Read Christmas And Gingerbread Men Online

Authors: Liza Kay

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance, #GLBT, #Gay

Christmas And Gingerbread Men (5 page)

BOOK: Christmas And Gingerbread Men
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Rafael grabbed his chin with strong fingers and turned his head until their eyes met. His purplish blue eyes glittered, and he’d pressed his lips into a thin line. He looked pissed.

“Pitney, you’re not ugly.”

Pitney yanked is chin out of Rafael’s grip and snorted. “Yeah, right.” He closed his eyes when Rafael’s soft lips brushed against his cheek. Then he felt the man’s deep sigh fan across his skin.

“Give me some time and I’ll show you how beautiful you are,” Rafael said. Although only a whisper, Pitney heard the steely determination coloring his words. He shivered when he imagined what Rafael could and would do to keep that promise.


“So, what about your fancy accent?” Pitney asked, cuddling closer while they sat on the sofa a couple of hours later.

Rafael chuckled. “I grew up in London with foster parents. Moved to the States about five years ago.”

“Do you have siblings?”

“When I was seventeen, my parents took in another kid, so I have a foster brother. His name is Ruben. Unfortunately, we’re out of touch because of the huge age gap. I left the family when I turned eighteen. As far as I know, he lives in Norway now.”

Pitney thought it all interesting and wanted to know more, but at the same time he couldn’t stop his yawn.

“Oh-oh. Come on, cute stuff. I’ll show you the guestroom.”

He giggled at the pet name and pressed his face against Rafael’s defined pectoral. It made for a comfortable pillow.

After baking and decorating the gingerbread men, they’d retired in front of a crackling fire. Rafael had sent him into fits of laughter by painting the tasty little fellows with thongs, harnesses and hoods of black icing. As soon as he was sober again, he’d grill Rafael for why he’d done that.

They’d spiked their tea with almond liqueur and now Pitney felt the warm effect of the booze. It made him cuddly and giggly. Rafael was right, though, he couldn’t drive back home, so he appreciated the offer to crash in the guestroom. Although...

“Why don’t we just share your room? Afraid I’d ravish you?” He craned his neck and waggled his eyebrows at the handsome man caressing his back.

Instead of spluttering and reassuring Pitney that he’d be the one being ravished if they shared a bed eventually, Rafael grinned wolfishly. Then he tangled his fingers through Pitney’s wild curls and tugged at them with a deep chuckle.

“Promises, promises,” Rafael purred.

Again, the man’s response dumbfounded Pitney. First his obvious delight at the quick spank to his ass, now he almost vibrated with excitement at the prospect of Pitney manhandling him?
Yeah, right, Pitney. Keep fooling yourself. A man like Rafael, mountain of masculinity, would never bend over for a skinny weakling like you.

His dumb thoughts just proved that he’d had too much alcohol. Not the best state to argue sleeping arrangements. Most likely, he’d embarrass himself if he tried to seduce the older, more experienced man.

They untangled and, with a sigh, Pitney obeyed and followed his sexy host up the stairs. His brain was way too scrambled to come up with a seductive plan anyway. Also, the stairs provided a great opportunity to ogle the man’s tight ass and made it even harder to think straight.

God, no man should look so fuckable. That was plain evil. He wanted to reach out and squeeze those flexing buns, or pull the jeans down to explore them with his—
Stop it!
He shouldn’t grab another man’s ass when he had no idea if the man in question would appreciate the grabbing. After all, he didn’t want Rafael to kick him out.

Rafael led him into a nicely furnished room with a queen-sized bed, two nightstands, a wardrobe and a little TV. Through a door, Pitney detected a bathroom and suddenly longed for a long, hot shower. Pity, but he was sure Rafael wouldn’t share it with him.

“Is that okay for the night? I don’t want you to think that I don’t find you attractive or that I don’t want you with me. It’s just... there’s something between us, and I don’t want to jeopardize it. If you think I’m stupid or too cautious then we could—”

Pitney thought his host sounded unusually unsure. Wanting—no—needing to assure the sweet man, he wrapped his arms around Rafael and planted a kiss on his lips. “It’s more than okay. I understand what you mean. I may not like it because I think you’re hot as fuck, but I understand.”

Rafael’s cheeks pinked a tiny bit and he cleared his throat while petting his back. Pitney thought it incredibly lovely. Not that he’d ever say that out loud.

