Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)
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Terms? “What are you talking about?”

“I want you.”

“M-me? Want me for what?”

Sutton’s answering smile made her heart stop. He couldn’t mean...? He cleared up her confusion. “The simple answer is I want to fuck you but that’s not the whole of it. I want to own you. Body and soul. I want to strip you naked and make you suck my cock at a moment’s notice. I want to watch you come when I snap my fingers. I want you to be at my beck and call. My own personal little sweet slut and I’m willing to pay for it.”

For a long moment all Elizabeth could do was stare in utter shock.

He’d just propositioned her.

Sutton Buchanan, one of the richest men in the world had just asked her to be his

What the hell was this world coming to? Was this a prank?

An ugly thought came to her.

“Because I’m fat? Is that it? You think you can make me a disgusting offer like that just because I should be grateful that
would want to fuck me, much less a man like you?”

Her eyes burned with sudden tears but she held them back. She wasn’t going to cry twice in one day!

He laughed at her fears. “You say fat, I say soft and squeezable.”

Elizabeth was still reeling from his indecent offer. Did this actually happen to real people? “I don’t understand...” that was all she could manage at the moment.

Sutton seized the opportunity to keep talking as if it were completely normal to blatantly proposition a complete stranger.

“Here’s what I propose: I will take care of your sister’s housing issue and persuade Polk to reconsider your position as a Covington House artist, as well as pay you an exorbitant sum as compensation for your role.” He flicked a dismissive glance at her apartment. “Enough to move out of this disgusting hovel for starters and buy a real car.”

He’d seen her busted down Honda? “There’s nothing wrong with my car. It gets me to where I’m going.”

“You’re going nowhere,” he pointed out cruelly. “You need connections and I can provide them. In the art world, talent isn’t enough.”

She hated that he was right. How long had she been trying to gain some traction only to find the doors slamming shut for one reason or another?

She was at the point where giving up was hovering at the edge of her mind but she simply couldn’t imagine life without her art.

Art had kept her sane when her entire world had crumbled.

Art kept her going when she wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

“My art is everything,” she said in an anguished whisper, mostly to herself.

“I would allow you sufficient breaks to work on your art,” he allowed as if being magnanimous, then added with a shrug, “I might enjoy watching you paint naked.”

His flippant comment jerked her back to the moment. Indignant, she spat, “I don’t know why you thought I would be open to a disgusting offer as this but--“

“Because you have nothing and you are going nowhere,” he cut in with ruthless simplicity. “I can change all that. Isn’t the hope of a bright future worth a such a small price?”

“A small price?” she sputtered. “You want me to whore myself to you!”


“I’m not a whore.”

“Everyone has a price. Even you.”

“You’re wrong.” Elizabeth lifted her chin, determined to prove her point. She’d find a way — a more respectable way — to solve her problems.

She had two months to figure out the housing situation with Gretchen. Maybe she could pick up more shifts at the diner? Or maybe she could sell some of her art on eBay?

Or maybe...Sutton calmly scribbled something on the back of a business card and thrust it at her with an efficient smile.

Elizabeth accepted the card and flipped it around. She gasped. HOLY FUCKING HELL! That was a lot of zeros.

“My number is on the card. Think about it.”

And then he let himself out.

Elizabeth couldn’t think. Couldn’t see beyond that ridiculous number. The things she could do with that kind of money.

She saw all her problems fading in the shadow of that giant number. She also saw her dignity and pride shrinking in the face of that number.

No. She couldn’t do it. Money didn’t solve every problem,
except hers
, a small voice whispered.

No. It wasn’t that cut and dry. She was raised with morals and values. Her parents would roll over in their graves if they knew what their daughter was contemplating.

Wait...was she contemplating?

Those zeros made her head swim. It was
money. It was the kind of money that people dreamed of winning at the lottery or the slots.

Not the kind of money that a good girl like Elizabeth should be thinking about.

But what about Gretchen?

What was going to happen when her sister turned eighteen and Rising Dawn was forced to dump her out of the wonderful, shiny, happy program that’d been a Godsend for their family?

