Read Conquering Lazar Online

Authors: Alta Hensley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Bdsm, #Science Fiction

Conquering Lazar (7 page)

BOOK: Conquering Lazar
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Chapter Ten


Elbi awoke from her nap feeling much better. The mental toll of the spanking far exceeded the small ache still present on her bottom. The release had been much needed, and she actually felt lighter, as if a huge burden had been released. Everything had seemed to be spiraling out of control, and although her circumstances hadn't changed, she knew she had to face them differently. She no longer wanted to be the damsel in distress. She didn't want to be the fragile little girl that everyone had to protect. Malachi was right with what he'd said, she
a survivor, and that made her a fighter.

Getting out of bed, she decided to find him and tell him she no longer needed to be sheltered—that she could join the rest of the harem. As she entered the other room, she once again found no signs of Malachi, but she could hear muffled voices on the other side of the front door. With curiosity getting the better of her, she tiptoed over to it and pressed her ear against the wood.

She instantly recognized Malachi's voice, and Donte's. But there seemed to be another in the mix.

"We forged an alliance with the Salex commune, as well as the Lorince commune. Both will cost Lazar, with having to provide much needed supplies, but they have soldiers ready to fight. Both communes seem to have been preparing for this for some time. I would have to say they are the most experienced we have yet to see. Their soldiers are about five days away," said a voice that Elbi didn't recognize. "They have agreed to join forces and end Jaden's regime. Jaden is growing every day, and are ruthless in their conquering of other communes. Jaden has made many enemies."

"That is good news, brother," Malachi said. "Donte and I have been preparing the troops that trickle in, as well as the harem."

"The harem?" the brother asked. "How is that coming?"

"Slowly," Donte confessed. "But Nico assures us they will be ready when the time comes."

"What about our other brother? Has there been any word on Jaq?" Malachi asked.

"Yes, I ran across him at the Lorince commune. There is good news on his task. There is word of weather to the east. He has yet to confirm it, but has spoken to many who can."

"Rain?" Donte asked.

"He believes so. He is heading east to see for himself. I do not believe he will be back in time before the battle. But if we are not successful—"

"We will be successful, Talon. Jaden may be ruthless, but we have the numbers, especially with all the allied forces showing up daily," Malachi interrupted.

"But if we are not," Talon continued on, "there is hope of possibly rebuilding elsewhere. Casen does not have the necessary resources. It is clear to see that with all the allied forces coming, our commune is already drying up."

"That is true. But I have no doubt that Lazar will be ours once again," Malachi said. "Now, if you would please excuse me, I want to check on Elbi."

She quickly walked away from the door and sat down at the table. She was fidgeting with her fingers as he walked in the room.

"The conversation you were listening to was with Donte and my brother, Talon," Malachi said with a wicked smile.

"I… uh, I didn't mean to—"

"Eavesdrop?" he interrupted. How he could know amazed her.

Elbi's already sore bottom throbbed at the thought of what he would do. "I'm sorry," she offered.

Malachi smiled again, walked to the chair across from her and sat down. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." She took a deep, calming breath. "I actually feel much better… stronger. I think I can rejoin the rest of the harem now."

Malachi leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Is that what you want?"

"Well, I don't want to be your burden any longer."

"Is that what you think you are to me?"

"Well, I… uh." Elbi looked down at the ground and then back up to meet his eyes. "I don't know what to think."

want to go back to the rest of the harem girls?" Malachi asked again.

"No, not really. I just don't want to be in the way."

He smiled. "Enough of this talk. I would like you to stay with me, and you are not a burden. Do not say those words again or there will be consequences. I dislike it very much when you talk poorly of yourself." Changing the subject, Malachi continued. "Tell me more about you, Elbi. I noticed on your upper back that you have a marking. What is it?"

She was surprised by his question. She hadn't thought of the branding on her back for quite some time. It wasn't something she had to look at, and she tried her best to shut that part of her life out. The branding represented her past—it represented Vostok.

"It is a V with two lines underneath. The two lines are to represent the river that dried up many decades ago," she explained. "The V represents my birth commune, Vostok. They branded all residents of the commune with the same mark."

"How did you come to Lazar?" Malachi asked as he stood and went to start a fire. He then set a pot of water over the flame.

"You do not know? I was purchased by the Palace of Lazar." She stared at him, confused.

He shook his head. "My older brother, Jaq, was in charge of acquiring the harem. I had no part in that." He turned to look at her. "Did you have family? Are there people you miss?"

Elbi shook her head. "I miss no one. Life at Vostok was not something I ever look back on. It is why the Palace of Lazar means so much to me. It was my only home. It is all I ever choose to know. My only past is the palace, and I choose to look no further than that in my memories."

