Read Chain Male Online

Authors: Naomi Brooks Angelia Sparrow

Tags: #M/M Contemporary, #Source: Amazon

Chain Male (6 page)

BOOK: Chain Male
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"No, babe. Just us." Jace kissed him, slow and sweet. He trailed kisses over Chad's neck and ear, then whispered, "Tonight?"

Chad understood the question. "If you brought supplies."

"Of course." Jace rolled away and flipped open a box. The moonlight filtered dimly through the heavy cloth and came in at the vents at the tops of the doors. Chad heard the unmistakable rattle of plastic and the thunk of a lube bottle being set on top of a box. He rolled back to wrap Chad in his arms. "How?"

Chad swallowed hard. "You in me," he said, the words almost a squeak. He kissed Jace and felt Jace's body molding to his. This would be all right. Jace would take care of him.

"I'll go easy." Jace stroked his back and then wriggled out of his pants. The heavy cock lay so hot against Chad's belly, Chad thought it would burn him. Chad got out of his own pants, his underwear only slightly sticky from earlier. Jace never stopped kissing him, that greedy hungry mouth demanding more from his own mouth, from his neck and ears and shoulders.

Jace slid down to suck his nipples and Chad's cock came fully awake at that. Jace's hand was right there so it wouldn't get lonely.

Chad squirmed under the stimulation, wanting more. Jace teased and licked his nipples until he shuddered from the sensation. They felt like they wanted to explode and each flicker of Jace's tongue sent shockwaves through him that bordered on painful. When Jace closed his teeth, Chad's squirming became an effort to get away in earnest.

"Sorry," he whispered, not wanting to disturb anyone out in the lane. "Too sensitive."

"It's fine." Jace came up and kissed his mouth, showing him exactly how fine it all was.

Just a few more strokes of the big strong hand, Chad thought. He shoved harder against Jace's hand.

"You want to come now? It'll relax you. That makes it easier for me to fuck you." Jace closed his hand a little tighter and jacked Chad's cock a little faster. "Gonna go right up your sweet virgin ass, babe. You're gonna be so tight. I'll want to fuck you right through the ropes and into the ground."

Chad came, his whole body exploding, every bit of energy in him pumping out of his cock. Jace kissed him as he came, holding him close, not letting go of his lips until he finally relaxed. His hard cock pressed against Chad's leg.

"I'm about to get off just watching you," Jace said.

"You can't see me. It's dark," Chad mumbled, his mind still blown. It wasn't really dark. His eyes had adjusted to the moonlit night and the tent. He could see Jace's face, all shades of gray in the darkness.

"Yes, it is, Captain Obvious. Now, roll away and let me at your ass before I die of blue balls, will ya?" Jace kissed him and laughed, so Chad knew he wasn't being serious and awful.

Chad obliged and rolled to face the tent wall. He heard Jace open the condom and roll it on. The first kiss between his shoulder blades soothed him. He was about to be thoroughly deflowered, he realized.

Jace ran a searching finger along his crack. It found his opening and probed, slick with lube. Chad lay quietly, boneless in the aftermath of orgasm. Jace prodded him, testing the resistance he was likely to meet, and then sank his finger in, all the way to the palm.

Chad shivered, his cock twitching as if to wake up again. He pressed back. If Jace's finger felt this good, the rest would be amazing. He rocked on the finger, enjoying the feel of something alive penetrating him.

Jace pulled his finger away, but replaced it with his cock before Chad could protest. He pressed it to the sphincter, and Chad eased back, taking him in. The usual faint burn rippled through him, but Chad kept sliding, pushing back to ride Jace's cock to the base.

"So fucking tight, babe," Jace whispered in his ear. He kissed Chad's neck and shoulder.

Chad breathed against the large invader, smaller than his toy, but warmer, more pliable, and attached to Jace. Jace's fingers came around to play with his still-sensitive nipples. Chad bucked back against his cock, the sensation right this time. He rode Jace's cock, his hips pistoning on the bedroll as Jace pinched his nipples. A hard tweak sent electric shocks straight to his groin and he slammed down harder, wanting all of Jace.

"Yeah, you're gonna love nipple clamps, sexy thing. They're gonna make you whine and beg and move like you were the next circus ride."

Chad shivered at the words and kept moving. Jace shifted a little and skyrockets went off behind his eyes. "More!" he demanded.

