Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3)
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“I…I don’t
know why you’d want to court me, Sir,” she said, so quietly Charles had to bend closer to listen to her.  “I…there are so many beautiful young women who…who don’t…don’t dress like this,” she said her fingers plucking at her skirt.  “I’m not like them, Professor.  You know that Ed…I mean, my guardian, disciplines me.  You…you should court modern women, not me.”  He was shocked.  How could she possibly think that when she had occupied his thoughts for weeks?

“Miss Furniss, I assure you I’ve thought of little
else but you since I saw you last.  I don’t care how you dress; you are a beautiful young woman.  You are the reason why I am trying to procure the position of Headmaster,” he said honestly.  Lucy’s eyes widened and flew to his.

“Headmaster?” she said, her heart beating hard against her chest.  “You…you are going to be Headmaster?”  Charles saw the fear in her eyes as well as
heard the disbelief in her voice.

“Well, I hope to be,” he said honestly.  Lucy immediately moved away from him.  The only experiences she had ever had with any Headmaster included having her bottom caned
and her morals questioned.  Obviously having seen her strapped, her professor now wished to cane her!  She stood without thinking and turned to run away.  Charles was able to drop both their cones to the ground and grasp her arm before she managed to move more than a few feet.

“Lucy, stop, please,” he said. 

“Let me go!” she cried pulling against his hold.  Shocked at the fear in her voice, he released her arm.  He watched as she began to run towards her home.   He looked around to see that her flight was drawing attention their way.  Blushing, he quickened his stride and followed the fleeing girl.  He had no idea what had transpired, but knew his first attempt at courtship had just failed miserably.

Charles managed to
almost catch up to Lucy before she turned the corner that would lead to Wintercrest.  He called out for her to stop but she ignored him.  Seeing a coach coming down the street his heart almost stopped.  He bellowed as loudly as he could, “Lucille, stop this instant!”  At his tone, Lucy froze in mid-flight.  She stood, her chest heaving from her run, and felt him walking up behind her.  “What in the hell are you thinking?  You were going to run into the street!” Charles demanded, as his patience finally frayed.  “You could have been seriously hurt.  Why are you running from me like I was attempting to attack you!  I demand you explain yourself,” Charles said, as he reached out to take her wrist.  She attempted to pull away and was shocked when she felt his hand connect - hard - with her bottom.  She gasped and looked up to see his eyes widen as well.  Understanding what he had just done, he instantly released her arm.  Lucy stood still, her heart pounding, as she tried to assimilate what she was feeling.  With no true answer, she simply burst into tears and threw herself into his chest.  Charles staggered from the impact but regained his balance and closed his arms around her small form.

Shah, Lucy, shah,” he said, as he attempted to quiet her.  “It’s all right, Lucy.  I…I don’t know why you are so frightened, but Lucy, shah, stop crying and talk to me,” Charles said.  When she didn’t immediately answer, he simply held her closer and let her cry.  He found he enjoyed holding her close, regardless of the reason.  He bent to kiss the top of her head, something he had seen Edward do to his own wife.  Lucy didn’t seem to be affected by the kiss, but Charles most definitely was.  The feel of her hair against his face only made him wish he could loosen her braid to bury his nose in the sweet-smelling tresses and run his fingers through her curls.  She fit him beautifully, the top of her head resting under his chin.  He was much shorter than Edward, but was lean and muscular.  Her tears gradually subsided as her embarrassment consumed her.  She didn’t know what to say to the fact that he had smacked her bottom.

…I’m sorry, Professor.  I…I didn’t mean to be naughty,” she said as she pulled back.  Charles dug in his pocket and handed her his handkerchief.  Lucy wiped her eyes and handed it back, remembering that last time he had offered her such comfort.  Charles remembered as well.

“Keep it, Lucy,” he said softly.  “Perhaps one day I won’t have need to dry your tears.”  She flushed but offered him a small smile.  Encouraged, he continued, “
I don’t believe you were being naughty, Lucy.  I believe you were just frightened.  Can you tell me what frightened you so?”  She slowly nodded.  Charles realized they were standing on the open sidewalk, in full public view, his arms wrapped around an unmarried, unclaimed, un-chaperoned young woman.  He cleared his throat.  “Perhaps we should return to the park?” he suggested.  Lucy shook her head, having no desire to return to where others might wonder at her dress or her tear-stained face.

