Read Conspiracy Online

Authors: Kate Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Fantasy, #paranormal romance, #Secret service, #faerie, #Elves

Conspiracy (6 page)

BOOK: Conspiracy
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The room was narrow and long, but six twin beds lined the walls, with a couch and loveseat on the far end of the room and a mid-sized television. A small refrigerator and a working bathroom completed the tour.

“My dad added this loft on to the house in hopes of many grandchildren running these woods one day,” I explained. “We’ve disappointed him in that regard—at least, so far.”

“It’s perfect, Heather. Thank you for sharing your family’s home with us.” Gregor turned to me with a slight bow. I wasn’t sure who this well-mannered man was standing before me.

“How safe do you really think we are here, Gregor?”

As he thought about my question, I saw the softness that had touched his eyes leave, replaced by determination. “I wish I knew how the
are always just one step behind us. The elves from the Western Realm have never wanted any blood on their hands. The
will kill for pleasure. I hold a different view. I protect what is mine.” He looked at me and a shiver went through me—I wouldn’t want to be on Gregor’s bad side.

“But to answer your question, Heather, you’re only as safe as you are prepared. I gave you a weapon that will help you kill an
, but only if you know how to use it. I’d like to teach you some basic techniques, just in case.”

“You know I’m not a bad-ass agent like my sister. There are many things I’m good at, but using weapons isn’t one of them.”

“Even so, I’d like to help you, if you’d allow me,” he said. “You can always return the favor by teaching me some of the things
good at.” Gregor gave me a smile and winked at me, his double meaning clear.

I felt betrayed by my own body when I felt a blush on my cheeks and a quiver in my stomach. I knew these feelings were only the side effects of the close connection we had shared in Seattle.

“If rowing in the harbor is something you’d like to learn, there’s a place we can rent some equipment,” I shot back at him.

“I’d actually love to row with you sometime, Heather. I can think of nothing better than having you paddle me around a pond somewhere.”

He grinned, and I laughed at the thought of Gregor trailing his arm idly in the water while I worked up a good sweat rowing around in circles.

“But as entertaining as that sounds, I’d like to give you a few pointers, if I might.” He raised one eyebrow in question, and I shrugged and lifted my hands in submission.

“I’m not nearly the rock star my sister is when it comes to self-defense, but I’m willing to try.”

Gregor stepped closer and reached his hand into my pocket where the slim piece of metal was secreted.

“First rule,” he said, “don’t let crazy bastards like me get too close without a good reason.”

Before I knew it, he had slipped behind me and had one arm around my waist and another under my chin. His breath was warm on my neck as he whispered, “How will you get away, Heather?”

I knew he could feel my pulse beating frantically under his hand on my throat and I felt a moment of fear, but the feel of his body behind me was causing more anxiety than the lesson. I wasn’t totally without defense, though. I was, after all, raised by John Sullivan, a life-long FBI agent. I made a sound like a sob and relaxed my body as if I was about to collapse.

I felt Gregor stiffen behind me and loosen his grip. “Heather, I didn’t mean to…” The last part of his sentence was cut off as I grabbed his relaxed hand and spun to change positions with him so I was now behind him, holding his arm at an uncomfortable angle.

I had to stand on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “My daddy already told me about the crazy bastards.” I laughed and released his arm as he gave me a wry grin.

“Very nice, Heather. I always forget there’s more to you than meets the eye.” He stepped closer to me. “There’s something important I want to discuss with you.”

Gregor opened his mouth to say more when the door opened with a creak and Alisha stepped inside, her body a dark shadow against the sunlight streaming in behind her.

I took a step away and Gregor looked frustrated. I didn’t know what he could possibly have to say to me that was significant. We hardly knew each other.

“This looks cozy,” Alisha said as she came into the room. She beamed at Gregor, but when she looked at me, her smile didn’t reach her eyes. I knew, woman to woman, that she was angry Gregor and I were alone. I was getting a little tired of her possessive attitude, and crazy bitches like Alisha didn’t sit well with me.

“Gregor,” I said as I put my hand on his arm, “thank you so much for offering personal weapons training. Come find me later and we can pick up with my training.”

