Read Cassandra's Conflict Online

Authors: Fredrica Alleyn

Cassandra's Conflict (5 page)

BOOK: Cassandra's Conflict
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'Darling, how lovely!' she said brightly. 'Pierre's wonderful, but only as an hors d'oeuvre.'

'Why did you try to seduce Cassandra outside?' he asked, totally ignoring her remark.

'Seduce? All I did was chat to her! I thought she should think of me as a friend, to make it more interesting later on.'

He frowned. 'I saw you from the window. You were trying to seduce her. If Helena hadn't dropped her plate when she did, you were actually going to touch her, weren't you?'

'Of course not!' Katya gave a small laugh, that was quickly cut off as the baron put a hand to her throat and tightened his fingers.

'You're lying to me. I told you not to touch her before tonight and you were deliberately going to disobey me. That's cheating, and I don't play with cheats. Perhaps I should replace you before we begin.'

Katya struggled to free herself from his grip, coughing and spluttering while an impassive Pierre looked on. Suddenly he let her go and she drew in her breath with a rasping sound and swallowed, only to feel a sharp pain from the bruised tissue of her throat.

She wished she wasn't lying naked on the table where she'd been given the massage. Dieter was in a strong position standing over her, and there was no way she could get off the table if he didn't want to let her.

For a moment he stared down at her, and his dark eyes were heavy with annoyance. He lifted his head as Peter came into the room. 'Peter! Excellent. Fetch my small riding crop and the black leather two-piece for Madam.'

Katya pushed herself upright on the couch. 'No, Dieter! That's not for me, not any more. It's for ...'

'It's for anyone I choose, my dear, unless you don't want to play, of course?'

'Has the game begun?' she whispered.

He smiled unpleasantly. 'It began yesterday. I must have forgotten to tell you.'

Yesterday. Her mind raced, trying to remember what had happened yesterday apart from the scene with Abigail, but she couldn't recall anything of consequence, although if she hadn't thought Dieter was busy with Lucy she would never have attempted to lay a finger on Cassandra in the garden. Now she realised that he must have deliberately made Lucy simulate sounds of passion in order to mislead her, and she'd fallen for it.

Peter quickly came back into the room and handed over a wooden box to the baron. Slowly he removed the contents. A tiny riding crop, which Katya knew he could handle with more accuracy than anyone would believe possible, a thick black band of velvet, and what appeared at first to be an ordinary black bikini, but made out of rubber.

Katya tried to quell her fear. 'Darling, isn't this rather dated?'

'No more than some other things in the house,' he said cuttingly. 'Put on the blindfold.'

'No! I like to see what you're doing. I enjoy ...'

'This is for my enjoyment, not yours. Put it on.'

She knew that if she didn't he'd only get Peter to do it for him and so she took the piece of velvet material in her hands and slipped it down over her head until her eyes were covered and her world was nothing but darkness.

'Now lie on your back,' the baron instructed her. She started to turn over but her body missed the edge of the couch and she began to fall. Her lack of vision had affected her balance and she couldn't pull herself back, but she knew that Dieter was standing right by her. To her horror he didn't try to save her, and with a tiny scream of fright she fell from the couch onto the floor, hitting her right hip sharply. She bit back a moan of pain.

'Get back on, my dear. This is wasting time.'

She got unsteadily to her feet, her hands reaching out blindly for the couch and then with great difficulty pulled herself up again, terrified that she'd fall off the other side. By the time she was finally lying flat on her back, her body was bathed in sweat, and her hair was plastered round her face in tiny tendrils.

'Put the bikini on her, Peter,' the baron instructed.

Katya felt Peter's large hands threading her legs through the openings in the bikini bottom, and then he was struggling to pull the thick rubber over her damp flesh. It pulled and tugged at her, pinching and nipping her skin, dragging heavily all the way and she lifted her hips from the couch to try and help him, although she hated the indignity of it and of what was to come.

'Keep still,' Dieter said coldly. 'Let Peter manage alone.'

Katya's breathing was uneven now and the baron watched the rise and fall of her breasts with amusement. He'd known she'd hate this and was satisfied with his choice of punishment.

