Read Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1 Online

Authors: Lynn Carmer

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1 (16 page)

BOOK: Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1
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Or somebody.

Caelen had hinted about the “someone” who’d done a head-trip on her. Dare just wished he knew who it was so he could beat the realization into him that he was
the luckiest
–backhand slap–
–knee to the groin–
on earth, if Caelen had given him even one second of her attention.

Damn, he had it bad. Always had, and even his frustration last night didn’t seem to be changing anything. Who could he talk to who would spill the beans about Caelen, and give him the 4-1-1 on the asshole he was competing against? She may say he was firmly out of her life, but if he was still taking up space in her head, he was a threat.

Dare had been trained to take out threats, fast and hard. Time to clarify.
Please be reading this correctly. Don’t let her see you sweat.
“Then… I call it right here, right now?” He hadn’t meant that to sound like a question.

Caelen’s soft giggle relaxed him slightly. Hopefully, she was comfortable again and was maybe, please God, going to relieve the pain that had haunted him these past twelve hours.

Clearing his throat, he asked, “Where do you want me?” He waited for her smile, craved it, hoping she remembered they were the exact words he’d used last night.

He was rewarded with a distracted laugh. “Since we started seated, why not end it that way?”

God, she was so sexy. Her loose dress gave him a sinful look at her surprisingly long legs. They were feminine and rounded and the need to touch her silky skin gripped him like a madness. His neck started to heat. But wait, what had she said? “End it? What do you mean? We have three days left.”

“No, you crazy man.” She slapped a hand against his chest. “You’re always thinking the worst. I don’t mean the end to our agreement, just the end of this one encounter.”

His shoulders relaxed and he somehow peeled his hands from her warm hips. He could feel the heat of her skin through her dress, and he was now addicted to the madness. Addicted to her. He took three big steps backward, grabbed a chair from the large table, spun it around and landed hard on the wooden frame.

He refused to take his eyes from her, even for a minute. With this woman, he never knew what would happen. He wasn’t taking any chances.

Pass-outs, incessant texts, ex-boyfriends, nosy sisters, none were going to stop this from happening.

Caelen wiggled down from the machine and landed as gracefully as possible in 6 inch heels. She sashayed toward him and his fists bunched. Her body was amazing, soft curves in all the right places. She was what a real woman should look like. She didn’t possess one hard angle. Just before she knelt in front of him, a flash of guilt came from out of nowhere and hit him straight in the gut. That damn look of pain on her face, he couldn’t shake it.

Against his better judgment, he asked the question his conscience demanded, “Tell me you’re okay with this, Betty.”

“A deal is a deal.”

Thank you, God.

“You changing your mind, Goldie?”

“Never. Just thought I’d pretend to be nice.”

The whoosh of his zipper going down made his eyes go wide. Caelen knelt carefully in front of him with her small pink tongue darting out, licking her plump red lips.

His heart kicked hard against his ribcage, increasing in speed with every inch her body moved closer. Everything so far was déjà vu except, this time, he was hoping for a different outcome. No more making the mistake of closing his eyes. No way that would happen.

He needed to see the moment her lips touched him.

A slow burn went up the back of his cock, his need slowly climbing his shaft, and he gritted his teeth in concentration, fighting back the urge to come.

No,no,no,no. No!

“You okay?” she asked in a whisper.

What gave him away? Maybe the death grip he had on the arms of the chair? “Yeah, just give me a second.”

“Okay.” It took a few seconds to maneuver his pants down his legs. Finally the pressure of jeans and boxers were gone. The cool, air-conditioned breeze gently brushed against his overheated cock. She had him in hand in the blink of an eye.

“Damn it, Caelen. I asked for a minute.” The feel of her silky hands against him almost made him lose it.

“Nope. You said to give you a second. One. There, time’s up.”

He barked out a laugh, which turned into a deep moan. She sounded so damn eager.

He was doomed.

A woman who could verbally abuse him one minute and then couldn’t keep her hands off him the next was… perfection. No, damn it! He had to stop using that word. Besides, it was too simple a concept to describe her. Caelen was heaven and hell wrapped up in a modern pin-up package.

