Read Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1 Online

Authors: Krystal Shannan

Tags: #military romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #shifter erotic romance, #contemporary adult paranormal romance

Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1 (3 page)

BOOK: Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1
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“Head to the Mirage,” she directed. He
nodded and turned the vehicle to the right.


“Yeah, Tess.”

“You know this disappearing act will only
make Mom and Dad angrier.”

“I know, but I’m not in the mood to have
three blind dates at once during dinner.”

Hallie and Nicole giggled. Sam smiled and
looked back at Tess. Her lips were drawn tight, and she was shaking
her head. “We can drop you back at the house, Tess, if you would
like to have the dates instead. Maybe Daddy will let me off the
hook if you want one of them.”

“It’s tradition, Sam. I couldn’t take one of
them even if I wanted to,” Tess snapped. Sam scrunched her eyebrows
together in confusion. Then it dawned on her.
Holy hell!

“You like one of them, don’t you?” Sam
smirked when Tess gave her an appalled look.

“Not true,” Tess argued.

“Okay, whatever you say,” she added and
turned back around in her seat. If Tess liked one of the contenders
for her hunt, it was doomed. Men participating in her hunt would
not be allowed to participate in one of her sister’s hunts. If they
survived it at all.

The Tahoe pulled to a stop in front of the
Mirage, and Sam slid out before Johnny could get around to open her





She marched in the doors and straight to the
VIP bar. A pretty brunette woman in a skintight white dress greeted
her at the door and pulled it open for her. “Good evening,

“Evening, Maggie.” Sam had grown up with
Maggie. They graduated high school together. She wouldn’t say they
were best friends, but they had hung out some. Maggie had always
loved the lights and energy of the casino and was a pursuing an
online business degree while working at the Mirage. Sam wanted to
get as far away from all the lights and glamour as she could and
had chosen to go to college on the east coast.

“Will your sisters be joining you?” She
asked, inclining her head to the three girls finally trailing
through the casino entrance.

“Yep, I just really need a drink.”

Maggie laughed. The soft sound relaxed Sam.
“The booth in the corner that you like is open.”

“Thanks.” Sam gave Maggie a quick squeeze
before walking into her favorite lounge. The VIP Mirage bar was her
quiet place in a sea of noise. Her family’s status got her in, and
Maggie kept the unwanted male attention out.




“Why are we going to the Mirage? Her family
owns The Glass House.”

“Shut up, man. I’ve got inside sources. She
hangs out at the Mirage when she’s in town. Come on.”

His brother slipped the keys into the
valet’s hand, and Chase reluctantly climbed out of the truck. The
dinner at his parents’ had been great, but his wolf was antsy and
wanted to find Samantha. His wolf was never anxious. It was making
him uncomfortable and irritable.

“And your source would be?”

“The VIP bar hostess.”

“Good grief, Chris.” He flashed his brother
an accusatory glance. “Are you stalking the Demakis girls?”

“Just one of them. Samantha’s sister Nicole
frequents the Mirage as well. The two younger sisters, the twins,
are usually at The Glass House.”

Chase’s eyes widened with interest. “Why are
you stalking her sister?”

Chris glanced at him with a twinkle in his
eye. “Why are you looking for Samantha?”

“Fair enough.” Chase sighed and followed
Chris through the sparkling glass doors.

A barely dressed woman with shoulder-length
black hair, greeted them with a red clipboard in her hands. “How
can I help you, boys?”

Chase snorted. He was easily twice her age,
though she would never be able to tell by looking at him. Adult
werewolves weren’t ageless, but it took centuries to develop any
wrinkles at all. Chris backhanded his shoulder, and he grabbed at
the offending hand, missing by a hair.

“I’m looking for Margaret,” Chris piped

“She’s working.” The hostess gave him an
evaluative once-over. Apparently Chris passed her test. For some
unknown reason she smiled, stepped aside, and waved them toward a
tall brunette in a curve-hugging white dress. Spiked red stilettos
and red coral jewelry made for an unforgettable statement. Chase
couldn’t shake the thought that he recognized her from

“So what’s the plan if they are here, Chris?
I just walk up and say hi?”

