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Authors: The Rogue

Claire Delacroix

BOOK: Claire Delacroix
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Dear Reader:


Seductive and mysterious, Merlyn was the laird of Ravensmuir - never had a man so stirred my body and soul. I gave myself to him - willingly, trustingly, passionately - and we soon wed. Then a horrible revelation emerged, shattering my innocence and my marriage...


Five years later, Merlyn returned to my doorstep, desperate for my help. The scoundrel swore he was haunted by memories of me, that a treasure locked in Ravensmuir could clear his name. Yet I could not surrender to his will again. Now he is said to be murdered and Ravensmuir has fallen into my hands.


But even as I cross the threshold of this cursed keep, I hear his whisper in the darkness, feel his caress in the night, and I know that Merlyn has told me but part of his tale. Should I do as is right and expose his lair? Or dare I trust my alluring but deceptive spouse - the rogue who destroyed my heart?


— Ysabella


* * *


Praise for THE ROGUE


“Passion and intrigue test the boundaries of love and honor –
The Rogue
is medieval storytelling at its best!”

Terri Garey, RITA Award Winning Author of
Dead Girls Are Easy


“An engaging tale of lost love found.”



“Claire Delacroix always manages to create spellbinding magical stories that enthrall readers and keep them coming back for more. With her newest release,
The Rogue
, she does it again. If you loved Claire Delacroix’s Bride Quest books, then you don’t want to miss reading
The Rogue
. If you have never read a Claire Delacroix book before, this is the perfect book to start with. It will add a little spice and romance to your life this holiday season and have you wondering where Claire’s books have been all your life.”

Writers Unlimited


The Rogue
, a gothic medieval romance, is an intriguing tale of deception upon deception with all the ingredients to make for a delightfully spooky read.”

Romance Reviews Today


“Rich historical details, unusual plot-line, witty repartee, simmering romantic tension and violent intrigue surrounding the hunt for a mysterious and priceless treasure – all contributed to make this book one inspiring and exciting read! A gripping story with fascinating characters, lush sensuality and a page-turning plot! A gem!”


“This tale of secrets, the lies told to perpetuate those secrets, and the ultimate outcome when all truths are revealed, is deep, complex and well-written.”

Old Book Barn Gazette


“Merlyn is a delightfully charming rogue, Ysabella an admirable heroine, and the mystery just intriguing enough to keep you interested. Ms. Delacroix evokes the era, providing us with an accurate portrait and an enchanting tale – just what readers expect from this talented author.”

Romantic Times Bookclub


“Powerful medieval drama…highly recommended!”


“Five stars! Delacroix goes above and beyond!”

Amy Trauernicht


“Very, very beguiling.
The Rogue
has almost a gothic feel to it, a throwback to historical romantic mysteries that mystified and beguiled readers with little effort (but much cunning on the author’s part). No forgery this: religious artifacts may oft have questionable provenance, but Ms. Delacroix’s roguish heroes are compellingly genuine…and just a little bit dangerous to know.”



“Ms. Delacroix is extremely gifted in creating wonderfully three-dimensional characters, as well as intriguing plots and sub-plots. And
The Rogue
offers that and a myriad of themes for the reader in this tale of long ago love. Within the pages, the reader finds mystery, love gained and lost, then found again, and feels the weight of the burden of guilt and deceit, not matter how well intentioned. A perfect mix of dialog and narrative give this wonderful tale its momentum and an excitement that doesn’t let up until the very end.”

The Road to Romance


“A beguiling medieval romance from Delacroix…readers will devour this rich and compulsively readable tale.”

Publishers Weekly


* * *


Dear Reader;


I’ve always enjoyed reading stories that blend mystery and romance. One of my early reading addictions was to such books, written by authors like Phyllis A. Whitney, Victoria Holt, Daphne DuMaurier and Agatha Christie. These stories featured enigmatic heroes and intrepid heroines, and lonely old castles potentially filled with ghosts (or, at least, with danger and secrets). As a reader, I always yearned for more development of the romantic relationship, though – perhaps it’s only natural that I often played with the inclusion of those mystery and suspense elements in my own romances. With
The Rogue
, I wrote a neo-Gothic romance of my own, in a medieval setting, with my own enigmatic, sexy hero, conflicted, intrepid heroine and castle filled with both secrets and danger. At the time, it seemed like a single book that I needed to write, but since then, I’ve returned to this subgenre a number of times.


