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Authors: B.L. Mooney

Coming Home (9 page)

BOOK: Coming Home
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“Consider it a bonus. You two need to get out more, and I need to
catch up to my wife.”

Matt took off, running after Vicki, and Ryan and I just stood
there and stared at each other. “Do you like baseball?”

“Well, I don’t hate it. I just never got into it as my dad wanted
me to.” I hesitated. “It doesn’t bother you to watch the game, knowing you
could have been playing?”

“Nah, I play enough to get the fix I need. They aren’t
professionals by any means, but it’s still fun. Do you need to get anything
from your office before we head out?”

“Oh. We’re going now? Um, yeah, I’ll be right back.” I turned to
get my purse and jacket from my office and ran into Wade.

“There you are. Do you want to get some dinner tonight?” Wade
looked from me to Ryan and narrowed his eyes.

“I’ve kind of got plans already, but thanks. Maybe some other
time?” I started go to the office again, but Wade was following me.

“Are you dating him now?” He sounded pissed or jealous and had no
right to be either.

I turned around a little too fast, and Wade bumped into me,
almost knocking me to the ground. “Wade!” He caught my arms as I gripped his
shirt so I didn’t fall backwards. “What is your problem?” I shoved his chest
and wrenched my arms free of his grip. “I’m just going to a ballgame with Ryan
since Matt couldn’t go.”

“Thomas can’t find his own dates?”

“It isn’t a date! It’s just two co-workers going out as we have.
No one is dating anyone.” I pointed my finger in his face. “No one.”

I turned to go back to the office and he grabbed my wrist.
“You’re getting a little friendly with him, don’t you think?”

“Let go.” Wade dropped my wrist. “I was friendly with you, too,
but it doesn’t mean anything. Forget the rain check if this is how you’re going
to act.”

“I’m sorry. He’s just hurt a lot of women here, and I don’t want
you to get hurt.”

“And how have I hurt women?” Ryan was standing behind him with
his arms crossed. “I certainly don’t grab them as you just did.” He nodded in
my direction.

“You know exactly what you do.” When Ryan didn’t respond, Wade
filled him in. “You use the women here to help your ‘cause,’” he made air
quotations, “with those kids and string them along. When they think they are
getting somewhere with you, you drop them. You hurt feelings and bruise egos,
thinking you don’t have to answer to anybody.”

“Well, I guess you’re right. I don’t feel as if I have to answer
to anyone here.” Ryan continued to stare him down.

“Wade, he isn’t going to hurt my feelings or bruise my ego
because I’m not expecting anything from this. I only want to go to a ballgame.”
I went into my office to shut down the computer and grab my things.

Ryan appeared in the doorway. “I think someone has a crush on

I rolled my eyes. “Please. I haven’t given him any indication I
want anything more than friendship.”

“Do you still want to go?” Ryan looked at the tickets in his
hand. “I’ll understand if you want to smooth things over with Wade.”

“Of course, I still want to go. I just told you there isn’t
anything going on with us. If he wants to be my friend, he needs to start
checking his attitude at the door.”





Chapter 7

We got to the stadium a little later than Ryan wanted
to, but we still got there before the first pitch. You could tell he really
loves baseball. He was so animated with every play and proceeded to tell me
what went wrong and what went right or how he would have done it differently. I
enjoyed watching Ryan more than the game. I guess I was watching Ryan a little
too much, because the next thing I knew the kiss cam was on us and people
around us were chanting for us to kiss.

Ryan finally looked up at the screen and then smiled big as he
turned to me. “What do you say? We can’t disappoint the fans.”

I shrugged as he leaned in to press his lips to mine. I thought
it would have just been a quick peck, but I soon felt his tongue trying to find
mine. I was surprised but didn’t hesitate to open for him. The kiss ended just
as fast as it started. We pulled away and looked at each other.

Ryan looked at my mouth and back up to my eyes. “I hope you don’t
mind.” I shook my head and fought the urge to lick my lips. “Your nachos looked
really good, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted to try them or get another hot dog.”

I started laughing. “What did you decide?”

