Read Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time) Online

Authors: Maggie Mitchell

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time) (5 page)

BOOK: Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time)
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My goddess, is it getting hot in here or what?
Two could play at that game. She plucked a small pile of the delicate flesh with her fingers and gestured for him to take it from her hand. “Now you feed me.”

His eyes widened but he didn’t miss a beat as he took the offering and placed it near her lips. She opened her mouth a little and sucked in the tasty gift. She was surprised when he followed it with his finger. She lapped on the salty skin, licking the tip. He groaned as he withdrew his hand, knocking his glass over, spilling red wine all over the tablecloth and splashing his shirt.

“Shit!” He jumped to his feet, grabbing the napkin and furiously mopping at the growing red stain. Bruno raced over with a jug of water and flicked some water at it with his hand.

“Careful, mate. Get me some soda water and a towel, don’t drown me.”

Corey couldn’t help herself, she laughed out loud.

James, on the other hand, didn’t seem to share the humour as he glared at her. “What are you laughing at?”

For his benefit she stopped laughing, but was unable to keep the smile at bay. “You have to admit, it was pretty funny.”

“Glad I could give you some entertainment,” he said, his face betraying just a hint of a smile, giving her hope that he wasn’t too uptight to see the humour in the situation.

“I’m sorry, James, you know I’m only teasing. If you take me back to my place, I can rinse that stain out.”

He flashed her a relieved smile. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll pay the cheque.”

The trip to her cottage seemed to take forever since James wasn’t in much of a mood for talking. She really had a job ahead of her to cheer him up, but she wasn’t worried. She’d never failed before and she wasn’t about to start now.

She closed her eyes and thought about what she had planned. Hopefully he got with the programme, because her lips tingled just thinking about another mind-blowing kiss. Before this night finished, she was determined they would do more than kiss. If she was wrong, she might have to face the unpalatable fact that she was losing her touch. What had started out as an exercise in gratitude had quickly turned into something more. She sensed his hidden depths and that underneath that conservative exterior he burnt with a heat she wanted to share. She wanted
. Not just the sex.

Judging by the way he jerked the car to a stop outside her house, she had her work cut out for her. She didn’t know why he was fighting their attraction, but she’d keep trying to get through to him. Hopefully in a short while he’d be distracted.

The Victorian cottage she called home was her pride and joy, but right now she tried to remember the state the house had been in when she’d left that morning, hoping it was one of her good days.
Too late to worry about it now
. The door opened and the scent of her favourite oils wafted out.
At least it smells okay

She pushed the door open and walked inside. She led James to the back of the house, which had a large open living area, and included the kitchen and a guest bathroom. Bookshelves spread over one wall while two large chintz couches faced each other in the centre of the room. Turning around, she smiled, watching James follow her in.

She gestured to his shirt. “If you take that off, I’ll soak it for you. I hear cold soda water does wonders.”

His eyes narrowed as he removed his jacket, throwing it over a chair before he quickly undid the buttons. As he started to shuck it off, Corey moved and stopped him. “Wait, let me do that.”

His nostrils flared and he sucked in a breath. Dropping his arms to his side, he smiled.

“Sure. Go for it.”

The heat sizzled beneath her fingers as she slid the shirt off his shoulders. Tiny currents arced into her hands and spread the warmth along her arms and into her torso.
This guy makes me seriously hot
. Her voice was raspy when she spoke. “I thought you were in a bad mood.”

The intensity of his stare increased as he held her eyes captive. “I got over it.”

“I’m glad.”

As the shirt drifted to the floor, she bent to retrieve it but James stopped her, pulling her upright again.

“Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish, Corey.”

“Oh, I definitely intend to finish, James.” A muscle flickered in his face as she traced her finger across his jaw. “Hang on to that thought while I put your shirt in the sink. Pour yourself a drink and I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

My goddess, it hasn’t taken him long to get in the mood
How did that happen?
She hadn’t used any of her powers and he’d still been a bit miffed when they’d pulled up. It looked like someone had interfered, but who could that be? She lived in a different world now—no one from her former life had found their way to her before. Not so far anyway.
This reminds me of the tricks Eros used to play, but he’s happily married to Psyche now and apparently over his childish games, so it couldn’t be him, could it?