“May we just go home, please?” she asked.  Charles didn’t want to chance her bo
lting from him but understood.

“If you promise to speak to me,” he said.  She nodded and they stepped further apart.  She flushed as she realized just how they must have appeared.  She allowed him to tuck her hand into the crook of his arm.  They were silent for the remaining journey, Lucy attempting to calm herself and Charles praying that he was
not doomed from their very first outing.

They entered the house far earlier than Edward had deemed.  He had only just sent his wife up to bed when he heard the door open and saw his ward slip inside
, followed by Charles.  Edward watched as the young man helped Lucille with her cloak, removing it and then laying it on the bench by the front door.  Neither seemed aware of his presence near the bottom of the stairs.

“Shall we speak in the library?” Charles said quietly.  Lucy nodded and they walked past the stairs
, unaware they were being observed.  Edward shook his head wondering at their behavior.  His eyes had immediately seen evidence of tears on Lucy’s face.  He would have instantly stepped forward to demand an explanation, but Charles’ own face and his concern had stopped him.  It was obvious the young woman was upset, but Edward would wait to judge until he had all the relevant facts.  He waited until the couple entered the library before stepping down the last few stairs.  By the time he entered the library, Charles had seated Lucille on the settee and was sitting beside her, his hands clasping hers in her lap.

“What happened?” Edward said making sure he kept his voice low and controlled.  Charles looked up and flushed
, feeling like a failure.

“I’m not sure, Sir,” he said somehow feeling uncomfortable addressing Lucy’s guardian by his Christian name at this moment.  “We were simply enjoying the park when Lucy became distressed.  We…well, I was speaking of my interest in courting her.  I.
..” he paused feeling like a schoolboy.  He straightened his back and strengthened his voice, “I was telling Miss Furniss of my desire to further my ability to care for another.  I was about to tell her about the position I have been offered when she became quite upset.  The next thing I knew, she had practically run all the way back here.”  Edward saw Lucy’s face and saw her embarrassment.  He, unlike, Charles had instantly understood her reaction.

“Did you mention the position is that of Headmaster?” Edward asked as he crossed the room to seat himself in a chair across from the couple.  Charles looked at him and nodded.

“Yes, I’m sure I did.  I don’t know what that has to do…” his voice drifted off as the truth finally dawned on him.  “Oh God,” he said quietly.  “I have been a fool.  Lucille, please forgive me.  I…I didn’t even think about Thorne or…or what happened.  God, please, please say you forgive me.  I can’t believe I was so careless,” Charles said forlornly.  Edward sat back and shook his head.  Lucy responded to strength and firmness.  Charles was practically begging for her understanding and Edward wondered how far his pleas would get him.  Lucy looked first at Edward and then at Charles.

I’m sorry, Professor,” she finally said.  “I…I didn’t mean to cause you discomfort.  I…I just heard you say that word and all I could remember was the awful things he said to me,” she confessed.  Charles relaxed a bit, though he gave her hands a quick squeeze. 

“I promise I won’t be that kind of Headmaster, Lucille,” Charles said.  “You know I felt awful about what happened.  Your guardian has gone out of his way to make sure that your school will be in far better hands.  Even if those hands aren’t mine, I promise that the future students will not have to live in real fear of their Headmaster.”  Lucy nodded and flushed
, knowing his words were true.  While Thorne had been absolutely horrid to her, she knew that many young women had received harsh discipline under various Headmasters, yet had no irrational fear of the title. 

“I know, Professor,” Lucy said.  “I know you are a kind and gentle man.  You have never frightened me.  I…I know you would never hurt me or…or anyone.  Please, Sir, I have no excuse.  I
t’s I that must ask for forgiveness.”  Charles felt his hopes dash at her words.  She was not speaking as if she were a young woman who thought he was a man she could love.  Her tone was sincere, her words were kind, and yet her countenance was one of a student asking for forgiveness from a favorite teacher.  Nothing in her manner showed her interest in him in any other manner.  Charles closed his eyes for a brief moment and then released her hands.

