Read Chained (Caged Book 2) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Caged Book 2

Chained (Caged Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Chained (Caged Book 2)
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“I need to hear it, Kloe. Hear you say it. I need your permission.”

A tiny part of desire died inside me and I sagged into the table. Closing my eyes, I gulped as I accepted what lay beneath my soul. “Don’t let Terry take what we had, Anderson. Please.”

Anderson tensed over me. I felt his caution, his apprehension, but I could feel his acceptance in the way his breathing hardened and his cock jerked alongside my body. It excited him too, but he’d been adamant to bury that side of him because of what Terry had done.

“I don’t want to give you my permission,” I whispered. “I want you to take it.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying, little wolf.”

“Yes.” I nodded sharply. “Yes, I do. And so do you.”

I could feel his inner battle, the way his chested heaved and the way his body hardened next to me. His thoughts were rampant, my admission both shocking him and arousing him. This was us. It was how we were built.

Needing to give him a short nudge in the right direction, I raised my hand above my head and grabbed a chunk of his fine hair. Then pulling his face down to mine, I turned into him and sank my teeth into his neck.

Instinctively, his grip on my own hair vanished and he flinched, giving me enough strength to push him off me slightly. Spinning round before I could think about it, I slapped him abruptly and harshly across his cheek.

Fury spat from his eyes, but mine only glistened in hope. His teeth sank into his bottom lip as he tried to restrain himself. But when I lifted my hand once again, his resolve snapped.

His hand flicked out, catching mine mid-slap. “That’s not a good idea,” he said, the cruel smirk that heated every part of me prominent on his face.

His gaze darkened, speaking to the mirroring fibres inside me, and my body lit up.

This time my back hit the table as his hand circled my throat. His grip was tight, strong enough to cut off the air to my lungs. “You want me to hurt you?”

The flash in my eyes answered him when my voice couldn’t.

Without letting me go, he reached out his free arm and snatched a small filleting knife off the countertop.

His breathing became deep and heavy, his cock throbbed hard into my stomach, and the immorality in his swirling green eyes almost made me come there and then.

The tear of my pyjama bottoms in the otherwise quiet room was loud and exciting, the cold air that suddenly hit my skin exhilarating as the knife sliced through the silk like butter.

My eyes rolled back when the tip of the blade caught my skin, nicking it deeply enough to free blood. As it ran down the inside of my thigh, the tickle stirred a string of sensations within me, the shot of electricity to my system making me squirm in pleasure.

With one quick movement, Anderson slid me upwards until the whole of my back became supported by the table and my legs dangled off the end.

A soft moan left him and I shivered at the touch of his tongue on my skin. He lapped at the trickling blood, drawing his tongue up my skin to collect every drop.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I watched indulgently as Anderson opened his mouth and dribbled the blood over my cunt. His eyes lifted to my face and I reached down to cup his beauty in my hand. “Make me come hard.”

The low growl that escaped him made my breath hitch. He dipped down, forcing his face between my legs. Blood smeared over his chin and his mouth as he started to tongue-fuck me, the blood that still poured from the tiny incision mixing with the wetness of my arousal.

Sensation after sensation rolled over me as Anderson’s fingers dug into my hips to hold my bucking body down. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t process thoughts as a crucifying wave of ecstasy seized every muscle in my body and forced me into the realms of rapture.

Dragging his hand over the blood, Anderson then drew it up my stomach and over the valley of my breasts, pushing up the silk of my top and smearing me with a pathway of bright crimson.

My nipples pebbled under his touch, the stain of redness over my pale skin becoming mesmerising as Anderson continued to paint a route over me. I couldn’t stop looking as, bit by bit, my skin disappeared under the illustration of his touch.

His cock slid between my thighs and Anderson looked down, watching in pleasurable awe as he slid inside my cunt. Inch by inch he slowly filled me until I sheathed all of him.

His face was stern, his lips pulled behind his teeth as he continued to watch himself slide in and out of me, the slow friction making me wrap my feet behind him and lock my ankles together.

My back arched, inviting him deeper as he plunged in hard, the sharp pain making my muscles grip him even tighter.

He started to fuck me with a sudden desperation, his pelvis slamming against my clit and sending shocks of pleasure into my brain. His grunts were loud and raw, the divine pleasure and the chill of violence in his eyes making me buck back into him with every thrust into me.

He grabbed my wrists and held them over my stomach to give himself the leverage he needed to fuck me with a cruel and merciless rhythm. I locked my elbows, giving him the brace he needed to fuck me hard and fast.

It was his hold on my wrists that stopped my body from being slammed up the table, and because he held onto me so tightly, each vicious thrust hit me full pelt instead of moving me away from him.

Bliss blossomed in every bone of my stimulated body. Anderson’s fingers dug into the flesh below my wrists, my heels dug into his firm arse, and his cock drove me higher and higher.

“Cum and blood, little wolf,” Anderson rasped as he looked once again at his cock disappearing inside me. “The perfect depiction of pain and pleasure.”

