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Authors: Jenika Snow

Carnal (2 page)

BOOK: Carnal
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Chapter Two




Alex closed his eyes and opened his mouth, the hot water from the spray of the showerhead sliding along his body and doing nothing to help the arousal which seemed to have increased since his forest encounter. His cock was hard and aching, but no matter what he thought or did to try and lessen his desire, his erection seemed to grow, throb. All he could keep thinking about was those two men—wolves—in the forest, stark naked. He could remember every dip and hollow, every muscle and tendon. Just the thought alone had his cock seeping with the need to explode.

Even though his parents had been crazed, zealous maniacs at times, they didn’t discriminate over the fact he was gay. They’d be damned if he were to explore his true heritage. Letting the beast free to roam wild was something that could and would never happen, but being gay? They could have cared less, and even encouraged him to bring dates home.

He gripped his cock, squeezing his fist around the shaft until the pleasure and pain mixed as one. He started to slowly pump his fist up and down, the water splashing on his cock head and driving him mad with lust. He knew he should be better able to control himself, but there was something about this place. The sights, the sounds, the smells—all of it was triggering his primal self and driving the beast closer to the surface.

He stroked his shaft faster, bracing his palm on the wall and dropping his head, the water sliding down his back and across his shoulders. He pumped harder, feeling his climax rush to the surface before it exploded out of him. His come shot out of the tip of his cock and sprayed against the tile. He would have felt ashamed by his actions, but the fact remained that he couldn’t seem to control himself, didn’t even want to at that point.

Jacking off should have made him feel better, but all it did was make him hotter, harder. His shaft was still like stone, throbbing and pulsing with need. He shut the water off and stepped out of the shower, drying off quickly but making sure to steer clear of his aching dick. He slipped on a white tee and a pair of shorts, grimacing as he pulled the material over his crotch.

He paced the floor, continuing to look out the bay window at the thick line of trees. His skin was tight, his whole body itching. Nothing seemed to appease
nothing seemed to calm him down. He considered leaving Forrest Haven, but the truth remained—he hadn’t come any closer to finding out answers. It didn’t help that he had ran away back in the forest, but what he’d witnessed scared the shit out of him. Although he had technically known what he was, he had never come across one of his own kind and had never actually seen a human shift into a wolf.

Alex whipped his head towards the front door, inhaling deeply, suddenly knowing there were two males right behind it. Since coming to Forrest Haven, every sense he had was heightened to the point of sensory overload. He held his breath when he heard two distinct raps on the door. He swallowed, knowing the excitement he felt was completely out of place. Two shape shifters were just beyond the wood. He could smell their musky male scents, a heady combination that had his blood rushing through his veins.

He walked towards the door, gripped the smooth brass knob and wrenched it open. On the other side stood the two males, the ones from the clearing, now fully dressed. Alex had to admit to himself they looked just as good with clothes on as they did with them off. No one spoke, all of them watchful for a suspended moment.


The male with the coal-coloured hair spoke, his voice a raspy baritone that had Alex’s skin prickling with awareness. Alex gripped the doorknob harder, feeling his heart pound faster as he thought of all the wicked things that would make the males in front of him call out his name in pleasure. He shook his head, fear washing through him at the uninhibited and unwanted thoughts bombarding his brain. Never had he been so brazen or thought so wantonly. He had always been known as the shy and quiet one. He kept to himself, liked to stay out of everyone’s way. But since taking this trip and smelling that first inhalation of pine, moss, and dew, something had changed in him, turned on something feral inside of him.

He didn’t speak, just nodded and swallowed roughly. His throat was dry, and his cock so hard that he wondered idly if they could see it throbbing beneath the thin layer of material.

“We’ve been looking for you, Alexander.”

He turned his head and looked at the fair-haired male. His voice was just as deep as the other but was softer-spoken, less gruff. His green eyes scanned his face before dipping down to Alex’s chest and still lower. Alex could tell when he noticed the raging hard on behind his shorts, could see the lift of his lips when he flicked his gaze back up to Alex’s.

“Have you?” Was that his voice, so throaty and raspy? Like he was just begging to be fucked? He wanted answers, he wanted to run—but most of all he wanted to be screwed so hard by the two men in front of him that he couldn’t breathe.

Control yourself!

“For a long time.
May we come in?”

He knew he shouldn’t, but he stepped aside, letting them in and inhaling their masculine scents into his lungs as they passed. He shut the door, leaning against it, his heart slamming so hard against his ribs he could feel it.

“We’ve come to answer some of your questions and take you to meet your parents who will answer the rest.” The light-haired one spoke without turning around.

“My parents died last summer.” Alex murmured, unable to help himself as he ran his eyes over the wide expanse of their chiselled backs and down their taut assess.

“We’ve come to take you to your
parents.” The dark-haired one turned to face Alex, his voice dropping into a rougher growl. “You have questions, so ask.”

“My parents are dead.”

“We speak of your
parents, not the ones that stole you from your home.” The dark haired one held a brooding look, one that would have shrank a lesser man.

Alex didn’t respond, just pushed everything else aside and focused on the present. The first question that came to Alex’s mind hurtled out of his mouth. “Why am I feeling like this?” He was starting to sweat. They were too close, their scents too inviting. Never had he felt so out of control. He was slipping, he could feel it, could feel the beast slowly start to rise to the surface.

“You are in your prime, as are we. The mating heat affects all of the
. It is only natural for our species to feel arousal when in such close proximity to others of our kind.” The dark-haired one then snapped his teeth together, his gaze raking over Alex’s body and causing him to shiver. The light-haired one placed a hand on his friend’s chest, holding him back just as he began to take a step towards Alex.