“There is nothing to forgive, Miss Furniss,” he said as he shifted away from her.  “You are a wonderful young woman who was treated very unfairly.  I admire you so much.  Please, let’s forget about this.  I…I will give you time to consider my words.  All I can ask is that you don’t make your decision simply because of my position.  I…I can always refuse the position if you find you simply can’t tolerate me as Headmaster.”  Lucy was shocked at his words and understood he was giving her power that she had never expected.  She looked across the way and saw Edward watching her.  He gave her no clue as to what her response should be.  She reached out and placed her hand on Charles’ arm.

“Thank you, Professor,” she said.  “You are a good man.”  Charles nodded and slowly stood. He didn’t want her to think of him as only a ‘good man’.  He desperately wanted her to think of him as ‘her man.’

“I’ll say my good night,” Charles said and gave her a small bow before turning to Edward.  “Thank you again, Sir,” he said stiffly.  “I…I will keep you informed of my progress.”  Edward stood and walked to the door with Charles. 

“Don’t give up so easily, Charles.  No weak man will ever truly win Lucille’s heart.  She needs a firm, strong hand as well as a loving heart to capture her love.  I assure you, she can overcome her fear of the position.  What she would never be able to dismiss is if she were to see you weak and unsure,” Edward said before he opened the door.  “Take the opportunity before you to learn and learn well and quickly,” he warned, knowing Lucas was arriving soon.  Charles nodded and wondered if he should mention that he’d unconsciously popped his hand against his ward’s bottom.  He decided the information might embarrass Miss Furniss, so he said nothing of it.

Thank you, Edward.  I appreciate all you have done for me,” Charles said.  “I assure you, I will do my very best and take your words to heart.  I apologize again for this evening.”  Edward shook his head.

“Apologies are unnecessary, Charles.  You have done nothing wrong.
I hope to hear from you by the end of the week,” Edward said.  Charles nodded and slowly walked down the steps.  Henri had the coach ready and once more drove the Professor home.

Edward closed the heavy door.  He walked down the
foyer with the intention of going into his study for his nightly drink.  As he approached the library, he became aware that Mrs. Bremmer and Lucy were standing in the doorway.  He stopped and turned towards them.

“Excuse me, Sir,” Lucy said quietly.  “I…I know it is time for me to go to bed, but…I’ve asked Mrs. Bremmer to wait a moment.  I’d…I’d like to speak with you if you’d allow it.”   Edward was impressed with her polite request.

“Certainly, Lucille,” he said.  “Shall we speak in my study?”  He saw her face flush and one hand move behind her as if to protect her bottom from any attention.  He gave her a soft smile.  “Lucille, my study is not only used to tend to naughty bottoms,” he assured her and saw her color deepen.  “Little one, it is where we may speak in private.”  She hesitated, but then nodded.

“Ye…yes, Sir,” she said
, and when he motioned for her to precede him, she stepped into the hallway.

“I shall call you when we are done, Anna,” Edward said to his housekeeper.  She had returned from putting Louisa to bed and had no idea what had transpired in her absence.  She wisely held her tongue.

“Yes, your Lord,” she said and turned to walk away.  Edward followed Lucille and opened the door of his study.  The lamps had already been lit and the room was suffused with a soft light.

“Please, sit,” Edward said motioning towards the chairs before his desk.  Lucy hesitated, her mind picturing herself bent over the arm of the ch
air, offering her bottom for chastisement.  Edward saw her discomfort.  “Perhaps you’d be more comfortable on the settee?” he suggested.  She nodded and soon was perched on the edge of the leather settee.  Edward positioned the large leather ottoman in front of her and seated himself.  She was practically shaking and he reached forward and took her hands into his own.  She stiffened but stopped twisting the linen handkerchief in her hands.

“Relax, little one,” Edward said.  “You have nothing to fear.  Please speak freely.”  Lucy took several moments to form her thoughts.

BOOK: Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3)
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