Read Carrie's Answer Online

Authors: Sierra,VJ Summers

Tags: #Erotica

Carrie's Answer (8 page)

BOOK: Carrie's Answer
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He licked down between her breasts, making appreciative noises that vibrated against her skin. There wasn’t an area on her upper torso that he didn’t brand with his mouth, lips or tongue.

He slipped down to her navel, kissing the skin surrounding the soft indention. He dragged his teeth along her lower tummy, scraping her heaving flesh. She wriggled mindlessly, trying to grind herself against him.

Marcus lifted one of her feet and placed it at one end of the platform. He cuffed her ankle in the same manner as he had her wrists, and cuffed her again at the knee. Pulling her other leg to the opposite end of the platform, he cuffed that one as well.

Now she was opened wide for his view. She couldn’t move, couldn’t do more than squirm and watch him glide around her. He was graceful, like a wild animal on the prowl, his muscles bunching underneath his shirt, his ebony hair shining blue-black beneath the soft light in the room, his skin golden from playing outdoors in the summer sun.

Some would say that his face was a little too harsh to be considered truly handsome, that he lacked beauty though he had character and strength. Carrie couldn’t disagree more. To her, Marcus was the most beautiful man in the world. In the office it had been so difficult to tear her gaze away from him as they worked together. He was strong, and smart and arrogant when it came to business matters. In her eyes, he was sheer perfection.

There were other sides to him as well, though he rarely showed them. Sides she’d only glimpsed now and then. There was his helpless tenderness for his sister. His amused indulgence of his brother. The way he so ardently supported local law enforcement and rescue services. So many facets to this beautiful, complex man. How could she help but to love him?

“Arch your back for me.” Marcus’ voice ripped her thoughts back to the present. She arched as far as she could comfortably go. The position opened her up wider, put her on display for his avid gaze.

He slipped a finger inside her labia, pressing slowly along her slit. Carrie moaned at the invasion of his thick finger. Her muscles clenched as he pressed into her entrance.

Marcus leaned forward and inhaled deeply, rumbling his approval in his chest. His tongue came out and stroked her quivering lips.

“Oh God,” she sobbed as he ran his tongue around her clit. Wrapping his lips around her hard cherry, he pulled it between his lips, licking and sucking until she was grinding helplessly down against his face. She wanted to feel every part of his mouth on her.

He tongued her from clit to opening, swirling around her soaked entrance before entering. She was bound helplessly, trying to stave off her impending orgasm while he fucked her with his wickedly long tongue, stabbing into her, lapping at her cream. She was on the edge, teetering between heaven and hell. Was Marcus her angel or demon? She was debating the issue when he suddenly pulled his mouth away from her.


“Carrie, are you on the Pill?” Marcus managed to grit the words out between clenched teeth. Had he lost his damn mind? Marcus hadn’t had unprotected sex since his divorce. In fact he’d rarely even had it during his marriage. Karen hadn’t liked the mess. He was diligent about getting tested but only because he believed safety to be one of the most important and responsible things in life, not because he planned to fuck bare.

Now he was hoping against hope that she
protected so that he could drive into her with no barriers. His hand moved between her legs to tease her some more. Her lips were plump and pink and glistening with her arousal. He stroked her outer labia, enjoying the fact that she shaved. He was going to change that; shaving was ok but she would be getting waxed for him from now on.

“Answer me, baby. Are you on the Pill?”

“Yes.” Her brown eyes, so wide and desperate, locked helplessly on his.

“Carrie, this is up to you. But, fuck, I want to be in you bareback. I want to feel you squeeze every little drop out of me. I’m completely healthy. I would never put you in any kind of danger. If you aren’t comfortable, I can use something. Either way, I’m okay with it.”

Something akin to wonder lit her face as she softly answered him.

“I trust you, Marcus. And I want to feel you come inside me.” The haze in her eyes cleared slightly. “Shouldn’t you be asking if

“Baby,” he growled against her lips, “you are the purest thing I’ve ever touched.”

His answer seemed to please her. She gave that secret little smile and said, “I want you to fuck me bare, Marcus. Please put me out of my misery.”

Her words shot down his spine like lightning, searing him from nape to groin. It was all he needed to hear, and he threw off his shirt and pushed down his pants. He stepped up to his woman, for in his soul he knew that Carrie
his woman, and trembled as he placed his cock to her pussy.

He leaned forward until their noses were almost touching. Her breath bathed his face in anticipation.

Marcus bent briefly and freed her legs. He placed one hand at the back of her head. Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he pulled back slightly, forcing her to meet his eyes. And then he thrust home.

