Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit) (3 page)

BOOK: Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)
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Beaming, her eyes sparkled like jewels and her bright smile warmed his heart. Her head placed gently against his chest, she wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you. I’m not easily intimidated, and a few gawkers aren’t going to rattle me. You’re my man, and I’m your woman.”

He kissed her tenderly until her knees wobbled. “We’ll finish this tonight.”

His cold, hard eyes averted the gawk of the bold onlookers. Whatever their issue was, he didn’t care. He clung to her even more, making sure she knew she was his and that she was secure with him.

n Thursday, they went back to his house and lazed around for most of the day. He retreated to his study to work for a few hours while she bathed in the pool and relaxed. He was content to spend a quiet evening at home with Kerrigan. That night, he would test her talents.

Sitting next to her on the sofa in the family room, he shifted his position to face her and asked, “Will you tickle my ivory?”

Her eyebrows shot up, and lips parted.

“I meant play something on the piano for me,” he said, as one corner of his mouth slanted into a flirty smile.

She blushed. “I haven’t played in years, but I’ll try. I love Beethoven’s Silence. The piece is beautiful.”

He stood. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her to her feet and led her from the casual comfort of the family into the elegant opulence of his showcase living room. He never liked the space, but his interior decorator talked him into designing a room filled with expensive custom-made furnishings and authentic artwork as a must-have for entertaining.

Kerrigan slinked her way to the ebony Steinway baby grand and sat, fanning out her coral floor-length dress across the black bench. Long, graceful fingers lined the ivory keys, pressing them into melodic symphony as music echoed off the walls filled the room.

Fifteen minutes later, Axel moved from the cream chiffon sofa where he sat, and joined her on the bench, sitting so closely that he saw her chest go from calm to a rapid rise and fall as he closed the distance between them. Her fingers slipped, missing the right notes. The offending sound ended her playing mid-chord.

“If you want me to play, you need to move back. You’re making me nervous.”

A slow guilty smile perched his lips, and he moved closer until he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re very talented.” He leaned down and kissed her until she panted softly. “Play for me later. I’m going to make love to you, right here and now.”

She melted into his touch. “Axel, I…” He shoved his tongue into her mouth, silencing her defense. The clashing sound of random keys being pressed as they leaned against the piano keys impassioned and breathless was their duet.

Releasing her trembling body and with an abrupt move, he turned on the piano’s auto-play function. “Shh, baby. Don’t say a word. Let me make love to you.” A soft melody filled the room once more.

The second he resumed his touch, caressing and fondling her, she was his again, lost in the sensual heat of his command. “Yes,” she whispered a raspy reply.

Entwined and enraptured with Kerrigan, he slipped to the floor bringing her hot, writhing body onto his. He made love to her there on the floor, on the sofa and on the piano, tenderly, all night. The memory they made that night would forever change his opinion of the stodgy room.


Friday, October 5

Early Friday morning Axel and Kerrigan drove two hours north to spend the weekend at his mountain cabin. He didn’t immediately tell her where he was taking her. Half way to their destination, he broke the news.

He glanced at her cautiously. “Are you sure you want to know where we’re heading?”
Suddenly, his stomach was heavy, like stones resting inside.

er head leaned back against the black leather headrest. She turned away from the scenic view of magnificent pines and caught his glare. “Yes! Axel, stop teasing me and tell me where we’re going.”

The cool breeze coming in from the open window calmed his nerves.
“Okay. Okay. We’re going to spend the weekend at my cabin. It’s near a quaint little town in the north Georgia Mountains.” The right indicator light blinked as he switched lanes getting behind a blue minivan. Better to be in the slow lane for this conversation.

Sounds lovely.” She turned toward the road and closed her eyes.

He cleared his throat.
“I’ve made sure we get to spend time together on Saturday evening.” His white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel helped him brace for impact.

Her eyes spr
ang open, and she jerked forward as she turned to face him, harnessed by the seat belt pressed against her pastel pink shirt between her breasts. “Only on Saturday night? What does that mean? Is there something you’re not telling me?” Her voice pitched.

Well … tonight Ryker and mom and dad are joining us at the cabin. And tomorrow, the guys are going fishing ...” He paused, and then glanced at her, watching her expression.

Her mouth fell open.
“What! You didn’t tell me that I was going to meet your family.” She placed her hand on her forehead. “Things are moving too quickly,” she muttered under her breath and shook her head. “I’m not ready to meet them yet. I didn’t pack appropriately. Do they know anything about me?” She rattled off, her voice raising several octaves.

