Read Club Prive Book V Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult, #college, #Suspense, #Humorous, #Billionaire

Club Prive Book V (8 page)

BOOK: Club Prive Book V
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“I did.” My own smile faded a bit. “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” he said. “I broke my arm when I was eight trying to show off on my bike. Not even close to as bad as that.” His expression sobered. “What about you?”

“My hand’s aching,” I admitted. “I didn’t realize Howard’s head was that hard, and it probably wasn’t a good idea to do that with the same hand I’d dislocated my thumb on.”

“And... otherwise?”

I gave Gavin a puzzled look. I wasn’t sure what he was asking.

He lifted one hand and gently ran his fingers down the side of my face, then over my arm. “It’s not bothering you, me touching you like this?”

Now I was really confused. “I don’t understand.”

“I know that when someone goes through what you went through with Howard, they don’t want to be touched.”

“He didn’t rape me, Gavin,” I said.

“But he put his hands on you.”

I could hear the anger in Gavin’s voice and a realization hit me. “Is this why we didn’t have sex before?”

“I wanted so badly to make love to you,” he said. His voice was so earnest that it made my heart skip a beat. “But I didn’t think you’d want me that way, not after what had happened. I was even worried about how much I could touch you in the shower.”

That explained why he’d seemed almost hesitant while washing me earlier. I closed the short gap between us even though it meant bending my neck at an almost painful angle to still be able to look at him. I heard his breathing hitch and felt him swell even more.

“Howard did touch me,” I said. “And even though I showered, I can still feel his hands. I need you to chase away those memories.” I slid my arms around his waist and felt the muscles in his back tense. “Please.”

He rolled us over so that he was above me, the majority of his weight balanced on his forearms, his body resting on mine from our bellies down. He leaned down and I could see his arms flexing with the effort of keeping himself in position as he kissed me.

It was slow and sweet, his lips moving with mine, slowly parting, and then the tip of his tongue tracing my bottom lip before darting inside. My tongue moved out to caress his and he made a sound in the back of his throat. His teeth scraped over my bottom lip and it was my turn to moan.

I tilted my head back as his mouth moved from mine down to my jaw. His lips burned a trail down my throat, gentle kisses that were at odds with what I was expecting. I remembered how he’d marked me before, sucking skin into his mouth until the blood rose to the surface. There was none of that this time.

Gavin shifted so that he was on his side, allowing him better access to my body. He ran his hand across my stomach and then up to my breasts. He covered one with his hand and I ran my hand up his arm, skirting the bandages. I loved the feel of his skin against mine.

“I promise you, Carrie,” he said softly. “No one will ever touch you without your permission again.”

I arched my back, pushing my breast against his palm. “You have permission. Please touch me.”

He smiled and lowered his head to my bare breast. As his fingers teased my nipple, his lips moved over my soft skin, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses circling up to my already hardening nipple.

“Ahh,” I sighed as his hot mouth closed over the wrinkled flesh.

My eyelids fluttered as he began to suck. It was a slow, steady suction that went straight through me, a deep pull of pleasure. In the back of my head, I was waiting for teeth, for a sharp tug and twist by his fingers, but it didn’t happen. By the time he switched to my other nipple and ran his hand down my side to my hip, I stopped thinking about what it had been like before and let the sensations of now take over.

I moaned as Gavin ran his tongue between my breasts and then down my stomach. His tongue swirled around my belly button before continuing its journey south. I opened my eyes as soon as I felt him nudge my legs apart. He looked up at me as he positioned himself between my thighs. He turned his head to one side and placed a kiss first on one inner thigh, then the other. I shivered with each contact, the anticipation of his mouth on me making heat coil in my stomach. He turned his gaze back to my face, keeping his eyes on me as he moved forward.

“Fuck,” I gasped as he ran his tongue the full length of me.

He worked that thick muscle between my lips, dipping inside me before moving up to circle the little bundle of nerves that throbbed in need. I could feel the delicious pressure building inside me and knew that my release – the first of what I hoped would be quite a few – was near. He wrapped his hands around my hips as he pressed his mouth closer, his kiss tipping me over the edge.