“I’ll leave you to it, then. Make yourself at home, please. There are towels in the cupboard under the sink and new toothbrushes. If you need anything, just holler and I’ll—” Pitney cut off the rambling with another kiss, this one to Rafael’s chin, and smiled.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

“Right. Okay. Sleep well,” Rafael whispered. Then he gave Pitney another toe-curling kiss, the bastard, and left him alone.

Pitney blew out a breath. Well, shit. He knew exactly what he’d do first. The shower was calling to him, but not nearly as much as the boner throbbing inside his jeans. Now that Rafael had left, Pitney was alone with his right hand. Again. Damn man was a major tease.


Chapter Four



Sunday, 4th December


Rafe woke hard and hot. As a guy, he considered waking up hard a good sign. But hot? In December?

He cracked one eye open and squeezed it shut immediately, confident that his brain was playing games with him. When he peeled his lids back a second time, Rafe almost swallowed his tongue at the stunning sight that greeted him.

A naked Pitney lay halfway sprawled over his chest. Crap on a cracker,
his guest looked adorable. With his mouth open a smidge, each puff of breath fanned over Rafe’s naked chest and caused his nipple to pebble. The light streaming through the windows brought out silvery reflexes in Pitney’s blond corkscrew curls. They were, once again, a mess, but felt incredibly soft. Oh, and his pale skin, with freckles covering every inch, woke the sudden urge to find each of them. With his tongue. He was so going to hell.

However, why was Pitney in bed with him? Rafe had left him in the guestroom so he wouldn’t forget himself and take the next step too soon. Rafe could feel his morning wood sulking, though. Now that it rested pressed against Pitney’s hip—it wanted to play.

Unable to resist temptation when it took a nap on his chest, Rafe placed his hand between Pitney’s protruding shoulder blades. His sweet load showed no signs of waking up when Rafe petted the man’s silky soft skin. He felt the little nubs of Pitney’s spine, another reminder how thin he was, and circled the tips of his fingers around them.

While Rafe rubbed his thumb through the small dip at the base of Pitney’s spine, his guest let out a soft noise, like a mix between a sniffle and a grunt. The skinny arm he’d draped across Rafe’s chest tightened, a long-fingered hand moved until it rested under Rafe’s shoulder. It was such a sweet, unconscious gesture, something a lover would do in the morning when he didn’t want his companion to leave just yet.

Rafe brushed a kiss to Pitney’s temple, then found himself pinned by sleepy, amber eyes.

“Morning, tiger,” Rafe rumbled in his typical, throaty morning voice. Pitney blinked those round eyes, his pale skin quickly coloring to a bright pink. When he started to wriggle, Rafe crooned, rubbing Pitney’s back in soothing circles. “It’s all right, don’t leave. I like holding you.” Rafe winked at his guest. “Say, are you a sleepwalker?”

“Sorry,” Pitney squeaked and looked at him through his thick lashes. “I woke because of the storm and loud thunder and thought... oh god.” He groaned and let his forehead fall onto Rafe’s pectoral. “That sounds so lame. Now you’ll think I’m either a freak who’s afraid of storms, or a perv who sneaks into other people’s bedrooms to snag a cuddle while they’re unconscious.”

Instead of starting an argument about sneaking into bedrooms, Rafe grinned. “You’re afraid of storms? Should I have checked the wardrobe for monsters before I left you alone yesterday?”

Pitney looked up, embarrassed as hell if the deep red of his face was any hint, then scowled and punched Rafe’s shoulder. However, one corner of his wide mouth lifted into a lopsided grin. “You wouldn’t have to search the wardrobe in the future if you allowed me to stay in your room right away.”

Rafe laughed and tickled Pitney’s sides, sending the man into fits of giggles. “Little minx!”

“Ahh stop! Please... stop it. I give.” Pitney wriggled on top of him. The friction was hot, but Rafe liked his cute snorting sounds and the way his nose crunched up when he laughed even more. Pitney was so real. In his own, special way, he was beautiful. It’d be a joy to wake with him, joke in bed, rib under the shower, and bicker over breakfast each morning.

Still panting and with twinkling eyes, Pitney said, “I know it’s dumb, but the thunder and lightning frightens me. Always has.”

“Huh. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“To what purpose? So you could make me a hot milk and rub my belly? I’m not five!” Pitney growled and squinted at him.

Rafe grinned at the fire in his new lover’s eyes and, with a quick move, rolled them so he pinned Pitney underneath his heavier body. “Easy, tiger.”

Pitney gasped, his eyes widening in shock. For some tense seconds they lay like that, neither of them moving and both barely breathing. Then Pitney’s eyes darkened, he reached out and slowly moved his hands over Rafe’s chest and shoulders. He looked shy and for all in the world like he was doing something semi-legal. His slender fingers shook and his breathing sped up.