Chapter Nine


“Fuck, Carrie.” They were the only words Marcus could get past his throat; it had closed up on him as he tunneled through her wet heat. She was tight around his cock but so slick he was able to move in and out of her easily. Without the barrier of a condom, he felt like he was in free fall. He pulled one of her legs up over his thigh and she finished the job by wrapping it around his hip. He kept his movements slow and steady. Marcus wanted to draw out the pleasure for her, and for himself.

Her feel, her taste, her smell, everything about her was total perfection wrapped in a stunningly curvy body. He raised her other leg, sliding it around his body while his elbows went under each knee. He widened her and drove himself that much deeper into her warm recesses. He tilted his upper body back, aligning his cock with the spongy tissue deep within her. Her eyes went wide as he dragged his cock back and forth over the slight swelling. Her face was awash with astonishment as new sensations of utter delight burst through her body. Marcus was so proud of her and so turned on. He knew she was trying desperately to hold back her orgasm.

He rammed into her like a man possessed. He found her full ass and clutched the supple skin tightly, holding on for dear life. He felt like if he let go, he’d fly into a million pieces.

He latched onto the side of her neck, just above the collar, and bit down. A squeal of pure bliss rushed from her lips. Marcus licked the area; he knew his mark would still be there in the morning. It sent a thrill climbing up his spine. His body was in perfect tune with hers. Carrie’s muscles pulsed tightly around his heavy cock. Fuck, he was so ready to let go.

Fighting it with every pump of his hips, he curled one hand gently around the front of her throat, his thumb rubbing back and forth along her chin. Her small pink tongue darted from her mouth, licking her parched lips, tempting him beyond bearing.

He groaned and slid his thumb into her mouth. She sucked it hard, just like she had sucked his dick.

Her mouth was more than he could stand. He placed his forehead against hers.

“Come for me, Carrie. Come now!” His roar bounced off the walls. Her legs writhed, her feet dug into his back, her big chocolate eyes went wild with the force of her orgasm. Driving into her welcoming heat, he went up in flames as her sweet juice coated his cock.

Marcus quickly followed her into oblivion as he released his come into her waiting womb. He pumped into her endlessly, amazed at his body’s ability to keep shooting into her.

When he was sure he couldn’t spill another drop, he let go of her legs. Quickly, he reached up and freed her wrists.


Carrie collapsed into his arms, unable to form a coherent thought much less move her limbs voluntarily. Her body, jumping with the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm of her life, seemed totally out of her control. She hadn’t known it was possible to feel such an overwhelming sense of fulfillment.

Marcus gently drew her away from the cross and over to the bed. He laid her down and crawled in beside her.

He cupped her face and stroked his thumb back and forth across her cheek. It was such a simple act but it made her feel warm and safe. No words were needed during these moments. In fact, Carrie didn’t want any words. She wanted to bask in the fantasy that he loved her.

Eventually he tucked her into his side, rubbing her back and lulling her. She stifled a yawn but Marcus caught it and chuckled. “Close your eyes and get some rest, baby. You’re going to need it.”

* * * * *


Carrie was awakened sometime later by Marcus’ mouth drifting down the column of her throat.

“How are you feeling?” His voice was rough with sleep and sex.

She smiled. “I feel wonderful.”

He propped his head in his palm, facing her. He drew patterns along the side of her upper thighs. His erection pressed into her ribs. Carrie’s temperature rose several degrees as his strokes became more forceful. He glided his hand to her ass and squeezed the plump cheek.

“Do you trust me?” His face was blank of emotion as he asked.

“Of course I do.” Wasn’t this whole weekend about trust?

Seeming satisfied with her answer, he leaned over and brushed a kiss to her forehead.

“Go into the bathroom and take a shower. There is a razor in the shower. I want that pussy as bare and silky as satin. There are several lotions. Choose whichever you like and rub it slowly over your entire body.” He smiled into her slumberous eyes. “What will you

“I won’t make myself come,” she breathed back to him.

“Excellent. When you’re done, come back to me.”

She rolled over and her well-used muscles protested when she finally rose from the bed. The hot shower sounded heavenly as she swayed into the little bathroom. Looking over her shoulder to gauge Marcus’ reaction to her little hip sway, she couldn’t help but grin. His eyes could have melted steel, they burned so brightly.


The door to the playroom opened and Daniel Ellis sauntered through. He was dressed in leather pants and a blue silk shirt the same color as his eyes. Daniel loved silk.

Marcus sat up. He’d taken his shower before waking Carrie, and now he tightened the towel hanging low on his hips.

Daniel unbuttoned his shirt, beginning with the cuffs at each wrist.

