Read Captivated: Return to Earth Online

Authors: Ashlynn Monroe

Captivated: Return to Earth (3 page)

BOOK: Captivated: Return to Earth
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Dawson pulled away from her fast and rough, just like his
flare of passion, to gaze into her face. Her eyes fluttered open and their eyes
met. There was a shadow of an emotion she couldn’t fully name in his face, and
the lines around his mouth and eyes deepened. His expression confused her.

“How long until we get to your home?” Nebraska asked in a
tight voice. “I can’t wait to see you naked. I’ve missed how good you taste.”

She turned and noticed his erection straining against his

Dawson pinched her left nipple through her shirt and bra.
Heat erupted in her cheeks and a little whimper escaped her. Wet heat made her
shift uncomfortably on Cade’s lap.

“I can smell you, darlin’. You’re so hot I can feel you
against my thigh.”

Franny groaned. She’d missed Cade calling her darling. When
she’d dreamed of them, his voice had haunted her for hours after she’d woken
up. Those mornings she’d seen through a haze of tears as she opened her eyes on
a world without them.

She turned her head and leaned forward to press her mouth
against Cade’s. He groaned in response and the sound was low and feral, deep in
the back of his throat. His mouth consumed hers with a delicious need that left
her shaking in his arms. The delicate ache in her womb exploded to tighten her
pussy and leave her gasping with momentary agony. Her wicked body demanded she
fuck them right now, but they displayed incredible control. She wanted them to
throw her down and take her savagely, but they all managed their lust far
better than she was.

Franny tore her mouth off Cade’s and gazed into his
beautiful eyes, looking for any sign he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “I
want you to fuck me,” she said in a quiet, soft voice.

He grinned, which completely infuriated her, and he shook
his head no.

“I’m going to take my time with you, darlin’. A man who
doesn’t savor such a delicious banquet ain’t much of a man,” he drawled in a soft
growl. Hearing the suffering in his tone only inflamed her nuclear-blast-level
lust. If he didn’t give in, she’d knew she’d never survive.

Each of her breaths were little pants. Seeing the changes in
him constricted her heart. He’d sent her away to live, but had stayed to die.
He didn’t have to tell her, she could see the shadow of illness shrouding his
powerful masculinity. The sight made her hurt as nothing else could.

“Don’t ever let go of me again,” she demanded as she hugged
him tight.

“I won’t. I learned my lesson. I was starving for you, and I
just couldn’t die fast enough to suit me.”

“I’m glad you didn’t die.”

“I’m glad I made it too, but for a while I hated every
heartbeat because it was another moment I didn’t have you.” Cade’s breath made
the hair at her temple tickle before he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“He was a real asshole. I told him you’d be pissed if he
died,” Dawson chimed in.

His voice pulled her out of her intensity and she managed to
draw a good breath into her lungs. She pulled away from Cade, scooted off his
lap, and sat down next to him. If she didn’t cool down, she’d jump them in the
limo. They were too close to home for that, and considering what had awaited
them at the terminal, she imagined more than one crafty media person would
think to find her home address and stake out her apartment building. They
didn’t have the security they’d had before, so that could be bad.

“We need to be ready. My building is coming up around the
corner, and there might be more reporters.”

Cade stiffened beside her. She put her hand gently on his
forearm. “No punching,” she ordered.

“I ain’t making promises I don’t plan on keeping. If another
man touches you without your permission, I’m going to hit him. I don’t care if
we’re on Earth or Utopia, a man don’t touch my woman and not learn a lesson.”

She gave an annoyed little huff to hide the pleasure his
barbaric words stirred in the primeval part of her brain. Her men might be
rough and tough on the outside, but they made her an absolute beast on the
inside. She wanted to rip their clothing off and have them again and again
until none of them could stand.

The limo turned the corner, and she saw the crowd as she
gazed out the tinted window. Her heart raced as her adrenaline surged. She was
thankful the guys only had a few personal possessions, which Dawson carried in
one small burlap sack. She’d hate to deal with luggage

“We’re here. Rush inside with me. The building is secured
with biometrics. My thumbprint is the only way to get in. At least we won’t
have to deal with this insanity once we’re inside. Don’t make eye contact, just
move,” she advised in a crisp, no-nonsense tone.

The men sat tensely as the limo stopped. Franny didn’t wait
for the driver to open the door. She pulled the handle quickly and shoved the
door. The men rushed out behind her. The unexpected running gave them just a
moment to travel toward the door before cameramen blocked the sidewalk.

