Read Continental Beginnings Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

Continental Beginnings (2 page)

BOOK: Continental Beginnings
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“Face the far back wall, Ms. Bartlet, head down.”

She hesitates and takes too long heeding my authority. This girl is pushing my limits. Is she not taking this course seriously? Does she not take
seriously? She must sense my agitation because she moves at double speed when I narrow my eyes at her.

“Kneel,” I bark as I hand her the heavy book. “I want your nose buried in chapter three until class is over and I expect a written apology on my desk by next session.”

“What about my practicum?” she interrupts.

“What about it? If you keep interrupting me I’ll suspend you for the entire night so close your mouth and do as you’re told before I lose all patience with you. This will be your only warning. If you get publicly inebriated again, I’ll bring it to the board’s attention and your acceptance into this program will be rescinded. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” she answers with an undertone of sarcasm and rolling her eyes.

“Are you trying to get expelled? Your tone, Ms. Bartlet – curb it and if I see those eyes roll again, your ass will pay for it,” I whisper low and strict while cupping her chin, forcing her to look at me. When her eyes widen and her bottom lip begins to tremble, I know I’ve made my point undeniably clear.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she responds apologetically.

After two hours of lecture, I pass on the practicum portion of instruction. I don’t want anyone or anything to fuck with my post Bella high.


Chapter 3

One week after my encounter with the lovely and beguiling Bella Darcy, and her first day of work finally arrives. HR took their sweet ass time getting all of her paperwork and orientation done and I’ve been impatient to see her again. Class time hasn’t even satiated me like it normally does and I’ve lost my appetite for other women. I’ve even temporarily opted out of future practicum sessions, despite the school’s incessant pleading that my expertise is highly desired.

Feeling anxious, I’m pacing my office waiting for her arrival. What time is it? 9:07 a.m. She’s late.
. Standing at the window and staring out while I wait for her, I wonder if I’ve built her up in my mind to be something she isn’t. Maybe I’ve been deluding myself and what happened was just a fluke. It’s not uncommon for me to get over enthusiastic when faced with beauty and submissiveness. I sigh in annoyance at my flaws.

“Mr. Pettifor?” a delicate voice chimes in, startling me and making me jump.

She entered so quietly I didn’t even hear her. Turning on my heel, I come face-to-face with Bella’s evocative eyes once again. No, I didn’t build her up near enough. She’s even more charming than I remember. But those clothes…

I almost call her by her first name but catch myself. We’re not going down that road.

“Ms. Darcy, tardiness won’t be tolerated.”

“My apologies. Traffic was insane.”

“No excuses, please.”

She lowers her eyes to the floor and remains silent. After a long hushed minute she responds, “Are you angry with me?”

How do I respond to such a heartfelt question?

“No, of course not, I’m simply laying down the ground rules for our work relationship.”

“Thank you. If you could please write out what your expectations of me are, that would make things easier for me,” she says shyly, scanning the floor.

Excellent idea.
I reach over to her and finger her chin, guiding her to look at me. She blinks rapidly, her mouth parts and I have to resist the urge to fuck her on my desk again.

“When you speak, always look the person you’re speaking to in the eyes. It’s a sign of weakness and deceptiveness when you don’t.”

Thoughtfulness shines in her bright indigo eyes as she nods her understanding, and I can’t resist leaning in and kissing the corner of her delicate mouth.

“You’re stunning, Ms. Darcy, and I hope you prove to be not only easy on the eyes but hard working and tenacious. Those qualities in combination with one another and you can rule the world if you so choose.”

When I look at her face, her eyes remain closed as if she’s waiting for another kiss and a smile plays across my mouth. I quickly pull myself together when she opens her eyes.

“First thing: You must be dressed accordingly to be my personal assistant.”

She studies her attire as if confused by my statement. Leading her to the large bank of office windows by a chaise lounge, I leave her to close the office door and lock it, and then gather her clothing.

“Remain still and don’t speak.”

