Read Claiming the She Wolf Online

Authors: Louisa Bacio

Tags: #paranormal, #shapeshifter, #black hills, #wolf

Claiming the She Wolf (7 page)

BOOK: Claiming the She Wolf
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“What happens when you shift? How do you control it?”

“I don’t. Something either happens to me or in the environment. Usually I get mad and shift.”

“You’ve never purposely thought about it and done it?”

“I’ve tried. I don’t control it. It controls me.”

How do I explain what it’s like? I sure wish my brother were here to help me
. “Listen, use visualization. Close your eyes and imagine taking your Wolf form—the feeling and the power. You’re running across a meadow, paws pounding on the grass, and the wind ravaging your fur. Feel the energy.”

With a sigh, he shut his eyes and concentrated. She watched him closely. His skin rippled, and, encouraged, she continued.

“See your body morphing from its human form into your Wolf. Your legs stretching out, your haunches curving, the shape of your face elongating, and the strength in your bones.”

Each step, she walked through how it felt to transform from her human shape into her wolf. The lucky males who had problems often had a father figure or male mentor to help guide them. If she had children, it was what she’d want to do. Teach them so they wouldn’t be afraid. Not for the first time, she wondered about Yas’s upbringing, and lack of training.

A single mom raising two shifters on her own in the big city? Maybe she didn’t have the knowledge or resources to help him. Still, she should have tried something, reached out to the pack or another ex-patriot member

“Arrrrgh.” Yas threw his head back and roared. In one fluid movement, he went from human deep in concentration to his Wolf form. He stood before her, a magnificent creature with broad shoulders and thick, light-colored fur. He blinked his blue eyes at her, and bared his teeth in a grin.

He’d done it! Snout to the ground, he sniffed toward her, nosing her leg. She patted him away.

“Stop that, it tickles.” She took a step backward.

With a nudge, he poked her thigh, and she clamped her legs shut. Desire pooled in her belly, as she grew even wetter between her legs. He could smell her readiness. Higher still, he nuzzled right at her pussy, and she pushed him away.

Yas tilted his head to the side, elongated tongue hanging out as if he could taste her.

“Feeling frisky, are you now?” she teased, giving a few more moments to get a head start. Within a flash, she shifted and headed toward home. She wanted him all nice and proper, in bed.

Paws pounding the damp grass, she ran, taking in deep breaths, feeling at one with nature and the world. Nothing fueled her more. Her wolf connected with her psyche. One didn’t exist without the other. She was lucky, being at peace with her dual natures.

A howl behind her drove her faster, and faster. The devil was on her tail, but this one she wanted to catch her. Would he ultimately be able to handle his bounty?

The porch light shimmered through the darkness, and Tala pushed, digging in. Her nails clattered against the wood steps, and she leaped over the last two. In two strides, she morphed into her human shape and entered the house. By the time Yas stepped onto the porch, she’d shut the door. In order to reach her, he’d have to shift again.

The next step in controlling his ability.

A loud thump hit the other side of the door, and the old wood vibrated. He scratched against the frame, and she heard a high-pitched whine.

“Fight it,” she yelled, banging her fist on the door. “Don’t let it win. If you want me, you have to be human again.”

One more impact—she swore the old wood was about to give—and then silence. She held her breath, listening to nothing coming from the other side. Her heart rejoiced. Maybe, he’d won. Another bang resounded, and she jumped away from the door.

“Honey, Tala, open up. It’s me,” Yas called.

Nothing had ever sounded sweeter than his voice. Well, damn. He’d done it—with proper incentive.

Hesitation cast aside, she flung open the door. Chest heaving, he leaned against the wall, perspiration glittering on his skin. She drank in his sculpted chest all the way down to his yummy cock that looked oh so happy to see her.

“I thought you’d never get here,” she said. “Are you ready to come inside and take me to bed?”

“Nothing I want more.”

The moment he stepped over the threshold, his manner changed. The air charged with pheromones, and this time, Tala knew the race was really on.


Chapter Seven



With a burst of laughter that sounded more like a hooting owl, Tala dashed for the stairs. No way in hell, she’d let him win.

He bounded after her, and she retreated. Who was she kidding? She’d wanted him in her bed for too long already.

