Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) (4 page)

BOOK: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)
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Chapter Four


The plane ride home was quiet. Liam
spent most of the time on the phone, on his computer, and shuffling paperwork.
He was in the middle of another major buy out and had been out of the loop for
the last three days for the wedding and our Sunday social events, and was now
trying to catch up. I read, ate alone, and slept. He joined me in bed for a few
hours. We talked a little, made love twice then he went back to work.

I walked in the house and sat my suitcase at the bottom of
the staircase. I looked around and despite Liam telling me he had done some
redecorating, everything looked the same to me. Gerald, Rosa and Sophia rounded
the corner and I was quickly engulfed in a hug from Rosa. She was going on and
on about something in Spanish and of course I couldn’t understand her. Gerald
patted my back and told me how great it was to have me back, reminded Rosa I
couldn’t understand her, and then went out to get the rest of my things. Sophia
took out a stack of pictures of her daughter.

“Alright everyone, let’s not overwhelm her in the first five
minutes, give her some time to adjust to the time zone again, will you?” Liam
said as he helped Gerald with my suitcases. He nodded his head toward the
staircase and I started up.

We had continued our little game of him being a Dominant,
slave owning, bastard and me being a mouthy, defiant, little slave in the hotel
and all day Sunday while we ate brunch, shopped for new clothes for me and had
dinner at the Stackhouse’s. He even had the nerve to pleasure me with his hand
at the dinner table while talking to Mr. Stackhouse about stock options. I, of
course paid him back with a hand job in the bathroom after dessert. We had talked
very little except for when we were telling each other off. We both had so much
pent up aggression and sexual frustration that the game and not talking about
anything really worked for both of us. But now we were home. Now we were home
and life was going to resume. We needed to discuss how that life was going to
be and what he expected from me. It was early evening but we were both

I unpacked a few things and took in his redecorated bedroom
while he talked business in his study.

The room was now a deep gold color with colorful Indian
furniture. The bed was still huge and had four posts, but was now a deep brick
red color. His night stands were dark blue and looked faded, each with a
slightly different carving in the front. His new armoire was a faded sage green
with gold handles. My dresser, or what I assumed would now be my dresser, was
the dark Moroccan blue color I loved so much in the other room. Over the
headboard hung a huge mirror with a handcrafted gold frame and the walls were
decorated in colorful modern paintings. I heard the door open and turned to see
his face and was shocked by the art hanging near the door frame. Instead of
looking in his eyes, I walked to the wall and covered my mouth with my hand.
There in middle of the wall was the picture of me from the banquet. I was
standing alone, arms at my sides looking off to the side. There was a slight
shadow but you could still see my face. All around the picture were more
pictures of me and of us.

Pictures from Tiffany’s wedding, the dinner banquet and the
charity dinner, even a few from the hospital. I looked over at him wanting him
to say something. As if he could read my mind he spoke.

“Do you like what I have done with the place?” I nodded my
head. “I had these blown up and framed in hopes that you would be returning
with me.” He pointed at the wall with my pictures. “I can move them to another
room if you think it is too creepy in here.” He took a sip of his drink and
walked toward the bed.

“No, I love it.” I stood there not able to take my eyes

“I’m going to go take a shower.” I heard the bathroom door
shut but still didn’t move. When he came out a little while later I had moved
from where I was standing back to my suitcase and was unpacking again. He
walked around the room and sat on his side of the bed. He was wearing his long
pajama pants without a shirt, and looked very sexy as usual. I grabbed a few
things and went to the shower.

After all our assertiveness in Houston… now it was like we
barely knew each other again. He was back to the man that just wanted me to be
with him, and I was back to not knowing how to act around him.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing a short black lace
nightgown. He was standing at the end of bed and turned when he heard the door
open. I slowly walked to him and he reached out to touch my face.

