Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“What did your brother mean? Why did he say I’m yours?” Did she really want to know?

“He meant what he said.” He tilted his head at her. “He wants you as much as I do.”

She didn’t step back when he took a step toward her. Still, she had to leave, had to get away before she lost her will to get back down the mountain. He grabbed her roughly and it took her a few moments before she tried to tug out of his hold.

“No. I don’t want this.” She pushed away from him, but he held on. She stared at him, then whimpered and pulled back. But not hard enough to break free. “Let me go.” Her voice came out weak and shaky as though she hadn’t meant what she’d said. Had she? She yanked again.

He suddenly let go, sending her falling to the floor. Her landing was softened by the quilts made of a material she’d never seen.

“Yes, you do.” He fell to her side and bent over her. He gripped her behind the neck and lifted her head. He brushed his mouth close to hers, lightly, teasing her. And damn it if his tease didn’t work.

She reached up and took him by the hair to crush his lips against hers. At first he let her take the lead, but it wasn’t long before his grip tightened on her. He pulled her lower lip between his teeth as she tried to do the same to his upper lip.

She moaned, not caring if anyone outside could hear. She hadn’t realized it earlier, but she’d wanted this to happen. Almost from the first moment she’d seen the Deacon brothers, she’d wanted them. Not just Pete, but his brothers, too. Did the knowledge that Blue wanted her, too, upset him? She shoved away the question of what he’d think.

He deepened the kiss, making it harder yet softer at the same time. Nibbling on her lower lip gave way to giving her his tongue and she took it with relish. She sucked on it, drinking in every drop of his taste, then offered him hers in return.

He groaned and cupped her breast to rake his thumb over her nipple. She arched, urging him to do anything he wanted. The rumble of a growl rolling through his chest didn’t scare her. In fact, it had the opposite effect. Excitement rushed into her and, if he hadn’t had his mouth on hers, she would’ve asked him to make the sound again.

When he ended the kiss, she was left trying to breathe, trying to think straight, but it was as impossible for her to do as flying to the moon. “How do you do that?”

Hunger flashed in his eyes. “How do I do what?”

She fisted her hands on her hips. “You know damn well what I mean. How do you make me─”

He pressed his mouth against hers, cutting off her question. The kiss was different than the first, more leisurely, more sensual, more seductive than any kiss she’d ever experienced. He took her lips, at first tender, then tempting her to take the kiss further. He traced a path along them with his tongue as though asking permission to enter a second time. She gave it and moaned, enjoying the intoxicating taste she’d already started missing.

Snaking his arms around her waist, he pulled her torso closer, flattening her breasts against his solid chest. She inhaled the spicy scent that tingled the insides of her nostrils and had her breathing in fast for more of it. Sliding her arms over his wide shoulders, she let her fingers explore the muscles that strained against the material of his shirt. She locked her fingers behind his neck and held on.

He slipped a hand lower and cupped her butt cheek. Her heart sped up along with the throbbing of her pussy.

She wished she’d worn a skirt. Anything except her usual jeans. Heat boiled inside her and she bent one knee, spreading her legs in invitation. He accepted and moved his hand around to find the button of her jeans. She clutched him tighter and shifted her body to make it easier for him.

Callie recognized his power as she’d recognized his brothers’. Their bodies were hard, but they had an inner strength that she didn’t quite understand. It was that strength that drew her to them like a moth to a flame and she didn’t care if she’d crash and burn against their light. At that moment, she would’ve risked anything and everything to have him.

When he’d gotten her zipper down, she lifted her hips and let him slide her jeans and panties down her legs. He stopped kissing her long enough to mumble a curse as he yanked her boots off so he could rid her of her clothes. He paused, taking in her body, then slid his fingers along her leg.

“I need you so much.”

She should’ve insisted that they stop. She should’ve grabbed her clothes and dashed away. But it was too late. It had been too late from the moment she’d seen him and his brothers.

Can I have Raine and Blue, too?