“I have so many ideas. What to do, what to do?” She was obviously talking to herself, or his dick, as she stared at his weeping erection. “Earlier I was going to start with the Rolling Pin. Then I saw the Hot Fudge Sundae with a Cherry on Top,
I can’t go too big, too soon. Hmmm.”

“Hot fudge… That’s… technique?” Speech had abandoned him. He didn’t even know what he was saying. All he could do was revel in the anticipation of her lips on his cock. And her warm hand gliding slowly up and down his bulging shaft.

Gotta keep your cool. Gotta—

Absently, she ran her other hand along his thigh, his muscle jumping in anticipation, and he thought he might die from the added contact. His body was over sensitized at this point. If she so much as blew on his dick, he might come.

“Don’t judge. Gonna be fast. Lotta pressure. I can’t—” he groaned low and took in the scent of her. “You smell so good, baby. Can’t wait… to feel. So ready.”

She didn’t seem to be listening to a word he said. She just continued to examine him, her red pouty mouth an inch away. “I wish I had my notes. Do you mind if I get my laptop?”

“Yes, I mind.”

“Okay, but everything I researched talked about foreplay. Should I—?”

Dare reared up and placed both of his hands on either side of her face, smooshing her cheeks together in his haste. “I. Am. Ready. No. Foreplay. Can’t… take it.”

Gently removing his hands from her cheeks, Caelen pushed Dare back against the seat. “You poor, baby, I really am torturing you. I promise I’ll make it all better. I think an oldie but goodie should do the trick. No need to get too fancy.”

“Yes. Goodie. Oldie.” He gripped her arms and immediately loosened his hold.
Mustn’t rush her

“The good ol’ Round and Round,” she whispered.


“I know, baby. I will, I promise.” She breathed in right before she rubbed her nose against the veined underside of his penis, nuzzling down to his base. He saw her pink tongue a second before pure, heated bliss traveled up the length of him. Her glistening lips opened above his mushroom head and she descended, encasing him in her warm, wet mouth.

Her soft tongue circled one way, then the other, only focusing on the sensitive head of his cock. Gently, and then with more pressure, her hands massaged his aching balls and the pressure built,
, feeling like it travelled straight up his spine.

Just when he was going to shout a warning, she descended, encasing his whole shaft and then, once again, shifted focus back to his head, then back down to the base.

For one painful second he felt her lips disengage, the cool air conditioning surrounding his aching member. He thought he heard her whisper, “Now, The Vacuum.”


She sucked his full length so hard, her cheeks hollowed. His cock was encased and the sensitive tip scraped the back of her throat. Back up, then a deep long spiral down. Pleasure so intense, it bordered on pain, raced up his length, moving along his spine as his brain exploded. It was the last sharp tug of his balls that sent him splintering into thousands of pieces before he felt the strong tightening of his cock. He imagined coming over and over again in her eager mouth.

No. Tell her.

“Baby, pull back.” It was just enough time to warn her as his semen came jetting from his throbbing cock. She didn’t move. He was riveted to the sight of her drinking him in. She never flinched, never pulled away, never stopped as he came inside her mouth—the thought jacked him up and he felt his dick spasm again, hard.

As he floated down from the high, his last thought was,
All that talk and I only lasted seconds.

Chapter 17

Pop Tart

Her go-to comfort food. She would need about five to process the events of the last half hour. Blinking, Caelen exited the room and headed for the kitchen. What could have been a potentially awkward and totally embarrassing situation had been smoothed over the by the markedly “unsmooth” Goldie.


Who knew he had it in him? He had been sweet, complimentary, nothing like his usual self.
Guess orgasms put him in a better mood
. And thankfully, he seemed as eager as she was to get the hell out of the room. Maybe she should feel insulted by that, but instead she experienced extreme gratitude.

Not only had he made her feel comfortable, but he’d also wrangled another date, making sure she knew how much he appreciated her.


There was only one problem, the deep ache that sat between her thighs. Going down on Dare had been one of the most erotic experiences of her life. And really frustrating. What if she felt this throbbing pain all day?