Elizabeth feared for their future without Rising Dawn. Gretchen would regress; Elizabeth would have to work two jobs to hire an in-house nurse. God only knew how she could afford such a service.

Tears threatened again and this time she let them fall. She deserved a good cry over this. Anyone else would’ve been bawling their head off by this point.

Elizabeth stared at the business card, hating Sutton’s offer, hating Sutton for tempting her with a devil’s bargain.

He wanted to have sex with her. Not just a one and done, either. He wanted to own her for a time period. How long?

He hadn’t said.

What kind of man made an offer like that? A man without a moral bone in his body, clearly.

And what kind of woman would, even reluctantly, consider such an offer?

A desperate woman, that’s what kind.

And she was plenty desperate.


Bookmark: 2

Sutton couldn’t contain his brimming excitement, which in of itself was pretty surprising.

At thirty-five, a billionaire since before he was born, there was little he hadn’t experienced at this point.

Except this.

Two days had passed but against all odds, Elizabeth had accepted his offer.

When his phone had buzzed and he’d seen the unknown number, he’d instinctively known it was her even though he usually never answered unknown numbers.

Her tremulous voice in his ear had sparked an impossibly deep and violent spark of lust crackling through his body as his muscles went taut and his cock stiffened as surely as if her wet mouth were already on him.

“I’ll do it,” she’d said. “But I have questions.”

“Come to my office; I’ll answer any question you have.”

A beat followed with, “When?”

He grinned. “Now.”

And that was that. She was on her way. Already doing as she was told like a good little girl.

Sutton rubbed his cock through his slacks, unable to stop the giddy anticipation.

He should’ve tried something like this a long time ago.
Just imagine the possibilities

He’d heard rumors of his cousins doing the very thing he was about to do with one notable exception — he wasn’t going to fall for his plaything.

wThe rumor that Vince, Nolan and Dillon had once messed around with the same woman wasn’t something anyone talked about — if they were smart, that is — but rumors were sly bastards and still managed to circulate.

The fact that the woman in question was now Dillon’s wife was certainly something that everyone studiously avoided; Dillon had a quick temper and a vicious need to protect his precious wife from anything that might upset her.

Sutton supposed bringing up the fact that the beloved Penny Buchanan had once been a paid whore to the brothers might make dinner conversation awkward.

Not to mention the three brothers might tag-team the loose-lipped idiot with their fists.

And Sutton was no idiot.

Nor was he particularly judgmental. He didn’t give a shit that his cousin-in-law had fucked around with all three of his cousins. He had better, more interesting things to spend his mental energy.

Such as, just exactly how should he break in his lovely new plaything?

He’d need to have her fitted for new clothes of his choosing — lingerie most specifically — not to mention some fetish wear.

He’d always been particularly keen to have a pony girl in his possession. He wondered how quickly his little peach would protest at the idea of a bit and bridle? And a mane hanging from her lovely ass?

Maybe he’d take her to Malvagio.

The idea was a promising one. Malvagio...his cousins were being short-sighted in their desperate desire to unload the private, elite sex club.

To Sutton’s mind, the club was a perfect investment: the club made money hand-over-fist and it was wicked fun, too.
What’s not to like?

The blowjobs alone were worth it! The women invited to play at Malvagio knew how to suck the chrome from a ball hitch.

Jesus, the last time he was there a delicious sub named Sapphire (clearly not her real name) gleefully stuck her finger up his ass while sucking him off, sending him into orbit as he flooded her lovely throat with hot jizz.

God, it’d been sublime.

He hadn’t thought to ask Elizabeth if she were still a virgin or what her sexual experience included but wouldn’t it be a happy surprise if she were a virgin?

He liked the idea of being her first. It must play to his primal sense of
ancestry buried in his DNA.

He desperately wanted to be the first man to split her open.
Jesus, that idea was hotter than fuck
. Hotter than little Sapphire’s finger-in-his-ass trick.

He swallowed and glanced at the clock. He had to get his shit together. It wouldn’t do for Elizabeth to see him so undone.

