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Authors: Lili Valente

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

Claiming Her Heart (14 page)

BOOK: Claiming Her Heart
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Oh, God, his tongue. She couldn’t remember anything feeling as good as his tongue flicking across her nipples. Her hips circled faster as shocks of awareness surged between her legs.

“Nothing tastes like your skin, nothing in the world.” Blake mumbled the words against her breast before he sucked one nipple into his mouth, tugging at the aroused flesh until she cried out. “So fucking sweet.”

“Please, Blake, please,” Erin panted, tugging at his hair.

It was too much, more stimulation than her overly sensitized body could take, especially since he refused to move inside her. He still lay buried in her pulsing sheath, pinning her to the mattress with his weight, limiting her movement to those little rolls of her hips that just weren’t enough.

She needed him to fuck her, to slam his cock in and out of her pussy until it hurt, until that brutal penetration sent her spiraling into the bliss only Blake could give her.

“Please!” She pulled at him with all her strength, but he simply removed her hands, pressing her wrists into the pillow above her head as he transferred his maddening attentions to her other nipple.

“Don’t say another word until I’m finished with my tits.” Blake accentuated his words by dragging his teeth across her aching tip, making her scream.

Erin bit her lip and moaned as he moved from one breast to another, slowly driving her insane, making her pussy gush liquid heat as it clutched at his thickness.

She was so close to the edge but unable to tumble over. She couldn’t come, not without his approval, not even if she’d wanted to.

Which she didn’t. More than release, more than relief, she wanted to please Blake. No matter how hard to handle she might be, that part of her was a submissive through and through.

submissive. Her body belonged to him, for now, for always.

The thought made her even hotter, wilder, until her legs churned on either side of Blake’s.

“My pussy is so wet. I love feeling my pussy so wet,” he said, before sucking one nipple deep into his mouth and letting his teeth bite down on the soft flesh of her breast. The pressure grew greater and greater, until the trapped flesh began to sting.

God, he was going to mark her. There would be an imprint of his teeth on her breast by the time he pulled away. Just imagining her pale flesh bearing the sign of his possession threatened to undo her. She wanted to scream, to beg, to cry out his name, but she bit her lip, struggling to obey his request for silence as he set about marking her other breast.

Her head tossed back and forth on the pillow and she fought Blake’s hold on her wrists until her muscles ached, but there was no relief to be found. He was in complete control and would continue his erotic torture until he was good and ready to stop. The knowledge both thrilled and frightened her, forcing a desperate sob from her throat.

Finally, when she was certain her sanity couldn’t hold a second longer, Blake called her name, the abandon in the sound letting her know he’d reached the same razor-sharp edge. With a sound more animal than human, he drew back until only the tip of his cock was inside her and then rammed back in, setting a swift, brutal pace that was exactly what her body had been craving.

Erin cried out as he released his hold on her wrists, wild to feel her nails digging into the muscles of his back. She wanted to mark him the same way he’d marked her, to leave behind traces of their passion that would follow him for days, so that every time he felt that slight sting or saw that trail of red, he would think of her, of the way they were together, here where they belonged.

They were meant to be connected like this, fused so tightly it was impossible to tell where his body ended and hers began. They were a part of each other, a matched pair that would never be separated again. Just like their tattoos, the things that had brought them back together in the first place.

It no longer seemed strange that she’d been so resistant to having her angel modified. The night they’d acquired their matching ink was the night they’d promised each other the future. She didn’t want to lose the symbol of that beautiful night, not now, not ever.

“God, I love you, Erin,” he panted. “I love you so much.”

“Me, too, so much. So much.” She gasped the words into his mouth as he took her lips in a brutal kiss, mating his tongue with hers as his rhythm grew even faster, frantic, until she knew he was only seconds away from losing control. An answering wildness rose within her, tightening things low in her body, making every muscle tremble with the prelude to her own release.

She ripped her mouth from his, the room spinning as she fought to hold back the dark wave threatening to pull her under. “Please!”

“Erin, God, Erin.” Faster and faster, until the sound of skin making contact with skin filled the room, until her every nerve cried out with the need to come, to find her pleasure around the thickness working between her thighs.

“I’m going to come. I can’t help it, I’m—”

“Come, Erin. God, come for me.” He groaned and his entire body shuddered as his cock began to pulse within her.

Erin joined him a second later, her body bowing off the bed with the force of her release. Her womb contracted again and again, the orgasm so fierce it made her dizzy. Her nails dug into Blake’s back and her heels into the mattress as pure bliss rocketed through her body, making her sob and tears of happiness leak from behind her closed lids.

When she finally drifted back to earth, she was shocked to find she was laughing.