Rafe could only watch in awe. Pitney looked so stunning while caught between the obvious urge to touch and explore and the fear holding him back.

“Pitney,” Rafe whispered to get his attention. “It’s okay. You can touch me any way you want.” He’d pay for his generosity with a set of blue nuts, but if Pitney wanted to explore, then Rafe wouldn’t stop him.

Pitney’s gaze, his eyes so full of wonder and a dash of insecurity, met his. Pitney managed to hold the gaze for a few seconds before he lowered his lashes again. He licked his bottom lip, the little tip of his pink tongue leaving a wet sheen Rafe wanted to taste. He was sure Pitney had no idea how sexy he was.

“You’re not mad at me for sneaking into your bed?” Pitney’s big, blinking eyes looked like melted caramel. “Yesterday, you said you wanted to take it slow and... this is not slow, is it?”

Rafe laughed huskily, leaning down to nuzzle Pitney’s slender neck. He loved the scent of sleepy, cuddly man in the morning. “That was before I found you lying on top of me. Anyway, I think when two people want to build something beyond sex, they need to take their time and explore each other,” he added before softly nibbling along Pitney’s jaw. To his surprise, he found the skin there still soft and without a hint of morning stubble.

“What? I don’t understand.” Pitney squirmed restlessly underneath him.

“Oh, Pitney. I know sex is nice and all, but have you never just enjoyed a lover’s closeness? Never rested your head on his chest to listen to his steady heartbeat? Never touched without intending—”

The rest of his speech died in a muffled grunt. Pitney’s slender yet strong fingers had found their way in his hair and had tugged him down to slant his mouth over Rafe’s. The passionate, demanding kiss shocked the hell out of him, and Pitney’s vigorous behavior had him panting and submitting in a heartbeat.

“Fuck it,” Pitney snarled, then nipped Rafe’s lower lips. “I’m horny and you’re sexy as fuck. Enough of the talking, do something already.”

Oh, god. Rafe groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. Pitney obviously had no idea what those words did to him. He wanted to obey, wanted to do everything Pitney demanded and then beg for more.

Wasting no time, he slipped his hand under the waistband of Pitney’s briefs and palmed his morning wood. The rod was long and slender, matching the rest of Pitney’s physique, and Rafe couldn’t wait to explore it thoroughly. He moved his hand until he cupped Pitney’s lightly fuzzed balls, then rolled them gently.

“Yes! Please, more.” Pitney panted and wriggled, obviously liking the attention his privates received. Arousal had painted his face pink and his pupils were huge. Rafe longed to know how he’d look during an orgasm.

However, fucking Pitney was not what he had in mind when he thought about sex. If Pitney turned out to be a bottom, they’d have a problem. A big one. Because Rafe—big, muscular guy that he was—didn’t top. Ever. Okay, he could, but he didn’t enjoy it.

It was an oddity that made it hard for him to find a stable partner. Not only that he loved to take it up the ass, he preferred his lovers to be slender bordering on skinny. He met either muscular guys who agreed to give him a good pounding, or cute twinks who expected him to fuck them through the mattress. His inability to find a lovely, skinny guy with a kink for topping bigger men made for an unhappy Rafe.

So far, Pitney matched the physical criteria. Maybe this was a good time to find out Pitney’s likes and dislikes. If they clashed in bed, maybe they could work something out. First though, Rafe had to be honest with his new love interest.

Pitney’s fingers tangled in his hair and tugged forcibly until they were eye to eye, then Pitney frowned. “You stopped, and I’m still horny.” Then he humped against Rafe’s stomach to bring his point across. Rafe snickered and flexed his hips, causing Pitney to moan and arch his back.

“Tiger, tell me what you like, what you desire,” he whispered before he bent down for a smacking peck.

Pitney blinked, then cocked one eyebrow. “Honestly?”

Rafe chuckled and brushed a hand through Pitney’s wild curls. “Yes. It’ll give me some starters. Plus, I find it incredibly hot to listen to your raspy voice whenever you say something naughty.” That earned him a pleased grin from Pitney.

“Oh, well. I like blowjobs.” It sounded more like a question than anything else. Wasn’t he a cute one?

“Okay. But surely there’s more, right?” Pitney’s flushing cheeks were answer enough. He seemed reluctant to share his thoughts though. “Pitney, you can tell me everything. I won’t ever make fun of you. I can’t read your mind and I’d like to know what’s getting you hot and horny.”

BOOK: Christmas And Gingerbread Men
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