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense. How’s it going?” He had a stupid-ass grin on his face like he knew something Marcus didn’t. And it irritated the hell out of Marcus.

“How do you think it’s going? She’s doing well.”

A blond eyebrow shot up. “She’s doing well? Damn. Is that all you have to say?”

Marc stood and paced in front of his bed. “What exactly should I be telling you, Daniel? You’re going to experience her for yourself.”

He stopped when he felt Daniel’s hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, we don’t have to go through with this. It’s not too late for me to leave. She’ll never even know I was here. No harm, no foul.”

Marcus caught his best friend’s eyes. “I have to. I need to. I can’t explain it any better than that.”


Daniel sighed. He knew exactly why Marcus needed this, and he hated that The Viper had used him as her weapon against his best friend.

“Marcus, I don’t want this to come between us. After the number Kar…”

“Don’t fucking bring her name up tonight. This is completely different.”

Daniel nodded and continued at his buttons but he wasn’t convinced. It had taken a long time for him and Marc to get past the awkwardness of Karen’s betrayal, and Daniel had an idea that if things went badly with Carrie, their friendship would never recover.

The sound of the shower stopped and Marcus’ gaze snapped eagerly to the doorway. Daniel rubbed his chin as he kept an eye on his best friend. Marcus was so totally screwed. It was hard for him not to laugh out loud. He could see what Marcus was refusing to acknowledge.

The evil side of Daniel decided that tonight he would prove just how nuts his best friend really was for Carrie. While he knew he’d never experience what Marcus was so obviously feeling, he wasn’t opposed to pushing his best friend. Marcus loved this woman. Daniel was no expert on the subject but the look in Marcus’ eyes told him all he needed to know.

For the first time in the course of their friendship, Marcus didn’t want to share. Oh, he may be putting up a good front but anyone with eyes could see the strain he was trying to hide. Understanding all the dynamics at work here, Daniel should have felt like he was being used. Instead he felt almost honored. How Carrie responded to their time together might give Marcus the small push he needed back into the world of the living.

Since the divorce, the Old Man’s death, Marcus had changed. No more easy smile, no laughing and joking. Nothing but his guilt over the past, which was so great that he wore it like a giant shroud. A shroud he used to push everyone away, including those in his inner circle.

As Marcus had rushed deeper and darker into himself, dammit, Daniel had been worried. Worried right up until the moment Carrie approached him about joining the club. Marcus’ reaction to seeing her at Velvet Ice only confirmed what he already knew.

He wanted his best friend happy. Hell, someone deserved that kind of happiness, Marcus more so than most.

Marcus and Carrie belonged together. True, she wasn’t like his usual women. That alone made her special. The fact that she’d stood by Marcus through all the shit had earned Daniel’s respect. If he’d been the kind of man who could settle down, he may have made a play for the woman himself.

Not that it would have worked. Whenever Carrie looked at Marcus, her desire was stamped all over her face. She wanted to belong to him, she wanted to love him. That she’d agreed to this weekend with Marcus only endeared her more to Daniel. She was fighting for Marcus, fighting for a future with him.

Well, tonight Daniel was going to make sure Marcus and Carrie came out of this weekend together, even if it meant pissing off his best friend in the process. Hell, he grinned, especially if it meant pissing off his best friend in the process.


When Carrie opened the bathroom door, Marcus was waiting for her, immediately wrapping a black scarf across her eyes. She loved the sensation of being totally dependent on him to guide her through the room. Marcus kept her constantly on edge, her body teetering on the precipice of a desire so deep that it scared the hell out of her.

“You trust me?” Again he asked the question.

“Marcus, didn’t we already go through this?” She wasn’t sure why he needed her to repeat her answer.

A stinging slap hit her behind and she yelped but couldn’t keep the smile from her face. She liked the way her cheeks warmed and how it seemed to be a direct line to her pussy. A signal for her body to soften for what was to come.

“Don’t get smart or I’ll have to spank you.” He tried to sound stern but Carrie could hear the amusement in his voice.

Still smiling, she murmured, “That’s not much of an incentive for me to behave.” She savored his rough laugh.

“I have a surprise for you,” he whispered as he led her through the room and lifted her to stand on a platform. “Assume your position.”

She immediately sank to her knees, opening her legs wide and clutching her heavy breasts to present to Marcus.

He walked up behind her and stroked the long line of her spine.

“Remember, Carrie-mine, we can stop at any time. I would never hurt you.”

An involuntary shudder went through her at his intimately whispered words. The pain was almost as strong as the arousal. She wished he really meant it when he called her his. She felt his mouth at her nape and leaned into the kiss.

BOOK: Carrie's Answer
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