Malachi reached for two cups and a medium-sized container. He began to scoop its contents into the cups, then stood in silence while waiting for the water to bubble. When it did, he poured the water into the cups and brought them to the table.

"Did you and your brothers build the Palace of Lazar?"

He smiled before taking a drink of his tea. "No. Our great-grandfather did. We simply rule what was left for us."

Elbi took a drink of her own tea. "Why were you building Casen? Weren't you happy with Lazar?"

"We are trying to be proactive when it comes to resources. It is just a matter of time until everything withers away."

"Unless you find rain," Elbi interjected. "I heard your brother mention rain."

Malachi flashed that smile again; the one Elbi was growing to love. "Yes, rain. A myth to many, but my adventurous brother, Jaq, does not give up in his search."

"Do you think rain exists? I thought the clouds stopped producing moisture years and years ago."

He nodded. "That is true. But if we do not have hope of future survival, then what is the point of surviving now?"

She took another sip of her tea and asked, "Do you really think we will win back the palace?"

"Yes." The simple word spoken had so much power and conviction behind it. "But today is supposed to be a day of rest, not worry." He stood up and lifted her from his chair. "We will end this conversation with my vow to you. I swear I will give you your past back. Lazar will be ours once again, and you will have a home to return to."

She looked up into his severe stare. Their lips were so close, and she could almost feel a hum of electricity between them. She had been schooled in submission, though at times she'd not always been the best student. She had learned obedience, and had come close to mastering the art of femininity. But what she still lacked was knowledge on how to contain her emotion, how to hide her desire, and how to process this ever-growing love for the man who stood beside her. She had been taught the art of surrender, but not the art of love.

Elbi closed her eyes and released a heavy sigh. When she opened them again, Malachi leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He pulled away just enough to stare into her eyes and then kissed her again, this time with more force, with more passion, and with hunger. Nothing was as sweet as the kiss he gave, nothing so intoxicating. Elbi had never felt so drunk in love. This man who was capturing her mouth had also captured her heart. What she'd once defined as the feeling of safety, was actually the feeling of falling madly in love with her savior.

"Malachi," she whispered. "Please, take me."

He shook his head. "No. I want you to
it yourself. I want you to learn how to
what you want."

Elbi looked up at him again, confused. "But I want to be submissive to you. I want to surrender my body and soul to you."

"Submission is more than allowing me to fuck you. Submission is about desire, wants, and cravings. It is also about understanding what you need and knowing how to demand it. I want you to
what you need. I want you to find your strength, find what gives you pleasure and take it." He nibbled at her lower lip and growled, "And

His words, laced with the seductive accent, were all Elbi needed for courage. She would do as he asked and take the power of her pleasure into her own hands. Feeling a confidence like never before, she stripped off Malachi's clothes effortlessly. She didn't want to be slow, and she most certainly didn't want to take her time. Her sexual appetite, her thirst and her newly anointed control had her tearing them off his body as he stood, watching from under hooded eyelids. When he stood completely nude before her, she stepped back and took the time to stare at the contours of his body. Her eyes scanned the ripples in his stomach and how they met the black patch of hair that encompassed his hard cock which beckoned her touch.

She kneeled down before him, not because she was commanded to do so, but because she craved the taste of his flesh. She wanted the power to make him moan. She wanted the control of
desire. Without seeking permission, Elbi licked his cock, from the tip all the way down to his balls, and then back up again. When she reached the head of his cock once more, she engulfed his dick with her mouth and began to suck up and down, tightening her lips firmly. Up and down she moved, relishing in the sounds of his gasps and moans. When his hands reached her hair and pulled softly, her heart soared knowing that she could give the man she loved such satisfaction.

She stood up and quickly removed her silks. She liked the way he watched her, the way he licked his lips in anticipation. An animalistic desire blanketed his features. He wanted her, but remained in place, allowing her to take control.

Once naked, she sat back on the edge of the table and spread her legs wide. "Lick me," she commanded. The sound of her voice seemed foreign to her ears.

He did as she ordered without hesitation. He bent down between her legs and licked the entire length of her pussy, stopping to await her next command.

"Lick me again," she ordered more firmly. "And fuck me with your fingers."

He gave a roguish smile and did just as she asked. His tongue licked along her folds and his finger entered her pussy, quickly joined by a second. He fucked her with his fingers over and over as he lapped up her juices. She arched her back and closed her eyes. She didn't worry about pleasing Malachi, but simply allowed the pleasure of what was happening to her to take hold. She wrapped her legs around his head, capturing, demanding more. He was there to give her pleasure… and she would most definitely take it.

"Put your cock in me," she ordered again, her voice harsh in its directive. "Put your cock in me now, and fuck me hard."

Malachi complied and thrust his cock hard into her pussy, forcing her back against the wood of the table. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him as close as possible.