He grabbed her hand. “No more running, Tala. We’re in this together, understand?”

The complete honesty in his eyes connected with her. With a gentle tug, he drew her against him, their bodies finding corresponding grooves, coming together inch by inch. He slid his hand under her hair, fingertips caressing her skin along the way.

Closer. And closer, until their lips were a mere breath apart.

“I want you,” he said. “More than anyone ever before. More than that, I need you.”

. She didn’t need to be taken care of, but someone actually needed her. It was a different feeling, but before she could say anything else, he stole the opportunity with a kiss.

Loving. As if all his emotions were behind that kiss
. Sensation traveled through her body, starting in the pit of her stomach and branching out. Warmth infused every inch of her skin. Exhilaration. Here was the prize at the end of the race. Her heart pounded, and desire flared between her legs. He broke away from her, breathing heavy.

“Come on, upstairs,” he said. “Let me make love to you, good and proper, in a real bed.”

Something so simple, and yet his words stilled her heart. In all her meetings with men, she hadn’t taken one to her bedroom. Part of it had been realistic. With her brother in the house, she didn’t feel comfortable having sleepover guests. More so, she liked the control of not having to wait for the other to leave.

She’d let Yas into her home, and further into her heart.

After the work he had been doing in the house, her room now looked legitimate, complete with shelves for her books and porcelain wolf figurines. To celebrate, she’d even ordered new sheets and a bedspread.

She sat on the edge of the bed, tentative. Being indoors made her feel even more naked and exposed. Ground-in dirt caked her bare feet. And why not? They’d been rolling in the grass for hours.

“You want to get cleaned before we mess up these sheets?” she asked.

“Nothing I’d rather do,” he said.

In the bathroom, she turned on the hot water and stepped inside. The luxurious spray enveloped her body like an invisible hug. Yas moved toward the rear of the stall, avoiding blocking the main stream.
Such a considerate guy

For being in such an isolated place, the one fringe benefit Tala’s parents had spent money on was a big shower. Overhead, a large rain head covered most of the stall while a more focused one on the side worked perfectly for rinsing hair. A built-in bench acted as a safe place for relaxation.

In Tala’s peripheral vision, she caught Yas lathering up with the soap. The scent of vanilla-lavender permeated the enclosure and invigorated her. It was one reason why she liked the combination so much.

Her Wolf lover moved toward her, palms extended. He pressed up behind her, his cock sliding into the furrow between her legs, and he cupped her breasts with his frothy hands.

“Someone looks a little dirty,” he whispered into her ear, before biting the lobe.

She ground her ass against him. “Are you sure you want me to clean up?”

“Not too much. I kinda like you dirty.” He stretched his arms around her body, gliding his hands over her stomach, and dipping below toward her pussy.

As he swirled his fingers over her clit, tension built from her core and pulsed through her body. Tala’s breathing hitched, and she leaned her head on his chest and kissed him, drifting between the sensations of the warm water and his even hotter body.

The thick hardness of his cock probed, searching for its own entrance into her heat.

“Place your hands on the bench and brace yourself,” he directed. “You’re so fucking hot. I have to take you now.”

Without question, she obeyed. From behind, he plunged his finger into her pussy, stretching her, then guided his cock home. Inch by inch, he edged his way in, one hand resting on the small of her back, until he sank to the base. She rocked into him, loving every moment.

“Harder. Faster. Yes, show me how much you want me.” Her words came out in short bursts. As he pounded into her, his balls slapped her ass.

“So much.” He maneuvered their bodies until the stream of the water beat upon her clit, adding direct stimulation. All the while, he continued to thrust into her.

Every bit of lingering hesitation flowed down the drain, and she gave her pleasure completely over to Yas. At the thought of loving him, the orgasm ripped through her body. Not a slow build, but a complete grand slam. Her pussy clamped down on his cock.

“That’s it,” he murmured, encouraging her. “So hot. That’s it.”

And then he was thrumming inside her. His cock pumping out its own pleasure.

As their tremors ceased, Yas pulled out, and she turned within his arms. He kissed her eyelids. She rubbed her pelvis on his groin, enjoying the small aftershocks.