“Chase, they are here. I spoke to Maggie on
the phone.” Chris waved at the sexy brunette. She held up a hand,
indicating she needed a minute.

“Who is Maggie? I think I recognize

“Don’t you remember Maggie and Maggie?”

“No way,” Chase exclaimed. The familiarity
finally made sense. She was their baby sister’s best friend from
high school.

“She ratted on a client for you?”

Chris smiled sheepishly. “Our Maggie asked
her to do you a favor.”

“So now my baby sister is in on this
adventure?” He narrowed his gaze and glared at his brother.




“The Michaels brothers.” A sultry voice
behind him dripped with amusement. “What could possibly bring you
to the Mirage at this hour?” Chase turned and swallowed. His little
sister’s friend had certainly grown up. But even with her stunning
good looks, he couldn’t think about anything but seeing Sam

“Maggie, you look fantastic.” Chris hugged
her, and Chase watched her face turn a shade of crimson dark enough
to match her jewelry. When Chris finally released her, she extended
her hand to Chase. He shook it gently and smiled. His brother had a
good thing right under his nose. Why couldn’t he see it?

If they were mates, they would know
instantly. Just like you did with Samantha.”

I guess.

Chris was just playing the field then,
because Maggie was still twenty-three.

“Thank you, Chris. Y’all got here awfully
fast. They’ve only been here about twenty minutes. I have a table
for you boys just across from their booth.”

“You are awesome!”

“You know I would do anything for Maggie’s
brothers, but do not harass them. They are up in arms tonight about
something. One of them, poor girl, has been drinking like a sieve.
She has a high tolerance, even for a wolf, because she’s not even
tipsy yet.”

Maggie looked up and met Chase’s gaze.
“Can’t believe it’s me, huh?”

Chase chuckled and shook his head. “Sorry.
It’s been a while.”

“That’s what happens when you ship out of
the country every couple of years.”

He frowned and crossed his arms over his
chest. Her comment struck a little too close to home.

She reached out and touched his forearm.
“You miss getting to know family and friends.”

He scanned the dark blue carpet and shifted
his weight from one foot to the other. “I’m sorry I didn’t
recognize you right away, Maggie.”

She gave him a gentle smile and shrugged.
“It’s fine, Chase. You know this girl you want to talk to, Samantha
Demakis, probably won’t even speak to you once she knows what
family you belong to. The Demakises are hoity-toity with a side of

Chase laughed. “So I’ve heard, but my wolf
wants her. I’ve got to try.”

“We don’t always get what we want, but I
wish you the best of luck.” She tried to hide it—the flicker of
fading hope mixed with sadness as from him and back to Chris. He
saw it. He knew what that loneliness felt like. Hell, he’d been
alone the better part of a century. She was only twenty-three years
old. Life was just beginning for her.

Maggie turned and let them into the VIP
lounge. Sam’s scent assaulted his senses the moment the doors swung
open. She smelled like the forest after a fresh rain with a hint of
honeysuckle. If only he could sweep her off her feet and carry her
away from whatever troubles were weighing her down.

His wolf whispered to his consciousness,
“Something is troubling our mate.”

Every cell in his body clawed to life, and
his wolf stretched and rose to the surface. The magic rippled
within him, and for the first time in nearly fifty years he
struggled to maintain his composure and his human form.

Sam met his gaze for a moment as Maggie led
him and Chris to a table a mere ten feet away from the Demakis
sisters’ booth. There were four women at the table, all wolves. Two
were twins and sported the same short, angled haircut to accentuate
that point. The third woman wore her hair long and flowing like
Sam’s, except it was reddish brown. Sam’s ash blonde hair was
pulled back in a loose braid draped over the front of her shoulder.
Her eyes widened with surprise, and she put the highball glass
she’d been nursing down on the tabletop.




“Sam? Sam, have you heard anything I’ve

Sam finally tore her gaze away from Chase.
When she’d seen him walk into the lounge, every part of her being
began to ache. Her wolf was going nuts, urging her to go over and
talk to him immediately.

“He is here to see us!”

