Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (16 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“As soon as we get home tomorrow I’ve got to shift and go for a run. You can keep our guests busy while I’m gone.”

“Sure. How much are you going to share with them?”

“Introduce them to your brother, Lann. They need to know our other leader. Ask if anything unusual has happened since we’ve been gone. Then if Lann is agreeable, you’ll take our visitors further into the caves. Show them what we’ve developed and what we’re working on.” Garth walked toward his bedroom.

“Do you plan on telling them about our shape-shifters?”

“They’ll insist on seeing the scrolls soon. I want to tell Rae first then her brothers.”

“It’s risky.”

“Yes. But more risky if we don’t and they find out from someone else or see one of us shift.”

“Their ancestors sent our tribe off on its own when they found out.”

“I know.” Garth went on into his room. Rae had been friendly tonight to all of them. But she’d avoided looking directly at him. She intended to control her emotions with her strong will. It wouldn’t work. His and Cad’s will was stronger.

He wouldn’t persist if he truly thought she didn’t care. But it was in her every touch and kiss. Her body opened to him like a rosebud coming to full bloom. She wasn’t ready to admit it, but there was no going back.

Garth lay in his bed and closed his eyes. He remembered her touch, her sweet mouth, those luscious breasts, and her hot pussy. His cock hardened just thinking about her.

The next time he and Cad would make love to her together and demolish those walls she kept putting up.

He sat on the side of the bed.

I might as well go take a cold shower if I expect to sleep tonight. Tomorrow I’ll have to be super alert. There’s an uneasy feeling in my gut that won’t go away.


* * * *


Rae and Jewel sat at the kitchen table and sipped hot tea. “What did you think of Raoul and Aleron?” Rae asked. “When I came in the living room the obvious relief on your face surprised me, and then they stayed close to you all evening.”

“Their appearance shook me at first. They’re big, handsome men. Overwhelming would be a good word to describe them. They were both so intense, and they kept staring at me like I was a tasty morsel that they were going to bite at any moment.”

“I understand. I’ve had the same reactions to Cad and Garth.”

“At the table they sat close, no matter how I tried to put space between us. Their scent came into my head with every breath. I was embarrassed by the way my body was reacting. Desire built into a raging fire inside me. I’m sure the other men must have noticed.”

“My body reacts the same way with Cad and Garth. Yet in my head I’m not ready to commit to either of them. They are persistent though. I’m sorry the dinner didn’t turn out as you expected.”

“It wasn’t your fault. I don’t know what I wanted to happen. Certainly not to have two handsome men determined to seduce me.

“I’ve enjoyed my privacy and my cabin in the woods. I love painting. I’ve never been a very expressive person except in my painting. When I’m around them, I feel in danger of losing my peace, of becoming someone different. I’d have to make significant changes in my life to let them in. I’m not sure I want to and yet my body reacts so strongly I’m not certain I can fight it.”

“I can tell you the seduction part is incredible.” Rae’s face flushed.

Jewel laughed and stretched. “Bedtime for me. If it wasn’t too dangerous I’d go back to Oregon tomorrow after you all head to New Mexico. But I need to stay for my parents’ sake, if not my own.” She started out of the room. “By the way, I was at the general store today. Rumor is Nate and his family are being allowed to remain here with his parents until whatever is going on is over. Thought I’d warn you before you happen to run into them.”

“It won’t be soon. I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone. Take care and be safe,” Rae said.

“I will. I plan to burrow down in your extra guest room and paint.” She waved and left.

Rae took a sip of her cool tea. She had mixed emotions about the trip. Part of her wanted to see where Garth and Cad had been living. A little excitement stirred at the thought of the trip as an adventure.

But in her mind’s eye she saw and felt darkness and evil lurking. She’d meditate before bed. Perhaps she’d visualize from where the danger would come. Fear mixed with the excitement. She needed answers, but her psychic abilities had not been working as well since her illness. Hopefully her skills would return full force before it was too late.