The Buchanans were known in the business world as sharks; they didn’t quail in negotiations and they didn’t show weakness.

He made quick work of refreshing himself in his adjoining corporate restroom and none too soon.

His secretary announced that Elizabeth Downing was in the lobby to see him.

That damnable urge to grin returned and he smothered it with great effort.

“Send her in,” he said into his intercom, then lounged in his giant leather chair, hungry for what was to come but careful to hide his anticipation with a practiced poker face.

But he wasn’t prepared for the shocking jolt to his system.

She entered his office, looking fresh, virginal — like a plump lamb to slaughter — wearing a sweet, slightly faded, yellow sundress that dusted her knees and showed off shapely legs that only sent his imagination soaring.

Her blonde hair tumbled down her back, just as it had when he’d first seen her, and he couldn’t stop his mind from conjuring just how amazing it would feel twisted in his hand.

“Close the door and lock it,” he instructed, going straight to the preliminaries.

Elizabeth swallowed and did as she was told. He smiled approvingly, then he beckoned. “Now come to me.”

But she didn’t.

She stopped short, chin lifted, surprising him with, “I have terms.”

And even though she was the mouse standing up to the lion, he had to respect her chutzpah.

“Which are?”

Elizabeth fumbled in her small, worn, probably second-hand, purse and withdrew a folded piece of paper to thrust it at him. “I wrote them down so I didn’t forget anything important.”

He perused her “terms” and while most were silly (
i.e. Don’t make me eat fish
), there were a few worth haggling over. He tossed the paper.

“No photos? Come now...that’s unreasonable.”

She clutched her purse, determined. “I can’t afford anyone to know that I’m doing this. I want to build a career. Proof of this could ruin me in the future.”

Solid point. He had to give her that. “What if I promised to guard the photos with my life?”

“Anyone who would make someone a bargain like this isn’t to be trusted. Sorry. Your word means nothing to me.”

Blunt. Sutton found it refreshing. He sighed and decided to be generous. “Fine. No visual evidence of our relationship will ever surface. Good?”

She jerked a nod.

“But I’m sorry I can’t agree to this term...” he gestured to number four on the list. “No anal sex. That’s definitely on the table so get used to the idea.”

She paled. “I-I’ve heard that if it’s not done right, I could be irreversibly damaged.”

He found her fear adorable. “I know what I’m doing. I would never hurt you, sweetness.”

“Don’t call me that. No term of endearments, term number ten.”

He rechecked the list. “Ah, yes, I see that. Fine.

She released a shaky breath. “Okay, now sign it and we’, start this thing.”

“Not so fast. I have questions of my own. Come here,” he commanded.

When she hesitated, he arched his brow in warning and she reluctantly came to him. He pulled her into his lap, loving how solid and soft she felt against him, how hot her little pussy felt on his thigh.

Speaking of...”Are you a virgin?” he slid his hands up her dress to find her little hot box.

Trembling, she nodded, gasping as his fingers found her damp folds.

Her cheeks filled with heat and he nearly crowed with satisfaction.

No one had fucked his little prize! He would be the first.

No doubt she could feel the rock hard length of his cock beneath her ass because he was swelling like he’d just downed a handful of Viagra.

“Very good. That makes me happy. I am curious though...why are you still untouched?”

She stiffened. “That’s personal.”

He frowned and punished her with a sharp flick against her soft pussy lips.

She jerked at the unexpected pain. “You shall hide nothing from me. From the point that you accepted my offer, you are my property. Do you understand?”

She bit her lip and nodded. Mollified, he petted her softly where he’d caused pain. “Now, let’s try again. Why are you still a virgin?”

“I don’t date very much. At all actually,” she clarified with discomfort.

She struggled with revealing something so private about herself but he enjoyed forcing her to his will.

This was going to be fun.

She was right; anyone who would enjoy doing this to another human being shouldn’t be trusted.

Oh, my sweet Elizabeth...I am going to ruin you.

That’s a promise.

BOOK: Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)
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