Franny kept moving forward. They pushed their way through
the mob. Her men followed her up the stairs, and she pressed her thumb on the
panel next to the door. Franny ushered them in and pulled at the door. She had
to push a few hands and kick a few feet, but she managed to lock out the twenty
or so overzealous interlopers.

They walked to her unit. She gave a surreptitious look down
the hall. To her relief no one was watching or following them. She’d only lived
in this apartment for a few months. She’d found it after her return to Earth.
Her mother hadn’t kept up Franny’s old lease while she’d been missing, but at
least she hadn’t thrown out all of her stuff.

Honestly, she’d picked this place with her three guys in
mind. She’d done a lot in hopes this day would come. They’d haunted her and
she’d known from the moment she’d woken up in the hospital back on Earth that
her life wouldn’t be complete without them. Franny had moved in her belongings,
but the place had never felt like home because they were missing.

Once they entered the apartment and the door was closed
behind her, she noticed her men looking around with fascination. This was going
to be interesting.

Chapter 2


“What the hell is this?” Cade asked, holding up the toaster.

Hell was right. Franny shook her head. She hadn’t realized
just how much these sheltered men had to learn about her world.

“That’s what I used to make your fireplaces
here,” she explained.

Cade grunted, set the appliance back down, and picked up his
plate with the last bites of food she’d cooked him. He took another bite.

There was a crumb on his lip and she was tempted to go kiss
the speck away. Better yet, she wondered how his lips would taste covered in
whipped cream or honey. He looked delicious, and she was ready for some
dessert. Franny was starving, but not for food. She’d missed him so much.
They’d turned her on in the limo and even with everything going on she was
still hot for them.

The long spaceflight had left her feeling grungy and tired.
Franny slipped into the bathroom and took a quick shower. She put on a clean
pair of jeans and a tight tank top, but didn’t bother with panties and a bra.
She heard the other shower running. She was glad her guys were getting cleaned
up too, but she wondered how long they’d have hot water. Not that water
temperatures would matter to men who were used to bathing in a cold creek.

Dawson stepped out of the bathroom with wet hair. He was
dressed in a pair of new jeans and a black t-shirt. She’d bought them what she
thought they might need—clothing and toiletries—as soon as she knew Virgin
Galactic was considering funding the rescue mission. The fabric of the shirt stretched
tight against his chest. He looked fuckably amazing standing there clean and
out of his Utopian garments.

A loud scream, then a dog barking, and then a revving engine
blared through the apartment coming from the living room. Franny went around
the corner to find Nebraska fumbling with the TV remote. She snatched the
control out of his hand to turn the volume down, but her fingers hit the
channel up button instead.

“The Utopian miners are here, but is that a good thing?”
said a young female cable network nitwit. Franny turned down the volume to a
normal decibel level.

The screen showed Cade’s fist connecting with the face of
the man who’d grabbed her. Of course, they’d cut out the part where she’d been
accosted. The camera caught every nuance of rage as emotion played across
Cade’s expression like a symphony of violence. Franny cringed. He couldn’t have
made himself look less civilized if he’d been trying. This wasn’t good.

“Are these men dangerous? Can Chicago handle men who have
been living by codes, not laws? What do you think, Stewart?” the blonde asked
as she turned to her bored-looking co-anchor.

Franny quickly turned the television off.

“Cade, you’re famous,” Nebraska yelled. He didn’t seem a bit
worried about the fact the reporter was trying to make a story out of nothing.

Cade peeked his head around the corner and grinned. “How?”

“You were on her big wall here. Some lady said you’re

“Damn right I am,” Cade replied without a hint of irritation
or remorse.

“This is not cool! You guys need to realize people will
believe everything they see on TV. You can’t hit anyone else, please. I just
hope the reporter doesn’t sue you or press charges.”

“Sue me? Charges? Huh, like a grievance?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Franny said. Arching her brow,
she crossed her arms over her chest and stood back, frowning at Cade.

“Two men disputin’ something—they have a grievance. The town
votes on who wins. All I have is a book, and that bastard can have it. I saw
your shelf over there in the corner. Hell, you must have all the books in

They had so much to learn, and she hoped the world was
willing to give them the time they needed. She had only thought about her
three. The other men were out there in the world with a few corporate
chaperones and no one to care about them. She fought down the dark emotion of
how slimy ignoring the others made her feel. She’d been told they’d have
guidance and that was the last she’d thought about the rest of the Utopians.