I pick out a lovely pleated pastel pink plaid skirt and white button front, short-sleeved sheer top from my clothes closet. Bringing them over to her, I lay them out on the chaise. I undress her slowly, skimming my fingers over her soft, bare skin.

“Lift your arms,” I instruct as I lift her shirt over her head.

After removing her undergarments, she stands fantastically naked in front of me in full view of the San Francisco cityscape. To my surprise, this gorgeous woman nervously scans the windows.

“You have no need to be self-conscious with me or with anyone else, Ms. Darcy; none whatsoever. In fact, a self-assured and confident woman is a thing to behold. Wipe all previous negative things ever spoken to you from your mind right this instance. You’re nothing less than picturesque like the view out these windows. Take it in and own your sexuality.”

Her eyes flutter closed, she inhales deeply and slows her breathing.

“Now open your eyes and look at me.”

When she does, a more self-assured woman is facing me and I know instantly that this woman is like clay in my hands, waiting to be molded into something brilliant and dazzling like a piece of sculpture.

“Outstanding. Now let’s get you dressed.”

I dress her unhurriedly, enjoying how her body moves in sync with mine.  I decide it best to leave her with nothing underneath to be a lesson on self-awareness. Her large brown areola and thick nipples can be seen through the delicate fabric of her blouse and the curve of her ass can be seen through the skirt, and I second guess my decision to leave her bare underneath her outfit. This will definitely make it harder for me to concentrate.

I seat myself in the chaise and put on her stockings and new heels.

“I’m not sure I can walk in these,” she states.

“Practice makes perfect.  In all things,” I reply suggestively.

Instructing her to walk around in them, I lie back in the lounger and watch her pace the room back and forth, unsteadily at first. She stumbles several times but eventually gets her footing after a short time and her movements become more graceful and agile.

Her curvy hips and small waist, her perfectly sized breasts and round ass are imploring me to corrupt every inch of her. Her decadent body was built to be fucked in the most scandalous and wanton ways imaginable and I’m just the man to do it.

Suddenly my appetite is back with a vengeance. Standing abruptly, I haul Bella over to the desk.

“I’m hungry, God damn it,” I growl into her ear.

“Then consume me,” she moans, leaning back and opening herself up to me.

Who is this fucking woman?

Pushing her skirt up, I dive into her relentlessly, biting and sucking at every part of her that I can get my mouth on. She groans out and thrashes around on the desktop. Feeling her hands on my shoulders moving towards my hair, I stand, back away and glare down at her.

“No touching, Ms. Darcy.
Not ever
.” Touching is too personal and stirs up the kind of sentimental emotions I want nothing to do with.

Her eyes narrow and she opens her mouth as if to say something in rebuttal and I back away further. When she closes her mouth, I move towards her ever so slightly and when her eyes soften and widen, I move closer yet.  She cocks her head and her eyes glow with comprehension. That’s right.
I call the shots and if she gets mouthy and doesn’t follow my rules, no playtime. She raises her hands above her head and locks her fingers together, watching my mouth cautiously.

“Good girl, Ms. Darcy. I’m glad you understand.”

“I told you I’m a fast learner,” she responds seductively.

Indeed she is.

With her attitude in check, I dive back in and finish what I started, bringing her to orgasm twice. I’m prepared this time and I reach into my top desk drawer and grab a condom and proceed to fuck my obliging pet bent over my desk. I slap her ass strictly and tug her hair, grunting into her ear.

“I won’t tolerate disobedience, Ms. Darcy, and I won’t put up with a smart mouth. My word is law and my decisions are final. Tell me you understand.”

“Yes, Sir, fully,” she cries out.

I cum hard and my pent up frustration of not having fucked in over a week is let loose. I slump into my office chair, my pants still around my ankles while I try to catch my breath. Bella stands and peels the condom off of me and dutifully cleans herself as well as me. That’s new. I’m usually the one doing the cleaning up.

Before I forget, I need to instruct her on one more thing before the day is over.

“Please go and wash off all that unnecessary make-up, Ms. Darcy. A natural beauty such as yourself shouldn’t hide behind all that paint. Lip gloss and mascara should do just fine to bring out your most appealing features. A true lady never seeks to bring attention to anything more than what her best assets are.”

