Charred Hope (#3, Heart of Fire) (21 page)

BOOK: Charred Hope (#3, Heart of Fire)
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“Damn cabin,” he mumbled with some affection. “Still throwing all my clothes on the floor but puts out a heater for the strays.”

Gunner smiled.

Chace sank down into a sit close to his best friend, soon mesmerized by the warmth and dance of the bonfire.

“How you holding up?” Gunner asked.

“Great. Don’t need any of your evil doctor magic.”

Gunner laughed. “It’s about surviving. You don’t have to like the experience to get through it.”

“Yeah,” Chace agreed with a sigh. “Feels like there’s so much to do.”

“The danger is over, though. The rest will heal with time.”

“No offense, but you are the worst doctor ever.”

Gunner winked.

Chace wasn’t certain what that meant, unless his friend was indirectly admitting to being a dick on purpose, another man out to teach him a lesson.

“Thank you,” he said. “For climbing mountains with me, nursing me back to health, and putting up with me for a few hundred years.”

“I always knew the potential was there. You just had to grow up a little. Besides, you always made me laugh,” Gunner added. “But you’re welcome, Chace. You’re a better friend than you know.”

Chace said nothing, content to relax beside the fire with his longtime friend.


His heart skipped a beat, and his gaze flew up at Skylar’s voice. For a moment, he wasn’t able to respond. She absolutely glowed with happiness, her eyes bright and her face flushed. She’d never been so beautiful. Skylar wore his sweats and a jacket, her mussed hair down around her shoulders and her feet in flip-flops.

“Hey,” he managed at last. He patted the spot beside him.

She sat, her peachy, clean scent stirring his blood. “So … you ran away and found my mom.”

Chace laughed at her cool tone.

She looked at him, the excitement in her face. Unable to help himself, he cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her lightly.

“Glad to see you’re not a cat anymore,” he teased.

“Omigod. It took hours for me to be able to shift back,” she said with a sigh. A troubled look crossed her features. “Mom told me what they did to her.”

“No one will hurt either of you again, Sky,” he said softly. “I swear it.”

“I know.” She met his gaze, jumbled emotions crossing her features. She gripped one of his arms and leaned into him. “I told her we’d protect her, along with the rest of the shifters.”

He planted a warm kiss on her forehead.

“We’ve got a long path ahead of us, don’t we? Fixing the mess Freyja and Dillon made.” She considered.

“We can do it.”

“Yeah, we can.” A smile replaced her concern. “My god, Chace. I didn’t think you could be any more incredible, and then you go and rescue my mom. It just makes me want to … ugh!” She shoved him onto his back, landing on top of him. Skylar began fluttering hot little kisses across his face and neck.

Chace laughed at the tickling sensation and wrapped his arms around her, rolling her onto her back. He settled on top of her, between her thighs, his arousal growing hard.

“I love you,” she whispered, tears sliding down her cheeks. “Thank you, Chace.”

He gave her a long, lingering kiss, one that reignited the tired fire in his blood.

“Uh, guys.” Gunner cleared his throat. “Take it somewhere else.”

Chace broke off the kiss, his blood burning with need. “Show me,” he whispered for her ears only.

Skylar’s face broke into a smile.

He rolled off her and pulled her to her feet.

She snatched his hand and ran, tugging him with her. Laughing the entire time, Skylar tugged him far enough away that no one could hear their lovemaking then spun, wrapping her arms around his neck and launching herself onto his hips.

She rained kisses all over his face, her thighs gripping him tightly.

He knelt and gently laid her on her back, claiming her mouth hungrily. Chace pulled off her shirt and pants roughly then his own, desperate to feel her skin against his once more and to experience every inch of her body. When he settled between her legs, they both groaned.

“I never thought we’d be here like this,” she said, taking his face in her hands.

“About to get sand shoved into every crevice of our bodies?” he teased.

“Totally worth it!” She giggled. “I mean
Starting our lives together. Taking care of the shifters. Being a family.”

Family. A word he’d never really understood until her. Chace smiled, loving her enthusiasm and happiness.

“I owe you so much,” she said, her voice catching. “My mother …” She stopped, tears streaming down her face.

“You owe me nothing, Sky,” he murmured. “You showed me what it is to love and be loved. I can’t ever repay you for those lessons. After we spend some time together, we’ll all three of us go out on that pizza date I owe you. Okay?”

She nodded, unable to talk. His desire was spinning out of control quickly.

“I need you. I want you. I love you so much, Sky,” he whispered into her hair, his urgency rising. “Sky, I need to be inside you.”

“Show me,” she managed in a barely audible voice.

“I will. Every day of our lives.”

She sighed.

He plunged into her hot, slick depths, and she gasped, arching beneath him.

This is where I belong. She is my home.
Chace squeezed his eyes closed and buried his face in the nape of her neck. She was right. Today was the beginning of their forever, and god help him, he was completely lost to his other half, the one woman who made his life worth living.

My heart, my soul, my Sky.




Heart of Fire Series

Charred Heart (
Amazon UK

Charred Tears (
Amazon UK

Charred Hope

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

BOOK: Charred Hope (#3, Heart of Fire)
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