The rubber bikini bottom was finally in place, and Katya suddenly felt Peter's long fingers carefully pulling her outer sex lips through the opening between the legs; he knew that her sex must be fully exposed, the tightness of the rubber distending it to make an easy target for the baron's crop. As he manipulated her into place, Peter let one of his fingers brush around the delicate flesh surrounding the clitoris and she flinched at the unexpected touch, but at the same time she felt a trickle of moisture begin to seep out from her rapidly moistening opening. The baron pushed Peter to one side and looked down at her. 'Whore,' he said with a soft laugh and she felt the tip of the riding crop move lightly up her left leg for a moment before he removed it.

'Sit up!' he said after a short silence. She obeyed, but swayed as she did so, hating the heavy blackness that surrounded her. Peter lifted her arms, quickly pulled the bands of the bikini top onto her shoulders and then fastened it at the back with the heavy metal clip. There were holes cut in the front of the cups, but this time it was the baron who pushed them into place, sucking hard on each of her nipples in turn, and as her breasts swelled so the rubber clung more tightly to her, forcing the nipples and surrounding areoles to stand out as yet another target for him.

'Wonderful! Lie down flat again and lift your hips for a moment.' His shallow breathing was audible to her, but his voice was even, with no trace of the excitement she knew he was feeling. As she lifted her hips she felt cool air between the cheeks of her bottom and suddenly remembered that there was a second hole in the bottom half of the bikini, a hole that allowed her to be penetrated there as well. The baron's probing hand found the hole and he inserted his finger for a moment, to make sure that everything was correctly aligned. He let it stray between the tight cheeks of her bottom, his fingernail grazing the tensed flesh. 'I think it fits a little more tightly than when we first used it on you, Katya. Perhaps you've put on some weight,' he remarked as he withdrew his finger. 'Lower your hips now. We're ready to begin.'

Katya lay silently on the couch. She knew that Pierre was still standing in the corner of the room, and that thought excited her because as far as she knew all his sexual experiences so far had been with men. Peter was by her side, she could smell the tang of his aftershave and almost feel his excitement, but she had no idea where the baron was standing. The silence was as deep as the darkness and she could do nothing but wait. As she waited her fear and arousal both increased, the fear stimulating her sexual desire.

Peter, entirely naked, looked across the tightly encased body of his employer's mistress and felt his cock pressing against his stomach. His testicles were already tight, but he knew that he would not be allowed relief yet. He glanced at the baron, awaiting his signal. When it came he reached out and moved his hand in soft circles around the exposed flesh of her upper stomach, just above the cruelly tight top of the bikini bottom. Katya gave a tiny sigh and despite herself she knew that she moved very slightly up towards the source of pleasure. It was a mistake. With a quick flick of his hand, the baron brought his riding crop down across one of the protruding nipples, leaving a bright red line in its wake. Katya drew in her breath so sharply that it made a wheezing sound and she bit on her lip as the pain increased for a few seconds before dying away. Peter's hand returned to her stomach, and this time she lay unmoving, but her flesh began to swell with the pleasurable sensations he was arousing and as it did so, the rubber garment tightened its grip on her and her breasts felt as though they'd burst under the constriction.

At another sign from the baron, Peter bent his head and took the reddened nipple in his mouth, letting his saliva moisten the livid mark and then gently tonguing the whole of the exposed area until finally he couldn't help but take the whole of the nipple and surrounding flesh into his mouth.

Katya, with her sense of sight removed, found the sensations Peter was arousing even greater than usual and as he sucked on her painfully engorged breast she felt a tugging sensation begin at the base of her stomach, sending thrills of pleasure up through her until they became one with the pleasure on her breast.

The baron watched as her legs fell limply apart during Peter's attentions. He positioned himself at the foot of the couch and watched for the moment when her upper torso began to arch. He didn't have long to wait. Katya was desperate to make some sound of pleasure, to move her hands and clutch hold of Peter's head, but she knew better. However, finally she couldn't help but push her shoulders down into the couch to force her nipple more firmly into Peter's mouth and at once the moist warmth was withdrawn and almost before the air had begun to chill her damp skin, the baron lifted his hand and the riding crop came down again with remarkable precision, leaving a second red line that cut straight across the middle of the already scarlet nipple. The pain on top of the cessation of pleasure was too much, and Katya yelped.

