Read Christmas With Nathan Online

Authors: Alice Raine

Christmas With Nathan (3 page)

BOOK: Christmas With Nathan
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Dropping to his knees between my thighs, Nathan smiled up at me sweetly as he jerked his chin to indicate that he wanted me to raise my arms. Our bond was so strong that words weren’t necessary for us to communicate anymore, and I followed his silent command without hesitation, allowing him to free me of my jumper and T-shirt in one go.

Sitting back on his heels, Nathan eyed my pink maternity bra with lust-filled eyes as he raised one hand and gently traced the lace edges, touching the skin at the sides of my breasts before trailing across the top of my cleavage until I shivered with desire. This bra was one of my favourites, a designer brand that Rebecca had given me as a gift several weeks ago, insisting that just because I was breastfeeding didn’t mean I couldn’t still feel and look sexy.

Pursing his lips, Nathan looked up at me, his pupils large, as a dark look of lust crossed his features. ‘These are still getting bigger,’ he remarked in admiration, cupping my breasts and giving a gentle squeeze. He was right – they were at least two cup sizes bigger, and also super-sensitive with all the feeding I was doing.

‘So is this,’ I replied teasingly, lowering my hand and cupping his erection as it grew even longer and thicker within my grasp. Nathan laughed darkly, thrusting into my hand, and went back to his job of undressing me, leaving me to continue with my fondling.

Sliding his hands around my back Nathan encouraged me forward so he could unclip and remove my bra, allowing my breasts to fall freely into his hands where he lightly explored them with a low, lusty growl. When he brushed his thumbs across my nipples, I gasped as my over-sensitive flesh hardened painfully under his touch. ‘Too much?’ he asked, his hands pausing as his eyes sought mine for reassurance.

I may have been a little sore, but mixed with my rampant arousal it was a good type of pain, and one that I didn’t want to stop. ‘They are a little sore at the moment,’ I confessed regretfully, ‘but it feels really good.’ I added huskily, soothing his concerns. Nathan was incredibly skilled when it came to my breasts and often made me come purely by touching my nipples alone, something that I probably wouldn’t be able to cope with for quite a few months, but what he was currently doing felt wonderful.

‘I’ll be gentle,’ he promised, as his head lowered and delicately traced the edge of my nipple with the tip of his tongue. ‘But William needs to learn to share, because there’s no way I can stay away from these beauties.’ I would have laughed, but laughter suddenly became the furthest thing from my mind as he took my hardened bud into his mouth and gave the lightest of bites, making me arch my back to increase the pressure as I began to squirm below his skilled mouth.

‘Don’t suck, you might end up with a mouthful of milk,’ I warned him in a thick voice, which immediately caused his head to rise, a look of interest settling on his handsome features as he blinked at me several times.

‘Really?’ I could tell from his expression that the idea quite appealed to him, and I rolled my eyes as a small chuckle left my lips. ‘What?’ he said, responding to my incredulous look with a casual shrug. ‘It’s part of you, why wouldn’t I want to try it?’ I should have guessed as much, this being yet another display of my man’s never-ending kinkiness.

Once Nathan had repeated his delicious torture on my other breast – with a gentle suck thrown in to the mix, of course – he looked up at me smiling seductively, before giving his glistening lips a lick. ‘I think I got a little taste. Either that or your skin tastes sweeter than before,’ he muttered hotly as his face dropped back against my boob to give one final teasing lick.

God, I couldn’t believe him sometimes. Literally nothing seemed to embarrass him. In our months of no sex I had somehow forgotten just how uninhibited Nathan could be, but I was getting a rapid reintroduction to it, and loving every minute.

Finally leaving my breasts feeling achy and full, Nathan sank lower onto his haunches so he was kneeling and positioned right between my legs. Unfortunately, his new position meant I had to give up my hold on his cock, and I pouted at my loss, a look that Nathan saw and smiled at. ‘There will be plenty of time for that later, Stella. I want to reacquaint myself with you properly first.’

Instead of dropping his mouth onto me like I had expected, Nathan instead licked two fingers and gently began to explore between my legs, his eyes watching in rapt fascination as he parted me to his view, gently arousing and discovering me as if it were the first time he’d seen me.