"Fuck me hard."

He plummeted even deeper, groaning as he did so over and over again.

"Fuck me harder!"

He thrust in and out at a relentless pace. His moans blended with hers; the only other sound being the slapping of their bodies.

"Harder, harder, harder!" she screamed, grabbing his hair and pulling him into a kiss. "Fuck me until you come. I want your come deep inside of me!" she said against the kiss.

Again and again his cock pushed inside her, spreading her tight pussy. Her fingers found his back and she clawed her way down as he mastered her body. She thrust her hips to meet each thrust of his, each connection getting deeper and deeper.

"Rub my clit while I come," she demanded again.

He quickly obliged and circled his finger along her engorged clit as he continued to ram into her at a frenzied pace. His touch was all she needed to explode over the edge. She screamed her pleasure as it sizzled over her. Malachi's eyes locked on hers and he too allowed the orgasm to conquer him. Soon his moans blended with her screams until they both lay limp in each other's arms.



Chapter Eleven


After the day of rest, the women had resumed their training bright and early the next morning. Briar was there, but there was no sign of Mistress Tula. Elbi was dying to know what had happened, but hadn't had a chance to speak to Briar yet. She anxiously awaited their first break for the day. She did her best to busy her mind with the training at hand. The words spoken by Malachi still rang in her ears; 'we will make a warrior of you,' and she didn't want to let him down. Yes, a warrior she would be.

Today was a milestone for the women of the harem. After days of learning how to break free from holds, how to punch, kick and perform other examples of hand-to-hand combat, it was finally time to learn how to use a weapon.

Nico marched back and forth in front of the lined up women with each weapon in turn. He explained the pros and cons of each one. He compared choosing a weapon to choosing a lover. It was all about what
right. After a schooling of all the weapons, he allowed each woman and her trainer the freedom to choose which one they wanted to use.

Elbi went straight to the sword. It seemed the most powerful and, she assumed, the easiest to learn. But when she picked it up, she realized it was a lot heavier than it looked. The idea of crossing the desert with the weight of the sword seemed daunting. She decided to choose something else. Looking over at Briar, she could see that her friend had chosen a bow and arrow. That seemed fitting for Briar, somehow. The next weapon she looked at was the battle axe. The fact that she couldn't even lift it made that decision quite easy. Finally a cluster of throwing knives caught her eye. Light but deadly, and the handles of each had an intricate carving that exuded beauty. Yes, they felt right. She looked up at her trainer for confirmation, which was given by his smile and simple nod. Throwing knives it would be.

The next several hours were spent on learning how to properly hold, aim, and throw the knives. To Elbi's surprise, she was actually pretty good at it. Even Nico stopped and observed for some time, and then complimented her aim before he walked away. Just as one of the knives she threw hit the bull's eye, a much needed break was called.

Briar must had been just as anxious to speak with Elbi, because she rushed over and said, "Are you doing all right after what happened the other day?" Elbi wiped the sweat off her brow as they walked away from everyone so they could talk.

She nodded. "Yes, but what about you? You're the one who got the worst of it."

"I'm fine. Donte applied some sort of ointment, and I feel a lot better." Briar smiled at the memory. "To be honest with you, I enjoyed the extra pampering I received from Donte that night."

Elbi giggled. "My night wasn't so bad, either."

Briar's eyebrows rose. "Oh really? Do tell."

Elbi blushed and giggled again. "Let's just say that if I were to be examined today by Mistress Tula, I would get the same belt lashing as you."

Briar gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my! So you belong to Malachi now?"

Elbi shrugged. "I suppose so. It's hard to say. All the harem rules and customs seem to have been thrown right out the window now. I don't know about anything anymore."

Briar nodded. "I often think about what will happen if we do get the palace back. Everything is different.
are different."

"Do you think you will join the harem again? Or do you think you will only belong to Donte?"

Briar smiled. "I only belong to Donte. What that means in the palace, I am not sure. But I know we will figure it out together." Her smile grew even bigger. "He speaks of wanting children." She paused, her smile faded, and she looked at Elbi with a serious expression. "It's hard to fantasize of love when we are training to kill and about to go to war."

Elbi sighed. "I know. I'm trying to become that fighter, but I'm just not certain that I can." She took a deep breath. "I overheard Malachi, Donte and their other brother talking."

Briar nodded solemnly. "I often do, as well. It terrifies me. Even news that is supposed to be good is still terrifying. We are caught in this nightmare and I just want out."

"They spoke of rain."

"I know." Briar's voice sounded so fragile.

"Why does that make you sad? Is that what has been bothering you? I don't understand."