"Anything you want." Jace moved hard and fast in the same position until Chad could take no more and came with a wail. He didn't care if the whole campsite applauded.

"Oh," Jace gasped. "Oh. Oh!" He shoved deep into Chad and shuddered so hard Chad, still coming down from his own orgasm, started to worry. Jace relaxed and sighed. "Oh, yeah..."

He kissed Chad's ear and neck, staying inside him for a little longer. Chad smiled and rested there in his arms.

Jace's cock started to wilt, so he pulled out. He tossed Chad a very cold wet wipe from a tub he kept in his clothing box, and used one himself. The condom and used wipes went in the trash bag and Jace came back to bed.

"That was great," Chad said with a yawn.

Jace curled up behind him and cuddled him, just as he had been a few minutes before.

"Least I could do." Jace kissed his cheek. "Night, babe. We have a long day tomorrow."

* * * *

Chad woke to an empty bed. Morning sun, cold and pale on this late autumn Saturday, came in through the vents. Outside the tent, Jace was whistling and banging around a bit. Chad heard him swear when he dropped something.

Chad moved quickly, dressing before he could really feel the chill in the air. He pulled his pants and boots back on, added the long-sleeved T-shirt and the tunic. There was a cloak hanging from a hook on the ridge pole and he wrapped it around himself, letting the big black cloth envelop him. The fake fur lining warmed him. He made up the bed and headed out to see if Jace had brought coffee.

The coffee perked away in a little tin pot hanging from a tripod, sausages and bacon sizzled next to some eggs and another pot of water heated at the side of the brazier.

Chad sat down. "This camping stuff is really your gig, isn't it?"

"I love it," Jace said. "In the summer, I have a solar shower rig that I use to bathe and wash dishes. I have a solar oven, too, for days I don't feel like having a fire." He scooped the bacon and eggs and sausage off. "Biscuits in a minute."

Chad watched as he banged a decidedly modern tube of biscuits on the edge of the table and dropped half a stick of butter in the frying pan. The biscuits sizzled in the melted butter. Jace flipped them once, poured the coffee, and dished them up, too. He scooped out two bowls of water before moving it to heat directly over the fire. Instant oatmeal went in the bowls.

"I like a big breakfast." Jace shrugged, tackling his oatmeal.

Chad ate slowly, enjoying it all. He could still feel Jace's pounding in his ass and the hard wood of the chair was a little uncomfortable. Breakfast and coffee warmed him as much as the cloak. The sun grew warmer as it got above the trees.

Jace washed the dishes with quick efficiency and hung them to air-dry in a mesh bag on a nearby limb. He started folding the cloths away from his tables.

"Time to go to work, babe."

"You've been working since before I got up," Chad said. "Breakfast was terrific, thanks."

"Glad you liked." Jace got the moneybox from the tent and settled in his chair to greet the shoppers. "You don't have to hover. You can go watch the fighting, take another trip and see who's setting up today, or visit the arts and sciences display.

Chad nodded. "I like being here with you. A gorgeous morning, a wonderful breakfast. Nice bird song." He heard a distant wail. Jace made a face. "Even the bagpipes sound good this morning," he teased.

Jace reached over and took his hand. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

They sat a while, just being together in the cool, fresh morning. Chad felt something in his chest. It made him feel like singing and laughing and crying and hugging Jace and running all over the field shouting. He had a sneaking hunch it might be more than a crush, that maybe he was in love. He was definitely in lust and like.

Jace smiled at him and stole a kiss. "You are so cute."

He let go and ducked in the tent. He came back with a pouch full of stones and chessmen. "What do you play? I got Nine-mens' Morris, Fox and Geese, Shut the box, checkers, chess and mancala."

"Never heard of most of them. I play checkers."

"I can teach you the others."

Jace set up the checkerboard, blue stones on one side, white on the other. He played wickedly, with good strategy. Chad found himself losing the third game in a row, and his temper as well.

"Teach me mancala."

Jace spread out a cloth with twelve circles and two ovals. He dropped stones in each cup. "The object is to get all your stones into the oval at your right. The winner has the most stones." He demonstrated how to sow the stones in each cup.

Chad caught on quickly and played hard. Jace won again. They played twice more and Chad finally beat him.

More people were stirring in camp. Chad suspected Jace was an early riser for this hobby. Some of the people he'd seen last night had been very drunk.

