Read Consumed Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #Love, #Erotica

Consumed (19 page)

BOOK: Consumed
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“Oh thank fuck.” He breathes out. “I have never been drawn to anyone like I am to you. I can't explain it. From the very first moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. But not just in my bed, in my life.” He says, reaching me in the matter of seconds. He reaches out to take my hands. I give them to him, allowing him to pull me to my feet.

“I don't know what you are doing to me woman.” He says brushing the back of his hand down my cheek. “You're all I can think about. I crave your touch. I crave this.” He says bending down to gently press his lips to mine.

The fire ignites instantly, consuming my entire body with one touch. I reach up, wrapping my arms around his neck, my hands diving into his hair. I pull him closer, urge him further. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me so close that there is no space between us, my feet lifting from the ground, my weight supported in his arms.

He turns and carries me the short distance to my bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him. He lays me on the bed, breaking away from my mouth to take a step backwards. His eyes travel the length of my body, his need apparent on his face.

“I want to take my time. I want to memorize every inch of your beautiful flesh.” He says, leaning down to grab the band of my pants. I lift and allow him to pull them from my body. My shirt comes off next, then my bra, until finally he removes my panties, leaving me completely bared to him.

“So beautiful.” He breathes, tracing his fingers from my collar bone, across my breasts, and down my stomach. He climbs on me, his mouth finding mine but only for a moment. He pulls back to trail kisses down my neck and across my chest. I arch into him, my body aching for his touch.

His mouth trails the length of my body, kissing every inch of my skin along the way until he reaches my foot and starts the tortuously slow process back up the other side. By the time he reaches my inner thigh, I am a pool of want and need, every nerve ending standing to attention.

He brushes his tongue lightly across my pelvic bone causing a low moan to escape my throat. I feel like my body is going to explode at any moment. With every touch, every kiss, the pressure grows more intense. So intense that I wonder how much more I can take before I split off into a million pieces and simply float away.

He nips and sucks at the flesh between my legs until finally settling in, his tongue finding my clit. I cry out the moment he makes contact, bucking my hips forward urging him to continue. He starts in slow torturing circles, sucking and licking every inch of my most sensitive flesh. Just when I feel like there is no way I can take another second, he finds my clit again, this time circling the area over and over again until there is no way to fight the build any longer.

I let myself go, let the build and explosion take me away to a place of pure and absolute bliss. He slows his assault, placing small sweet kisses along my lips, to my inner thigh, up my belly, eventually making his way back up to my mouth. His lips crash down on mine the moment he reaches them, his tongue lapping my mouth. I can taste myself on him and it only drives me even crazier. I want him inside me so badly I feel like I might die from the anticipation.

I push at his chest and he allows me to roll him off of me onto his back. I waste no time straddling his enormous erection. Leaning down, I take his lips once more, positioning myself so that he has easy access. I can feel the tip of his dick teasing at my entrance and then in one hard thrust he enters me. He goes so deep that I swear I can feel him in my belly, all the air leaving my body in an instant.

I push myself backwards so that I am sitting up and position my hands on his chest allowing me more control. I lift and fall slowly, his hips meeting mine with each plunge. I go slow, circling my hips, before taking all of him inside me again.

A animalistic growl escapes his throat as he lifts me abruptly and flips me around on my back. While I was enjoying having the control, I am more than happy to let him take me anyway he wants. He takes my mouth in a rush of passion, picking up the pace his thrusts become harder, wilder, until I wonder how much longer I can hold on.

I can tell by his breathing and his relentless pounding that he's losing control. Just as I feel my own orgasm take hold, I feel him swell inside of me. I feel all his muscles go tight and he moans out as he finds his release, mine falling in line with him.

He continues to move in and out of me slowly, working both of us down from our intense orgasms. Eventually he slows to a stop, his body coming down to rest on mine. I am so blissfully happy in this moment that I would give just about anything to stay like this forever.