After having a veritable procession of midwives and doctors between my legs in the last year I didn’t feel embarrassed being in this position, and as his thumb brushed across my clit I found myself willingly spreading my legs wider for him.

‘That’s my girl,’ he murmured, pleased at my easy capitulation. The next second, Nathan lowered his head, licking one gentle, long swipe up my skin and ending at my clit that had me bucking wildly below him. I had been so horny for so long that my sensitivity was heightened to the point where I nearly climaxed just from these few light touches.

‘You’re close already,’ he stated needlessly against my quivering flesh, the vibrations of his words causing me to throw my head back as my hands frantically clawed at the sofa for something to grab a hold of. ‘Always so keen, Stella. I fucking love that.’

‘Please, Nathan,’ I begged, completely unashamed in my desperation for him.

‘OK, baby. I won’t keep you hanging.’ Nathan sat back slightly, licking his middle finger and slowly pushing it into my clenching sex as a hiss left his lips. ‘Fuck, Stella, still so tight,’ he muttered as he began to slide the finger in and out.

Usually I enjoyed it more when he used several fingers, but I was so aroused after our months of chastity that one was good enough for the job today.

Lowering his mouth again he curled his finger inside me to find my G-spot at the same time as taking my clit into his mouth and sucking. Hard. That was all it took to send me spiralling over the edge into a climax so fierce that I was thrashing violently on the sofa and calling his name reputedly as my hips bucked wildly against him.

My head fell back on to the cushion as I pulled in several deep breaths, and then Nathan’s smiling, gleeful face came into view. ‘Now
was a good one,’ he stated as he knelt up and leant forward to lower his mouth onto mine in a possessive kiss that seemed to shout just how proud of himself he was.

Arrogant git. Mind you, it was justified arrogance, because that
been a good one. A really,
flipping good one. It never failed to amaze me how different my climaxes could be when it was Nathan causing it instead of my own hands. I’d resorted to relieving the pressure myself several times in the past few weeks, but a self-created climax never came even close to the ones Nathan gave me.

Feeling the weight of his hard-on resting on my belly I let him continue to kiss me while reaching down and wrapping my hand around him to begin a gentle up and down stroke. Nathan had been so determined that we wouldn’t have sex since William was born that he hadn’t allowed me to touch him here at all, not even in the shower, and as a result, I couldn’t remember the last time I had held him in my hand like this. Now that I was, I simply couldn’t get enough. He was like steel wrapped in silk, and I suddenly desperately wanted him against my tongue.

‘Wanna swap places?’ I enquired against his mouth, his cock hardening further in my hand as my rhythm sped up.

Nathan didn’t need a second invitation. He kept his lips on mine, our tongues still twining furiously, but somehow managed to manoeuvre us around until he was sat on the couch and I was kneeling between his spread legs. Finally he removed his lips from mine and laid back on the sofa, leaving me to get up close and personal with his magnificent manhood.

What a mighty fine view.

‘I’m already close,’ he warned me as I greedily lowered my head and licked the tip. He tasted salty, evidence that he really was close to coming, and then I heard a long groan leave his lips when I took as much of him into my mouth as I could.

With one hand on his balls and the other wrapped firmly around the base of his cock as my mouth worked his length, it didn’t take long until he was thrusting his hips into my mouth almost wildly. The control Nathan usually showed during sex was completely absent, and I loved this more animalistic side.

‘I want to come on your breasts,’ he murmured suddenly as he pulled himself from my mouth and somehow flipped me backwards so I was lying on the rug with him kneeling above me, pumping his shaft with his fist like a wild man.

‘OK,’ I agreed, but seeing the look of desperation in his eyes that indicated just how close he was, I’m not sure he would have been able to stop himself anyway.

With one more pump of his fist, Nathan let out a loud bark of pleasure as he began to climax on to my breasts, the hot come almost feeling like it was burning my sensitive nipples. Dropping one hand down beside my head, Nathan leant over me, his hair flopping down over my face as he slowed his strokes and placed a breathless kiss on my lips. Reaching up I ran a hand through his wild hair, lightly tracing my nails against his scalp and causing him to shudder with pleasure. Continuing to pump his cock he sent several more drops landing on my stomach, and then, with a wicked grin, he shifted himself and used the softening tip of his cock almost like a paintbrush to spread his come across both breasts and my stomach.

