Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores (4 page)

BOOK: Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores
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‘Thank you for your welcome news prime minister. We need to advise the Maveen of this fact immediately. Garendestat, please inform the Maveen lead probe that we need to talk to it.’

As Garendestat left to fetch the probe, the other trader crew members again raised one edge of the awning to allow the probe to enter. Captain Narindestat looked pleased, but remained cautious as he again spoke to Ian Ridge.

‘So Prime Minister, you have three additional conditions you attach to our deal? Note that I do not dispute your rights to do so though I cannot speak for the Maveen.’

The captain listened quietly as Ian outlaid the three conditions before he replied in agreement to the conditions.

‘The non aggression pact is easy as we are unlikely to come this way again for many years and we are not an aggressive race. The exile of the mission team is your affair and does not affect the body of either deal. The last condition is generic and unspecified in nature, so we will accept noting that we will take it as we see fit in the future. Namely we will not fight any wars on your behalf; though we will aid human worlds were we can do so peacefully or covertly.’

Ian Ridge looked at the Trade captain for a long moment, and gave another long bow that was returned as he spoke again.

‘Captain, thank you for accepting the extra conditions, now we just have to achieve the same agreement with the Maveen and all is well.’

At he finished this statement Ian was aware of something massive edging silently under the other side of the awning. The Trader captain now spoke tersely to the Maveen lead probe as Garendestat rejoined them.

‘Attend and mind your manners lead probe, for a human leader is in this meeting. Note that we have agreement from the humans to go ahead with both deals. However they wish to attach three conditions.’

In short order the introductions were made, though Ian Ridge felt strange bowing in recognition to a ship. The Maveen probe gave a muted buzz and then spoke in a soft metallic voice after Captain Narindestat had specified the three conditions.

‘Condition one is agreed, as our programming to other races is always initially peaceful. Condition two is of no concern and is agreed. Condition three requires clarification and needs to be more concise.’

Captain Narindestat tried to suppress his indignation as he addressed the lead probe.

‘Now we cannot have any of your species literal nature clouding these discussions Maveen. We have our deals and we should implement them as soon as possible.’

The lead probe considered the reply from the Trader captain and now addressed the humans.

‘I need to clarify my comment to your leader directly.’

The Maveen probe now spoke directly to the humans and ignored the now very annoyed Trader captain standing to one side of the humans.

‘You must be more specific in your third condition, as we will not fight your future galactic wars for you, or solve your own petty political problems.’

Ian gave the Trader captain as disarming grin as he spoke to Maveen probe.

‘Lead probe, we thank you for agreeing to the first two conditions. We asked the third condition in part because we need assistance in progressing further, and we ask only for future unspecified assistance.’

The Maveen probe considered the answer for mere moments before it again spoke.

‘We exist under very concise rules governing our involvement with other races and I still struggle with my programming in accepting your third condition. I could agree to this condition and yet you could be refused assistance as we may not be available or able to accept your request. Also if you lie to us or mislead us in your request we would no longer accept this condition. Finally and most importantly you must not ever attack us, or our allies and friends, for any reason.’

The Australian prime minister looked sideways at Dan earnestly recording the strange discussion as he spoke again.

‘Dan you got all that down on video? That is great. Lead probe, I accept and agree to all your concerns that you mentioned. We will not lie, mislead or attack your race, or your friends and allies. Now I am correct in stating that the Maveen also accept all three of our conditions?’

The Maveen probe immediately gave the humans a positive reply, even as it noted that two Maveen probes, numbers four and five, had just returned from their mid ocean delivery operation. The Maveen sought to leave the meeting, but as it pulled back several meters the human prime minister spoke again.

‘Lead probe we are beset with environmental problems on this planet. Also we would be under severe constraints for a series of reasons on where we can colonize in our own system and elsewhere in space. What would you suggest we do to mitigate these problems given that you have no stake in the outcome?’

The Maveen probe considered the answers to the question with quiet approval. The humans could make their own answers if given enough time, and the probe sought not to impact on the free will of this new race. Ian Ridge waited patiently for the probe to speak but now addressed the Trader captain in turn, who now considered both the Maveen and the humans with polite amusement.

‘Captain, the probe does not answer, so have I offended the Maveen or does it consider this question to be problematic?’

Captain Narindestat looked at the Maveen probe as he replied.

‘Prime Minister, the Maveen are inscrutable to use a human term, and while you are unlikely to have offended the probe, it seeks to calculate the ramifications of providing you with an answer. This is possibly in part because you may already know part of the answer yourselves. Remember that they are by far the senior race and we are merely their advisors and transport in this part of the galaxy.’

Ian swallowed a knot of consternation as he regarded the probe, if the Traders with their impressive technology readily admitted to Maveen seniority, then what were the Maveen truly capable of doing? Steve now took part in addressing the Maveen probe.

‘Lead probe we initially only ask for assistance in dealing with our own problems in our own solar system. Note that we have a moon colony that was abandoned due to the epidemic, but we found it hard anyway to both build and operate.’

The lead probe looked at Steve for a moment but remained silent, though it did move several meters back inside the awning. Steve considered the massive form of the Maveen as he spoke again.

‘We know that the rest of the solar system is hostile to our species without the protections of advanced technology. The second planet can never be used by us and the fourth planet is too cold and small. The Traders are unlikely to return here soon, so how would you assist us to colonize our own system?’

The Maveen lead probe now spoke, and Captain Narindestat suppressed a start as he considered the ramifications of what the Maveen was being asked by the humans.

‘We are the eternal helpers but we are not beholden to your species, even though we have an interest in the development of all space faring races. Mark my words well human, you will repair your vandalism to your home world to the best of your ability. In good faith we will aid humans in the future in both this system and in your colony systems.’