As I left, I could see Alisha glaring at me, but Gregor had a grin on his face. I was glad he found this funny. I might not want to be competition for his jealous
, but the woman in me rose to the challenge.

As I found my way back to the main part of the house, I wondered what the relationship was between Alisha and Gregor. They were obviously very comfortable with each other. It really wasn’t any of my business; it wasn’t like I was interested in him myself. Aside from the few butterflies I’d felt a few moments ago, I saw Gregor as Ian’s friend. He had no personal connection to me. It was strange to spend so much time with him without Reagan or Ian around.

My train of thought moved to Mick and the past weeks we had spent together. He had given me plenty of butterflies, which is why I hadn’t been able to resist his increasing attentions and ultimately became his lover. I’d only been in two serious relationships in the past, and in both, I’d waited a long time before letting our relationship get physical. I’d only known Mick for ten days before his knock came at my door and I’d opened my arms to him. The last week I’d been in the Western Realm was filled with incredibly passionate nights. I honestly didn’t know how I felt about a long-term relationship with him and I knew he was the playboy he was rumored to be, but thoughts of our time together set my blood boiling.

I entered the living room and found Eimile and Mallorie there, catching up on the years they’d lost. Eimile saw me first and motioned to me. “Come in, Heather. We’re just having a talk, but we’d love to have you join us.”

The similarity in the two women was uncanny, especially considering the lack of aging.

“Thank you so much, Heather, for letting us use your home. It’s just beautiful, and I know you must have had good times here with your family,” Mallorie said.

“We did.” Mallorie had been watching us during the brief exchange with Eimile and I felt a bit self conscious at her appraising look. As I met her eyes, she spoke.

 “Have you met Tony, Heather?” Mallorie asked. “The one thing I regret the most in the past years has been our decision to remove Tony from the Eastern Realm.”

“I haven’t met him personally,” I replied. “But I’ve seen him on TV many times. Reagan says really good things about him. Can I ask why you left him in the human world, Mallorie? Or is that too personal?”

“No, that’s fine. My mother and I were just talking about that. Tony was our firstborn. At the time, Aegir’s father was very ill, and we knew he didn’t have long to live. The rebels had been getting very restless and with the upcoming shift in power, we were all scared of a rebellion. After Tony was born, we felt it was necessary to hide him away in the human world, a place no one would think to look for him. We left him with a loving family who thought they were adopting a new baby. It broke my heart. I always had plans to return to get him, but the longer we waited, the more I knew I couldn’t rip him away from a home he loved.”

She paused, her voice soft with the memories fresh in her mind. “As you know, time moves differently in our world. Before I knew it, Tony was a young man completing his education, entering the military service, and becoming the man he is today. Then I became pregnant with Alisha, and although I didn’t stop thinking of Tony, the heartache dulled a little with the birth of our little girl. She is our joy.”

She continued, “One day, Tony will know of his heritage. But for now, he’s fulfilling his own dreams. He is not only the heir to the Eastern Realm, but also the Western. It will be his duty to return and reunite the kingdoms at last.”

Her last statement shocked me, and I looked to Eimile for her reaction. As I’d thought, she was equally shocked. Her mouth was open and she appeared stunned.

“Mallorie, this is startling, to say the least. Do you really think a man raised from birth as a human will be able to rule an Elven kingdom?”

“Why not, Mother? You’ve been doing the job for years now, and you were once human.”

“Yes, several hundred years ago. But since your father’s death, I’ve had advisors, and my rule is not permanent. I am acting as regent until the Grand Council chooses a new king. We’ve only been waiting for that determination,” Eimile explained.

“Tony has the best claim to both kingdoms, Mother. He is the son of one king and the grandson of another. Wouldn’t you be happy to see your grandson on the throne of a united Realm?”

I remained silent as mother and daughter covered new ground, both uncomfortable with the direction.

“I don’t know,” Eimile sighed. “Our kingdoms have been apart our entire history, and there’s a good reason for that. The
and the
don’t have the same objectives.”

“Perhaps Tony could change that,” the younger queen rebutted.

