Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Takoda heard Chayton bellow before he jumped from the truck. On high alert, he sprinted after him. A wolf stood over a small bundle of clothes, and it took them a minute to realize what they were seeing. The wolf lifted its head and bared its teeth. Chayton charged, shifting in midrun. The animal abandoned its victim and sprinted for the woods. Takoda inhaled as he strode to the middle of the street. When he reached the small human on the ground, he realized with shocking clarity it was his mate.

His heart in his throat, Takoda kneeled down. His hands were shaking uncontrollably as he touched Emma, praying she was alive.
I should’ve taken her this morning.
His vision became blurry as he picked his petite woman up and pulled her gently into his arms, cradling her. A whimper broke free from her lips, and relief poured through his entire body.

Takoda stood and went back to the truck and placed her gently on the seat. He inspected her body, frantically. She had blood on her hands, and he knew that she must’ve tried to break her fall. Black concrete rocks fell from them. Takoda kissed each one tenderly, wishing he could heal them.

Gunfire exploded, and Takoda stiffened, sniffing the air. He hated to leave Emma, but Chayton was out there. “I’ll be right back, baby. You’re safe. Just lie still.” Stripping off his clothes, he shifted and ran into the woods, hoping that Emma would be safe. Fear gripped him. If something happened to his brother…he let that thought trail off. How had things gotten so out of control?

Takoda ran through the trees following the scent of blood. His heart practically stopped for the second time tonight.
Running harder, Takoda pushed himself, desperately needing to reach his brother. Reaching the bloody, gruesome scene, Takoda immediately spotted a dying partially shifted wolf at the base of a large tree. It was a well-known fact that shifters change back to their human form when they died. They were running out of time. One shifter meant that there would be others in the area.

Sniffing out his brother, he found Chayton still in his bear form on the ground. Blood covered his fur, making him appear black. Takoda glanced around to make sure they were alone. He sniffed the air but didn’t detect anyone. The stench of blood permeated the area. Its copper smell tickled Takoda’s nose. He needed to get Chayton out of here before more wolves appeared. It was common knowledge they ran in packs. If there was one, there would be others. Time to go.

Takoda half shifted. He needed his bear strength to get his brother to safety before he could assess the damage. Lifting Chayton in his arms, Takoda headed back to the truck. His only thought was getting Chayton and Emma to safety. Things had gone from bad to worse, and the last thing that Takoda wanted was to lose his brother.

When he finally reached the truck, Takoda opened the back cab and put Chayton down. Shifting back to full human, he got dressed and jumped behind the wheel. Pushing hard on the gas, he headed out of town. Emma moaned and moved but didn’t open her eyes, and Takoda was relieved. He didn’t want her to see Chayton. Grabbing his cell phone, he called the only person he could think of.

Hey, Takoda. What’s up?” Hearing Mahkah’s voice, relief flooded though him. Takoda took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

“I’m driving home with Emma and Chayton as fast as I can. We need the clan doctor. Emma was attacked, and Chayton…”

“Oh, God. Is she okay? Who attacked her?” Mahkah interrupted.

“Chayton went after a wolf that attacked her and ended up getting shot somehow. Shit! Things are bad, man.”

“Damn it! It’s a four-hour drive. Takoda, you’re going to have to pull over and get medical supplies.”

“I can’t. I don’t know what to do and while they’re both passed out. I need to stay moving.”

“I’ll call the doc and make sure he’s here when you get home. God, Takoda, just take care of them. We can’t lose either one of them.”

Switching off the phone, Takoda shoved the gas pedal down. He stared at the road and tried not to let his imagination get the better of him.


* * * *


David sank to the ground next to his mate, throwing his rifle to the ground. She was in human form, dying in the snow, and his heart stopped beating. As gently as he could, he pulled her head onto his lap. Lifting his face up to the sky, he howled out his pain, calling out for the few pack mates that had made the trek to Alaska from Minnesota. Her skin was torn to bits. He knew exactly who was to blame, the bears. Shaking, he began to pet her hair, wanting to calm her as much as possible.