'Hush!' the baron whispered, and his gentle tone made her excited body tremble. 'Pierre,' he continued smoothly. 'Hold her ankles apart please, we must have no movement now. Peter, you hold her shoulders, and take this. You'll need it later.'

Alone in the dark world that Dieter had created for her, Katya longed to know what it was he was handing to Peter, and yet she didn't dare ask. Blindness seemed to strip her of her strength of character; she was afraid to do anything that might make her position worse, partly because she knew that this was an important move in the game, and having played this part before it should be her chance to score well, but only if the rules were the same. Briefly she understood something of the confusion Abigail had felt, but it was quickly forgotten and followed by a desire to make sure Cassandra suffered more intensely than any previous competition before the game was over.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the touch of a tongue between her thighs. Since Peter was holding her shoulders and Pierre her ankles she knew it must belong to Dieter, but it was different from the way he usually used his mouth on her there, more delicate, almost like a tender lover might begin his ministrations.

She could feel the blood pounding round her body. The tightness of the rubber bikini emphasised everything that was happening to her, and while Peter continued to hold her shoulders he also licked her neck and ear lobes while between her thighs the baron's tongue slowly inserted itself between her outer lips and ran with calculated precision up and down the flesh below the shaft of her rapidly swelling bud of pleasure that was throbbing with a life of its own.

She could feel her juices flooding out of her, and heard a soft murmur of appreciation from the baron as he licked them away, but at the same time as his tongue was working her so well, she felt the light touch of the crop trailing a path up the outside of her right leg. It came to a halt at her bare waist as he laid it gently across her, but she knew that he still had one hand firmly on the handle.

Peter's tongue went into her ear, jabbing hard and swirling in a way he knew she liked and her hips twitched involuntarily. 'Be careful,' the baron said quietly. Katya was terribly aware of her swollen sex lips, of the vulnerability of the exposed inner flesh and she tried desperately to remain quiescent.

After what seemed an eternity of lips and tongue the baron finally moved a hand between her thighs and very carefully he pulled back the protective hood of the clitoris so that the jangling nerve ends were fully exposed and entirely unprotected. She felt the light crop begin to move, slithering over her stomach and then down her side until it disappeared altogether.

The baron now pushed the top of the cleft between her outer lips upwards so that her clitoris remained exposed. She felt as though the whole area must be visibly pulsating with desire so desperate was she for a climax after all the ministrations. Peter, at a further signal from the baron, quickly moved his mouth and this time took the undamaged nipple into it, grazing it with his teeth until it formed a hard little point in his mouth. At the same time he put a large hand round the breast that had twice been marked with the crop and tightened his fingers until he forced a whimper of pain through Katya's tightly closed mouth.

Watching his mistress closely, the baron slid a hand beneath the tight rubber waistband and down until his fingers were in her soft pubic hair. Then he rotated the palm of his hand, pulling the restricted flesh so that it snagged against the rubber, leaving her even more exposed between the opening in the crotch. Pierre pulled her ankles as far apart as he could and waited, his eyes glittering with an excitement he'd never felt before.

Returning to her sex lips the baron pushed two fingers into her wet entrance and moved them quickly from side to side, watching as her head began to twist and turn at the far end of the couch. Then he withdrew them sharply, but as her head began to slow pushed them back, this time with a third finger added. The three fingers moved in circles, touching the inner walls of her vagina until he finally let one flick against the elusive G-spot that he could locate so unerringly in her.

For Katya it was all too much. Peter was sucking and squeezing her desperately aching breasts so fiercely that they felt as though they would tear the rubber apart if they swelled any more, the heavy pressure in her lower abdomen had spread upwards until her whole belly felt as tight as a drum and wave after wave of pleasure was building up inside her until her body could bear no more. She knew that her clitoris was fully exposed, knew what would happen if she climaxed but she had no choice.

BOOK: Cassandra's Conflict
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