Ian Ridge now spoke again as he sought to understand the Maveen probe’s answer, and he attempted to bring some levity into the discussion. Captain Narindestat looked at him with a steady but now amused gaze as Ian further pressed the Maveen probe.

‘We do not require you as helpers, more as mentors. However unless we suddenly end up with more habitable worlds nearby I do not know how you can assist us in any way.’

The Maveen probe merely answered with an enigmatic statement.

‘You assume that your colony efforts are limited, but more is at play than your race can know. Your request will be considered, and you should be careful in what you ask for from us.’

The humans considered the final statements of the lead probe with considerable confusion. But now the Trader captain brusquely took charge and changed the direction of the discussion. The Maveen probe silently withdrew from the awning to seek out the two returned probes.

‘Prime Minister and Steve, we need to discuss the information we agreed we would supply after the deals were in place and resume our technical briefings. We should start with an assurance that the humans on the new world should not be overly concerned with their long term food supplies. However you will need to bring all you can take with you to establish a viable and self sufficient colony in an effective manner. Remember that there is no possibility of later resupply from Earth.’

The humans and Traders broke into small working groups, and the transfer of knowledge resumed between the mission members and the Trader engineers. Steve looked around under awning and noted both that several Traders now appeared tense, and that they all now wore their cloaks. He took Captain Narindestat aside for a quiet comment or two.

‘Captain the plan is being kept as I see, as apparently the Barus have returned to orbit our world. Also our military are evaluating our response to a vassal fleet.’

The captain gave a brief nod of understanding and then announced in a louder voice for the benefit of the video cameras present.

‘Steve we still find the sunlight of your world to affect our skin.’

Captain Narindestat then led Steve, Ian Ridge and his assistants on a personal tour of the main ship and the desalination plant. Dan Edwards took a runabout back to the Aurora Discovery to relay the latest news of the agreements to world leaders. Samantha walked over to Emeria and Garendestat, and asked how the Trader lieutenant was progressing with his recovery. Garendestat looked at Samantha stonily before walking off and Emeria awkwardly spoke.

‘He is not getting the aggression that many of the other males are showing, but he is moody and from what I can tell he is now totally sterile. However I think that this is a temporary side effect of his rapid decompression.’

The two medical personnel compared notes amid the huddle of human scientists and Traders engrossed in their own hurried discussions.




The Maveen lead probe conveyed the last meeting details to the other probes and a rapid discussion took place, with probe four offering the first comment.

‘Technically you may have exceeded your stated authority, but it is hard to fault your logic given that it aids our causes so greatly.’

Probe two offered agreement readily and then offered its own further opinion.

‘The possibility of the Trader captain exceeding his own authority is probable, but it is mitigated as he is on considerable standing within his own race. I also cannot foresee the Traders coming back to this world for many centuries.’

The other three probes all readily concurred with the last assessment and the lead probe now spoke again.

‘Probe two, you are fully charged and operational. Find the other probes at the underwater site and pass on the news to Queen Angwene. You are then to return with the Dradfer lead probe and probe six, noting that the power cannot be disconnected to the ancient probe. You are to wait in deep water until the deployment begins then take the Dradfer lead probe off world to safety. Probe three is to remain with the Ancients for the time being. I will awaken our cargo and update her with both the order changes and the developments of this world.’

Probe two had soon left the island and later dived underwater near the horizon. The lead probe then sought access to the cargo hold on the Trader ship. Garendestat already had orders to help the lead probe, and in moments the coverings over the dormant Maveen ship were removed by Trader crew members. The lead probe slowly moved forward and shone his blue communications laser on the side receptacle on the larger ship. The probe received confirmation that the battery power was nominal and was now being used to start up key systems on the larger ship.

After two hours the internal containment for the reactor reached nominal performance and the power readings exponentially increased. The lead probe awaited confirmation of memory startup and carefully supplied the altered programming into the larger ship, and specified as a precaution only encrypted laser communications. He was not entirely happy with the first statements from the larger ship.

‘Lead probe, so just what have you accomplished this time? The programming changes are widespread and causing conflicts in my control systems. I am not convinced I should perform my stated duties on this world rather than in space.’

Carefully the lead probe outlaid the sequence of events that had led them to being on this world and the relevance to their earlier objectives. The larger ship answered in tones of exasperation as it now complied with the issued orders.

‘Lead probe, I now know that the ancient females you found were the final outcome. However you seem to have forgotten our initial attempts at a deep space rendezvous with the ancient males. Hopefully they will not be discovered and destroyed by any vassal ships.’

The larger ship slowly unclamped from the bottom of the cargo hold and reversed out of the tight hold of the Trader main ship. The lead probe listened as the larger ship continued to voice her disquiet over the communications laser before falling mercifully silent.

‘We are sent to find and aid two small and weak Ancient males. Yet you manage to find in close order the Voorde, a new aggressive race, and several ancient princesses with their Queen mother. I cannot say how the proctors and sector leaders on sector prime will react to these developments. I just hope we are not all placed in the spare parts bins over this matter. The only real accomplishments so far are the discovery of the ancient females and the recovery of the Dradfer lead probe. I can only do as I am instructed, but note I have my reservations about the complete change of mission objectives.’

Idly the lead probe understood that the females of all the other star faring races were also likely to voice their own opinions in such a forthright and obdurate manner. Either the female probe was affected by the long hibernation in the Trader ship, though her diagnostics seemed to be flawless, or he quietly decided there was some merit in the observation that this was a universal constant.

BOOK: Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores
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