Well, that was a little different. I had no problem with how that session had ended,
at all
, but I was curious as to why he hadn’t let me finish him off. ‘Why didn’t you come in my mouth?’

Leaning up again so that he was directly above me, Nathan blinked several times as if considering his answer, his eyes drifting to my coated breasts. ‘I wanted to mark my territory again,’ he replied with a dark, satisfied smile, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the need to slightly compete with William over access to my body. Which was ridiculous, of course, but this was
we were talking about, so I wouldn’t necessarily rule it out. That thought was pushed aside as he manoeuvred himself lower so he could wipe the moist head of his shaft teasingly between my legs in a brief swipe that had me arching my back at the delicious contact on my over-sensitive clit. Unfortunately, he was soon pulling back and gathering me up into his arms.

‘Consider me well and truly marked,’ I murmured in amusement, looking down at my sticky body. I had been thoroughly Nathan-ised.

Chuckling softly, Nathan carried me to our bedroom and straight to the en-suite where he placed me on my feet in the shower before dropping a soft kiss on the top of my head. ‘You sort out the water temperature, I’ll go check on Will.’

Smiling to myself contentedly, I turned the shower on and stepped under the warming spray with a happy sigh. I couldn’t believe how much less troubled I felt now Nathan and I had cleared the air about the sex stuff. Not to mention blissed out, because that session had been really intense, intimate, and supremely satisfying.

The sound of Nathan softly humming to Will washed in from the other room and I smiled happily. He really was turning out to be the sweetest dad. Initially he’d had his concerns, but I’d been fully confident that he would love William once he was born, and I’d been right. The amazing thing was that Nathan had gone way beyond that, adapting to fatherhood with so much enthusiasm that it was heart-warming to watch. Even at this early stage, the bond between father and son was incredibly strong.

‘He’s good. Fast asleep,’ Nathan said with a smile as he joined me in the shower and pulled my soapy body against his. ‘Are you feeling better now, babe? We’re OK?’ he enquired, leaning down to take my face in his hands and turn it tenderly up to meet his concerned gaze.

Leaning forwards, I pecked a kiss onto the tip of his nose and nodded. ‘We are. Sorry I freaked out.’

Pulling me against him for a second, he hugged me tight and then took a step away where he began washing himself. ‘It’s completely fine. I’ll just keep in mind how snappy my girl gets when she’s denied sex for too long.’ He teased, flashing me a wink that made me blush at just how true his words were.

Once we had showered and dried ourselves off, we made our way back into the bedroom, both instinctively diverting via Will’s crib to check on him before heading towards our own bed. Will still slept in our room at the moment, but we were lucky – he was a good sleeper, had been from two months old. We were starting to consider moving him to the adjoining room which Nathan had lovingly decorated as a nursery, but seeing how overprotective Nathan was about both William and I, it was no surprise that he had so far been against the move and vetoed it when I had brought it up.

‘I’ll be back in a second,’ Nathan said cryptically, before disappearing out of the room as I climbed below the duvet. Where on earth had he gone? Confused, I settled under the sheets and waited patiently before watching curiously as he returned carrying something large and long under his arm. As he began unfolding the package it became obvious that it was a room dividing screen, made up of three panels, each covered in a light material with cartoon animals printed on it.

After faffing with it for a few minutes, Nathan set the screen up around the crib so it stood between Will and the bed. Looking at the screen in confusion I transferred my gaze to Nathan to find him watching me with a small embarrassed smile on his face. Rather distractingly, he was still starkers.

‘I still want him in our room, but I don’t want him to see some of the things we get up to in bed,’ he explained sheepishly. ‘I bought that a while back.’ I had to bite on the inside of my lower lip to stop myself laughing at his concerns. William was way too young to be aware of what Nathan and I were up to in bed, but if this screen made my man happy and meant that we would finally be getting some more skin on skin time then I wouldn’t complain.

Seeing that I was obviously trying not to laugh, Nathan shrugged self-consciously before crawling up the bed towards me, his expression changing from embarrassed to purposeful with every movement.

BOOK: Christmas With Nathan
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