Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“It has a barren feeling to it.”

“Yep, not enough trees to suit me. We’ll keep looking. The next place is west of here, about twenty more miles. Actually it’s only about fifteen miles from town if we’d gone in a different direction.” He backed onto the road and headed south then west at a crossroads.

“Do you want to be near Drake and Janice?”

“Not on their front doorstep, but close enough to visit frequently.”

“Your parents and another brother are in Montana, right?”

“True. We’re all close. But since Ty lost his wife he’s become more of a recluse. Mom and Dad spend only part of the year in Montana. They live at their condo in Florida most of the time. They said the cold is too hard on their bones.”

“Maybe Ty will sell out and join you two here.”

“I doubt it. He’s pretty settled.”

Angie looked back out the window and saw the land had changed. There were more trees and a few hills.

“This area looks greener.”

Brent nodded. “I’m thinking this next place might be the one. I like the looks of the land. It should be just around this next corner.”

After the turn, they saw a small road on the left a short distance away. The sign still hung across the road. Brent turned and stopped. The wood was worn and the letters faded.

“Looks like it’s been for sale a good while. But I like the trees all around. Let’s drive on and see what we find.” He started the engine and went slow along the washboard road.

“Look at that old house.” Brent leaned forward. “It’s about to fall down, but they built it in the right spot.”

The wood frame building leaned to the right on top of the hill. The road ran straight to the front door and then curved around and down toward a lake seen in the distance. Sunlight sparkled off the water.

Brent drove around and toward the lake. “There’s a nice amount of trees and open pasture.” He pointed to the left. “A good place for the barn over there. We’ll stop beside the lake and have our picnic under that clump of trees.”

Angie got out as soon as the truck stopped. A fresh breeze blew across the water giving the air a slight coolness. “It’s a good-size lake.”

“Probably be good fishing. I can’t imagine why it’s not been bought a long time ago. Looks like prime grazing land.”

Angie glanced at him. He had put on sunglasses, so she couldn’t see his eyes. From his stance she knew he was studying the lay of the land in the way of a man who was well informed in what he needed to succeed. He stood confidently, shoulders back, cowboy hat shading his face. A man who knew what he wanted.

“You’re staring again. I feel your eyes on me.” He spoke while still looking away in the distance. When he did turn, his lips had curved into a slight smile. “I’ll get the picnic basket. You pick the spot.”

Perplexed by her body’s reaction to him, she walked toward the trees. She stood between two of the larger ones where the shade was the deepest.

Brent put the basket down and spread out the blanket he’d tucked under his arm. Angie began to unload the goodies.

Fried chicken, potato salad, chips, and brownies were on one side of the cooler. On the other, a jug of cold lemonade. “Wow, Janice went all out for us. This looks great.” She fixed a plate for Brent and one for her.

He was walking around again. “I like it. What do you think?”

She handed him the plate. “Sit. It’s not for me to decide. You’re the one who’s going to live here.” She bit into the chicken and took a bite of potato salad. Raising her head, she saw Brent staring at her.

“Is something wrong?”

“Just thinking.” He sat close to her and began to eat.

“What are you thinking about?”

“You. Where did you live before Saddle Creek?”

“Back to the questions. You disarm me with a pleasant drive and food and then go for the jugular.”

“That’s a rather harsh accusation. It was a simple question to get to know you better.”

She squinted her eyes at him. “Well, if that’s the only reason, then I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I lived in Oklahoma before coming here.”

“You ride?”

“Oh, yes. I love to ride a good horse.”

“What else do you love?”

Angie couldn’t resist smiling. “Let’s see, I like rainy days and a good book, sunny days working in the garden, chocolate ice cream, any Italian food, and good friends. Now it’s your turn.”

“Fair enough. I love family, training a stubborn horse, pizza and beer”—he flashed a smile her way—“reading and listening to music on a quiet evening at home, strawberry ice cream, and a good challenge.”

“And I guess this land is your next big challenge?”

“Partly. You’re the other part.”


He stood and gathered their plates and cups, cleaning the area, and then swung back down closer to her this time. In fact, his arm brushed hers, sending a shiver down her spine. She started to edge away, but he put his arm around her shoulder.

“Stay. I like the smell of you and your softness against me.”

“This isn’t a good idea.” She heard the quiver in her voice.

“Sure it is. Relax.”

“Relaxing around you is like cozying up to a tiger. I never know when you’ll spring next with your questions.”
Or when you’ll touch me and make my heart jump and my blood race.

“I have a few questions about this temporary husband you need.”

His hands reached to the back of her head, and her hair came falling down around her shoulders. He flung her scarf to the side. “There that’s better.” His fingers brushed through the strands. “Hmmm, it feels like the softest silk.” He bent down and took a deep breath. “And smells like lilacs in the spring.”