“Shhh, baby. Don’t talk. The pack is coming, you’ll be okay.”

“Nnnno…I’m sooo cold…” She shivered, shaking uncontrollably. He knew the truth. She wasn’t going to make it. She was dying. His mate, the love of his life was leaving him forever. Hate and revenge consumed him, and he choked it down, swallowing hard.

Blood trickled from her mouth, as she began to cough, and he knew the end was nearing. Moving, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight, listening to her last breath before she went limp in his arms. He bellowed out his pain and rocked back and forth. He wouldn’t rest until he got revenge. He would kill the female, the bear’s mate. He would know his pain, the numbing emptiness, the loss. The heartache.

Stripping off his clothes, he shifted into his wolf form and raced through the trees. When he reached the street, he saw the taillights of the truck speeding away. He wasn’t worried. He knew where the bear clan called home. He would wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. He wouldn’t head back to the rest of their pack in Minnesota until he took care of those bears. David slumbered back to his mate’s lifeless body, a plan already taking form. His howl of pain was echoed for miles by his pack.

Chapter 10


Takoda drove in silence. The past couple of hours were a blur as he concentrated on the road. His worry for Chayton and Emma was tangible. His eyes landed on her sleeping form for the hundredth time. Should he be concerned that she still slept? Takoda glanced in his rearview mirror and noticed Chayton was still in his bear form. He watched the rise and fall of his chest and said a silent prayer that he still breathed. Emma’s moan brought him out of his reverie. He noticed how pale she appeared as she rolled over in the seat.

“Emma…sweetie, open your eyes.” Takoda spoke in a hushed tone. Her lids fluttered, and more soft moans followed. The temptation was so great to pull over and touch her. He gripped the steering wheel tighter to calm the impulse. He said her name again, all the while trying to keep his eyes on the road. He made reassuring sounds, more for himself than for her. “I’m taking you home, Emma. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Emma’s eyelids came up slowly, and she winced. Takoda hated seeing her pain on her lovely face. She sat up, favoring her right side. The confusion in her eyes was nearly his undoing. She must have been injured in her fall.
Had she been bitten?

“Chayton?” Her voice was shaky as she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. His heart stuttered as she cried against his shoulder. Takoda lifted one hand off the wheel and gently rubbed her back as he drove. She was so soft. Her sweet fragrance wrapped around him, causing him to relax for the first time tonight.

“It’s going to be okay, sweetie.”

“Takoda?” She sniffled, and he smiled. Perhaps she would be the one to tell them apart when no other could.

“How did you know?” he teased, wanting to calm her as much as possible.

“You called me sweetie.” She pulled back a little, and Takoda reluctantly let her go. “Where is Chayton?” She asked before closing her eyes. Memory flooded back instantly, and Emma’s eyes flew open. Takoda could see the panic on her pale face.

“Oh, God. I need Chayton…” The tears welling in her doe eyes nearly broke his heart. She wanted his brother, she didn’t want him.

“It’s going to be okay, sweetie. He’s in the back and we’ll be home soon.” He didn’t elaborate. Emma turned and immediately started opening the window in an attempt to reach his brother. It wasn’t very graceful as she slid through the opening into the back.

“Oh, my God! What happened?” Her voice sounded scratchy as she screamed. Takoda wasn’t sure how to answer. Was she asking about the bear, the blood, or the bullet wound? “Chayton?! Chayton, can you hear me?”

“We aren’t completely human, Emma,” he started to explain.

“I know!” She interrupted, and he felt a little better. Thank goodness she knew. He really didn’t want to have that conversation while driving. “Why is he still in bear form? Is that blood?” she cried out while trying to maneuver around on the seat. She began making crooning noises to the bear.