Although Alex could have interpreted the movement and act as threatening, he knew better. Alex could sense the arousal that pounded through the men in front of him, could feel it beat as strongly as his own. “This isn’t natural. I feel like I’m losing control.”

“I’m Landon, and this is Merrick.” The blond one, Landon, pointed to the dark-haired man. “We were sent out many years ago by your parents to find you. We’ve been searching for you relentlessly, but every time we thought we were close, you would elude us.”

Alex thought that over, remembering the countless times his parents pulled him out of school and moved him to another state. He never thought much of it, always hearing it was his father’s work that kept them on the move. He eyed the two men uneasily, knowing that if they wanted to hurt him they could have many times before, but unable to stop hearing his mother’s and father’s warnings in his head. “What do you want from me? Do you plan on harming me?”

The two men looked at each other, their brows furrowing, before the one named Merrick spoke. “Why in the hell would we want to do that? You’re one of us, a
. We don’t hurt our own.” Merrick started pacing and Alex pressed himself against the door, feeling the air in the room change, thicken. “Those fucking lunatics brainwashed you. Can’t you see the insanity of it all? You were taken from your cradle when you were only a month old, snatched from right under your parents’ noses.” He continued to pace, running a hand through his hair and letting out an exasperated sound.

“Calm down, Merrick.”

“Don’t tell me to calm the fuck down, Landon. You know how many years we have been searching for him, to bring him home—for more than one reason. They twisted his mind, told him lies and warped his perception of us, of
kind.” Merrick stopped and turned to fully face Alex. “To top it off, he is in his mating heat, his prime. He won’t last ten minutes when we take him to the pack. The testosterone alone will drive him to the point of madness.”

“What do you suggest?” Landon’s voice was a deep growl as he turned his attention and looked at Alex as well.

“I think he needs to be broken in. I think he needs to be so well sated that the power within the pack won’t eat him alive. Look at him—he can hardly stand, and that erection he’s sporting looks likes it’s about to split his pants in two.” Merrick smirked, his words deep and low as his eyes roamed over Alex’s body, stopping at said member.

Alex covered his crotch with his hands, his face heating as he tried in vain to press himself more firmly against the door.

“What do you think, Lan? Think Alexander wants us to show him what a real wolf can do?”

“I think you’re pushing it, Merrick. We should just slow down.”

Alex stared at the two men, his blood pumping and heating, his cock straining and throbbing. Everything Merrick said sounded so heavenly, so delicious. He really shouldn’t be tempted by them, shouldn’t allow his thoughts to turn so erotic and sexual.

“Yeah, you want it, don’t you, Alex?” Merrick stepped closer, so close that Alex could smell the purely wild scent that encompassed him. “Maybe we should show you what we have to offer? Let you decide what you want?” Merrick moved back until he was standing beside Landon. Merrick and Landon looked at each other, both of them seeming more intense, powerful.

He could see the desire in Merrick’s face, could see a hint of trepidation in Landon’s expression. It was like looking at a demon and an angel, both standing before him and offering two completely different experiences. Alex knew one would be wild, animalistic, while the other would be gentle and compassionate. He wanted them both, wanted both experiences more then he wanted to breathe.

What came next happened so fast, Alex’s mind couldn’t quite grasp it. Alex watched in fascination as their lips slanted over one another’s, their mouths opening, their tongues stroking. The sight of Landon’s soft pink tongue touching Merrick’s lips was enough to bring semen dripping from the tip of Alex’s cock.

Alex started to breathe heavily as he watched Landon and Merrick’s hands move on each other, gripping, stroking, caressing. Every time their mouths opened, Alex got a tantalising view of their tongues moving along each other’s. It was erotic as hell to watch. Alex’s hands were still covering his crotch, pressing against the erection Merrick had so bluntly pointed it out. He gripped himself, tugging at his shaft through the material of his shorts. He knew what he was doing was inappropriate, but he was unable to stop himself. Never had he wanted anything more then he wanted Landon and Merrick.

Landon started to unbutton Merrick’s shirt, slipping the material off his broad shoulders so it fell to the ground. Merrick did the same to Landon, and then both men were embracing, their hard bodies pressed together, perspiration starting to coat the taut muscles. Their hands went to the other’s pants, the sounds of popping buttons and zippers sliding down loud and enticing. Once the pants fell to the floor and were kicked off, Alex sucked in a breath at the sight of all the glorious, tanned skin. They wore no underwear and their dicks were long and thick, flushed red and pressing against one another. The sight of hard, hairy male flesh was enough to have Alex groaning out loud and gripping his cock almost painfully. Alex wanted to rip his shorts off and pump his cock in his fist, but he still possessed a little part of his sanity and held firm that he would not succumb to his baser urges.

They continued to kiss as they slowly started to thrust their hips towards each other, their shafts sliding back and forth together. Even though they were pressed tightly together, Alex could see the slide of their cocks along each other and the pre-come that seeped from the slits at their cock heads. Their combined semen coated their swollen erections, mixing into the hair on their lower abdomens and creating a visual orgasm for Alex.

Landon pulled slightly back, looking at Alex as Merrick licked and nipped at the hollow of his neck. “Come here, Alex. Let us show you how much pleasure can be found.” Merrick continued to lick and nip at Landon’s flesh. He dipped his head and pulled Landon’s nipple into his mouth. Alex could see Merrick’s straight white teeth take the copper-coloured nub between his teeth and gently tug, causing Landon to grunt in pleasure.

Despite Alex’s inhibitions, he couldn’t hold himself back. He took a step forward, then another, until he was standing right before them, smelling their arousal, smelling their combined come. This experience could very well be the death of him, but wouldn’t it be a lovely way to die?

Chapter Three




BOOK: Carnal
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