My hips tried to move, to push themselves closer to that delightful mouth that was sending wave after wave of pleasure washing over me, but his hands held me fast. I reached down and buried my fingers in his silky hair, trying to accomplish what another part of me had been unable to do.

As a second orgasm rolled over me, one of Gavin’s hands moved from my hip, and a moment later, I felt his finger at my entrance.

“Yes,” I hissed as he slid it inside.

His tongue continued to flick over my clit, sending signals racing along my nerves, as his finger slowly pumped in and out of me. I was wet, but tight, and he took full advantage of that, letting the friction help work me towards a third climax. When he slipped a second finger into me, I closed my eyes and moaned.

“One more,” he murmured against my flesh, the puffs of hot air on my sensitive skin making me shiver. “Come for me again.”

I nodded. I wanted to. Every inch of my body was humming and I could feel it getting closer. Then he crooked his fingers and pressed against that spot inside of me. I exploded, my back arching up off of the bed as he applied just the right amount of pressure to keep me coming until spots danced in front of my eyes. I was vaguely aware that I was calling out his name, and then I dropped back to the bed, my body limp as he withdrew his hand from between my legs.

I tried to focus on my breathing and getting my limbs to work again as he crawled up my body until we were face to face. His cock nudged against my still-sensitive pussy and I drew in a shuddering breath.

Gavin kissed me gently and I tasted myself on his lips. It wasn’t deep or long, just enough to not be chaste. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked. “We don’t have to.”

I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Make me forget.”

His hand moved between our bodies and, a moment later, I felt the tip of him enter me. He slid inside, taking his time to let my body accept him one inch at a time. I hooked my legs over his, resting my ankles on the backs of his knees. I sighed as he came to rest, fully sheathed inside me. There it was, that completeness I craved.

His eyes locked with mine as he began to move. Each stroke was slow and deliberate, creating the perfect friction to fan the flames stirring inside me. He rubbed against my G-spot with every thrust, and it sent electricity across my nerves, igniting my cells. I knew something big was coming and I wasn’t sure I could survive it.

I’d had the kind of orgasms that had made me scream, the ones that sent me into unconsciousness. They’d all built with a pressure that promised an explosion of ecstasy, and then delivered. This wasn’t an explosion waiting to happen. No, this was a building inferno that threatened to consume everything.

Gavin moved suddenly, pulling me up with him until he was sitting and I was in his lap. He didn’t lose contact as he wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled me against him so that our chests were pressed together. My nipples rubbed against his chest, making me whimper at the added sensation. The base of him rubbed my already sensitive clit with each movement and I shivered.

The new position brought us even closer, something I hadn’t thought was possible. His arm ran up my spine, his hand cupping the back of my head, holding me against him. We moved together, almost as one, our bodies grinding against each other as the fire inside us licked across our skins, coating us, consuming us. His mouth took mine, our tongues mimicking the movements of our lower bodies.

All sense of time and place bled away. It was only Gavin and me, our connection, the way our bodies fit together so perfectly. Our lips moving, tongues dancing. Every place where we touched each other blazing with an inferno of pleasure.

I almost didn’t recognize my orgasm as it began, the flames spiking, then spilling over. I tore my mouth away from Gavin’s and cried out, my entire body shuddering with the force of my climax. It wasn’t a sudden and massive rush, crashing over me like a wave, but rather the relentless pounding of the tide against the shore.

Gavin’s arms tightened around me and his hips jerked against mine. I felt him come, pulsing inside me, filling me. He called out my name over and over again, crushing me against his chest.

What seemed like years passed before I dropped my head to his shoulder, my muscles twitching as the fire inside me began to cool.

I’d never experienced anything remotely close to what had just happened. Orgasms had been bursts of intense pleasure between the enjoyable friction that had brought me. Gavin had made me see stars, made me come so hard I’d passed out, made me scream. This had been something different. I’d felt like I’d been melted down, turned into molten lava, liquid heat. Somehow, it had been more intense, as if it had meant more.

I raised my head and found Gavin looking at me. The moment my eyes met his, the blue almost the same shade as a midnight sky, I knew that he’d felt it too. It hadn’t been how we’d done it, what position, or the fact that it had been gentle. Everything that had happened had shifted something between us.

