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Authors: Treasure Hernandez

Choosing Sides (3 page)

BOOK: Choosing Sides
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Chapter Three
alleigh sauntered into her house and headed straight to her bedroom. She looked around their two-bedroom bungalow but didn't see her mother. “Dang!” she groaned.
The house was so cluttered, it looked like a cyclone had hit it. Their current housekeeping standards were lower than when her mother used to work sixty hours a week in the plant. Then, her mother kept a cleaner, more organized house than she did now. Seems like she would have had all the time in the world to clean now that she didn't hold down a job, but that would have been too much like right. Instead, the house looked like she had turned it upside down looking for a hit.
Halleigh had to admit that she kept her room on point. It was the rest of the house that was an embarrassment. No matter how much Halleigh cleaned, Sharina and her junkie friends would come in behind her hard work, filling ashtrays and leaving beer bottles and drug paraphernalia lying around the house.
At first, Halleigh would just continue to do the best she could to clean up again, but her mother would run through the house during the day while she was at school and tear everything back up, looking for any loose change to cop some more junk. After a while, Halleigh came to the conclusion that her efforts to keep the place looking even halfway decent were in vain, so she didn't even like to invite Malek over anymore. Tonight, though, Halleigh decided to ignore the disarray and just get ready for her intimate evening with Malek.
She opened up her panty drawer to see what she would wear that night. Even though, as Betty Wright would tell it, tonight Malek was going to make her a woman, as a high schooler, she didn't have anything along the lines of lingerie. She figured that a cute bra-and-panty set would have to do the trick. Since black was sexy, she picked out a black one her mother had boosted from Victoria's Secret. She also picked out a short denim Azzure skirt and a blue shirt that hung loosely off her shoulders.
Relieved that her mother wasn't home, she figured, once she was already gone, that her mother wouldn't miss her presence, so she hurried into the bathroom to take a shower. The water felt good on her skin, as she thought about the way that she was about to give herself to Malek; her nipples hardening and tingling from the hot water pelting them. Though extremely nervous, she got excited just thinking about her man and how she was going to become a woman. Malek's woman. Would it hurt? She'd heard from Nikki that the first time hurt, and that sometimes the girl would even bleed. Her vagina contracted, just thinking of it. Would she enjoy sex as much as she enjoyed just spending time with Malek?
The funny thing was that her body had been craving and wanting to have sex with Malek for the past few months, but her mind always gave her hands the order to push him away, once he tried to go beyond her bra or panties. She would allow him to kiss her, but never go too far. No grinding, no dry sex, no fingering, no titty-fucking. None of that stuff high school kids made famous. And he seemed to respect her all the more for setting this boundary.
In the past, Malek had told her he'd been with a lot of “technical virgins,” who would let him finger them, or who would even do blowjobs on him, just so they could still claim they were virgins. But Halleigh . . . now that girl truly was a virgin. She'd never even masturbated.
Oddly enough, Halleigh wasn't raised to put a premium on being a virgin when she got married. In fact, before her mother got on the drugs, the only warning she used to give her daughter regarding sex was just to make sure her first time was special. That it should be with someone she loved. Sharina had also told Halleigh to come to her and inform her when she was ready to become sexually active so she could put her on birth control pills. Her mother used to be cool like that. In fact, before Sharina became addicted, she used to take relatively good care of Halleigh. Now, it seemed Halleigh had to take care of her.
Nowadays, the truth be known, Sharina didn't care what her daughter did. If Halleigh hadn't disciplined herself, she could really have run the streets wild. That's why it wouldn't be any problem to spend most of the night over at Malek's house tonight. Sometimes, she didn't like to think about how different her once-caring mother had become, but tonight she would use it to her advantage.
The good thing that came out of a bad situation was that after her mother got on drugs, Halleigh started wanting a better life for herself. She saw what happened when you gave up on life and didn't practice self-control. At seventeen, unlike many of the youths she'd grown up with, she'd never smoked, drank, or tried any type of drugs. And she truly didn't want to be another teen mother, like so many of the girls in her neighborhood, so she'd purposely abstained from having sex. It never swayed her that many of her friends had been having sex since they were twelve.
After rinsing the soap off her body, Halleigh exited the shower, not wanting to escape from the steady massage of the running water. Next, she sprayed on some of her mother's
perfume that she had lifted from the Genesee Valley Shopping Center. Then she stood in front of the mirror and carefully shaved her na-na. She'd read about this in magazines and wanted to tame the hairs running wild between her young legs. She sprayed the scent on her neatly trimmed vagina and applied a sweet-scented body lotion from head to foot.
The sound of the door slamming made her jump.
Damn! Now I got to lie about where I'm going,
Halleigh thought.
I'll just tell her that I'm staying the night at Nikki's crib.
She exited the bathroom and proceeded to get dressed. “Hey, Ma!” she yelled as she dressed, but she got no response.
“Ma!” she yelled again.
I know she heard me.
She finished putting on her clothes and then made her way to her mother's room down the hallway from hers. When she opened the bedroom door, her mother was holding a soiled brown paper bag and frantically looking for a place to hide it.
“What are you doing, Ma?”
“Nothin', baby. Just go in your room.” Her mother's eyes darted around the room. “Go back to your room.” She quickly pushed Halleigh out of her bedroom and closed the door in her face.
Sharina seemed nervous, but Halleigh was too preoccupied to worry about her. Nowadays her mother always acted skittish, so she was used to her strange behavior of either being in a trying-to-get-high mode, or in an already high nod. There was no in-between. Tonight, though, she was glad that her mother had other things on her mind.
It shouldn't be too hard to get out of the house. She ain't paying me no mind, anyway.
