Read Chance Encounter Online

Authors: Christy Reece

Chance Encounter (29 page)

BOOK: Chance Encounter
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He tucked his hands under her arms and pulled her to her feet. She went into his arms so sweetly, so beautifully, he knew it wasn’t him she feared. They had almost made love twice now, and each time she’d been right there with him until...

Oh hell. He’d been so damn blind. The photos that had been left in her apartment. In every one of them, she’d looked obviously drugged and…almost blissful, as if she had no idea what was happening to her, as if she’d been a willing participant in an act that had resulted in…

Oh damn, damn, damn.

The two times she’d flipped out with him had happened right when she’d gotten close to getting off. Right at the moment when…

That fucking, perverted, son of a bitch, sadistic bastard. He had drugged her into submission, drugged her until she had no idea who she was, much less where she was, and then he’d used her body against her, messing with her head in unimaginably sick ways.

Had she climaxed while she was being raped? Is that how she equated sexual pleasure? With what that perverted piece of shit had done to her?

Kacie’s shiver brought him back to his surroundings. His anger was washed away with his concern for her…his need to help her. Now that he believed he might have the answer, he needed to figure out what he could do about it.

Pushing open the shower door, he took Kacie’s hand and led her out of the stall, snagging a large bath towel on the way to the bedroom. Kacie needed to get dry, and she needed to be comfortable. He led her to the bed and pushed her down. She had stopped crying but was looking at the floor, her shoulders slumped in defeat. This was not going to be an easy conversation.

First, he dried her thoroughly, rubbing her vigorously enough so that her body should be zinging with life. He then took a few swipes at himself and threw the towel across the room. Then, lifting her in his arms, he sat on the bed and scooted till he was leaning against the headboard. Her long, lean body was draped over his like the loveliest of blankets. He took a moment to savor the feeling.

Long moments later, he said quietly, “Harrington made you orgasm, didn’t he?”

Her body stiffened in an instant, and she buried her faced against his chest.

“That’s why you stop me every time you’re close.”

She nodded.

Well, at least the mystery was solved. Now how to deal with it. “Did you talk to your therapist about it?”



“She said there was no shame in that. It was forced upon me...just like the rape.”

“And you don’t believe that?”

“Yes...I know it was, it’s just…”

“When you feel the pleasure building, you have a flashback.”

“Yes.” She raised her head and looked into his eyes, her expression so sincere. “I love making love with you...but I thought maybe...if you wouldn’t mind, you’d let me...” Her face went beet red. “You’d let me pleasure you. I’d really like to.”

“So you want me to orgasm, but you don’t want to. Is that right?”

“Yes. But even if I say stop, you don’t have to. I just really want to get past this.”

“Kacie, first and foremost, when a woman says stop, she means stop. I’m not going to go forward until you’re giving me the go-ahead, no matter how much you want to get past it. Got it?”

“I know…but—”

Cutting her off, he continued, “And letting you give me pleasure, but not giving it back? Sorry, I don’t roll that way either. Sex, to me—especially with you—has got to be a mutual giving of pleasure. I can’t just take from you without giving back.”

“But it would make me happy... Giving you pleasure would make me happy.”

“And you don’t think me giving you pleasure would make me happy?”

Her eyes flickered with surprised confusion. “Well…yes.”

“But you’d hoped I would overlook that small detail?”

Her eyes filled with tears again. “I don’t know that I can give you that kind of…happiness, Brennan.”

“Can we try…one more time? Do you trust me enough?”

“I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone.”

A lump developed in his throat, and the last of the ice that had encased his heart melted under the warmth of this woman’s sweetness.

Rolling her over until she lay beneath him, Brennan proceeded to kiss her and tease her again, heating them both to a slow simmer. His mouth moved from hers and traveled down her neck, then settled onto a breast for some slow, sweet suckles. When her nipple tightened into a taut, little bud, he scraped his teeth over her and delighted in her gasp of arousal.

Moving to the other one, he gave it the same treatment, all the while his hands roamed up and down her body. Heat and need once more took over Kacie’s body.

Brennan’s hands and mouth seemed to be everywhere at once. He was willing to try this again, and she intended to give him everything she could to make that happen. His comment that it would make him happy to give her pleasure had struck a strong chord within her. If giving her sexual release would make him happy, then she wanted so very much to give him that happiness.

“Kacie, look at me.”

She opened her eyes to see Brennan staring down at her, his beautiful eyes both hot and tender. “Who am I? Say my name.”

“Brennan Sinclair.”

He smiled, took her hand in his, and kissed her palm gently. Then, surprising her, he took that same hand and brought it down onto her sex.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“Since orgasms are taboo for you, I’m assuming you haven’t pleasured yourself in a long while?”

Her face now hotter than a Texas summer, she shook her head. “I’ve never…you know.”


“No…that’s, uh…no.”

“Then it will be my distinct pleasure to be with you the first time.”

“You want me to make myself orgasm?”

“Actually, we’re going to do it together.”