“I think the nachos are too spicy for me.” I raised my eyebrows
as he looked away. I wasn’t sure we were still talking about the nachos. “Do
you want anything while I get another hot dog?”

“No, but maybe you should live a little and try something spicy
for once. Stop playing it safe.” Did I just say that? I wasn’t one to talk
about taking chances. I looked away, too.

Ryan got up and headed to the concession stand as I sat there and
cursed myself for not keeping my mouth shut—during and after the kiss. I’m not
sure why I can’t keep certain comments to myself. I’d have been just as scared
as he seemed to be if he had really come on to me. I was sure I needed to
apologize to him, but I wasn’t sure if I should wait until after the game or do
it as soon as he got back.

Then I actually sat and thought about the kiss. I didn’t think it
was the nachos that made it spicy. He was a really great kisser, and I wondered
how many other women at work actually got to kiss him. They all said he never
touched them beyond the handshakes or hugs that they initiated.

Ryan came back and I just looked at him. “I thought you went for
a hot dog?”

He handed me a soda and shrugged. “I decided to try something
new, but not as spicy.” He had a pretzel with cheese to dip it in. He pointed
to the cheese. “This doesn’t have jalapenos in it.”

“I’m sorry about that comment.”

Ryan talked around a mouthful. “Don’t worry about it. You were

“I’m sorry. You’re going to have to say that again when your
mouth isn’t full. I don’t think I heard you right.” Ryan shoved me as I


The game was great and I could tell Ryan was still keyed
up as we walked to his truck. It was as if he felt the rush the ballplayers
did. I still didn’t understand why he gave it up. It was obviously a passion of
his that he didn’t take lightly. Ryan kept talking about the bigger plays of
the game and a few plays he thought were the reason the Rangers won. I was lost
in my thoughts about Ryan and excitement about the game, so it was several
minutes before I realized he was headed in the opposite direction of work where
my car was.

“You don’t have anything else going on tonight, do you?” Ryan
must have picked up on my surprise.

“No, but where are you taking me?” I’d been here long enough that
I should have known where we were going, but I really hadn’t gone out much
beyond the neighborhood that I lived and worked in.

“I want to show you something, if you’re up for it.” He stole a
side glance at me.

I wasn’t exactly sure what that comment meant, but I knew I wanted
to find out. “Okay. What is it?”

“You’ll see. It isn’t far.”

Ryan grew quiet and barely acknowledged anything I said. I could
tell he was nervous, so I gave him the space he needed to prepare himself for
whatever he was about to show me. I had a feeling where he might be taking me,
but when he pulled up to the older brick building, I closed my eyes. I hadn’t
been back to a group home since my parents brought me into their home. The
emotions I felt weren’t surprising, nor were they welcome.

“Rebecca?” I opened my eyes to see Ryan looking at me with
concern, but I quickly found out what he was truly concerned about. “If you
can’t handle this, I need to know now before the kids meet you. I won’t have
them upset because you pity them.”

I had to remind myself that Ryan didn’t know what was in my past.
He didn’t know what wound he just opened, and I never wanted him to find out. I
took a deep breath and said the only honest thing I could without giving up too
much of myself. “I don’t pity them, Ryan. I’m just honored that you would trust
me with this. It means a lot.” And it did. For him to bring me here without all
the prepping that Stacy said he gave her showed me he trusted me completely and
gave me yet another reason to trust him.

“Okay, well in that case . . . um.” Ryan took a deep breath.
“These kids are great. Some of them are troubled for sure, and you may hear a
few inappropriate comments while they think my back is turned, but . . .”

“Ryan.” I put my hand on his arm. “I can handle it. I’ll let you
know if it gets to be too much before I lose it in front of the kids.”

I could see the stress and worry evaporate at my words. Ryan
smiled. “I’m sorry it’s too late to play ball tonight. Will you come back and
play a game with us?”

“Can I meet the kids first?”

Ryan quietly got out of the truck, and I wondered what was wrong
with wanting to meet them before making a commitment like that. I slid out of
the passenger side as he rounded the front of the truck. He stood staring at me
for a minute, and it was rather unnerving. I kept looking away to just look
back at him again. I couldn’t get a read on him.