Takoda listened to her talk to his brother. “Oh, Chayton. What happened, love? Can you hear me?” She lifted her head and gave him a questioning look. “Why hasn’t he shifted, Takoda?”

“His body is trying to heal. He needs to stay in his bear form. Otherwise, there could be some serious complications. The clan doctor is waiting for us. Emma…can you please come back up front?”

“No, I’m staying with Chayton.” Looking through the rearview mirror he watched as Emma took off her jacket and shirt. She balled up the material and held it against the wound in Chayton’s chest.

Takoda tried not to look at her milky skin, he really did, but he couldn’t stop his eyes from straying down to her full breasts. He bit the inside of his cheek hard to prevent himself from moaning. The bra she was wearing barely concealed anything. Firm, soft skin called to him, and Takoda stared. A loud horn got his attention, and he jerked the steering wheel trying to right the truck.
What are you doing, man, trying to kill us all?

“You should probably keep your eyes on the road…” she chastised, and Takoda chanced another glance in the mirror. God, but she was beautiful.

She shook her head and leaned against Chayton, holding her T-shirt to his fur. At that moment, he would have given anything to trade places with his injured brother. As stupid as that sounded in his own head, he would love to have his mate shirtless and leaning into him while covered in fur. He imagined what her hands would feel like stroking him. To have her looking at him with longing and adoration. Takoda shook his head. He would be putty in her hands.

“What happened?” she asked him.

“We found you in the middle of the road with a wolf covering you. Chayton gave chase. I stayed back to make sure you were okay. By the time I heard the gunshot and found him, he was already down. The wolf didn’t fare so well.”

Emma’s eyes grew round. “Was it dead?”

Takoda smirked. “I’d bet money on it.” She appeared relieved at the last statement.

“I hope he’s going to be okay. He’s such a wonderful man.” Emma laid her head next to Chayton, and Takoda couldn’t believe how comfortable she seemed cuddled up next to a bear. There was no fear coming from her.

“Yeah, he is,” he agreed. There wasn’t much more he could say.

“He saved me,” she said, petting Chayton, and Takoda wanted to correct her. He wanted to tell her that
had saved her. Didn’t she realize she wasn’t only meant to be with Chayton, but with him and Mahkah as well?

Takoda stared at the road in front of him and counted the yellow lines. He wasn’t ready to think about what the future held for them all. Not yet.


* * * *


Emma wondered how much time had passed. Leaning against Chayton, she was worried that he might not make it. She had finally found a man she loved, and the thought of losing him was killing her.
I don’t want to live in a world where he doesn’t exist.
Chayton was the first man she met who was always honest, loving, and kind. How much longer would this take? Why was Takoda driving four hours away instead of getting medical help right away? Questions ran through her mind as she curled her body onto Chayton.

Emma continued to hold pressure on Chayton’s wound. She prayed it was doing some good. She watched him take deep, steady breaths. He had yet to move or to open his eyes. Remembering Takoda’s words, she hoped being in his bear form was good. A chest shot would definitely kill a normal human man. Emma banished her negative thoughts. Everything would be okay, and Chayton would recover. He had to. She refused to believe otherwise.

Chayton let out a low growl and moved for the first time. Emma’s heart skipped a beat, but she never released the pressure on his wound.

“Drive faster,” she demanded, hoping they would be arriving at their home soon. Takoda said they needed the clan doctor, but she wondered if they should actually take Chayton to the nearest vet.
Yeah, that would be a great idea, then, Chayton could change on the examining table.
Shaking her head, she yelled louder, waiting for Takoda to answer her.

“I am,” he growled at her. “I’m going as fast as I can.”

“How much longer? He’s starting to move, I don’t want him to wake up.” Emma tried to calm herself down.

“Listen, he’s my brother. I don’t want anything to happen to him, okay? We should be home in about an hour.”

“Shit! That’s too long.”

“I’m doing my best here, Emma.” She could hear the frustration in his voice. He loved his brother and was no doubt worried just as much as she was.

BOOK: Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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