Though in reality, all her assets are her best.

She promptly grabs her handbag and disappears into the restroom and when she returns, she looks magnificent. Her eyes are brighter and more noticeable and her enticing mouth is begging to be fucked.
No – absolutely not
. I’m not going down that road either. Her mouth on my cock is strictly off limits. I lose all sense of reason and rational when a women wraps her lips around my dick. I’ve made too many bad decisions after getting my cock sucked – like eloping and marrying a woman I knew was completely wrong for me in Vegas. As much as I want to deep throat this tasty little temptress, her mouth on my dick is a hard limit.

Thinking of limits, I decide to get started on writing up Bella’s expectations while she works with IT on getting her passwords set up and learning our system.

It’s strange, but it’s written much like a domestic discipline contract, though I doubt she has any idea what that is. The only things missing are the hard and soft limits. Just as I’m finalizing it, Bella knocks on the door and enters upon my command. She looks distressed but remains silent and I motion for her to sit.

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

She shakes her head
but the anxiety written on her face is all too evident.

“May I put something more appropriate on?” she asks timidly.

“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?”

“It’s too revealing.”

“Did someone tell you that?” I ask, moving in front of her.

She’s slouching and scanning the floor like before when she responds, “Yes.”

My blood begins to boil.

“Please look at me and tell me what happened,” I say gently.

She raises her eyes and they’re glassy and the unwelcome feeling of caring burgeons in my chest.


“Can I please just put a bra on?”

“Only if you insist,” I answer.

She chews her bottom lip as if mulling over her decision before she nods her head

“Thank you. I will.”

She stands and finds her bra but I quickly replace it with one that I bought for her instead. She tries to excuse herself to the restroom but I stop her.

“Put it on here. I enjoy watching you.”

Whoever said something to her has her feeling self-conscious again and I’ll be damned if I’ll allow someone to undermine my work. When she’s finished redressing, I inquiry her again.

“Now tell me who said something to you.”

“Dirk from IT. But please don’t say anything…”

Cutting her off, I interject, “Don’t instruct me on what needs to be done in my house, Ms. Darcy. If he made an inappropriate remark or gesture towards you, I can assure you it will be addressed.”

She sighs heavily and hangs her head as if ashamed but responds appropriately.

“Yes, Sir, as you wish.”

Feeling the need to comfort her, I pull her close and she buries her face in the lapels of my jacket.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You were following my orders and as long as you continue to do so, no one else’s opinion matters. Only mine.”

“Yes, Mr. Pettifor,” she says muffled against my chest.

This woman is utterly perfect for me…
No -
I don’t want this and I will not get attached to this woman, I WILL NOT,
I repeat over and over, each time with less conviction than before. Now it’s my turn to sigh heavily as my will power leaves me and she stands holding onto me for support.

Fucking hell, I hope this woman doesn’t belong to someone else. Damn me for being so weak. I firmly push her away, getting right back to business.

I will not fall for this woman.


Chapter 4

As I drive into work, I look at the calendar. It’s hard to believe it’s been six months since first meeting Bella. She’s come a long way since then, though everyday she sets a new learning curve for herself and she never fails to astound me with her eagerness to learn from me. Her beauty and grace are something I hold near and dear. Her sincerity and willingness to please me are beyond anything I’ve ever experienced, even at the school.

I’ve cut my hours back significantly and have only agreed to strictly classroom instruction which works out perfectly. It gives me time to catch up on the work that gets pushed aside during business hours when I’m feasting on my appetizing assistant.

I keep waiting for the shit to hit the fan or negative repercussions because of our unconventional arrangement, but so far only good things have come from being with Bella. She makes me feel alive and more alert than I’ve ever felt in my 34 years. Feeling generous and thankful for her presence, I dial Tiffany’s and arrange a gift for her - something in red to show how much passion she evokes in me. I make a quick stop before driving to the office to pick it up. It’s as stunning as she is.

BOOK: Continental Beginnings
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