“Norah, you are so beautiful,” he whispered. No other words
were spoken. We fell into each other’s arms and made love all night. This was
different than the rough sex at the wedding or in the hotel. It was different
from the kinky sex we had on the plane on our trip over. We took our time,
cherished each other, really touched each other, and looked in each other’s

We laid on our sides looking at each other. We were both
naked only covered by a sheet. He reached out and tucked some of my hair behind
my ear, but we still didn’t say anything. It was like he was just as confused
as to how to proceed as I was. Finally, he said something.

“Did I tell you Jane went back to Will?” he spoke softly.

“No. What? When did that happen?” I asked.

“About two months ago. She just showed up, saying how sorry
she was, and how she wanted him to take her back.”

“Really? I thought she hated him?”

I wanted to ask him if this meant he had forgiven Will for
what he had done to me, but I didn’t want to start an argument.

“I did too. But I guess she enjoyed her life with him more
than she really knew.” He paused and cleared his throat. “She was sad when she
heard we weren’t together anymore.” I lowered my eyes.

 “I was so sad and miserable without you, Norah. I wondered
every day what you were doing, who you were with, and I wanted to call you so

“I moved in with Tiffany and Jason. They have a room over
the garage, so I stayed there.” I took a deep breath. “At first I didn’t want
to do anything. I just knew you were coming back for me.” He reached out and
touched my face. “Finally, I went out and got a job at a restaurant, and tried
to have some kind of life.” I paused again. “Then I got your email, and the
pain started all over again.”

“Baby, I am so sorry.”

“I know. It’s alright now. But it hurt so badly then,
thinking you didn’t want me, thinking you were moving on with someone else.”

“I never didn’t want you, Norah. And moving on with someone
else was never gonna happen. It was a very lonely four months for me too. But being
with someone else wasn’t an option for me.”

“I was so happy to see you at Rebecca’s wedding, but I just
wanted to play hard to get.” I laughed.

“Well I don’t think it would have been as much fun as it was
if you had just submitted to me right from the beginning.” He laughed too. We
both stopped talking and just looked at each other again. I reached out and
touched his chest and he took my hand in his.

“Is that what you want? I mean, how we were in Houston, is
that how you want things now?” I asked the question that had been on my mind
since we landed. How did he want me to act now? Was he deeper in the Dominant
world now? Was I going to be his true slave?

“Is that what you want?” he asked back. I shrugged my

“I don’t know. I liked role playing like that. It was
empowering and very stimulating. But I can’t imagine being that aggressive all
the time. And I can’t imagine you being that forward and rude all the time
either.” He laughed.

“Rude? Is that how you would describe it?”

“Well I didn’t want to ruin the mood by calling you an
asshole,” I moved a little closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist
and rolled me on top of him.

“I like us the way we are now. I just like being with you
the way you are naturally, Norah. I like what we had before. I liked having you
as my submissive and my girlfriend and equal. We worked it out before, we can
work it out again.” He paused and kissed me. “But I have to say, I do like the
rebellious slave game too.” We kissed again. “I don’t want you to be scared of
me, you know I would never hurt you. I would never do anything to you I thought
you really didn’t want. I want your respect and yes, I like to have the final
say in….” he paused, “….most things.” He shrugged.

“So, you Tarzan, me Jane,” I said in my best Tarzan voice.
We laughed and he rolled on top of me.

“You think you are so funny, don’t you little one?”

He slowly raised my arms over my head and slid my wrists in
restraints he had tied to the head board. “Let’s see how funny you are now.” I
couldn’t stop him if I tried. But I wouldn’t have tried anyway.





I wasn’t sure she would let me tie
her up, but she didn’t resist. She was so open to me and open to trying new
things. I made love to her, cherishing every inch of her body. She may have
been tied to the bed but she consumed me.

I released her hands and we slept for several hours. When I
woke again she was sitting next to me with her knees to her chest, just staring
at me.

“What time is it?” I asked. She looked over at my alarm


“I feel like I have been run over by a freight train,” I
buried my face in my pillow.

“How did you become a Dominant?” she asked.