He withdraws, causing a whine of disapproval from me. He lets out a small laugh, rolling me to my side so that he can snuggle up behind me. He twines his legs through mine and pulls me impossibly close. I can feel every ripple of his muscles, every rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, his heart beating against my back. Even though I know I should clean up, I can't bring myself to care enough to break the connection I feel with him right now. I snuggle deeper into his embrace and within minutes doze off into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Three


riday drags by with me feeling like there is no end in sight. At four o'clock I head to Conference room A to prepare for one of our final Bella Vita meetings. It's so hard to believe that the event is only one week away and things will finally start to settle back down at work.

I take my seat at the end of the oval eight person table, fanning my folders out in front of me containing all the financial breakdowns for the account. Mike and Steven enter the room in deep conversation and Kristina follows in behind them, taking the seat to my left.

“What's this about?” I whisper to Kristina. Steven called this meeting last minute and gave us no real insight into what it was about, only to bring all our breakdowns and contracts with us.

“No idea.” She shrugs, falling silent next to me as Steven takes his seat, Mike filing in next to him. I can't help but smile over Mike's wardrobe. Leave it to him to think that sweater vests and collared shirts are actually in style. He's an intelligent man but is clueless when it comes to fashion. Pair that with his comb over hairstyle and thick rimmed glasses and you would swear he was easily in his forties, though I know him to only be pushing thirty.

“Thank you all for meeting me here on such short notice.” Steven begins, pulling my attention to the head of the table. “I wanted to discuss with you some last minute changes that we need to take care of. The CEO of Bella Vita, Christopher, has asked that we run a last minute ad campaign on the internet. Kristina, I need you on top of this. Social networking, the whole shebang. Make sure your target market is on point. Remember people, this event is geared towards the rich. Doesn't do us much good to promote a charity event to people who don't have the means to contribute, if you know what I mean.” He stops, thumbing through a few papers laid out in front of him.

“Addison, where are we budgeting wise?” He asks, turning his attention to me.

“We are under our target. We could go about two hundred thousand more but that would be max.” I say.

“Wonderful, wonderful. He wants us to put together another promotional video. Something that really grabs the attention, makes people want to give their money. I need you to work that in.” He says to me. “Mike, I need you to get your team on this immediately. Not going to do us much good to run a new promotion if no one has a chance to see it before the event. Unfortunately that means that you will probably spend a good portion of your weekend making this happen.” Mike nods, not showing the least bit irritation in the fact that he has to give up his weekend.

I spend the remainder of the meeting crunching numbers and setting a budget for Mike and his team. By the end of the meeting my brain is officially fried from the week and I absolutely cannot wait to begin my weekend. It's so hard to focus when all I really want to do is get lost in a certain irresistible man that I can't get out of my mind.

I walk with Kristina until we reach her desk, and then continue on to mine. It takes me all of two seconds to spot Liam, perched on the corner of my desk, arms crossed over his chest, looking like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine. I don't think I will ever get used to the way my heart sputters at the sight of him.

He catches my eyes, smiling brightly at me as I close the last few feet that stand between us. “What are you doing here?” I eye him questionably. He rises to his feet and pulls me into his arms instantly. I breathe in his scent, it's enough to make me pool in desire.

“I missed you.” He says into my hair, giving me a firm squeeze before releasing me. “I was hoping I could take you to dinner. There are a few things I need to talk to you about.” He says.

“Should I be worried?” I ask jokingly, even though fear bleeds through me. The last time someone said those words to me, I ended up on the street, all my belongings thrown in boxes like useless junk.

“Not unless hearing me say how beautiful you are over and over again is worrisome.” He smiles gently, running his hand through the ends of my hair.

“Let me grab my things.” I say unable to contain the smile that is splitting my face in half. I turn to grab my purse catching Lisa peering over her cubicle wall to gawk at Liam. I shake my head at her, not losing my smile, and turn back to Liam.

“Where are we going?” I ask as we step out of the crowded elevator into the lobby of Strike Tower. He twines his fingers with mine, giving my hand a light squeeze.