I found his eyes, holding onto his gaze as I struggled to cope with the flood of pleasure. “And they’re both yours.”

He snarled, letting go of my hands, and swiping his hand over the blood that still ran, he enclosed my throat in his fingers and applied pressure.

The thud in my head was only exaggerated by the deep and heavy need in me to come. Adrenaline flushed my system and I came so hard that for a moment my heart stilled and my lungs froze.

The silent cry that left me hurt my throat as Anderson’s grip tightened with his own climax.

His forehead dropped to my stomach and he gasped with every jerk of his cock, his cum spilling into me and prolonging my own orgasm with the sudden warm rush.

We both panted, gulping for air to settle the frenzy inside us. I watched his back heave, the solid line of his shoulders completely covering the width of my body. The herbal smell of his hair invaded my nostrils, and the feel of his breath on my skin sent me into a lull of relaxation.

Anderson gently kissed my belly, and then chuckled. “Sorry, little guy. Didn’t mean to bounce you around so much.”

Lifting himself off me, he pulled up his jeans and then grabbed a small box out of a nearby cupboard. Pulling my leg to one side, Anderson carefully applied a plaster to the small cut in my thigh, and then placed another soft kiss on top. “Good as new.”

He grinned up at me and I beamed back at him.

Maybe things were going to be okay after all. Maybe the unease I’d seen in Anderson’s eyes many times was just my imagination.

I couldn’t help but smile when I realised the anxiety that had bubbled in my gut not an hour ago had floated away with my orgasm.

Huh. Nicely played, Anderson.

, A
at a fight. Robbie was assigned with the needless task of babysitting me, and Caroline had retired for the night.

I was bored.

Robbie was snoring on the sofa as I sat in the chair watching reruns of
Game of Thrones
. The frequent images of blood on the TV screen made me smile, the memory of yesterday’s overwhelming orgasm making me bite my lip. Afterwards, Anderson had carried me upstairs and then proceeded to care for me in ways that made my heart still. He’d been so tender, his fingers digging deep into my tense muscles as he massaged my need for food away. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the orgasm he had given me had already seen to that, but his manipulation of my muscles had felt so good I’d let him carry on.

He’d whispered words of love to me without actually saying the three little words I longed to hear. I knew he felt guilty for taking me the way he had, and I’d tried in vain to settle his worries, insisting over and over that it had been my choice.

But he was a stubborn man, and he’d quickly silenced me by making love to me slowly and affectionately, his tenderness bringing an orgasm that hadn’t touched the formidable one I’d experienced only a couple of hours earlier. I didn’t think anything could touch that level again.

Red sighed, echoing my boredom. “You need a run, Red?” I asked quietly, not wanting to wake Robbie.

She shot up, her tail wagging happily with the word ‘run.’

“Come on then.”

She trotted behind me, following me through the kitchen and into the back garden. Trying to rid her pent up energy, she shot down the steps and disappeared into the darkness at the back of the long garden.

Going back inside, I made a cup of tea and followed her out.

The stars were bright, the clear night sky bringing with it a severe chill to the air. I shivered, pulling my cardigan around me to trap in some heat as I meandered down the decking stairs and onto the lawn. Red barked in the distance, probably spotting some random animal in the undergrowth and deciding it would be a fun toy.

The steam from my tea swirled high and I took a sip. For the first time in a long while I felt settled, at ease with myself. I’d never much ‘liked’ myself. The way I had forbidden Samantha a memory and the recognition she deserved had always hung heavy in my soul, and kept me on the edge of fear.

Now there was a calm that had settled inside me. Yet there was a niggle of worry, this time due to other factors, that refused to allow my mind any peace.

I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what but I saw it in Anderson. I’d catch him looking at me with so much sadness that it had stolen my breath. The way he watched me, with both awe and bleakness, verified the fact that he was troubled.

The way he spoke to my stomach with so much sorrow confused me. He spoke as though he wasn’t ever going to see our baby grow up. He’d slipped up once or twice, and I’d seen the flicker of discipline flash in his eyes before he’d changed his mood and then spoke with happiness.

I’d tried to question Robbie earlier, but he had shaken me off. But I’d seen the knowledge in his eyes. He knew exactly what was going on and it maddened me to know they were both excluding me.

Anderson had failed to get any information from Terry, or so he’d told me.

I frowned to myself as I took another drink of my tea. What if Terry had told him something so bad that Anderson daren’t tell me? Had it been something Terry had told him that was causing all this trouble to his mind?

I knew Anderson would never tell me, especially if it was something concerning me.

Dreading the decision that came into my mind, I swallowed my nerves and whistled low for Red’s attention. She came immediately, her obedience one of the things I loved her for.

Locking up, Red tilted her head at the sudden anxiety that coated every one of my hitched breaths, but she backed down when I clicked my fingers towards her bed. She sat upright, regarding me suspiciously.

“It’s okay. I’ll be okay.”

Her tail wagged as I bent and stroked her head, but she watched me like a hawk as I opened the basement door and stepped into hell itself.

BOOK: Chained (Caged Book 2)
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