted his own. She looked
around and sighed deeply. It seemed sort of tawdry to have sex in an alley with
your destined mate.

“It’s okay, Acia. It isn’t wrong to take what you need. You
were in pain. You aren’t now.”

She stared up at him and searched his eyes and their link
for shame or disappointment. How would she recover from this? If he turned from
her in disgust would she be able to control her reaction? Could she let him go
without breaking down and disgracing herself?

He grinned. “And it was kind of hot. I’ve never had a woman
scream at me ‘Fuck me now’ in the middle of the street before.”

Acia blushed and smiled hesitantly. Maybe everything would
be well. They rejoined the others and headed back to the ship.


Shunyuan stepped onto the spaceship. He looked around at the
Dovian women. Aside from their good-natured teasing of Acia, the ship was
silent. Where were the other refugees from Earth?

He’d been so wrapped up in Acia and the strange, unwanted
connection they shared, he hadn’t sought them out. He didn’t know if they had been
fed. He couldn’t say if they were being mistreated. He looked sideways at Acia.
She laughed at something the blue-haired woman said. His chest tightened and he
could feel his suspicions evaporating with her smile.

He shook his head and hardened his resolve. He was only on
the ship helping Acia to secure safe passage for the humans he had promised to
protect. Were they even on the ship? He wasn’t going back into her quarters
without finding out. They could have tricked him.

Acia touched his arm. “Shunyuan, what is it?”

He faced her completely. Was she devious enough to keep him
separated from the other humans? The other women walked away, leaving them
standing in the dimly lit hallway.

“Where are the others like me? Where are the humans?”

Her eyes narrowed and she swept her gaze from his head to
his booted feet. He wouldn’t be swayed by any magical connection. Abruptly, she
turned and walked to a touchscreen pad in the wall. Her slender fingers danced
over the screen.

“I have not left your side since you came aboard the
. I am searching for the life signs of your alien friends.” Her tone
didn’t accuse, yet he was chastened anyway.

“I have found them.”

She walked down the corridor and he kept pace with her. For
once, he gathered nothing of her feelings or desires. She was closed to him. If
he pushed against the wall she’d erected between them he would be surrounded by
her feelings. Did he want the connection with her?

They stopped in front of a metal door that looked similar to
all the others. It opened immediately to reveal the people who had traveled
from Earth with him. They sat around tables eating. Someone laughed and the
sound settled some of his guilt. He stepped into the room and all conversation

“Shunyuan,” Judy said. A smile lit the woman’s face and she
stood as if to run to him. Then she gazed behind him at Acia.

“I will give you time alone with the Earthlings, Shunyuan.”
Acia’s eyes glanced from Judy to Shunyuan and then she turned and left the

The doors closed behind her. Somehow he could sense her
moving away from him. The sensation was decidedly unpleasant. He stared after
her for a moment before firming his spine and turning back to the group.
Everyone began talking at once. He placed his thumb and forefinger against his
tongue and whistled. The room got quiet.

He’d come to check on their welfare. “Have you been eating?
You aren’t being hurt?”

Judy tossed her ponytail over her shoulder. “We’re fine. We
have been sorting through the things they took from the ship the green men had.
We worried about you though. They wouldn’t tell us what happened to you after
you left with their captain.”

“I’ve been handling a job for her.”

Rod snorted. “Is that what they’re calling it now?”

Shunyuan faced him. He stared at the smaller man until Rod
looked away. This wasn’t the time for a challenge or a demonstration of his

BOOK: Cosmic Bliss
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