“It’s different here. It’s against the law to hit someone
unless it’s in self-defense, and even then, it’s hard to prove you’re

“I’m no innocent, you know that well enough, darlin’,” Cade

She growled out a huff of annoyance. “This is serious. Do
you want to go to jail?”

“’Course not, but it’s stupid that a man can’t protect his
lady without idiots telling him it’s a crime. I’d go to jail a thousand times
in your defense.”

Damn. She loved the way her barbarians made her feel. The
rough poetry of her old-fashioned, untamable man made her wet and hot again.

“Come with me to the bedroom,” she ordered.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Dawson chuckled. He rushed over
and picked her up.

Franny squeaked, and the awkward feeling of weightlessness
made her throw her arms around his neck and cling to him.

“I like the way you feel in my arms,” he whispered in her

Franny bit her lip.

“Where’s your bed, sweetheart?”

“First door on the left,” she uttered breathlessly.

She wanted to explain about the bedroom, but the look on his
face made her too horny to speak. She had a feeling she wouldn’t care what they
thought of her plan in, three…two…and he opened her door wider with a kick. The
bang fleetingly made her think of the security deposit, and then damage didn’t
matter anymore because Dawson kissed her hard, with such demand that it made
her want him to hold her down and fuck her the way she liked it.

“What the hell?” Nebraska’s confusion broke through the haze
of lust.

Dawson pulled away and looked around.

“That’s some bed, Franny,” Cade said.

She felt the heat as a flush crept up her neck to fill her
cheeks. They had sleeping arrangements to talk about.

Three twin beds were pushed together in the middle of the
bedroom. She’d used her Utopian-learned sewing skills to make a massive fitted
sheet and custom quilt to cover the giant bed.

“Those beds come apart, but for tonight I thought...I don’t
want to pick.”

“I like it,” Nebraska said.

Cade and Dawson remained silent. She’d expected the
reactions, but experiencing them was still a bit uncomfortable.

“I don’t expect us to always share a bed, but tonight I want
you all near me. Is this going to be okay? You each have a dresser with
clothing in the drawers too. The room looks small, but it’s just a lot of
furniture in here. I hope the way we had arranged things on Utopia is okay, but
I think the rotation should change to a weekly switch. What do you guys think?
We can always look for a bigger place eventually and everyone will have a
private room.”

“This works for me. Fuck the rotation. If you’d have us all
every night I’d vote for that,” Nebraska said tightly as he adjusted his cock.

Franny knew he liked the group play. During his rotation,
usually one or both of the others joined them. Nebraska had his moments of
jealousy, but they weren’t as frequent as the other men’s were.

She never had a problem with being shared, but she knew Cade
and Dawson preferred having a little privacy. They both enjoyed her undivided
attention. Tonight they’d all get attention, but there was no way she’d pick.
Whenever her crusade to save them grew tough, she’d fantasize about this night.
She knew exactly what order she planned to kiss, suck, and enjoy her men.

“What are you smiling about?” Dawson asked as he looked down
at her face.

“I was just thinking about what I plan to do to you all.”

He chuckled. Dawson dropped her in the middle of the bed.
She gazed up at her men as they circled her. Nebraska took off his clothing.
Dawson, then Cade followed. The men stood naked in her room. Feeling
overdressed, but entertained, she lay watching her hunks. Their bodies were
incredible. Hard work had left them with harder abs. Even sick from the
deteriorating conditions of Utopia the guys were still muscular. All of their impressive
erections stood at attention and drew her eye to the lovely line-up.

She got off the bed and walked the gauntlet, running her
finger lightly over the erections as she passed the men. Dawson sucked in a
breath, but Cade and Nebraska didn’t give her the same satisfaction. She took
Cade in her hand and squeezed gently.

Cade took hold of the hem of her tank top and pulled it over
her head. Her breasts bounced and both nipples tightened as the cool air hit
her body. Nebraska unbuttoned her fly and Dawson stood behind her. He slowly
worked the fabric off her hips. She stepped out of the denim as it pooled
around her ankles.

“Look at her grinning up at us like a Cheshire cat.” Cade’s
amused observation didn’t take the smile off her face.

Nebraska came closer. “I think she needs a good spanking.
I’ve missed her soft ass.”