Gavin brushed back a few curls that had escaped my braid and shifted us so that we were stretched back out on the bed. He lay on his back and I curled up against him, resting my head on his chest. I loved hearing the sound of his heart.

We lay in silence for several minutes before I admitted that I needed an answer to the question that had resurfaced as I’d come down from my climactic high. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“That was amazing, but there wasn’t any...” My voice trailed off as I realized I wasn’t quite sure how to actually ask my question. “I mean, we didn’t do anything...”

“You want to know why we didn’t do anything kinky?”

I looked up to see him smiling at me. My cheeks burned, but I nodded.

“I don’t need the S&M stuff to enjoy myself, Carrie,” he assured me. “I like variety.” He kissed my forehead. “Besides, I figure we have plenty of time to explore that in the future.”

A thrill went through me at his mention of the future. Still, I decided to tease him a bit. I fixed my lips into a saucy grin. “Does that mean if I’m a bad girl tonight, you won’t want to punish me?”

He raised an eyebrow.

I slid my hand across his stomach and down, wrapping my fingers around his softening cock. He sucked in a breath and I chuckled.

“If you want to play,” he said. “I’m going to need my strength. We should get something to eat.”

I gave him a mock pout and he laughed, leaning down to take my bottom lip between his teeth, lightly tugging on it. I started to move on top of him, but just as things were about to get interesting, his cell phone rang.

I glanced at it, more out of habit than from actually caring who it was. I had other things on my mind, but as soon as I saw the number, I rolled off of Gavin and reached for it. He gave me a puzzled look, but as soon as I answered it, understanding crossed his face.

“Hello,” I said.

“What the fuck, Carrie?!” Krissy’s voice was too loud in my ear. “I’ve been trying to call you all day!”

“It’s a long story, Krissy,” I interrupted before she could get going. I glanced at Gavin.

“You fill her in. I’ll go get us something to eat.” Gavin kissed my cheek and then climbed out of bed.

I watched him walk across the bedroom, my thoughts straying until Krissy brought me back.

“Carrie, if you’re ogling your boyfriend instead of talking to me, I’m going to kick your ass.”

I grinned sheepishly even though she couldn’t see me. “Sorry,” I apologized. “So, here’s what happened...”

Chapter 12

one of this seemed real. Actually, not much in the past two weeks seemed like anything other than some very strange, and sometimes erotic, dream.

The rumors throughout the legal world were that Howard had royally screwed himself in thinking he could talk himself out of his charges by buddying up to the detective interrogating him. He’d gotten himself a reduced sentence on the sex trafficking charges in exchange for his client lists, but because his ego had gotten the better of him, he’d ended up admitting to a whole slew of other crimes that even his high-priced lawyer hadn’t been able to make go away. Between the drugs he’d supplied to Melissa, my assault and attempted rape, his assault and attempted murder of Gavin, and the information linking him to covering up Camille’s death, he wasn’t going to be getting out of jail for a very long time, if ever. I’d also been hearing that some of his female staff had gone in to officially file complaints. I hoped Annie was one of them.

Of course, all of that had brought a lot of unwanted attention my way, so Gavin and I had been hiding out in either his place or mine, the timing depending on whether or not Krissy wanted the apartment to herself. We didn’t walk anywhere and we definitely didn’t go out to eat. I’d begun to feel sympathy for celebrities who complained about the paparazzi. I’d even missed participating in my own graduation ceremony because the press had gotten wind of it.

The only place outside of the two apartments where the media couldn’t touch me was work. The first time someone had tried to sneak in to the office, Mimi had gone to a judge who’d slapped a restraining order on the reporter and ordered the press to stay at least five hundred feet away from the building. Mimi really was an amazing lawyer.

“Are you ready?” Krissy asked as she approached my desk. “It’s your party, after all. Can’t start till you get there.”

When Mimi had heard I hadn’t been able to go to my graduation, she’d decided to throw me a party at work. I’d dressed for the occasion, putting aside my usual wardrobe in exchange for one of the sundresses Gavin had bought me for our trip to Miami. That particular weekend had so many bad memories that I was determined to make new ones to overshadow the old. This would be my new memory in my cute mint-green dress.

BOOK: Club Prive Book V
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