Oh wow. That was so hot and, well, scary, too. Before she could ask him exactly how that might work, he took her fingers and pressed them to the top of her sex, where she was already achy, needy, and swollen.

“Rub back and forth...yes, just like that.”

While she did what he asked, she watched his eyes. He had said he would get pleasure from this, and she could see it was true. As they continued to rub, his fingers still guiding hers, she felt arousal rise fiercely once again. She could feel herself getting wet, then wetter. The glide of her fingers against her sex became easier. She squirmed on the bed, her legs opening wider.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Feel how wonderful you feel. You’re wet…hot…so beautiful in your arousal.”

Her eyes closed on a strong surge of need.

“Kacie, keep your eyes open. Look at me. Who am I?”

She blinked up at him, focusing on his beautiful face. “Brennan,” she said softly.

“Whose fingers are inside you right now?”

“Brennan’s…and, well…” She smiled. “Mine, too.”

“Exactly. Now keep your eyes on me, and let’s make both of us happy.”

Her eyes locked with his, her fingers slid inside her wet heat as his hand guided her, plunging, retreating, rubbing. In and out, easy and hard. Again and again.

“That’s good, sweetheart.”


“Shh. Just let it happen. I’m right here with you. Say my name. Who’s with you, Kacie? Who’s got you, baby?”

“Brennan…Brennan…Brennan.” His name began as a chant in her mind and then she whispered it aloud as the tension built…rising higher…then higher. Her eyes still locked on Brennan’s, she felt the explosion upon her, throwing her up into heights she’d never known existed. She hung there for several seconds, suspended in exquisite pleasure, and then like a beautiful rainbow exploding in the sky, she swirled slowly down, disintegrating into the most beautiful colors she could ever imagine.

Brennan pulled Kacie into his arms, holding her tight against him. He’d never felt prouder or more humbled in his life. This beautiful, sensuous woman had given him a gift he had never experienced, allowed him to share in a moment he would never forget. And though he was harder and aching more than he’d ever been before, he was somehow satisfied. This had been for Kacie, and it had been one of the most glorious sights he’d ever witnessed.

She lay panting in his arms, and even though he wanted to hold her for eternity, he needed to make sure she was still okay. Pulling slightly away, he looked down into her face. “Hey…everything okay?”

“More than okay. Thank you, Brennan. That was a delicious, mind-blowing, phenomenal experience.”

He smiled. “My pleasure.”

“And now…” Showing that she still had quite a bit of confidence despite her insecurities and fears, she sat up and rolled him to his back. “Let’s find pleasure together.”

“Kacie, you don’t have to.”

“Oh yes, I most definitely do, Mr. Sinclair. Tit for tat.”

He burst out laughing. “I sincerely hope that just because you have tits, you haven’t named something I have tat.”

She looked down at the long, hard length of him that reached almost to his navel. “I definitely don’t think
would fit.”

“Want to see if you fit?” he asked softly.

“Yes...I do.”

Awed by her courage, Brennan reached for a condom he’d placed on the nightstand. Ripping it open with his teeth, he was about to slide it on, when she took it from him. Brennan stopped breathing and watched as she slid the protection over his length.

Then, gifting him with a sexy, confident smile, she rose up and then slowly lowered herself onto him. He stopped breathing again.

Kacie bit her lip as she concentrated on taking him inside her body. Even though she was impossibly wet, he still didn’t slide in as easily as she’d hoped.

“Take me slow, baby. No race…no hurry. Stay focused on me, Kacie. Eyes on me. Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered.

Showing her once again that his control was incredible, Brennan took her hips in his hands but did nothing but hold her while she worked on taking him inside her, inch by deliciously slow inch. When at last he was seated as deep as she felt he could go, she took a moment to savor the fullness.



“Who’s inside you?”

She smiled dreamily. “Brennan Sinclair.”

“Who’s going to make you come again so hard that your eyes will cross?”

She grinned down at him. “Umm. Tat?”

When he laughed again, his body surged up, and he went even deeper.

“Oh…” she gasped.

“Still okay?”


“Ready for more?”

She stared at him, now more than a little worried. “There’s more?”

He grinned. “I mean ready for more action?”

Relieved, she said, “Ready, willing, and able.”

Taking her at her word, Brennan pushed her hips up until he was only halfway inside her and then brought her down again. Kacie caught on to the rhythm and began to ride him, slow and then fast. She watched his face, saw the tension, the absolute need to give her more pleasure, and that made her want to give him hers, along with his.

Pressing her hands against his chest, she concentrated solely on giving them both what they wanted. And, like a surging tidal wave, another climax washed over her, this time in a slow flush of ecstasy.

And Brennan, seeing that she had indeed come again as he’d planned, gave himself permission to let go.

Surging deep inside her, he held her in place, and Kacie felt him pulsing as he found his own release. Satiated and incredibly relaxed, Kacie fell over on to his chest, kissing him softly.

BOOK: Chance Encounter
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