“Why not, sweet cheeks?”

She dropped the shirt in the sink and grabbed the sides for support. She knew that voice.


“Turn around and look, babe.”

Spinning around, she screamed with delight and hurled herself at the tall, blond giant who was her best friend.

“Hey, give me some room here, babe. I need to breathe.”

“I’m sorry, Erie, I’m just so happy to see you. How did you get here?”

“Shouldn’t that be why am I here?”

“Okay, why are you here?”

“Zeus tracked you down. And since I come here occasionally, he asked me to keep an eye on you.”

Her heart stopped. She wasn’t ready to leave her new life. Not yet anyway. “So, are you here to take me back home?”

“I can’t do that, my sweet Terpsichore. The pathway to return lies within your own heart.”

That sounded better. She could control it herself. “How?” she asked.

“That is for you to discover.”

“Cut the crap, you double-talking doofus. Tell me what I need to do.”

“I can’t tell you. I mean it when I say you have to come home yourself. I don’t know how it happens, I’m just the messenger.”

“Oh great. Another of Zeus’ riddles to solve.”

“Hera, not your father, cast the spell. Your father sent me here to check on you. You must take care, Terpsichore. There are Titan rebels loose in this world.”

“I haven’t seen any so far, but at the moment I’m more interested in what you did to James out there.”

He laughed. “You are beginning to sound like the others in this place. I gave him a little nudge, my sweet. He’s not going to do anything he didn’t already want to do in his heart.”

“Damn it, Erie, I haven’t used my powers that way since I’ve been here. I’d rather he acted of his own accord.”

With a nonchalant shrug he waved his hand. “Fine, I’ve returned him to his previous state. Good luck, my friend.”

“I’m sure I can handle it. I can handle my father, can’t I?”

“Good point.”

She hadn’t realised how good it would feel to speak to someone from home, but seeing him reminded her how much she missed her family—especially her father. “How long are you here in this world? Can we talk later?”

He winked. “Sure thing, precious. I’ll be back soon, but be sure to leave a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the bedroom door if you have company.”

She smiled. “If I still have my touch, you can guarantee it.”

His face sobered. “Be careful, Terpsichore. There are evil forces afoot.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Eros.”

His voice softened. “I mean it, Corey. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

With a flourish, he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Corey sighed and took a clean breath to prepare for the return of James’ bad mood. He faced the double doors that led out to the back garden, his back to her. He turned as she approached and moved towards her, so close she could smell his spicy scent.

“What took you so long?” His presence seemed to fill the whole room, overwhelming her.


He wrapped his arms around her then pulled her against his hard chest—his naked, hard chest.

Tilting her chin upwards with his index finger, he studied her face. “You need to be faster next time.”

Before she could get a word in, he swooped down and captured her lips.

Eros must have done this, the bastard.

However, her anger dissipated when pure unadulterated lust took over. He plundered her mouth with his clever tongue gaining entry and taking everything he wanted. He touched her, moving his hands in all directions and sending tingles of sensation over every path they took. His body radiated power and the primal scent of his bare skin aroused her more than she had ever thought possible.

James skimmed a hand over her hip and lower to the edge of her skirt. Her breath hitched. When he skimmed over the bare flesh of her thigh with his hand, her favourite spot did a happy dance. The skirt lifted higher and higher and she forgot to breathe entirely.

He was taking control and she didn’t mind in the least. This was not like her at all.

Moving his attention from her mouth, he trailed a path of kisses along her jaw to her ear. His warm breath sent shivers along her body as he whispered, “Do you always leave home without any underwear, or is it just for my benefit?”

She came apart in his arms as he inched closer to his target. Those little sighs almost finished him before he’d even begun.
Why did this woman make him lose control?
Never in all his experiences with women had he been so turned on so fast.

As he dipped his fingers intimately, her muscles contracted, pulling him further in.
God, he wanted to know what that felt like, to be inside her.