Her nerves were almost jumping out of her skin. The ache in her abdomen had her pussy clenching with desire, and moisture wetting her panties.

“Stop, get back.” She shoved at his chest. He was all around her. She wanted to reach up and kiss his mouth, a bare inch away, more than she wanted to take her next breath.

“What are you afraid of? I won’t hurt you, or go any further than you want me to. But, maybe I ought to ask my questions first.” He sat back, giving her a little space.

She clamped her trembling hands tight together and tried to calm her body that hungered for his touch everywhere. “What do you want to know?”

“Have you got any prospects besides me?”

“Of course,” she said quickly.

“Name them.”

“Is this a quiz?” She frowned at him. Her heart settled down and irritation replaced the desire.

“Humor me.” He separated her hands and held one snugly in his.

She licked her lips. “Let me see, there’s Daniel, the sheriff. He’s been divorced about a year. We went steady for two years in high school. He might do it for an old friend as long as it’s temporary. He’s married to the badge. That’s what happened to his first marriage.”

Brent frowned. “Is he the only one?”

“I’ve also considered Allen. He’s another divorced former classmate. He was the best dancer. We used to go to dances together after Daniel and I broke up. Allen likes women too much. He played around on his wife, but since it’s a temporary arrangement, I think he might agree to being with one woman for a short time.”

“Aren’t you worried about him being with so many others?”

“No. I’ll demand a complete physical and blood work, and to see the results. This will be a strictly business arrangement. I’ll pay them what I’d have to pay at the sperm bank.” She chuckled seeing his shocked face.

Brent leaned back and stared at her. “Woman, you are crazy. You want a baby this bad?”

Fully angry now, she straightened and glared at him. “Yes, I do. I’ve watched my friends marry and have children. I was busy going to college, and then a few years later my mother got sick. I spent all my time with her. I wanted to. We were close. But, I’m thirty-one, and time is passing me by. I’m taking control of my life. So there.”

“You’re even sexier when you get angry.” He brushed his lips across hers. “How long do you plan to keep this husband around? Will it be just until he impregnates you and then he’s to go off like a good stud stallion or…”

Angie had taken a swallow of her lemonade. She choked and started coughing.

“Are you all right? Your face is very red.”

“I’m fine,” she said between coughs.

“Let’s see, where was I? Oh, yes, or does he stay around until the baby’s born, maybe even a few months afterward?”

“Are you applying for the job? Otherwise, I can’t imagine why you’re asking me these very personal questions.”

“You brought the subject up.”

“I’m ending the subject. You are no longer under consideration. You are too annoying to have around. You insist on asking tons of questions, and I don’t like it.” She jumped up, grabbed the cooler and started to the truck.

Brent charged after her. He yanked the cooler out of her hand and pushed her against the trunk of the nearest tree.

“Damn it. You know I’m still being considered. I see the longing in your eyes and smell your desire. You want me as much as I want you.” He pushed his lower body against her and held her face between his hands. His mouth lowered, and he managed to move his tongue into her mouth, tangling with hers in a duel of need and control.

His hard cock rubbed against her abdomen, starting a fire below that spread to every inch of her body. His fingers moved through her hair caressing her scalp.

He raised his head inches from her mouth. “I want to taste every inch of your skin and bury myself inside your hot pussy. You want the same thing. You’re just not honest enough to admit it.” Taking a deep breath, he swung away from her and stomped to the truck.

Angie couldn’t move. Her body felt barren, empty without him there against her.

“Get the hell in the truck if you want a ride home.” He gunned the motor.

“What, you’d leave me here in the middle of nowhere?”

“I might. Don’t push your luck.”

She hurried to the truck door and got inside. She’d barely fastened her seat belt when he took off bumping along the rutted road.

Silence filled the cab as Angie stared out her side window and blinked hard to keep tears from falling. What a mess. The man was rude, demanding, arrogant, all the negative words she could think of, and she feared she might be falling in love with him.

Chapter Five

Brent was furious at himself, and her. He was never rude to women, but he’d just acted like a royal ass with Angie. If he hadn’t swung away he’d have made love to her, and she wasn’t ready for him to do that. Not yet. She’d have gone along, caught up in the desire, but later may have regretted the impulse. As much as he wanted her, he wanted the first time to be right.

He glanced at her. She sat tense in the seat. She hadn’t looked in his direction since she got in the truck. What the hell was the matter with him? He’d ruined a perfectly good date because his cock was hard as a rock and his hormones were shouting “take her.” He might as well be seventeen again his cock was so unruly. No woman had caused him to lose his cool in years.

The trip back took less time than going. He drove into her drive and stopped. She started to open the door. He reached across and put his hand over hers.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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