“Do you have a preference?” He asks, which only makes my smile grow more. Grayson never let me pick where we would eat. It was something that was always decided for me. Not that I ever had anywhere specific in mind, but it's the point.

“I vote for pizza in bed.” I say catching his eyes light up instantly.

“I vote for you in bed.” He says quietly so that only I can hear him. I am sure I blush every shade of crimson and I don't miss the way my knees shake at his words. My body responding to him without him even touching me. I never knew it was possible for words to send me into a sea of lust, but every time he opens his mouth my body literally aches for him.

“I think I'll second that.” I say, for the first time looking up as we exit the lobby. I am on complete cloud nine, ready for whatever the weekend brings my way. I am so very oblivious to anything going on around me when I am with Liam, like I am walking through a haze that thickly cuts off the outside world from him and I.

“Addison Grant, you better get your cute little butt back here!” I hear someone call behind me. Confused, I quickly turn, only to find my aunt Kelly standing not three feet from me.

“Kelly!” I cry out, releasing Liam's hand to pull her into my arms. I pull back to get a good look at her. It feels like forever since I have seen her, even though it's only been about six months. She looks exactly as I remember. Short dark brown hair, spiked in the back. Her thin body covered in the most fashionable navy suit only she could pull off just right. Her big brown eyes offering the same warmth and comfort they always have.

“It's so good to see you.” I say squeezing her tightly to me again. “What are you doing here?”

“When your parents said you couldn't make it home for my visit, I decided to cut my visit short and bought a plane ticket to Vegas. Wa La, here I am.” She says with a dramatic flip of her arms.

“I can't believe you're actually here. I have so much to talk to you about.” I say not even attempting to keep the excitement from my voice. Kelly is the person I have always looked at like a sister. The one person that I have always turned to when life gets me down. And now here she is, in the flesh.

“Well you can start by introducing me to this fine piece of a man standing behind you.” She says, for the first time really paying attention to Liam. She eyes him up and down before turning her attention back to me, a hint of knowing in her eyes.

“Sorry, Kelly this Liam. Liam this is my aunt Kelly.” I say. Kelly reaches out taking Liam's hand on a gentle shake.

“It's so very nice to meet you Kelly.” He purrs out so sweetly I am sure that he has won her over in that one statement. I turn to see Kelly staring back at him, a girlish smile twisted across her beautiful face.

“And you Liam.” She says, her eyes traveling the length of him once more. She is blatantly checking him out and she could care less that it's obvious.

“I'm going to head out.” Liam says, leaning over to place a kiss to my forehead.

“What, why?” I blurt out, not wanting him to leave.

“Don't worry.” He says. “Catch up with your aunt, have a good time. We will have that talk another time.” He says giving me a reassuring smile. As much as I don't want him to go, I also can't wait to spend some good old quality girl time with Kelly. We have so much to catch up on.

“Okay.” I reluctantly agree. He leans down, placing a light kiss across my lips.

“I'll call you later.” He whispers before turning to leave. I watch him walk away, not turning back to Kelly until he has disappeared from view.

“Oh my god!” She cries out the moment he's gone.

“He's gorgeous isn't he?” I say not able to break the school girl smile from my face.

“Gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe that man. Holy hell, I think I orgasmed at first sight.” She jokes causing me to burst into a fit of laughter. “Come on baby girl, we have a lot to catch up on. Starting with Liam, I want to know every detail, including how he is in the bedroom.” She says giving me a wink as we exit Strike Tower.

Chapter Twenty-Four


s we sit side by side in pedicure chairs, me and Kelly chit chat about everything that has happened over the past few months. It feels good to open up to her about Grayson and about Liam, leaving everything out in the open.

“I want to believe what he says to me. That I am special. That I matter. That I am somehow different from all the women of his past. It's just a lot to take in, given my past.” I say as the nail tech finishes up the french tips on my toe nails.

BOOK: Consumed
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