Franny cried out with a short shriek that turned into a
giggle as Nebraska grabbed her, sat down on the bed, and pressed her down over
his lap. His cock dug into her belly, and she wiggled to get comfortable. The
crack of his hand on her flesh didn’t hurt. None of them had spanked her
sexually before so it was surprise that made her yelp.

Nebraska rubbed her ass cheek where he’d smacked her. “Damn,
I love touching you. When I thought I’d never see you again, my biggest regret,
besides not telling you how much I love you, was that I never did this.” His
hand came down with another resounding crack.

She jumped with surprise, but it didn’t really hurt. She
spread her legs wider in hopes he’d touch her clit too.

“Don’t hurt her,” Dawson warned.

Franny pressed her lips together. The eroticism of the
others watching Nebraska spank her escalated her desire to a new level even as
she fought her natural reaction to embarrassment.

She knew he enjoyed rubbing her ass when they cuddled after
sex, but she had no idea he’d thought about giving her a spanking. When his
hand made contact once more, she moaned.

“Maybe you ought to stop hitting now,” Dawson said in a
voice that did little to disguise his anger.

Nebraska ran his fingers between her folds and rubbed her
clit. When he pulled his fingers away, she wiggled her ass with impatience.

“She’s wet. I think our Franny likes me smacking her. Do you
like it, Franny?”

“Yeah,” she whispered. “There isn’t much any of you could do
I wouldn’t like.”

Nebraska chuckled, and when his hand came down again she

“Please, someone touch my clit or I’m going to go crazy,”
she begged.

Nebraska kept her over his knee. He held her wrists together
gently on the mattress. His hand ran over her ass. Someone was parting her
labia. Large fingers fucked her pussy, while his thumb tweaked her clit at the
same time. She shuddered with pleasure and gasped as Nebraska brought his hand
down with even greater force. Franny reveled in sensation.

She raised her head and saw Cade, Nebraska, and Dawson reflected
in the mirror on the wall. The sight stole her breath and heated her lust to
molten levels. She watched Cade touching her pussy. Cade’s fingertip pressed
her g-spot each time he arched his fingers deep inside her before flexing them
back. Franny closed her eyes and relished the pleasure.

Dawson knelt in front of her and tilted her chin up. “I love
you,” he said, then he let her hair loose from its bun.

The silky sensation of hair slithered down her back, and
Franny shivered. He took hold of the mass and twisted the hair around his hand
until he cupped the back of her scalp. He pulled forward just enough for him to
have better access to her lips, but not to hurt her. Franny let him kiss her
deeply. Dawson’s tongue delved into her mouth.

Cade and Nebraska still caressed her, and she was a moment
away from orgasm. Dawson kissed her with tender passion. She shattered.
Moaning, Franny let out a cry against Dawson’s mouth as her pussy constricted around
Cade’s fingers. Nebraska was still rubbing her ass cheeks and holding her
immobile. The combined sensations were so amazing she had to close her eyes.
Wave after wave rolled through her and she came hard for them.

Her body laid across Nebraska’s lap, limp and spent. She
didn’t protest when he helped her lay back on the bed. Nebraska was gentle, and
he pressed a tender kiss to her mouth before he moved out of the way.

Dawson lay down next to her and his lips found hers. At
first, his kiss was tender, but then he sucked her lower lip...hard. Erotic
sensation shot through her body, all the way to her toes. Groaning, she let him
part her legs with his thigh. She was so ready. Franny helplessly wiggled her
hips against him.

Dawson’s lips found her neck. He kissed where her pulse
thundered. Then his mouth trailed its way to the swell of her breasts. He moved
lower to suck one nipple hard, nipping before he moved to the other. He took
his time with that one, lapping with tender affection until both were stiff,
sensitive peaks. When she looked down he was gazing at her. Franny watched him
tormenting her nipple and it made excitement gather in her core. She could feel
her wet heat leaking for him, and she desperately wanted him to touch her clit

Dawson chuckled as if he sensed her impatience. He kissed
his way down her stomach, twirling his tongue into her belly button, causing
her to gasp. Then his lips found the mound just above her pussy.

Dawson’s tongue lapped at her intimate flesh. Her hips bucked
and she whimpered. He moved his long arms and snaked them up her body. Dawson
began to pinch and tease her nipples until her lust became a
burning-sun-going-supernova. She was so close to coming. The ripples and
contractions of pleasure rolled through her as she came, but then he pulled

A disappointed cry broke from her. “Please,” she whimpered.

BOOK: Captivated: Return to Earth
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