* * * *


Rae woke at first light. Her meditation had relaxed her but given no answers. She’d packed her suitcase yesterday afternoon. After dressing in black slacks, a blue silk shirt, and low-heeled, patent shoes, she snapped her one suitcase closed. They were flying the jet into the nearest airport. Garth said he’d have rough-terrain vehicles waiting to take them into the hills.

Mitch knocked on her door at six o’clock. Rae hurried out and joined him, Pruet, Sahale, and Jack. She got in the back.

“Hi, everyone. This ought to be an interesting mission.”

“We all need to keep our eyes and ears open. I’m not sure how much to trust our new relatives,” Mitch said.

“Where are they?” Sahale asked.

“They know the way to the airport. They’ll come in the truck we loaned them.” Mitch turned and drove down the straight road toward the airfield. “I see the truck parked up ahead.”

Cad came to the SUV and helped Rae out. He took her suitcase. “I’m looking forward to spending more time with you, and having you see our home.”

“Thank you.” She glanced around him and saw the others standing by the stairs.

“Come on,” Mitch called out. “It’s time to board and get the jet in the air.”

Rae found herself sitting between Cad and Garth. “There are plenty of seats. I want to sit by myself.”

“No you don’t.” Garth kissed the top of her head. “Be good and don’t fight for once about having us near.”

“Sit with Mitch. I’m sure you two have a lot to discuss.” Rae looked pointedly at Garth and Cad.

“All right.” Cad stepped into the aisle. “Come on, Garth.”

Garth stepped over her legs, and they headed to the front of the plane just before the jet took off. Rae blinked. She hadn’t expected them to agree with her.

Chapter Fifteen


“Look out the window,” Cad said.

He had sat up front the whole time until now. Rae was dozing when he spoke. She sat straight and peered out the plane’s window. Below, a vast area was covered in huge, high foundations of rock. They went on and on until coming to flat land with low scrubs scattered across the dry ground.

“We were told by our ancestors this area looked much like most of our planet. See the caves. Many of our people lived in caves as some of us do presently.”

“It’s so barren looking.”

“This part is, but further on we have land with pine trees, desert plants that bloom, and a small town where I live and work. We built the town and take visitors on hiking trips. This way we keep strangers away from areas we don’t want them to visit.”

“How have you all made money and kept your people working?”

“Many like me have the ability to paint, sew, make jewelry. There are different talents and we sell online and to town visitors. But long ago our ancestors discovered a vein of gold deep in the mountains. Back then the government wasn’t out this far. The gold was mined and invested. Present day, it has grown to a huge amount to be shared by all.”

Interested, Rae turned fully in his direction. “Have many of your people left the tribe?”

“Yes, probably about the same as yours has, but many like me live in both places or return for good. There are very few who go off and don’t at least keep contact with us.”

Cad put on his seat belt and hers. “We’re coming in for a landing.”

Out the window, Rae saw a small town with trees surrounding the area and a stream flowing behind the buildings. In the distance a landing strip had been built on a flat parcel of land.

A spark of excitement warmed her belly. She couldn’t wait to explore this new and totally different place.

Garth greeted the man waiting beside the two all-terrain vehicles. “Mitch, you drive the other vehicle. You can follow me in this one.”

Rae walked across the tarmac after Mitch. Cad grabbed her hand. “You come with us. I can show you interesting places as we head to town.”

She glanced at Mitch. “Go on. We’ll be right behind.”

Rae strode beside Cad to the front of the car.

“I’ll sit in back. There’s more space.”

“We’ll scoot over.” Garth motioned for her to get in the front beside him. “There’s plenty of room.” When she hesitated, Garth added, “Or you can sit on Cad’s lap.”

Rae scowled at him then swung into the front seat. She slid part of the way toward him, but stayed closer to Cad.

Garth laughed out loud. “You can’t make us jealous, sweetheart. We’re both going to marry you.”

As Garth started to drive, Cad whispered in her ear. “He’s right.” His teeth nipped at her earlobe. A sizzle of desire snapped along her nerves.

Garth’s hand touched her thigh and their scents swirled in the air. “I can’t wait until we have you alone with the two of us.” He spoke softly. “Think about us touching you, kissing you, surrounding you.”