“What?” I asked and laughed in my pillow.

“How did you get involved with this lifestyle? Were they
recruiting Dominants on your college campus or something?” We both laughed and
I moved so my head was in her lap.

“I wasn’t unloved or abused if that is what you’re
thinking,” I said.

“I’m not thinking anything, I just want to know.”

“Well I always had the caveman issues, as you call them. I
noticed that about myself in high school.” I rolled so I was leaning on my right
elbow facing her. “I met Will my second year of college, and he told me about
this club. I begged him for months to take me, and he finally did. The club was
in Amsterdam. We went on Spring Break. It looked like an abandoned warehouse.
But when we went inside it was very different. Everything was draped in red
velvet and black furniture. In the middle of the room was a stage and there
were three separate scenes being played out. I didn’t even know what a scene
was at the time. There was a woman shackled to a wooden frame, naked,
blindfolded, and being whipped by a man.”

“In the middle was a man on his knees, wearing assless chaps
and a dog collar, kissing the leather boots of this woman dressed all in
leather. And on the other side there was a threesome with three men. There were
four big rooms like this, with people sitting around watching, some having
their own experiences, some just talking. Down the hall was a long row of
rooms…..peep show rooms. Each room had chairs and a tinted window. Behind the
windows were women, men, couples, threesomes, and even groups of people, each
room was different, all creating their own scenes. Upstairs there were private
rooms….private meaning smaller, less than ten people in each room, mostly
couples.” She just sat there spell bound not saying anything, completely
captivated by my description.

“I was completely turned on….who wouldn’t be. I wanted to
know more, I wanted to be part of it. Will told me if this was something I
really wanted to learn about he could show me.” I took a breath. “I trained as
a submissive for two years.”

“You as a submissive, I can’t even picture that.”

“Well in order to dominate, you must learn to serve. After
two years of submitting, I trained for another year as a Dominant, under a woman,
named Samantha Whitman.”

“You trained under a woman?” she asked.

“Yes. She was mean, she didn’t take any shit from me, and
she demanded perfection.”

“Do you still see her?” I could tell she was concerned.

“No. I left her after the year of training, and I haven’t
seen her in six years.”

“And then you started buying women?” She laughed, but I

“No. I told you, you were the first and only. From then on I
just had subs. But after years of that, I wanted something more. And again Will
was there to show me another world.” I moved to my knees. “And I think we all
know how that turned out.” I parted her legs and moved my body between them. I
laid my body on hers and kissed her mouth. “I may have to call in to work
today. I don’t think I’m going to make it.” I kissed her again and moved down
her neck.

“And who exactly would you call in to?” she asked.

“Marcy. Come on, we both know Marcy runs the office.”

“Hmmm, I would love to see her order you around the office,”
she laughed.

“Oh baby, I want to order you around this bed so much right
now, but I fear I just don’t have the strength.” She rolled so she was on top
of me.

“Well I guess I will just take control then,” she started
kissing my chest and slowly moved south.

It was after noon before we finally got out of bed. Not only
had we missed being in each other’s arms, but the jet lag was exhausting.

I sat at the desk in my study and went over some paperwork
and returned calls, while Norah helped Rosa make us some lunch. She walked in and
sat down on the corner of the desk just as I finished up my last call. I wrote
down the information with my right hand while my left explored her bare legs. I
hung up the phone and told her about my surprise.

“I have a surprise for you, little one.” I ripped the paper
off the tablet and handed it to her.

“Because of my irrational behavior I forced you to give up
the internship you arranged for yourself and then I also messed up your chance
to model for Glamour Bride. So this is my way of making it up to you,” she looked
at the paper and then back at me. “This is the name of a small modeling agency
here in London. They are currently auditioning models for a women’s chain store
spring clothing line photo shot for a catalog or something. It isn’t as
glamorous as Glamour Bride or as well known, but I figured it was a start.” She
smiled, leaned in closer and kissed my cheek.

BOOK: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)
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