Read Claim (A Dangerous Man, #3) Online

Authors: Serena Grey

Tags: #collections and anthologies, #love, #rich, #series, #Contemporary, #millionaire, #Romance, #billionaire, #Wealthy, #short and sexy reads

Claim (A Dangerous Man, #3) (7 page)

BOOK: Claim (A Dangerous Man, #3)
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“I’m not angry mother,” I interrupt. “I stopped being angry with you a long time ago. What I feel now is disgust. I don’t want to have anything to do with you. I hope you have a very happy life with Henry’s money. You’ve earned it.”

“Don’t try to tell me that you don’t care about money David,” She retorts.”You worked hard to make much more than your step-father ever had.”

I sigh. “Yes I worked hard, and I’m proud of it. What did you do? You received every beating the bastard ever gave you, lied about it, and turned your back on me without a thought. You make me sick mother.”

She doesn’t look at me as she steps into the lift. “I’ll never understand how you turned out to be so cruel,” She says, her voice low.

“You haven’t tried hard enough.” I say unsympathetically, turning away before the doors close.


I panic when I can’t find Sophie in our bedroom. I check all the rooms in the apartment, my heart racing. I finally think to look in my study and I find her, curled up on the couch, reading on her tablet. The relief I feel on seeing her temporarily weakens me.

“I’ve been looking for you.” I don’t mean for the words to be accusing, but they sound that way. Sophie only shrugs and turns back to her reading, ignoring me.

On the screen of the tablet,I can clearly see that she’s reading what little about my relationship with Carole is available on the internet. “Nothing you find there has anything to do with me and you.”

She looks at me, her eyes wide and glistening with a sheen of unshed tears. “Tell me about her.”

Carole is nothing to me. That’s the truth. We dated for a short time, and I tried to be a good friend to her, in spite of her shortcomings, especially after her father died, but now she’s nothing more than a temporary inconvenience, one I’ve finally managed to overcome.

“There is nothing to tell.” I say.

Sophie’s eyes flare in anger, “Really? Because it’s very clear here that she was your girlfriend only a short time ago.”

“Don’t believe everything you read in the papers Sophie.” I say gently. “We saw each other on and off for a while, but it’s been over for a long time.”

“Do you love her?” She asks. “Is that why you’re keeping me hidden, so that she won’t find out about me?”

The idea that Carole can mean that much to me is laughable. I go to sit beside Sophie on the couch. “You don’t need to concern yourself about Carole.” I tell her, meaning every word, and hoping she can see the truth in my eyes.

“Her father invested a lot in your career.” She murmurs.

“In return for a huge profit.” I reply.” It was good business, and he made money from Preston Corp every day we’ve been in existence.”

She draws in a deep breath, and I can see that she wants to believe me. “All those pictures of the two of you...”

“Mean nothing,” I insist, “We went to a lot of the same places, and people are used to mentioning our names together.”

“Why don’t you want anyone to know about me?” She asks with a small sniff.

Where do I start? I’d have to tell her everything about Carole, Toby Felt, and how I almost lost my company.

She gets up suddenly. “Fine, don’t tell me,” she says angrily, walking away from me. I follow, stopping her at the door.

“Sophie.” I take her hand. I don’t want to fight. Carole is not important enough for us to fight about.

She turns around to face me, for a moment, I think she has relented, but then she pulls her hand away from mine. “Don’t touch me.” her voice is shaky, “Don’t ever touch me again.”

Now she’s definitely overreacting. “Don’t be childish Sophie.”

She reacts as if I’ve slapped her. She turns and rushes away from me.

“Sophie, for God’s sake.” I follow as she runs to our room, catching up as she rushes into the walk-in closet.

She wants to leave.

I feel a knot tighten in my stomach. I reach out for her, gathering her into my arms. “Stop.” I can hear the plea in my voice. “Stop.”

She holds on to me, clutching me tightly. I bury my nose in her hair, breathing in the essence of her. This is what I want, to feel her like this, to know that she knows that she’s mine.

I stroke her hair, listening as her breathing slows.

“Why did you marry me David?” She asks shakily.

I pull back so that I’m looking into her face. “Because I wanted you,” I say truthfully. “I wanted you the moment I saw you standing outside that little shop in that small town, looking so lost and alone. I wanted your innocence, your beauty,” her lips are trembling. Distracted, I kiss her gently at the soft corner of her lips. “I wanted your body Sophie, I wanted to see your face when I make you scream my name.”