And not just kind of laughing, but giggling so hard the tightening of her muscles had forced Blake’s softening length from her body and her sides were starting to hurt.

Blake’s rumble of laughter underscored her own as he rolled to lie beside her. “What kind of woman gets the giggles after sex like that?”

“I don’t know.” She laughed even harder, rolling on her side and clutching at her stomach. “God, that was great.”

“It was,” he said, gazing down at her with an amused expression.

“I love you so much,” she gasped, the giggle fit showing no signs of stopping.

“Good thing I’m a confident man or this might be doing something to my self-esteem.”

That was all it took to make her lose it. She laughed until her head hurt and her body ached, until it was hard to breathe and she contracted a serious case of the hiccups. She honestly didn’t know when she would have stopped if Abby hadn’t cried out from the other room.

“Oh, no, the baby’s awake,” she said, pressing her hands into her sore jaw muscles as she finally regained control.

“I’m guessing it was the crazy woman laughing in the other room who woke her up, what do you think?” Blake was already out of bed, pulling pajama pants from a drawer and throwing her a tee shirt.

“Or it could have been the screaming orgasm.”

“We’re going to have to invest in some soundproof walls before this kid gets any older.” He smiled as he spoke, his excitement for the future—their future—clear on his face. “Do you think she’d let me pick her up and bring her in here with us?”

“I don’t think she’d mind at all.” Erin smiled, fighting back the tears in her eyes. No more crazy laughing or crying. At least not tonight anyway. “I’ll turn down the bed.”

She shrugged on the oversize tee shirt and found her underpants on the floor. She’d dressed, used the restroom, and put order to the bed by the time Blake came back into the room, holding a blinking Abby. She looked confused, but not unhappy to be in Blake’s arms.

“She was wet, so I changed her with one of the diapers by the bed. I think I got it on right, but you might want to check,” he said, the uncertainty on his face making her want to hug him.

Erin reached out and took Abby before climbing into the bed. “I’m sure it’s fine.”

“Maybe, but I’m going to need practice. It took me at least three minutes. Good thing she was patient with me.” Blake took his place on the other side of the bed, smiling down at Abby as Erin placed her on the sheets between them.

The baby immediately started to nuzzle into the covers, making happy cooing noises.

“She’s always loved sleeping with someone,” Erin said. “I know I should make her sleep by herself, but I can’t bring myself to put her back in her crib when she wakes up in the night.”

“What if I roll over and crush her?” Blake asked, inching as close to the opposite edge of the bed as possible.

“You won’t,” Erin said, leaning over to press a soft kiss to his lips. “And this will just be for tonight. We’ll buy her a crib tomorrow.”

“A crib sounds good.” Blake smiled against her lips. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind the family sleeping thing. But it might make it hard to do certain things.”

“Right. And we like those things. Games are fun.”

He laughed. “I wasn’t thinking about games, but yeah, I like those, too.”

“What were you thinking about?” She sighed into her pillow, certain she couldn’t feel happier than she did right now, freshly bedded by the man she loved and snuggled in with her two favorite people in the world.

“I was thinking about maybe…making a brother or sister someday. I mean, not too soon, but—”

“As soon as you’re ready,” Erin said, breaking her vow not to get teary again. “I can’t think of anything more exciting.”

“Not even investing in a spanking bench of our very own?” Blake smiled, but even in the dim light she could see the telltale shine in his eyes.

“Not even a spanking bench of my very own. Though I want one of those, too.” She smiled. “I can balance babies and spankings. Don’t you think?”

“I think you can do anything you set your mind to.” Blake reached out to touch her face, careful not to disturb Abby, who was already asleep again. “I love you, Erin.”

“I love you, too.”

He was out a few minutes later, his deep, steady breathing lulling her into a state of profound relaxation.

Still, she fought sleep as long she was able, wanting to savor these moments, the beginning of her life with the man who had forever claimed her heart.


The End

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Big thanks to my husband, my biggest fan and most tireless supporter. Thank you to my critique partners for reading numerous drafts and never getting tired of Erin and Blake (or at least not letting me know they were tired). Thank you to my editor, proofers, and sweet and lovely cover designer—this wouldn’t have been possible without you!

And a big thanks to every reader who took a chance on this story. I hope I’ve entertained you.


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About the Author


Lili Valente has slept under the stars in Greece, eaten dinner at midnight with French men who couldn’t be trusted to keep their mouths on their food, and walked alone through Munich’s red light district after dark and lived to tell the tale.


These days you can find her writing in a tent beside the sea, drinking coconut water and thinking delightfully dirty thoughts.


Lili loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her via email at
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BOOK: Claiming Her Heart
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