Because this book was different in tone from my Bride Quest series – which immediately preceded it in publication – I had hoped that the covers would communicate as much to readers. One of the frustrating realities of traditional publishing is that the cover design is beyond the author’s control. My input was solicited, but my suggestions for a dark, hero-focused cover were put aside in favor of one evocative of the Bride Quest.


So, I was delighted to meet digital artist Eithne O’Hanlon, of Ni Anluain Designs, just before planning this re-release. Our first discussion was filled with enthusiastic admiration of the covers for my fallen angel series published by TOR, which gave me complete faith that she and I were thinking the same way. Her cover designs are exactly what I had originally envisioned for this series – it’s doubly exciting to make this book available again, as well as to see it in new garb.


As with all of my re-releases, I’ve chosen not to revise this book, but to republish it essentially as it was published in the first place.


This month, all three of the Rogues of Ravensmuir medieval romances are becoming available in new print editions. The linked series, The Jewels of Kinfairlie, is already available in new print editions. You can learn more on my website.


I’ve also returned to Kinfairlie and Ravensmuir in my books and am happily writing medieval romance again.
The Renegade’s Heart
, the first book in a new four-book series called The True Love Brides, will be published in May 2012. This new series picks up the story from my Jewels of Kinfairlie series, following four more of the siblings at Kinfairlie as they meet their romantic matches and find their happily-ever-afters.
The Renegade’s Heart
is Isabella’s story and I’m very excited to have the chance to finally tell her tale. Visit my website for more information about this series and other upcoming releases.


I’ve enjoyed revisiting
The Rogue
, and hope you enjoy reading it, as well.


Until next time, I hope you are well and have plenty of good books to read.


All my best,



* * *


The Rogue

by Claire Delacroix


Copyright 2002, 2011 Claire Delacroix, Inc.


Cover Design by Eithne O’Hanlon of Ni Anluain Designs

Cover Design copyright 2011, 2012 Eithne Ni Anluain


Digital Edition


The scanning, uploading, printing and distribution of this work without the express written permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized versions of any work, and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


Publishing History

Warner Books mass market edition

October 2002

Deborah A. Cooke trade paperback edition

March 2012

This digital edition

March 2012



* * *


The Rogue

Table of Contents


December 24


December 25



December 26



December 27



December 28




December 29



December 30



December 31



January 6



An Excerpt from THE SCOUNDREL


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The Rogue


Claire Delacroix



* * *


December 24, 1371

Christmas Eve

Feast Day of Saint Gregory of Spoleto,

and Saints Thrasilla and Emiliana


* * *




The raven came first.

It landed upon the window sill in the kitchen of the silversmith’s wife and croaked so loudly at me that I nearly dropped my ladle into the hot wort.

“Wretched bird! Shoo!” I waved my hand at it, but it merely tilted its head to regard me with bright eyes. “Fie! Away with you!”

I knew as well as any the repute of these birds, but had less desire than most souls to be in the company of a creature so associated with superstition.

I had sufficient trouble without being found in the company of drinkers of blood and harbingers of death. The silversmith’s wife would be rid of us for once and for all, if anyone in this village whispered that I kept a raven as a familiar. Such tales were all nonsense, of course, but I dared not risk an inopportune rumor.

“Shoo!” I flicked a cloth at the bird, which seemed untroubled and unimpressed by my antics. The creature bobbed its head and seemed to cackle at me, no doubt enjoying my discomfiture.

“Begone!” I picked up an onion, the bird watching me with knowing eyes all the time, then flung it across the kitchen with all my might.

I missed the raven by a good three hand-spans, though the onion splattered against the wall most impressively. The bird screamed and took flight, uninjured and apparently insulted, which suited me well enough.

I sighed and rubbed my brow as I eyed the mess. I not only had to clean the shattered onion but would have to explain to my patroness why I had seen fit to destroy her foodstuffs - without admitting to the presence of the raven, lest her superstitions be fed. How sweet it would be to have no need of Fiona, with her sharp face and sharper tongue!

I had learned long ago, though, that there was nothing to be gained in bemoaning one’s circumstance. I stirred the wort again and fought the urge to grumble.

My ale is fine, I dare say, the very finest. But with no kitchen, no pot, no spouse, the law decrees that I cannot be granted a license to brew. My ale has long provided what little coin my family had, so I am compelled to brew. What choice have I but to ally with this wife or another?

Fiona it was, for she would have me as her partner, if by her spouse’s command. It would take a more foolish woman than I to not perceive that though I did most of the work, Fiona kept most of the coin -- and one less aware of nuance than I to not note that coin and spousal approval were not sufficient in Fiona’s view to suffer a witch in one’s kitchen.

BOOK: Claire Delacroix
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