The feel, the size, the taste of him had been overwhelming and
His focus was singular in everything he did and she imagined what it would be like to make love to him.

Now Goldie’s blue balls didn’t seem so funny. She carefully walked toward the front office, smoothing her dress in place and then adjusting her hair. Her laptop was cradled against her side as she made her way toward the kitchen.

Someone had come in; she just prayed they hadn’t ventured too far back into the school. Dare hadn’t exactly been quiet. Hell, who was she kidding? She had no idea how loud or quiet either of them had been; she’d been too busy losing herself in the moment.

The wet, sexy, mind-blowingly intense moment.

“Did you just come in?”

Caelen screamed and spun around, ready to bean whoever it was over the head with her laptop.

Brynn stood in front of her, looking like casual elegance with tight jeans, a white button-up shirt paired with a beige cardigan and soft brown boots that came just below her knees.

Caelen straightened from her defensive stance and yelped, “You scared the hell out of me.” Caelen felt a guilty flush crawl up her cheeks. She decided to go on the defensive. “Why are you smiling like that?”

“Well, I was minding my own business, just sitting in my car, checking my messages when my eyeballs were assaulted by quite a sight.” Brynn hoisted the small saddle-bag purse she’d probably purchased on Etsy, over her shoulder. Brynn lived for anything homemade.

Wait. Eyeball assault? Sitting in her car? Caelen’s heart sank. The parking lot was located smack in the back of the school, right by the rear exit… where Dare had just vacated, like a bat out of hell. Could that be why her sister looked like the cat who ate the canary? He must have looked amazing as he’d rushed through the door, his muscles flexing as he jogged toward his car and—

Shoot! It was happening again. Her mind kept wandering back to Dare. The dull throb between her legs didn’t help. “So?” she said. She put one hand on her hip, going for nonchalant.

Her sister stepped forward, adjusted Caelen’s earrings and smoothed back her hair. “That’s much better. You looked a little lop-sided like that. Now, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah. Guess who I saw jogging out the back entrance?”

“How should I know?”

“Funny thing is, he looked as disheveled as you. Except he had a
grin on his face. Did the plan work last night?”

“Sort of. But things never seem to go as planned with Goldie. I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“Tough.” Brynn’s straight blond hair shone gold in the light. “And if you don’t start spilling the T, I’m going to call Athena and tell her
about last night. I’m sure she’ll be able to get the details from you.”

“Okay, okay.” Caelen gave a furtive glance around. She sure was doing a lot of that lately. “You’re the only one who knows about this. Let’s keep it that way. Dare
agree to help me out.”

“He’s your Guinea pig? I knew it! The only reason I put up with Frank was to make sure the two of you got together. Who’s the best sister in the whole wide world?”

“For putting up with Frank? You, you, you! But don’t get ahead of yourself. There will be no ‘getting together.’ I had a problem, and he offered a

Her sister’s smile grew with each word, and they both whispered at the same time, “His dick.” Not many people knew how wicked Brynn’s sense of humor could be. They assumed she was shy because she was quiet and a professor.

Well, they would be wrong.

Peals of laughter echoed off the walls. They couldn’t stop laughing, and Caelen’s shrieks bordered on sobs. Her body needed a release somehow; laughter came as a poor second to an orgasm, but she’d take what she could get.

“So, I’m dying to hear—how did it happen?”

Caelen arched a brow at her and the two of them launched back into giggles. “If I have to explain, then we’re really in trouble. Maybe you need to take some of Ms. Belle’s classes.”

“You’re not kidding! I was doing some snooping yesterday. Look what I found in Ms. Hattie’s trunk.” Brynn grabbed her arm and tugged her toward the den.

Caelen and Brynn made their way toward the “trunk of love,” and she really should have been shocked by what she found. As Brynn rifled through, Caelen decided to bypass the penises made of silicone, plastic, metal and even glass! Between the Internet and Dare’s cock, she’d had her fill. But the other toys were interesting: cock rings and vibrators and butt plugs. Oh, my! It was a veritable treasure trove of naughty behavior.

BOOK: Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1
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