They watched the shoppers, dressed in everything from simple tunics and pants to elaborate court costumes with plenty of frills and bells and jewelry wander past. Chad just took it all in.

A few people stopped by to shop. Jace sold a teddy bear, a set of earrings, and some juggling balls. He smiled and sat down after the last one wandered on.

"Having a good time?" he asked.

"A great one," Chad said.

* * * *

Chad passed the day generally enjoying himself. He wandered through the shops. Several of the books tempted him. He picked up a couple extra candles, since some of Jace's were looking low.

At the clothing merchant, a soft beige tunic with bright red and blue trim caught his eye. He liked the feel of it and it wasn't as expensive as he'd expected. It would be good for next time.

Chad grinned at himself. He was already planning for next time. He wasn't sure when it could be, since Jace had said this was the last camping event of the season. Maybe there would be indoor deals. Or maybe he'd wear it tonight.

He considered the cloak, but the price tag was a little steep. The leather merchant had a nice belt and he bought a pouch with a triskelion on it, which made him think of Jace's backpiece. He couldn't wait to get Jace naked and trace out all the pretty knotwork.

His pockets felt empty once he'd transferred his wallet and keys to the pouch. But he felt less like a visitor and more like a part of the event.

Finally exhausting the merchant area, he stopped back by the booth.

"Need anything?" he asked as he stashed the tunic in the tent.

"I'm ready for lunch. Grab the bag of fighter cookies and the one of vegetables out of the cooler." Jace added, "Oh, and a Coke."

"Fighter cookies? Are those like breakfast cookies?" Chad called as he rummaged in the cooler. He found the bag of carrots and celery easily enough.

"They're the sausage cheese balls. Kinda tan lumps."

"Not particularly yummy looking," Chad said setting the food and drinks down on the spool table.

"Hot and sage sausage, sharp cheddar and biscuit mix. Trust me, they're yummy." Jace helped himself to three and then grabbed a handful of carrots and celery.

"You need the Porta-John before I take off?" Chad asked as they cleaned up.

"Yeah, thanks." Jace made a quick dash and came back in a couple minutes. He settled himself on his chair. "You should go watch the fighting. A field battle is always fun to watch."

Chad got up and kissed him. "You're okay?"

Jace gestured to the fine chain he'd been linking before lunch. "Getting a lot done. I always do at events."

"Not mad I'm gone?"

"Would I be sending you out if I was? Go, see everything you want to. I get you all night." Jace pulled him down for another kiss. "It's pretty sweet being out of the closet in a relatively safe space, isn't it?"

Chad nodded. "I think I can do this. Maybe even in real life."

Jace smiled, then turned his head at a loud blatting noise. "That's the horn for the field battle. Go have some fun."

Chad wandered off in the direction of the noise.

* * * *

The massed armies charged at each other, archers laying down a covering fire. The sound of wooden swords clanging off of metal shields made Chad's ears hurt. He watched as the men with blue tape on their helmets battled their way to the castle of hay bales. More archers in the castle thinned their ranks even more. The dead warriors made their way to penalty boxes off to the side.

"What are they trying to get?" he asked the lady who sat watching and knitting a sock on three needles.

"See the chest in the castle? That's the prize."

A horn sounded again. The woman with the staff who was keeping the fighters in the penalty box shouted, "I am the resurrection and the life, time in!" They thundered past her to rejoin their sides.

The castle beseigers' ranks swelled, but more archers came in from the back of the castle. Finally, a small group holding very big shields did an old Roman maneuver and broke the defenders' ranks.

Chad wandered off to the shelter house not far away. All sorts of objects, leather and mail, clothing and calligraphy, wooden trinkets and paintings lay on the tables. He browsed along looking at everything. A group of women sat spinning and he watched that for a few minutes. One couldn't get the rhythm of it and kept winding and dropping and nearly tangling herself in it. He grinned and walked on when she let out a string of antiquated oaths.

* * * *

Chad finished the stew and settled back in the chair with a sigh. "You are such a good cook."

Jace gave him a grin. "I like having an audience. It inspires me." He washed the dishes silently, throwing little smiles at Chad. As he hung the mesh bag up to dry, he said, "Speaking of inspired, wait 'til you see what I have for you tonight."

BOOK: Chain Male
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