"It makes me sad that something that should be news of celebration is actually news of even more impending wars. Men will fight for those areas—the ones with rain—with even more vengeance than our precious Lazar commune. I hate hearing about it. I hate hearing all the plotting, all the closed-door secrets, all the plans to kill. I hate what we all are." Briar sighed loudly. "I guess I have been upset, because I wish we didn't have to have victims to be victorious."

Silence sat between them as Briar's words sunk in.

Briar was silent for a few moments. Then she took a deep breath and asked, "Did you hear what happened to Mistress Tula? Or I guess I should say… Tula." It was obvious that she wanted to change the subject and the tone of the conversation.

"What? Tula?"

Briar smiled. "Donte was so angry with her about what she did to us that he punished her. But then it gets even better! Malachi and Donte stripped her of her Mistress title. She is just Tula now, and is expected to train and be treated no differently than the rest of us."

"Really? I can't believe they did that!" Elbi wasn't saddened by the news. Mistress Tula was far from a leader or someone they should have to respect. A sadist, yes, but a leader, no. "How did Donte punish her?"

Briar laughed. "How do you think? This
Donte we are speaking of."

Malachi's voice boomed over the courtyard. "Elbi, Briar, can you follow us?"

Elbi turned to see Malachi and Donte standing near the main building. She looked to Briar for explanation, but when Briar simply shrugged, they both walked toward the men.

When they approached, Donte placed his hand on Briar's lower back and led the way to the main building. Malachi reached for Elbi's hand and followed his brother. Elbi swallowed back her fear. She scanned her memories for anything that could have gotten her and Briar into trouble. Did Mistress Tula say something? Did she make up lies to get herself out of trouble?

As they entered the living quarters, Elbi was surprised to see Mistress Tula waiting in the middle of the room. She looked nervous… even humble.

Donte was the first to speak. "I brought you girls in here so that Tula can rectify the incident that occurred."

Tula looked down at the ground and took a deep breath before steadying her shoulders and staring Elbi directly in the eyes. "I apologize, Elbi, for my behavior and treatment of you yesterday." She then looked at Briar. "Briar, I should have never punished you so severely."

Donte cleared his throat.

"I should not have punished you at all," Tula clarified. "I hope you both can forgive me."

"Tula was spanked in the same manner with which she spanked Briar yesterday," Donte explained to Elbi. "Briar was able to observe the punishment. She is no longer
Tula, at least until she can prove her leadership abilities once again."

"But she still has one more punishment in store," Malachi added. "And we will allow both of you girls to administer it."

"Bare your bottom," Donte commanded Tula.

She quickly did as he asked and bent over the back of a chair. She clearly knew what was to happen. Elbi could see the left over signs of her punishment criss-crossed across the globes of her behind.

Malachi pulled out an anal plug and a jar of lube from his pocket and handed them to Elbi. "Place the plug in her. Tula knows she is to wear it for the remainder of the day and must join the rest of the harem for training." He looked at Briar. "You can help in whatever way you choose, as well."

Elbi froze, not sure she even wanted to do this. But then the excitement of the idea of finally giving Tula a taste of her own medicine won over. She tightened her hold on the butt plug and lube and walked over to the bent over Tula with Briar right beside her. She could only imagine the anxiety, and humiliation that Tula must be feeling right about now, and Elbi was loving every moment of it. She handed the lube to Briar to hold so she could smear some on the plug. Briar bit her smiling lip, clearly holding back the laugh that threatened to escape. Elbi didn't make eye contact with Briar because she knew it would lead to a fit of giggles.

"Bend over a little more, and spread your legs wider." The firmness in her voice surprised her. Elbi had never spoken to anyone with such command before.

Tula did as she asked, giving easier access to her anus. Elbi walked up, spread the woman's cheeks with Briar's assistance and placed the plug right at the rosette. She pressed it in, but stopped just as Tula's hole was beginning to allow entrance. Elbi held the plug there, knowing that Tula wanted it just to go in at that moment and be done with it. Having it rest on the puckered flesh, spreading the most sensitive of entrances, added to the punishment. Elbi decided to move the plug from side to side and up and down, further stretching Tula's anus. When Tula gasped and clenched, Elbi could only smile. Finally, Elbi allowed the plug to go all the way in, but then she pulled it all the way out and repeated the process all over again. Tula huffed and moaned with each motion. Elbi decided that Tula needed a little ass fucking herself, and happily did so.

After enough time had gone by, Elbi finally pushed the plug all the way in. Briar released her butt cheeks, and Tula was left alone with her tender anus and full ass. Elbi walked away feeling a sense of strength. A little bit of sadist blended with her submissiveness, and she liked it… a lot. Maybe a little too much. She looked at Malachi and felt a sense of pride when she saw his smile. He gave her a small nod, acknowledging that she had taken control. The lesson today; she had the power to master if she so chose.



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