After what seemed like forever, Ryan finally told me what was on
his mind. “I have to say I’m a little surprised by that, but it’s probably the
smart thing to do before making a commitment. It really is best for you to decide
if you like the kids before agreeing to come back.” He started to turn to go
inside, and I grabbed his arm.

“If that’s what you think I meant by that comment, you can just
take me back to my car now.” I could tell Ryan didn’t have the slightest idea
what set me off. “I’m not worried about liking them, Ryan. You need to make
sure it’s okay with them for me to tag along to a game before you start
throwing out invitations.” I didn’t wait for his response before walking up the
steps. His shock was written all over his face.

Ryan slowly walked up the steps behind me and stopped at the
door. He looked at me, gave me a slow, shy smile, and winked. “Maybe your
saying things like that makes me already know they’ll love you.”

He entered the code and pushed the door open. It amazed me the
trust people had in him. We walked down a long hallway where the offices were first.
The closer we got to the residential part of the building, the higher my
anxiety got. I reached out without thinking and grabbed Ryan’s hand. He accepted
my hand and squeezed it right before one of the kids came around the corner.

“Ryan!” The short dark-haired boy ran up and hugged Ryan’s waist.
Ryan returned his hug with his free arm. “Is there a game tonight?”

“Not tonight, Davy.” Davy groaned. “It’s too late and you know
it.” Ryan turned to me and pulled me closer. “I wanted to bring my friend by to
meet you guys.”

Davy stepped back and looked at me for the first time. After
slowly inspecting me or my clothes, he shrugged. “Cool.” He turned and ran down
the hall.

“I guess you got Davy’s vote,” Ryan said before dragging me on to
meet the other kids.


I spent the entire weekend with Ryan and the kids at
the group home. We played ball and helped with homework. They had unanimously
voted for me to come back for their games—just as long as I let go of Ryan’s
hand during the game. Ryan was great and held my hand the entire time until
they named their condition for me coming back and I finally let him go. I
didn’t realize I was clinging to him so much.

My favorite part about the weekend was meeting Ryan’s brother,
Ben. I couldn’t get over how much they looked alike. They swore they weren’t
twins. I wanted siblings so badly, and, since seeing Ryan and Ben together, I
wanted to look like my siblings, too.

The more I talked with Ben, the more I could see the differences.
Ben’s face had a more rounded look to it, whereas Ryan’s was a little longer.
They had the same brown eyes and the same killer smile that you noticed right
away, but I still thought Ryan wore them better.

Ben was the one that was actually running the group home. No
wonder Ryan had easy access. Even if his brother weren’t in charge, I had very
little doubt Ryan would stay away. Every time I got more of a glimpse of what
kind of man Ryan was, I couldn’t help but wonder why I would hide anything from
him. I knew he wouldn’t think any less of me, but I still couldn’t bring myself
to tell him.

The truth was going to come out sooner or later. I knew that, but
I couldn’t have Ryan thinking I was coming only for the off chance they could
help me find my parents. I overheard a conversation by the office where someone
used to be here as a child and came back for help in finding their family. His
wife was going to have a baby, and he wanted his entire family to be a part of
it. I wasn’t able to hear any details on how they would help, but Ben did offer
to assist in any way he could. That gave me more hope than I’d had in a long
time. I just needed to time it right and have patience before bringing it up to

As I stepped off the elevator, I tried to clear my thoughts of my
weekend with Ryan and finding my family. I needed to get the board back from
Vicki that she told me I couldn’t have until Monday morning. I thought she’d be
happy to know that I stayed away from the building and anything that resembled
work all weekend. I definitely wouldn’t consider anything I did at the group
home to be work.

Mandy was shared by Vicki and Matt when Vicki came back. She was
on the phone, so I pointed to Vicki’s door. She smiled big and waved me in. I
knocked on the door before entering and Vicki looked up. She ended her call
that she was on and smiled big at me. “So, did you have a good weekend?”

Why was everyone smiling like that? “Yes, I did. How was your

“Apparently not as good as yours.” Vicki walked behind me and
shut the door. She motioned for me to sit and sat next to me. “How was the game?”

BOOK: Coming Home
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