“Haven’t you had enough?” he whispered into her ear, sending shivers through her body.


A shift in the water pressure indicated it was about to turn cold. If they kept up these antics, she might have to ask him to install a larger water heater. She turned off the shower, and stepped out, handing him a towel and taking one.

“I thought you said you were going to make love to me all proper in a bed?” she teased, drying off.

“You wanton she-wolf.” He snapped the towel at her thigh, causing her to squeal and jump. “See what you do to me? I couldn’t wait.”

“That’s all right,” she said. “I think we’ll have plenty of time for that later.”

Much later. Exhaustion set in the moment she settled into bed. Nude, he snuggled with her, one arm lazily slung over her hip.

Content. She could get used to the feeling.




In the light of the new day, Yas considered what had been happening the past few weeks. Tala snuggled closer to him in her sleep, and he luxuriated in the warmth of her body. Her tight ass pressed up against his groin, and he enjoyed the sensation.

I could get used to this. Very fast.

Who was he fooling? He was already used to it. He didn’t like the idea of her staying at the B&B alone, with the events taking place. Broken windows were one thing, but the danger might escalate.

With an exasperated sigh, he rolled over, pulling away from the lover within his arms. The moment the cool air between them separated their bodies, she grumbled and scooted closer to him.

“Where’d you go?” she asked.

He slipped an arm under her neck and kissed her forehead. “Nowhere. I’m here. Just thinking.”

She yawned, halfway covering her mouth. “What about? What’s so vital to wake us up after last night?”

“Your brother. After all that has been happening, maybe you should call and fill him in. He might be able to visit for a few days and dispel the situation. If people think he’s going to be around, then maybe that would kill these stupid sabotages.”

“What do you mean my brother?” She drew closer to him, her face turned up. All he wanted to do was kiss away her anger, but he knew it would only make her madder. “How do you know my brother?”

He swallowed the lump lodged in his throat. “I told you about that…about meeting him.”

She tilted her head to the side, and he watched her lips first purse and then part. “You. Did. Not. I would definitely remember you saying something about meeting Shilah. Why don’t you tell me this mesmerizing story? Now.” Without waiting for him to reply, she got out of bed and yanked on some clothes. “Downstairs.”

So secure he’d follow, she didn’t even glance back. Oh, and he did, feeling like his tail was tucked between his legs. She sat on the couch, legs crossed, and arms folded over her chest. If he didn’t realize what was happening, or the fury beneath her outward calm demeanor, he might have believed they were sitting down for a light chat or tea.

Yas went to sit next to her, but her glare scared him away. He took the uncomfortable, overstuffed chair and scooted it closer to her. He wouldn’t let her push him away. “Listen, Tala.” He took her hand, hoping the physical connection would help bridge the gap between them. She held her hand stiffly. “It’s no big deal. On my hike in, I ran into your brother.”

She crooked an eyebrow and remained quiet. The silence lengthened, and he had to fill it. “I was looking for a place to stay, and he suggested I check out your bed-and-breakfast. He failed to mention quite how much upkeep it needed. That’s it.”

“Really? I have a hard time believing that. No, ‘take care of my little sister, please’?” She pulled her hand away from him.

The tone of her voice cut through him.
Why the animosity?

“Oh, sure. Do you think he’d send me up here to watch over you, maybe even sleep with you? Hell, maybe he thought we’d fall in love and get hitched. Then he really wouldn’t have to worry about what happened to you. Right?”

“I wouldn’t put it past him. You don’t understand Shilah. He was used to constantly watching over me. Since he couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Los Lobos and me behind, he did everything possible to make me go with him. But this one time, I refused. He couldn’t persuade me. Very convenient for him to accidentally run into you and find a protector.”

Yas barked out a laugh. “Protector. Do you think he expected me to jump into bed with you, too?”

“If that’s what it took. Shilah’s a pretty good judge of character. He might have taken you for a good guy.” She stood up, brushing some nonexistent dust off her pants. No amount of smoothing it down would get rid of them. “Well, it’s been fun. I appreciate all the work you’ve done here, but I’m not sure I’ll need your services anymore.”

BOOK: Claiming the She Wolf
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