She sways, her body pressing against me. “You didn’t have to marry me,” she says quietly, “You already had me.”

As if once would ever be enough. “And then I wanted no one else to ever have the pleasure. Understand that Sophie, You are mine.”

Her lips are parted, inviting me. My body responds without holding back. I kiss her, tasting the sweetness of her lips.

I undress her in a hurry, and tear off my clothes as fast as I can. The bed is too far away, so I carry her to one of the armchairs, kneeling between her parted legs. Then she takes me in her hand and guides me inside her slickness, her eyes closed, and her lips parted in an expression of ecstasy. My breath hisses out of my chest, and I almost explode. The fever of desire engulfs me, and I plunge in deep, going insanely, pleasurably mad with each thrust. Wanting her is like a fire in my blood, and it doesn’t let go until I’m utterly spent, and barely able to carry her to the bed.

We lie side by side, her head resting on my shoulder while I stroke her hair. I have never felt like this with anyone else. It’s crazy and scary at the same time.

“You know, I owe you a honeymoon.” I say.

She turns to me and smiles. “Yes, somewhere that would ‘blow my mind’.”

“Is there anywhere in particular you would like to go?”

She sighs. “I’d go anywhere with you.”

In that moment, I’m totally, irrevocably hers. I lean over and kiss her until I’ve tasted every corner of her mouth.

“I think I know just the place.” I say when I pause for breath.

She smiles. “I thought we were going out for dinner?” She doesn’t sound too eager.

My eyes skip to rosy nipples, erect and asking for my attention. What dinner?

“Forget dinner.” I say decisively.

And then I make her forget.

Chapter Seven

ou’re a changed man, and it’s about time.”

The memory of Carlo’s words, spoken when his family spent an afternoon with Sophie and me in Florence, is accompanied by vivid memories of the two-week holiday, lazy days in the sun, making hot sweet love in every single room of my spacious villa, and just enjoying each other’s company.

I turn to look at her, sitting beside me in the back of the car, Sophie looks beautiful, her figure perfect in a beautiful blue evening gown, and her face serene, showing no signs of the fact that we just made mind-blowing love in the apartment before setting out for the charity event we’re attending. Around her slender neck, the stones in the necklace I had made from one of her designs sparkle fiercely, reminding me of the few instances when I’ve experienced her temper.

As if she can feel my eyes on her, she turns to look at me, wide green eyes drawing me into their depths.

For a second, I can’t quite catch my breath.

I do feel like a changed man. I feel like I’ve been given something that I don’t deserve. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and every single moment, I’m terrified by the fear that I’ll lose it.

That I’ll lose her.

I give her a small smile and turn away, busying myself with looking out of the windows on my side. Steve is driving, quiet as usual. I wonder what he would say if I told him that I’m afraid.

Afraid of falling in love with my wife.

Love is a weakness. I learned that the hard way. Love makes you risk everything, and gives you nothing but disappointment, scorn, and the lifelong scars of heartbreak in return. I know that from experience.

Experience I’d rather not repeat.

Regardless, I can feel my control slipping away. What began as an impulsive decision has become the defining event of my life.

And it’s not just the sex, though that is phenomenal. I only have to close my eyes to relive the feeling of just a few minutes ago, my hard erection fully encased in her warm tightness, her long low moans as I drove deeper into her with each thrust, the blinding pleasure, the explosive release.

I take a deep breath and snap out of my erotic thoughts as Steve parks in front of the hotel where the event is taking place.

Inside, there is a crush of well-dressed people, eager to be seen and admired. I can’t help thinking of the parties my mother and Henry Weber used to have, all glamour and no substance. This however is different, I remind myself, at least we’re raising money for a cause.

Peggy Hart waylays me almost immediately. She’s one of the richest women in the country, and she actively supports a whole lot of causes. I’ve always admired Peggy. Outside, she doesn’t look like much, but she’s relentless in getting what she wants. Today it’s money for the Alliance for education, and from the smile on her face, I’m sure she’s already raised a lot.

“David darling!” She kisses both my cheeks before turning to Sophie. “You must be the lovely Sophie.” She says, “I’ve only recently heard about you, you know. David has been keeping you a terrible secret.”