We all sat in silence for a few moments, each of us surely with thoughts that contradicted the other. I wondered how Ian and Mick would feel about Tony taking over their Realm. Eimile looked concerned, and Mallorie appeared smug, for the lack of a better term. If she had wanted to shock her mother, she’d done an excellent job.

“I’m very tired after our journey. I think I’ll go lie down for a few minutes, if no one has any objections,” Eimile said.

She headed for her room and I was left alone with Mallorie. I wasn’t sure exactly how to extricate myself, but just then Gregor and Alisha came in the room, holding plastic bags.

“Alisha and I sifted down to the local market place and found some food for dinner,” Gregor announced. “Who’ll help me whip up some gourmet delicacies?” Gregor asked.

“Maybe Heather can help you, since she knows where everything is. I’d like Alisha to walk around the garden with me,” Mallorie said.

Alisha looked as if she was about to object, but then she shrugged and said, “Yes, Mother, I’d like that.”

Mallorie and Alisha headed out the back door while Gregor and I went to the kitchen.

He pulled some fresh vegetables and a pork roast from a bag, searching through our cabinets for a roasting pan and cutting board. I was surprised to see he really did seem to know his way around a kitchen. As he started me chopping lettuce, I asked, “How did you learn to cook?”

“It was out of necessity. I like good food, so as a bachelor, I found I had to make it myself.” He pulled fresh leaves off the herbs and mixed them with olive oil to make a rub for the pork loin.

“Well, I’m impressed. This all looks delicious,” I said. “Not to change the subject or anything, but why is Alisha shooting daggers at me every time I see her?”

He chuckled. “Alisha is still a young girl. She’s almost thirty, which is an infant in Elven years. She has this grand fantasy that she’s in love with me, and you’re competition at the moment.”

?” I was shocked. “Why would she think I’m competition?”

Gregor was silent a moment while he continued rubbing oil on the meat. Then he looked up at me. “Because she’s perceptive, and she’s seen the way I look at you.”

Our eyes locked, and it was all I could do to turn away and continue with the lettuce. “Gregor, she’s got a silly notion in her head. She doesn’t know I’m involved with Mick,” I paused, “but you do.”

He nodded. “Aye, lass. I do know. I saw it firsthand in all its glory. What I also know is that nothing has happened between you and Mick that can’t be undone. I’m putting my heart in your hands, Heather, and I’ve never said that to a woman before.”

I stood in shock at the candor of his words, and damn it all if the butterflies weren’t back. He dried his hands and walked closer, as if the obstacles separating us could be bridged by simply closing the distance between our bodies. I knew he was going to kiss me. I could have walked away and he knew it. Instead, as he stood a mere breath away, my body betrayed me yet again by leaning in for the unavoidable.

His mouth was soft and tender. So different than the warrior image he maintained. As our tongues met, I could faintly taste sweet rosemary. Gregor closed the last gap between us and wrapped his arms tightly around me, pulling me in to the full length of his body. He groaned and deepened his kiss, enveloping me and entangling his hands in my hair. Every nerve was on fire.

Gregor broke the kiss and I gave a little cry of protest. “Let me in, Heather. Open your mind to me,” he murmured. I was unsure what he wanted at first, but then I remembered our intimate moment in Seattle when he had held my hands.

Gregor pushed me back against the counter and I could feel his passion rising with each movement we made. My own body reacted strongly to his and as I reached out to touch his mind with my own, our thoughts melded into one and I felt his need. The overwhelming sensation was almost too much. Images of us touching, kissing, and making love were bombarding me and I realized this was what Gregor was envisioning. My own desire exploded into him and he picked me up, pulling my legs around his waist.

I was so overwhelmed that I was ready to find the nearest kitchen table, regardless of who was in the next room, but thank goodness Gregor had more sense. His kisses slowed and his mouth let go of mine to trail kisses down my neck. My clothing was definitely getting in the way of where I wanted this to go. I let my hands run under his shirt and up his muscular chest.

Suddenly, Gregor froze and his hands dropped to his sides, letting my legs down to the floor. At first I looked around, thinking we had been caught like two teenagers necking in the car on Lookout Hill. No one was around, but Gregor had dropped to his knees like he was in pain.

BOOK: Conspiracy
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