Shifting in his seat, he stiffened.
“Yesterday, I told mom that you’d be coming. They’ve known about you for a while.” He cleared his throat again. “I may have mentioned you a few times.” He couldn’t help the guilty grin that spread across his face. “Don’t worry about your clothes. You always look gorgeous.”

stared at him with narrowed eyes, scowling. “I can’t believe you. Meeting your parents isn’t something you can just spring on me at the last possible minute. What do they think about your dating a black woman?” He could see the worry on her face, her forehead wrinkling the way it did when she was frustrated or upset about something.

Lips pressed together, he regarded her with a gentle touch to her arm now folded across her chest
. “I’ve never mentioned your race to my family. It doesn’t matter. Kerrigan, you’re not some strange three-headed alien. You’re a human being, and I love you. The color of our skin shouldn’t make a difference. Besides, I happen to think that our contrasting skin tones are visually stunning when we make love.”

subtle shade of rouge tinted her cheeks at his remark, but it didn’t deter her irritation. “Axel, you can’t make light of this. You and I might not have any issues with our differences, but some people might. I’m not accusing your parents of being racists, but prejudice is alive. I am acutely aware of that fact every day. The color of my skin shouldn’t matter, but sometimes it does. What do your parents think about interracial relationships?” Her frigid tone and glossy-eyed stare hit him in the gut like a sack of potatoes.

uiet for a moment, he thought about the position he would be putting her in.

He reached over and grabbed her hand. “Baby,
I’m sorry. I understand how you feel. I wish I could take away your pain.” He regarded her with a half smile. “I’ve never talked with my parents about interracial dating or relationships, and I honestly don’t know what they’ll think, but they raised me to treat all people with dignity and respect, regardless of race, gender or social status.” He glanced at her trying to gauge her reaction. She was an ice cube, motionless and staring at the winding, tree-lined road ahead.

He pulled his hand away, needing both of them on the steering wheel as the vehicle swerved over onto the shoulder and came to an abrupt stop.

She gasped. Her eyebrows pressed together in a V, and the harsh intensity in her eyes faded, her expression softening into a perplexed daze.

Cars, trucks, SUVs and eighteen-wheelers passed by them in loud swooshes. The parked vehicle shook. His fingers reached out and glided
, from her temple, and then to her chin. He leaned over, pulled her closer, pecking her softly on the lips and then peeled away. “I don’t give a damn if anyone has an issue with us, including our families. I want you to meet my family.” He reclaimed his hold on her hand. “Kerrigan, you’re important to me, and I want my family to know how much you mean. I hope to meet your family one day soon, too. What will they think?” He gave her hand a light squeeze.

My family is so diverse they wouldn’t even think twice about us. They’d mostly care that we’re happy.” She paused, nervous eyes looking up to his. “I don’t know about this, but I suppose I have no choice do I?” Her eyes filled with moisture, ready to flow.

squeezed her hand tighter. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry for springing this on you. I didn’t think this through, how you might feel about meeting my parents.” He kissed her again, softly. “I don’t think about us in terms of color. I’m just a man and you’re the woman I love. I wish you weren’t so concerned about what others think.”

She turned her head
away. A single tear trickled down her cheek. “Right or wrong, what others think does matter to me,” she said mumbling under her breath.

Kerrigan tensed as she thought about meeting Axel’s parents. Although a
success in his own right, he came from money. She was certain that his parents had different plans for their son that probably didn’t include him falling in love with someone like her. She remained silent the rest of the trip. What type of woman, would Mrs. Christensen be? If she were anything like Emma, perhaps she and Kerrigan would get along well.

The SUV turned
down the long twisting driveway. As the secluded log cabin came into view, she saw two other vehicles parked in front of a double car garage. Her heart raced. His family was already there. The trepidation that had been building inside her came bubbling to the surface. She didn’t utter a word. The vehicle came to a halt as the engine idled behind a silver Lexus sedan. Leaning toward her, he took one of her hands in his, the palm of his other hand caressing her cheek softly. She leaned into his touch.

I’m really sorry for doing this to you, but I promise there’s nothing to worry about. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Kerrigan, I’m in love with you. You’re afraid to admit your feelings, but I know you feel the same about me. I see the way you look at me, even now, the way you respond to my touch, and your spoken and unspoken words. I want more with you, so much more and I think you do to, and I want both our families to know about us. If I’m wrong, tell me now, and I’ll turn around, and we can go back to the city.” He shifted away from her and rubbed his chin.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the clean
mountain air that drifted in through the open sunroof. “You’re not wrong,” she whispered softly.