The exhilarating idea gave her the courage to go on. She’d always been so careful, so responsible in anything to do with sex, but now he’d turned loose a part of her that she hadn’t even realized was caged. She smiled as she pictured a wild animal breaking free inside her. The image of a wolf with fur the color of her hair slashed through her mind and her smile grew wider.

If only that were real.

But that was ridiculous. How could that ever be? And yet, somewhere deep inside her, she thought she heard a howl.

She arched against him, urging him to take her. Cupping his bulging crotch, she closed her eyes and fumbled with his button. If she didn’t get his cock out soon, she’d explode with need.

She hadn’t made much progress in getting his jeans undone when he surprised her by dropping her back on the quilts. She opened her eyes to find him standing over her, hurriedly stripping his jeans off. He wore no underwear, and as soon as it was free of its constraints, his cock shot out, hard, long, and oozing pre-cum.

She swallowed and wondered if he was too big. Could she handle a man his size? Whether she could or not, she’d damn well do her best and try. She sat up and pulled off her top along with the sports bra she wore.

He inhaled, his focus intent on her breasts, and for the first time in her life, she worried that she wasn’t big enough or perky enough. But those fears soon left her as she took in his desire, his gaze skimming down her body, then up again to linger on her breasts before moving to her face.

“You’re incredible.”

Had he sensed her worry?

“Every damn inch of you is incredible.”

He tugged off his shirt and fell on top of her. His hands skimmed over her, along her legs, slipping to her inner thighs, then teasing her as he touched her pussy then moved over her stomach to take a breast. Bits of amber flashed in his eyes.

He pressed his mouth to hers again as she clenched his back. She concentrated on the hard, hot flesh searing her palms as she skimmed her hands over all the ridges and valleys of his body.

Pete gripped her harder, rubbing her clit and sinking his finger into her pussy until she wanted to scream at him to fuck her. Only his mouth on hers again stopped her cries. He lashed his tongue with hers, daring her to try and keep it in her mouth.

She was about to make good on her scream when he pulled back. He studied her, his finger still in her pussy, yet unmoving.

“Do you want me?” His voice was low to the point of changing his words into a growl.

“What?” she whispered. “Can’t you tell I do?”

She’d expected a chuckle, but he was too serious. His hand picked up a steady rhythm that nearly drove her insane. Her abdomen tightened. She tried to bring his mouth back to hers, but he shook free of her hold.

“What are you doing?” Her breathing was ragged, showing how much she was on the edge and needing him.

“I want to look at you. I want to remember the first time we’re together.”

A groan broke free and she hit him on the shoulder. A girl could only stand so much. “You can look at me later. Hell, stare at me all night if you want. But right now, I need you to fuck me.”

He flicked his tongue over her nipple all while keeping his eyes locked to hers. “What about foreplay?”

“Screw foreplay.” She grinned. “No. Better yet. Screw me.”

He chuckled, the rich sound flowing over her. “Yes, ma’am.”

She stared in horror at him and struck him again. “Don’t ever call me that again. You got that?”

“Don’t worry. I hated it the minute it left my mouth.”

She laughed, happy that he’d had the same thought. “So? Are you going to do it, or are you going to take a picture? It’ll last a lifetime.”

“I want more than a damn picture for the rest of my life.”

She frowned, once again thrown. “The rest of your life? Ours? What are you two saying?” Her heart pounded. Had she known him longer, his words would’ve captured her heart. But it was too early, too unexpected for that kind of talk. As far as she planned, she’d probably never see him or his brothers after tomorrow.

Without warning, pain seared into her, putting a tight ring around her heart. She didn’t want to think about never seeing them again. But why? She didn’t know them. Denying the raging lust inside her, she shoved him back and fisted her hands on his chest. “We need to stop. I don’t understand—”

“You will. In time. Until then, don’t think.”



She waited for him to go on. “Uh-huh?”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but would you please shut up? Do you want me to fuck you or not?”

She started to open her mouth again then bit her lower lip and nodded instead. He pushed her on her back and shoved her legs apart with his. Gazing into her eyes, he thrust his cock into her.