Sam glanced up at Nicole and then again at
God, he was smiling. A huge, lolling, sexy grin.
heart melted into a puddle, and all she wanted to do was oblige her
wolf, climb into his lap, and snuggle against his broad chest.

Nicole laughed, and Sam turned back with a
glare. “Out of the entire Vegas strip, soldier-boy hottie ends up
one table across from you in your favorite haunt.”

“Shhh… Nicole, don’t talk so loud. He can
hear you.” Her cheeks warmed, and she took another quick sip of her
Jack and Coke.

“Ooooh, this is the hottie from the
airport?” Hallie giggled.

Sam put her empty glass down and looked up.
All three of her sisters were smiling and waving at Chase and his
friend. If only she could disappear into the leather of the seat

“Nicole, wave them over here to our booth. I
want to meet the guy that finally made Sam turn her head twice.”
Tess snickered. “It’s not every day you get to see Samantha Demakis
blush like a high school freshman.”

“Shut up, Tess,” Sam hissed and scowled at
her little sister. She wanted nothing more than to talk to Chase
again but not surrounded by her sisters or in front of whoever his
friend was.

Before she could object, Nicole had hopped
up from their booth and walked over to the pair. Sam stole another
glance and shivered with excitement when both men stood and
followed Nicole back to the table.

Tess and Hallie smirked and scooted around
to the other side of the round corner booth so Chase could slide in
next to her. She glared at the twins, but it was too late. They
both giggled and shrugged. Sam motioned for Nicole to sit next to
her, but Nicole slid onto the opposite side. The corners of Chase’s
lips turned up with amusement. He took the place next to her in the
booth, and the other man slid in next to Nicole.

Sam smiled at Chase but could feel the heat
rising in her cheeks. Why couldn’t she get ahold of herself? He was
just a guy. Granted, he was the first guy her wolf had ever shown
any interest in, and it was making her horny and agitated.

“Hello again,” Chase said softly. His
velvety voice sent tremors through her already aroused body. She
turned and met his mischievous gaze.
He knew I was here.
This meeting is not a coincidence.
It had to be Maggie.

Even though she was a little upset at
Maggie, she was superbly pleased to be rubbing elbows with Chase

“Maggie told you I was here.”

Guilt registered in his eyes, and all
conversation at the table halted. All eyes were on Chase.

“Actually she told me.” The other man raised
his hand.

Sam glanced toward him in confusion. She’d
never met this other man. Why would he be looking for her? “Who are
you?” She narrowed her eyes and waited.

“I’m Chris Michaels. Chase is my brother and
our little sister, Maggie, is good friends with—”

“Oh my God!” Sam cut him off. “Your sister
is the other Maggie!”

Chris nodded, and Chase shifted in his seat.
“How do you know our sister?” Chase asked. His deep voice stroked
the chords of her soul.

Sam leaned back in her seat and laughed. “I
went to school with the Maggies. We all graduated together.” She
glanced over at Chase. “How much older are you than your sister? I
never saw either of you at the house.”

Chase flushed bright red and coughed. “The
house! You were at my parents’ house?”

“Yes,” Sam answered with a smirk, loving the
fact he was so surprised. “Your mom makes the best lemon cake on
the planet.” She licked her lips and stifled a sigh when his gaze
clamped onto her mouth.

“That she does.” Chase smiled, and she could
tell he was forcing himself to relax. He laid an arm behind her
along the back of the booth. “Chris and I are only five years
apart, but Maggie appeared decades later and surprised Mom and Dad.
Chris and I had already lived out of the house for a long

Sam nodded. Her wolf had calmed a bit since
Chase sat down next to her. His nearness seemed to be holding her
at bay for now. It was a wonder, though, that she herself wasn’t
dragging him from the booth to have her way with him right now. She
wanted to strip him out of every stitch he was wearing. Dampness
soaked her panties, and the surface of her skin tingled with

I’m okay with that plan.”
Her wolf
snickered in the back of her mind.

Shut up! I am not having my way with a man I
only met once for five minutes in an airport.

But we need him to agree to be our
choice in your mating hunt or we might get stuck with

Do you really think my parents will allow

The noble bylaws state that any male
wolf has the right to participate in a hunt for a female.”

BOOK: Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1
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