As if, we need anybody to remind us of that. Sophie doesn’t seem offended at all, she’s looking curiously at Peggy, who is laughing. “Aren’t you a pretty thing though?” She tells Sophie.

Sophie turns to me, a small curious smile on her lips. I remember my manners and introduce them. “Sophie sweetheart, this exceptionally beautiful lady is the incomparable Peggy Hart.”

Sophie’s eyes widen with comprehension. “I’m very honored to meet you.” She says to Peggy.

Peggy dimples, obviously flattered. “Thank you darling.” She tells Sophie, before turning to me with a snort. “I’m not even going to respond to your flattery.”

She leads the way into the room, taking the time to tell me before she leaves us, that Carole has insisted on being seated at my table. Knowing Carole, that’s her way of announcing to the world that she doesn’t care that I’m married. I’m not really bothered. Carole and her antics are a thing of the past. She can’t do any harm.

As the dinner progresses, I occupy myself with conversing with Leon Boise, a website entrepreneur who’s seated beside me, while listening with half an ear to the speeches, and to Sophie talking with Rick Cruzman, whose software company is the latest addition to Preston Corp.

At least she’s not bored. I know I am.

Everyone is clapping halfheartedly as another speech ends when I feel Sophie stiffen. I’m about to ask her what the problem is when I notice Carole and a companion I don’t recognize, take the empty seats at our table.

I hear Leon Boise tell her how nice it is to see her. For me, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Sophie looks dismayed. Her eyes skip from Carole to me, and I cannot even imagine what she’s thinking.

Leon turns to me. “I had forgotten to congratulate you David,” he continues, “I read something about the attempted takeover,” his gaze goes back to Carole. “I hear David has you to thank for retaining his control on the board.”

Carole looks like she would gladly tear Leon to pieces with her teeth, then she transfers her angry glare to me. “Yes,” She says, her voice like saccharine. “I sold him the shares of his company I got when my father died.” Her face is expressionless, except for her eyes, which are dripping with venom as she looks at me. She laughs humorlessly and turns back to Leon. “Which means David Preston will always control Preston Corp.”

“As he should.” I say with a smile. I turn back to Sophie, noticing that she still looks uncomfortable. Carole and her barely hidden fangs would do that, I think. I place my hand over Sophie’s on the table. “Have you met my wife?” I say, looking at Carole.

“No.” Carole’s voice is sweet, masking the rage in her eyes. “I don’t believe I have had the pleasure.”

I make the introductions, not so much because I’m taking any pleasure from riling Carole, more because I want Sophie to see that Carole means nothing to me.

Sophie’s expression is hesitant. “Nice to meet you.” She says politely.

Carole chuckles. Her voice has an unmistakably mocking ring to it. “The pleasure is mine.”

Thankfully, the last speech ends, and I lead Sophie out to dance.

“What was that?” She asks as soon as we’re alone.

“What was what?”

“What just happened at our table, with that woman?” She frowns, looking up at me.

I shrug. “Carole isn’t too happy with the price she got for her shares, that’s all.”

Sophie gives me a curious look, “You didn’t pay her as much as she wanted?”

“I couldn’t.” I say.

A puzzled frown creases her features. “Then how did you get her to sell them to you?”

“I have my ways.”

“Wait,” Sophie’s frown deepens, “What did she want?”

“She wanted me,” I shrug. “Either me or my destruction,” I spin her around as she stares at me, open-mouthed.

“I don’t understand.” She says.

This isn’t the time to explain all that, I decide, as I hand her over to Leon Boise, who’s cutting in. 

I spent the next few minutes in conversation with other business people. Finally, I end up on the balcony, eager for some fresh air.

The solitude is enjoyable. I breathe in the cool night air and enjoy the sight of the city all lit up in the night.

“I didn’t take you for someone who’s attracted to children.” Carole’s voice cuts into my thoughts.

I turn to find her standing beside me.

“Did you marry the first person who smiled at you just to teach me a lesson?” she continues.

“You think too much of yourself.” I say drily.

“It’s you who thinks too little of me.” her voice is bitter. “It meant nothing to you that I was willing to stoop as low as blackmail just to be with you again. Did I always mean so little to you?”

BOOK: Claim (A Dangerous Man, #3)
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