Cad’s arm stayed wrapped around her shoulder until they got to town. Her nerves were raw with her hunger for these two. She had to put distance between them. When Cad swung her to the ground, she ran to where Mitch and the others stood.

“It’s an interesting place,” Mitch said. “Especially the rocky area. It definitely looks like the descriptions passed down to all of us regarding our planet. Garth said we’d stop here for lunch and meet some of the people who run the town before we head into the wilderness.”

Everyone welcomed them, but were careful in their speech since tourists were also eating in the restaurant.

“Walk down the street with me,” Cad said. “My shop is at the far end of town. I’d like you to see it.”

“I feel like I already have since talking with Cassie. She told me how good you were to her the months she stayed here.”

“She was a lost soul and one of us. She’s found her home and her talent. And she’d even more beautiful pregnant,” Cad said.

Once at his shop, he opened the door and motioned for her to go inside. He went around opening windows, and a warm breeze blew the stuffiness out of the air.

Rae studied the beautiful wood-carved animals. Their sleek coats were polished to a fine glow. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and blue topaz made the eyes. Rae’s hand held suspended over a leopard. The figure was made of a light wood, and the eyes shone an electrifying blue.

“You can touch it.” Cad handed her the big cat.

“He’s gorgeous. I can almost feel the warmth of his body through the wood.”

“Do you like leopards?”

“I’ve only seen a few in zoos. When I looked in their eyes I sensed their hunger to be free, and their disdain for us gawking at them. But I wouldn’t want to run into one out of a cage.”

“You’d be afraid?”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“Perhaps, or maybe I’d try to communicate. Let him or her know I’m not a threat.”

“Good luck with that. Look at all the people who’ve been attacked by their wild pets.” She put down the leopard. “Show me your paintings and pottery. Cassie told me how good you are.”

He put the wood-carved leopard back in her hand, “Take this. You never know you might change your mind about big cats in the future.” He laid the figurine in her hands.

“Thanks, it is beautiful.”

“We’d better join the rest and head out to our compound. Our people are looking forward to meeting you and the others.”

When they got in the all-terrain vehicle, Garth glanced at the leopard in her hand and up at Cad. Cad smiled, but he didn’t comment.

“Cad gave me this. He does lovely work.” Garth nodded and started the engine.

The distance to the mountains was further than it looked. It was midafternoon when they drove into the tall rocks, meandered along a tiny, dirt road, and finally stopped in a flat area near the middle. Several houses stood next to fences where horses grazed.

Garth put his arm around Rae’s shoulder. “Some of our tribe live out here, but most live inside the mountains.” He pointed to several cave openings. “Come. I’ll show you.” He led her and the others to the largest opening in the rocks. They stepped inside the darkness. Garth clicked what looked like a phone in his hand, and the lights came on.

They walked deeper into the cave. Water ran down one wall, and they passed a small pond. On the other side, a part of the mountain wall moved. Behind were two elevators. As they stepped on, the lights behind them went off. The elevator flew upward, leaving Rae’s stomach momentarily behind.

When they stepped out on top of the rocks, Rae stood awed with what they’d done. A huge area had been flattened, leaving room for the most unusual homes. They were domed, and when Garth led them into the first building, it was evident only the first floor was aboveground. The building was air-conditioned and flooded with sunlight.

“The special material the domes are made of lets in the light but keeps the more dangerous rays out. Beneath this floor are several others. This is similar to what you call the leaders’ home, only neither of the leaders lives here,” Cad explained. “We have meeting rooms, security rooms, and bedrooms for our scientists if they want to stay overnight because of their work. We also have a full kitchen and staff.”

“Hasn’t the government seen this? And how did you ever explain who you were and what you were doing?” Mitch asked.

Garth grinned. “That’s the best part. It took years to get all of this built. During that time our scientist developed what we call a monitoring screen. Anyone flying over sees the top of the rocks, nothing else. We also monitor if anyone is near during a climb. If so, we send another climber out to sway them into following another direction.”

“Incredible. I’ve never seen anything or imagined such a development. You are to be commended.” Mitch shook Garth’s and Cad’s hands. “I can’t wait to see what other developments you have.”

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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