A sexy crooked smile perched on his lips. “We’
ll have a terrific weekend. Just try to relax.”

smoldering gaze and his sensual touch turned her to mush. He captured her trembling lips with his. His kiss, slow and deep until she melted into him, was sweet seduction. His hand covered her breast. He would have made his way under her eyelet shirt if not for the sudden loud banging that came from the driver side window. She jolted back slamming into the passenger door and gasped. Turned in his seat, he rolled his eyes as he slid his hand to the door and pressed a button to roll down the window.

What the hell, bro? I’m a little busy here with my lady or hadn’t you noticed?” He regarded the man standing outside the vehicle with a stern, but playful look.

Ryker was a few years his junior
. His dark tousled hair, tall wiry frame and olive colored skin resembled Axel’s, except Axel’s build was hulking and muscular. Eyes, a less intense shade of blue, stared back at her. The man’s handsome face was a younger version of his brother’s, but boy-like.

Axel’s brother
smirked with the same devious visage that she had come to know all too well. “I was trying to rescue her from you,” he returned, sticking his head through the window. He passed Axel and regarded her directly. “Kerrigan, I’m sorry my brother has such poor manners. You’ll have to forgive him. Are you okay?” She laughed. She knew she would like Axel’s brother already. “I can contain him if he gets out of hand again,” Ryker said and then smiled.

“Thank you, Ryker. That’s kind of you, but I know I’m in good hands with
your brother.”

Axel turned back to
her, smiled and squeezed her hand. “That you are.” He leaned close to her so only she could hear his next words. “I’ll show you later just how good my hands are,” he said in a seductive growl. “Come on. I want you to meet the rest of the family. They’re not as ornery.”

Axel exited
the black SUV, and jogged around to her side, opened the door and helped her down. Protectively, he put his arm around her petite waist and held her close to him. Walking toward the cabin, Kerrigan halted her steps, planting her feet firmly on the cobblestone path as she took in the looming forest, echoes of life teaming around her and rays of sunlight that singed her skin as beams filtered down through the scattered branches above. Ryker had gone ahead of them, shoving their bags through the cabin door.

Axel tilted his head, his forehead wrinkling. She knew that expression. “I’m fine,” she said, placing her arm around his waist as she leaned against him. “The air is so fresh, and the sunshine feels good. The mountains are so beautiful.” Inhaling, earthy moss filled her nostrils.

He tightened his hold on her, and then kissed her forehead. “Are you sure you’re not just stalling?” Tugging her forward, he coaxed her feet to move again, small twigs and pine needles crunching under Kerrigan’s steps.

“I’m nervous.” She glanced up at him, and then nuzzled her head against his chest. “Okay, maybe I’m stalling a little.” She conceded.

They reached the front door. He gave her behind a light squeeze. “Ah! Axel!” she squealed.

“Baby, I promise, everything is going to be fine. Let’s go inside.”

As they entered the foyer, she heard a man’s voice and the faint sound of a woman’s laughter coming from the family room. The knot that formed in her stomach twisted. He pulled her closer as they made their way into the rustic room. Earth tone colors and shiplap-covered walls was just what she imagined. On either side of a fireplace, two large windows ran along the back of the house and ran the height of the two-story room, letting in bright streams of light, and a breathtaking view of the lakefront.

mother, a willowy woman with long dark hair, sat on a brown leather sofa next to her husband. She was a beauty in her own right. The second they entered the room, Axel’s mother jumped out of her seat and made her way over to them. She reached out her arms to Axel. He pried himself away from Kerrigan as she took him into her warm embrace. She studied his face carefully before speaking.

“Son, you look
well, relaxed even. I haven’t seen you look so at peace in the longest time. It makes my heart happy.” She smiled before turning to regard Kerrigan. “And this must be the young woman I have to thank for your bright disposition. It’s a pleasure to meet you Kerrigan. I’ve heard your name for months now. I’m Elizabeth.”

had prepared herself for a formal handshake. Instead, she was greeted by a tight hug that loosened the tangle in her belly. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

releasing Kerrigan, Elizabeth turned back to Axel.

had a long drive.” She smiled. “Come on in and take a seat.”

. We are tired,” he said, grabbing Kerrigan’s hand and leading her into the large room.

BOOK: Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)
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