Slow down.
he didn’t know how she’d got under his skin so quickly, or how close he came to exploding, but he didn’t want to leave it half done. Deep down he knew this would be his only chance with Corey. She didn’t belong in his world, or he in hers, but at least they had tonight and he wanted it to be good for both of them.

She tugged at his fly.

“Easy now, girl, I want to last long enough for you to enjoy it. If you keep that up, it’ll be all over in a few seconds.”

She sucked in a breath as he moved back, removing his hands so he could lift her dress over her head.

He stared at her, his breathing ragged. The perfection of her body took his breath away. “Oh God, you’re so beautiful.”

She drew his pants and boxers down to his ankles. “Fair’s fair. Now we’re even.”

She took a step back and stared, looking him up and down from his face to his chest and his groin, then back again. He didn’t realise it was possible, but he grew even harder.

“You’re not so bad yourself, James.”

After he had removed his shoes and socks she took his hand and led him to her bedroom, stopping to turn on the muted lighting by her dresser. When they reached the edge of her bed, she raised her hands and pulled his face closer, kissing him on the mouth. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss, tasting the wine they’d shared at dinner as he explored her mouth and drew her in further.

They moved to the bed, lying side by side, touching, feeling, kissing. She rolled onto her back and he followed her, his body on top. Their eyes met and he smiled.

“Touch me, James,” she said.

“Anything you want, beautiful.” He kissed her again before he began a slow trail down to her breasts. Nuzzling the valley in between, he inhaled her amazing perfume.

Exotic and erotic.

As he licked around one areola, her nipple tightened. He nipped gently at the end with his teeth. She groaned, urging him on, and he turned his attention to the other breast.


With each touch, the fire built inside him. Moving down her body, he zeroed in on her clit and stroked it with his tongue. He slid his finger inside her, smiling at her happy sigh. She squeezed his shoulders, urging him on. He slid in another finger and circled some more.

“Does that feel good?”

She groaned. Loudly.
Oh God

He moved above her, teasing her, rubbing back and forth across her skin.

“Oh yes—there!”

He chuckled, then slid down her body and tasted her, smiling when she gripped his head to hold him in place.

“Don’t stop!” she cried out.

He kept up the assault, and from the sound of her sighs, he was taking her exactly where he wanted her to go. She started to shudder and shake, and he figured it was time for more action.

“I can’t wait anymore,” he growled.

“Thank the goddess! Neither can I,” she laughed.

He reached over to grab his wallet and retrieve a condom. In a microsecond he’d ripped open the packet and sheathed himself before he plunged deep inside.

Her muscles clenched tightly around him.

“Oh God, Corey.”

He moved slowly out, then entered her again, building a slow rhythm. He strained to rein in the pace as his intention was to make it good for her, but he wasn’t sure how long he could keep that up.

“Move with me, Corey.”

She did, and it was amazing, the heat and moisture an unbeatable combination.

He took hold of her hands and moved her arms behind her head, holding them steady. He rocked into her, whispering in her ear, telling her what he wanted to do to her as he shifted slightly so he could go deeper.
Holy shit she was so tight!

Corey twisted below him, sliding and shifting and grunting at the same time as she joined him past the point of no return.

She arched her back, crying out as she came, their sweat-soaked bodies moved together, until they both collapsed, side by side, exhausted but sated. As their breathing calmed, he drew her close, trapping her with his leg, and gently stroked her silky skin. He kissed her cheek and relaxed for the first time in a long time.

* * * *

He stayed awake for hours, enjoying being with Corey. She stirred as he ran a finger over her arm and the sweet sighing noises she made had him wanting her all over again.

He sighed, remembering why this wasn’t a good idea. With his workload, added to his promise to his father, there wasn’t a lot of room for her in his life. He couldn’t see her playing second fiddle either, but he still couldn’t get her out of his head, and it confused the heck out of him. She was gorgeous—anyone would be attracted to her—but it went beyond attraction, and he couldn’t explain it exactly. If he allowed himself to become more involved, leaving her would be horrible for them both. He didn’t want to hurt her that way, so he’d do something before it got to that point. He hoped she would forgive him for what he was about to do, because he wasn’t sure he would forgive himself.

BOOK: Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time)
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