She cried out, a quick, sharp pain coming along with his size, but her cry changed into moans as he worked his hips back and forth. Her pussy walls enclosed him, welcoming him as she enveloped him in her arms.

He kissed her neck, nibbling her flesh as he pumped into her with a steady, strong rhythm. Wrapping her legs around him, she pushed back, giving him as much as he gave her. His balls spanked her bottom, and vaguely, she wondered if he’d like to use his hand against her butt cheeks instead. But that would have to wait for another time.

Another time.

She sighed. Would there be another time? If not, then she wanted to remember tonight as much as she could.

He placed his forehead against her shoulder and his short pants echoed in her ear. She stroked his neck, letting his hair tickle the side of her hand.

The heat that she’d thought was as hot as it could go leapt higher still. Her abdomen stirred with passion as her climax neared. And when he reached down to stroke her clit, she couldn’t hold back any longer.

Her orgasm burst free, shooting waves of lust through her body in tremendous waves. She shook, her eyes closed, and rode the ride as it sped up then shuddered into the end.

Pete lifted away from her, and without looking, she knew he watched her face. He rammed into her harder, faster than before. Then, just as she opened her eyes, she saw his face tense along with his body. He stayed on the precipice for a few moments, the determination in his face showing how much he wanted to last longer, then yelled as he thrust into her again. His body shook as his release tore out of him and into her.

When at last he was finished, he fell to her side with his arm slung over her stomach in a protective way that had her tearing up.

Only then did she stop to think about real protection.

Oh, shit.

“Uh, Pete?”

“Yeah, sweetie.”

She turned to stare at him. “That is so not any better than calling me baby.”

“Sorry. Yeah, Callie?”

“I know this is a little late and it’s kind of like we should’ve watched a Lifetime movie beforehand, but I’m…”

He swept his palm over her cheek and she found herself leaning into the caress. “You’re…what?”

“I’m not on anything.”

“On any what? Drugs?” He chuckled. “That’s good to know. But I’d stick by you through rehab.”

She slapped his arm. “Funny. No, that’s not what I mean. I’m not on birth control.”

“Oh, that.” He flopped onto his body, seemingly undisturbed by her revelation.

He’d thrown her with what he’d said, but did his eyes have less amber in them? “Oh, that? Because unless you snuck on a condom, we might regret what we did.”

He rolled back onto his side. “I could never regret making love with you.”

Wow. Did he just say that?

“Besides, Callie, it’s not a problem.”

“Huh? What does that mean?” Was he sterile? Or snipped?

“Hey, Pete.”

She gasped and grabbed for her clothes at the sound of the voice outside the tent. Pete signaled that it was nothing to worry about.

“Yeah, Luke?”

“They want to see you in there.”

To her surprise, he jumped to his feet and pulled on his jeans. He didn’t bother picking up his shirt. “I’m coming.”

“Hey, hang on. We have things to talk about.”

“It’ll have to wait.”

She clutched her clothes over her body and sat up. “But you guys are going to take me down the mountain tomorrow, right?”

The expression on his face didn’t give her reassurance.

“I’m sorry, Callie, but that will depend on what Charlton and the rest of The Council decide. Until then, you have to stay here.” He motioned around him. “Feel free to make yourself at home. My brothers and I will return as soon as we can, but that may not be until the morning.”

“Wait. You’re leaving me? Alone?”

“Not really. Someone will stand guard over you.” He hurried to add the rest. “To protect you, of course.”

“To protect me from what?”
Or is it to keep me from running?

But he was gone before she could get an answer.

Chapter Four


Callie pushed through the flaps of the tent. Pete was nowhere to be seen, but then it was difficult to see past the very large man standing in her way.

“Excuse me, but did you see where Pete went?” She hoped the man knew who Pete was.


Okay, he’s not much of a talker.

She put on her sweetest smile. Why did he remind her of a stuffed teddy bear? “Do you know where he went?”


Oh. My. God. Really. Is he a one-word man?

But she didn’t let her exasperation show. Maybe she needed to get more personal with the big lug. “You wouldn’t happen to be Luke, would you?”

BOOK: Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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