Halleigh made her way back to her room.
A few minutes after Halleigh went into her room, closing the door behind her, a loud crash echoed throughout the house. It sounded as if it had come from the living room. She heard a male voice shout, “Bitch, you gon' try to steal from me?”
“No, Riq, it wasn't me,” her mother pleaded. “You know I wouldn't take nothing from you, Riq.”
The sound of her mother's screams alarmed Halleigh. She opened her bedroom door and followed the ruckus into the living room. “Ma!” she yelled, seeing two men beating on her mother. “Stop it!” Halleigh cried. “Ma!”
Startled, the two men paused from their beatdown on Sharina and looked in Halleigh's direction. They didn't even seem to consider that someone else could have been in the house. A twisted smile formed on one guy's face. He left his accomplice, who had Sharina pinned up against the wall by the throat, and approached Halleigh herself.
Sharina called out to the guy who was approaching her daughter. “Tariq,” she said, calling the man by his full name, “leave her alone. That's my baby. She's only seventeen!”
“That's old enough to pay back your debt.” Riq then turned to his partner. “Mad Dog, can you help?”
Sharina, palms held up in appeal, turned to look at Mad Dog, who was busy eyeballing the fresh meat that stood before them. Lust already shining in his eyes, he held his hand up in the “talk-to-the-hand” sign and shook his head, letting Riq know that he was down for it.
Riq began backing Halleigh up in a corner, his hands roaming all over her young body. He pressed his hardening manhood against her.
“Ma!” Halleigh cried.
Riq turned and looked over his shoulder at Sharina, while he continued to fondle her daughter's body. “What's it gon' be, Sharina? You can either give me back my package with interest, or you can let me fuck your daughter here and we'll call it even.” Riq put his hands up Halleigh's short skirt.
Sharina thought about the monkey that was on her back. She had an entire package that would take her into ecstasy. There would be no way she would be able to feed her habit if she gave it back to him.
Halleigh is about to be a woman anyway. It's not like he gon' hurt her,
Sharina thought selfishly.
Besides, even if I do give the package back, their dicks are already hard. They probably gonna do her anyway.
“Mama, please, make him stop!” Halleigh screamed, snapping Sharina out of her thoughts. “Maaaaaa!” she wailed, as the tears glistened and fell from her eyes.
“What's it gon' be, Rina?” Riq asked, rubbing himself.
“That's my baby, Riq.” Sharina figured she'd give one last-ditch effort to save her daughter from the pending sexual attack.
“Okay. Then where's my shit?”
“Like I said, I don't—”
Before Sharina could even finish her sentence, Riq's partner punched her in her lying mouth, spilling blood and loosening teeth.
Sharina held up her hands to block the oncoming blows, but it was useless. She began to see stars, and her head began to pound and throb. She knew if she didn't do something quick, one of those blows would be fatal. One of her eyes had already swollen shut and was filled with blood. With her other eye, when she didn't see a fist coming toward it, she saw her daughter standing in complete fear of a rampaging Riq. At that moment, she knew what she had to do.
“Okay, okay! Wait!” Sharina held up her hand. “I don't have your money, but”—she saw the same fist that had been beating her mercifully making its way toward her again—“but you can have her instead,” she quickly shouted, halting the fist before it landed on her flesh.
Riq looked from Sharina to her daughter, who was standing there all dressed up as if she knew tonight she would have a debt to pay for her mother. Halleigh looked at her mother in shock. She couldn't believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. No! She had to be hearing things. No!
But when Sharina took one last look at her daughter with apologetic eyes, and then put her head down as not to witness the rape of her own child, Halleigh knew she'd heard right. Her instincts told her to do one thing—run like hell!
She took off for the door, but Riq caught her and tackled her to the hard floor. “Uh-uh, sweetness. Where you think you going?” He forced his hands up her skirt.
Halleigh could feel his fingers invading her space. Her jaws tightened as she cringed in pain. “Ma!” Halleigh cried out in anguish as she fought back by beating Riq on his back. That was all she could do, with the weight of his body pinning her to the ground.
“Shut up!” Riq ordered as he brought his open hand down across her face. She clawed and kicked, but when his accomplice came and helped him hold her down, she was overpowered and didn't have a chance in the world to escape their clutches.
They were about to take, in an instant, what she'd made Malek wait for for years. Her virginity was what had made her different from the other girls to him. It was what made her special. Moreover, it was what had made their relationship valuable to both of them. She just couldn't let them take what wasn't theirs. She just couldn't.
Halleigh took a deep breath and tried with all of her might to loose herself from the grip of her attacker. The next thing she knew, Mad Dog spread and held her legs apart, while Riq pinned her hands behind her head. With one hard shove, Riq penetrated her, plowing into her young body as though she were a seasoned hooker. Once inside her narrow canal, the drug dealer took long, hard strokes.
Halleigh must have blacked out because, when she came to, suddenly she saw herself drifting near the top of the ceiling, looking down on the two men going at her body like two rapacious vultures picking over a dead carcass. Halleigh could have sworn she was having an out-of-body experience, but she was in such pain. Although she knew it was herself lying there, she hurt so badly, she became this disembodied figure, floating above the men's sexual assault, to be able to endure it.
Dispassionately, she looked down from the ceiling and watched Riq, pants wiggled down below his hips, hump up and down, up and down, like a disjointed caterpillar.
“Oooh, buddy,” he gasped between moans, “this shit is tight. I mean, damn, it's good. This young girl know she got some good-ass pussy.”
Still holding Halleigh's legs apart, Mad Dog licked his lips salaciously. “Oooh, hurry up, man, so I can get some of that sweet young stuff.”
BOOK: Choosing Sides
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