Commandant (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 8) (28 page)

BOOK: Commandant (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 8)
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CIC:  Combat Information Center.  The hub of a ship’s communications and data gathering from which a naval battle is fought.

Posse comitatus:  the authority to use others to assist in enforcing the law.

FCMJ:  The Federation Code of Military Conduct

Hot-racking:  a process where up to three men share a single rack for sleeping, each man being allotted an eight-hour window to use the rack.

Navy Showers:  slang for quick showers, limited to 60 seconds in duration.

Rabbi:  slang for a mentor, someone of higher rank who can help in promotion, billets, and in the advancement of a Marine or sailor’s career.

J1:  the administrative division within headquarters.

UAM:  United Assembly of Mankind, an organization of the various governments of man.

Poolee:  a term for someone who has enlisted but who has not yet reported for boot camp.

EP:  Executive Placing, the highest class of government workers in the Federation.

CNO:  Chief of Naval Operations

C-Hut:  A temporary building that can be erected within 30 minutes.

Thermobarics: a type of explosive that utilizes oxygen from the surrounding air to generate an intense, high-temperature explosio

The Cube:   an orbital prison located beyond the moon’s orbit

Dangle:  slang for hanging

Jimmylegs:  military slang for civilian security guards

RCT:  Realistic Combat Trainer:  a large computerized simulation in which Marines can maneuver and react to electronic combat situations.

BOOK: Commandant (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 8)
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